Aquarium Fish Care Guides

Fish Care Guides

At, we take great pride in providing the very best information on creating aquatic ecosystems. We enjoy making the hobby fun, interesting and easier for our fellow fish-keepers. That is why we have assembled comprehensive fish care guides on

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aquarium info and tips

Aquarium Info and Tips

Our team at have researched all aspects of fish keeping and, together with their own fish keeping experiences, have provided articles on all aspects of the hobby. Many of the Aquarium Info and Tips articles were written in response

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aquarium equipment reviews

Aquarium Equipment Reviews

It is important that fishkeeping enthusiasts ensure their pets are healthy and comfortable in their fish enclosures and that all their essential needs are met so that they, not only survive, but thrive. Our team at have methodically researched

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What We Are About!

The team behind devote time to researching all aspects of keeping aquatic life, whether it be setting up a tropical freshwater aquarium, keeping a beta fish in a bowl, building a pond ecosystem for koi and goldfish, or creating a magnificent marine reef display.

Our aim is to showcase this wonderful hobby to the world and encourage people to get involved!

What We Do for Our Audience

Tropical marine reef aquarium setup in house
  1. Our Ultimate Care Guides help aquarium and fish-keeping enthusiasts with providing the best care for their pets.
  2. Our Comprehensive Product Reviews research the many different brands and products on the market- assessing their features, pros and cons; and provide unbiased information to help our viewers with making the best decisions when purchasing products.
  3. We Answer Questions Our Readers have around all things fishkeeping by providing articles with great information and tips for both beginners and experienced hobbyists. Our wish is for our audience to find ease and enjoyment with their successful hobby.

Our team invites you to be part of our fishkeeping community and use our website as a helpful resource for supporting you with your aquarium or pond hobby.

Who Are We- The Aquarium Hunter Team?

Cathy and I (Trevor) head-up a fun-loving family of nine, with a love for keeping fish and nature. We live by the seaside in country Western Australia. Our journey with blogging has been a recent endeavor. We have discovered so much about building and growing a website that viewers find useful.

Our research into keeping fish and creating aquarium ecosystems has been fascinating and a most enjoyable experience! We love sharing what we have discovered with other people to help them with their hobby.

We also enlist other experienced aquarists/biologists to help us with researching viewer questions and with writing articles.

Come and meet us in our About Us page.

Introducing Aquarium Hunter’s Core Areas:

Care Guides

tropical aquarium care guide

At, we take pride in delivering the very best information for our audience on creating aquatic ecosystems. We aim to bring joy, new interest, and ease to the hobby of keeping aquatic pets.

Our comprehensive care guides cover all aspects of keeping aquatic life in aquariums and ponds. From personal fishkeeping experiences and extensive online research, our team deliver quality information to ensure that you are successful, and that your fish are healthy and happy.

Visit our Care Guides Page HERE and browse the topics to see what twigs your interest.

Aquarium and Pond Supplies Product Reviews

Aquarium Supplies Product Reviews

It is important that fishkeeping enthusiasts make sure their pets are healthy and comfortable in their fish homes and that all their essential requirements are met so that they, not only survive, but thrive.

Our team has methodically researched and provided comprehensive unbiased pond and aquarium equipment reviews to help fishkeeping enthusiasts when buying aquarium and pond equipment.

We identified the best aquarium and pond supplies available on the market. Our summaries inform fish hobbyists on the main features, pros, and cons.

The range of equipment is extensive, with so many brands and products of differing quality. By providing our viewers with Buyer Guides and Product Reviews we save them time and money.

Our intent is to educate and assist hobbyists with fast tracking their decisions with acquiring what they need for their aquatic pets.

Visit our Equipment Reviews Page HERE and browse the buyer guides and reviews on all aspects of the hobby.

Information and Tips

Discus fish breeding information

Our team at have explored the many facets of keeping pet fish in aquariums and ponds and, together with their own fish keeping experiences, have provided articles on all aspects of the hobby.

Many of the articles were written in response to our viewer questions.

Almost all hobbies will cost you money. Very few give back the enjoyment and relaxation the way pet fish do. Ask any aquarist and they will vouch that nothing beats sitting back in their favorite lounger and viewing the fish swim around the stunning aquascape that they personally created.

Check out our ‘Information and Tips’ articles and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

We receive many questions from viewers asking for advice, or for further information on raising aquatic life in aquariums and ponds and what are the best recommended aquarium accessories that they should buy.

We will endeavor to get back to queries with answers within 24 hours.

Please contact us if you have a question or comment.

Your questions give us ideas for articles that we can write for This helps our viewers, as they quite likely have the same burning question.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for visiting our site and being a part of our community. We hope you enjoy your experience with us.

Happy fish-keeping 😊