[Methods & Guide] How to oxygenate a fish tank without a pump?

oxygenate a fish tank without a pump

A low level of oxygen in the fish tank can make it difficult for fish to breathe. At high concentrations of oxygen dispersion, bubbles form in the lining of the skin, gills, and eyes. Therefore, adequate levels of oxygen are needed to keep a fish healthy.

How do I Oxygenate a fish tank without a pump?

In an emergency, you can increase the oxygen in your fish tank by pouring water from a high height using a cup. When oxygenation is low, you can do a 50% water change. If there is barely enough water flowing into the pond, algae and plants thrive by reducing and lowering oxygen concentrations. Insufficient airflow can reduce life expectancy, causing fish to become very stressed and die quickly.

How to increase oxygen in a fish tank

Undoubtedly a big mistake by any first-time aquarist is not feeding fish sufficient oxygen. In fish tanks, proper oxygen can be essential for healthy fauna. There exist various reasons why oxygen levels have dropped in tanks. Fortunately, there are still ways to correct the issue and prevent it. Learn how to increase oxygenation in aquariums to keep fish alive.

How do I get more oxygen in my fish tank?

Lowering oxygen levels can cause serious health problems and can even kill fish. There are a few possible causes for low oxygen in fish tank conditions, but fortunately, there are several solutions to the problem. We have to talk about getting more oxygen into your aquarium and simple solutions to fix low oxygen levels.

oxygenate a fish tank without a pump

Signs of low oxygen in a fish tank

Your fish’s rude behavior should alert you. Low oxygen is generally not a problem in a well-stabilized and reliable aquarium. Certain fish occasionally “choke” underwater; this problematic behavior occurs when fish stay close to the water’s surface and continually try to swallow more water; this is a vital sign of poor oxygen water.

Causes Of Low Oxygen In A Fish Tank

Many fish will cause an imbalance between oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide buildup in aquatic environments. Insufficient aeration can cause reduced water movement, reducing the level of gas exchange. Stagnant aquarium water can also pave the way for algae overgrowth. Clogged filters and media drastically reduce filter flow capacity. Adding antibiotics to treat illnesses can also cause decreased oxygen levels. Live aquarium plants provide oxygen when your need is met. Plants cannot convert carbon dioxide into oxygen if lights are off for at least six to 8 hours a day.

Ways to increase oxygen in the fish tank (Permanent solutions)

HOB filters can help your aquarium maintain proper levels of oxygen. They’re relatively small & relatively easy to use. Use a sprayer to distribute water through the tank evenly. A fountain can help increase the oxygen content in your lake. Use an air pump to bring oxygen inside the tank through an air stone. The air pump collects the air and ejects it into the tank through the stone.

Some tips

Fish usually go on a surface to consume oxygen as they have the most dissolved oxygen at the surface. A fish may survive for only some days without oxygen. If your fish comes off to the water surface looking to breathe, it will signal that the aquarium has inadequate oxygen. Significant water changes (up to 50%) of the tank water are an excellent way to add some fresh air; this way, you can effectively deal with the low oxygen level present in the tank.

What causes a lack of oxygen in fish tanks?

If you have a fish tank with high-temperature water, this could be causing problems with oxygen. Water at high temperatures does not retain oxygen like cold water. The lack of moving water causes a low oxygen level because the movement of water aids in the gas exchange of the aquarium water.

How does oxygen dissipate in a fish tank?

Photosynthesis is how plants use lights and carbon dioxide to generate food for themselves. As a byproduct, they also generate oxygen which will remain dissolved in water. At the same time, gas exchange between the environment and the water surface is constituted in a constant diffusion effect. Oxygen enters through the air into water, transferring carbon dioxide.

How much oxygen do fish need?

The safe level of oxygen depends on fish species. Bottom-dwelling shrimp require 1-2 grams of dissolved oxygen to live. The widely accepted standard for DO is 4 – 5 mg/L fish can suffocate under three mg/L. Healthy tanks should have 70% oxygen saturation. Fish can thrive and prosper without problems if water is provided with oxygen. But trouble arises when the water has become supersaturated. It’s a root cause of gas bubble diseases. In the fish tank with high amounts of oxygen, bubbles appeared forming on the body tissues of the fish. You can see the bubbles under their fins, noses, and ears.

Signs Of Too Much Oxygen In A Fish Tank

Fish native to slow-flowing or stagnant waters can become overwhelmed by increased circulation of water. By definition, Bettas is no big fan of filters having high flow rates. The constant motion of the filters and the bubbles may cause too much water turbulence. If you see fish floating in the current, it’s time to reduce aerators. It is a non-infectious condition that often creates trauma and stress. Provide the fish with a good escape and shelter.

What’s the difference between oxygen and aeration?

Oxygen refers to gas exchange that occurs at the surface when water meets atmospheric air. Aeration covers oxygen production but is linked to the motion of water inside a fish pool (water flow/current). While oxygenation occurs directly at the surface, water aeration would effectively distribute oxygen-rich water evenly within the tank. You can use oxygen test kits to test your aquarium’s oxygen levels.

How do I increase the oxygen in my tank in an emergency?

Your fish is suffocating through lack of oxygen, and they need immediate oxygen. Here I’m going to tell you how to get more oxygen inside your tank quickly. When water is pouring from the top, it will aid in aerating it in water and increasing its tanks’ volume. Another way to increase the water is to do a big water switch (up to 60%of the tank). Use ice cubes to cool down the water by putting ice cubes in a Ziploc bag. An emergency battery air pump can move the water around during an electrical emergency.

How do you know if your tank has a low oxygen level?

Some signs can warn you if fish tanks have low oxygen value. Fish come and gasp on the surface if they reach the surface of the water and gasp with a large mouth opening. If your fishes were breathing slowly and you saw more quick gill movements, this could indicate an aquarium’s loss of oxygen levels. Fish move around less; they swim less and slower than usual.

How do I know if oxygen is low?

You can tell if a fish tank lacks adequate oxygen through the behavior of its fish. A good test kit can measure the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water; the aquarist should monitor the oxygen levels in the fish tank for indicators of low grades.

Some causes and solutions of low oxygen levels

Several factors can affect the low oxygen level in the water, but each one has an acceptable solution. Adding air stones and an air pump is always a possible way to increase aeration. They would be the best solution significantly if they would help mitigate the various issues we talked about.

oxygenate a fish tank without a pump


A small-sized water reservoir should have enough oxygen to spawn a small amount of fish. There are too many fish in the tank to support oxygen consumption. The solution is a smaller population of fish for larger tanks. You can also separate fish and house them in more than one tank. Air stones and air pumps can undoubtedly help with this problem too.

Too much waste

When too many fish are in one tank, they leave a tremendous amount of waste. A discharge of ammonium and nitrites in wastewater causes oxygen depletion. In addition, too many algae in the water are unable for the water to absorb oxygen. It would only require water replacement and cleaning the tank. A clean filter should eliminate a lot of waste, which also gets rid of any harmful algae infiltration tanks. The disposal of the trash in the tanks could increase the storage capacity of oxygen.

Not enough water movement

Oxygen from stagnant water will dissolve in minutes. This is especially true with tanks because the gas exchange is non-existent. Injecting air into the system will encourage water circulation through the tank and contribute to a positive exchange of oxygen at the top of the tank. The problem can be solved by cleaning a filter that doesn’t work, or you might also need a more powerful filter.

A high water temperature

Hot water retains much less oxygen than cold water. Many of your fish or plants require hot water for their survival. If the temperature is too high, you can do a 50% water change. Some ice cubes can be placed in a plastic bag and placed in an aquarium. Have a good water thermometer so you can observe the water temperature and turn off all lights and heaters in your aquarium.

Can you have too much oxygen in a fish tank?

There can be a gas bubble disease if the gas bubble leaks out of the solution inside the fish. Air bubbles can also generate under the skin or around the eyes. Always make sure that the aquarium has enough oxygen, correctly sized for the species that inhabit it.

Too many live plants

If there is light, plants release CO2 from the water and generate oxygen. But when the light bulbs go out, so do plants that absorb oxygen and produce CO2.

Why do my fish gasp for air?

This can sometimes mean that fish are dying from having too little dissolved oxygen in their aquarium. Sometimes, panting can mean other illnesses as well – inadequate water temperature or contaminated skin. However, the most common scenario for a panting fish is the need for a little more oxygen.


Some chemical products used by water treatment companies may affect the oxygen level in water over time. If you mix dissolved oxygen in water, check for the ingredients and the label.

How do I check the oxygen level in my fish tank?

The most effective way to measure dissolved oxygen in fish tanks is using a water dissolved oxygen meter. Without a test, it is impossible to tell. The item can never be seen in sight by eye, smell, or feel by hand. An oxygen meter is the only answer.

What are the signs of low oxygen levels in fish tanks?

Fish keepers usually anticipate this phenomenon by closely following animals’ behavior. Fish will exhibit some visible signs if tank oxygen is low.

Gasping on the surface

Occasionally the fish, including Bettas, Gouramis, and catfish, come to the surface and take a gasp of air. They won’t stay on the surface any longer unless something goes wrong. Some other fish will lie on the substrate when oxygen levels drop. If you see a fish species panting toward the surface, it could indicate that your tank is out of oxygen.

Difficulties in breathing

The fish “swallow” the water that passes through the gills and filaments, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. Excessive gill movement and labored breathing indicate lower oxygen.

Slow fish movement

Insufficient oxygen can stop fish from swimming naturally. They will slow down your movements and appear stagnant. Although some fish don’t constantly move, it can signal low oxygen when you see this behavior frequently. Oxygen is the fuel that keeps animals alive.

Lack of appetite

Under low oxygen conditions, fish don’t eat as often. If you notice fish in your aquarium that doesn’t eat voraciously, this could indicate health problems.

Tell me the cause of low oxygen levels?

You know the signs of lack of oxygen inside your tanks and now let me reveal the causes. If it’s easy to find and determine the cause of the problem, it will be resolved quickly.

Waste accumulation

Overstocking, overfeeding, neglect, and poor cleaning are major causing of waste problems. Uneaten food that accumulates due to a lot of overeating and clogged filters can also help accumulate waste. Bacteria need more oxygen to break down waste, thus decreasing the aquarium’s oxygen-carrying capacity. Oxygen will be lost, contributing to the formation of toxic gases, including ammonia, that can be lethal to fish.

High water temperature

Coldwater can carry much more oxygen than hot water. Many fish in tropical aquariums survive comfortably in a range between 75 and 80 degrees. As temperature increases, the strength of oxygen decreases.

Heavily Planted Tank with Low Lighting

Plants consume carbon dioxide in water and release oxygen in photosynthesis with sufficient light exposure. When there is no light, they absorb oxygen, but they emit carbon dioxide, and they emit carbon dioxide. Algae also work the same way as live plants, so the right amount of light is essential to check algae activity and maintain good quality oxygen.

Lack of water movement

Aeration is a way in which oxygen penetrates the water. Oxygen typically is rich near the surface but doesn’t reach the bottom for lack of agitation or circulation. The movements of the water help to oxygenate the entire amount of aquarium water. Stagnant aquarium water will lead to low oxygen levels.


Overstocking is often a cause for lack of oxygen. Too much population requires even more resources. Most Beginners make this mistake at their initial stages, as overstocking can even lead to other problems.

Pour water from a height.

The higher the elevation, the more oxygen will enter. Repeat it sometimes. You can also do it while adding more water when the water is changed. Position a plate on the substrate to prevent mixing it into the water.

Use of certain chemicals

Common chemicals and additives may cause low oxygen levels. Therefore it’s always beneficial to be retrospective whenever you use chemicals in your aquariums.

Water change (50%)

A water change replenishes the oxygen in your aquarium. Change 50 percent of water and use fresh water.

Agitate the water manually.

Stirring up surface water is a straightforward way to increase the levels of oxygen.

Solve the problem with live plants in your tank

Adding more light will help living plants absorb more CO2 and increase oxygenation. Try to balance the number of plants in the aquarium with the amount of oxygen in the water.

Check the water temperature and make adjustments.

The water temperature must not exceed the ideal parameters to keep the chosen species. Usually, oxygen will be low if the temperature is high. Always use an accurate aquarium thermometer to monitor your water temperature every day.

Create more movement in the water

The use of powerheads creates simple movement in the water. If you already have a filter and your fish don’t get enough oxygen, you can add a powerhead. As an alternative, we can even use air pumping as a supplement. If your tanks are more significant, you may want more powerheads as the size of your tanks gets bigger. Using small overhead rocks or air pumps, add water flow at different locations in the tank to ensure a steady flow of water into the tank.

Proper and frequent tank cleaning

Fish need some bacterial diversity in the aquarium to survive. Clean your aquarium, scrape the inside of the glass, vacuum the substrate and change the water. Use paper towels to scrub the front of the tank. Use the toothbrush exclusively for cleaning items in the tank.

Solve overcrowding

There may already be excess capacity in fish tanks due to a lack of oxygen. Transfer other fish to a different tank to reduce overcrowding.

A solution to too much oxygen in a fish tank

A good quality water filter should have an adjustable flow rate. Remove aeration instruments one at a time until you settle on a system that maintains aerated/oxygenation at an optimal level.


If the water temperature reduces oxygen levels in the fish tank, this can be controlled by lowering the temperature with ice cubes or proceeding with a water change. The permanent solution to low oxygen levels includes using a filter with a spray bar or an air pump. Using a fountain is a great way to oxygenate your lake water.

[Definitive Guide] How to Clean Fish Tank Rocks (With & Without a Vacuum)

How to Clean Fish Tank Rocks

How to Clean Fish Tank Rocks: Regular cleaning is crucial when it comes to maintaining an aquarium. It would be best if you even cleaned the rocks in your aquariums, as they can be covered with algae and debris. Algae cover the surface of the aquarium when the water is not completely clean, or something in the dimension of the tank or maintenance is irregular. Eventually, the dirt will be turned into microbial contamination, causing severe damage to the fish and degrading the water quality.

Some general steps to prepare rocks for an aquarium

Rocks are known to harbor various contaminants, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and pollutants. The hardest part of building tanks is figuring out which rock type is best for the setup you have. The objective is to find neutral rocks so that they do not cause sudden changes in water parameters. An increase in water hardness or a drastic fluctuation in your pH level can cause a significant imbalance in your tank, causing negative reflections on your pet fish. Increased stress levels in fish will likely make them ill. Many types of rocks are safe for fish and aquarium invertebrates. When assembling your hardscape, select the suitable stone for your type of aquarium and sanitize them correctly, rinsing well under running water and sterilizing it under the sun or in the oven until it is completely dry, thus getting rid of possible aquatic pathogens.

Cleaning decorations and rocks

Clean the inside of the glass to remove debris and other materials, such as signs of algae; if the surface is dirty, it should be cleaned. Never use soap or other products, it can be challenging to remove the soap, and the same traces can harm your entire aquatic system. Rocks and driftwoods are bleached to remove algae from them. However, plant roots do not tolerate bleaching. To bleach live plants, add a 5 percent bleach solution to a room with the plants, and a 2-3 minute bath, then rinse thoroughly before placing the plants in the aquarium. Do not place them in the aquarium until there are no more chlorine odors.

How to Clean Fish Tank Rocks

Safe rocks to prepare for freshwater aquariums

The rocky soil is colonized by bacteria that benefit the health of the aquarium, mainly those responsible for biological filtration. Rocks were created by nature containing infinite grains of minerals and a certain amount of porosity. Although the stone is considered safe for use in an aquarium, there may be minerals that would make it potentially dangerous for the aquarium’s life. You can find some fascinating textured freshwater rocks online.

How often should you Clean Fish Tank Rocks?

Gravel can quickly cause an explosion of pollutants when the tank is overcrowded with waste if you overfeed your pet. If you have a densely planted tank, you can stop vacuuming gravel once a week but do so at least once a month. Try changing your water weekly. Decaying plant leaves in the gravel are not at risk, so dead plants and decay are not causing problems. Gravel is necessary even if you don’t have enough fish – and some species cause a lot of waste – like goldfish and Oscars.

Cleaning fish tank rocks

You must carefully clean even the smoothest rock before sterilization. Any porous or damaged rock or rock requires extra cleaning. Soap cannot be used in this situation. Soap residues are difficult to remove and can also be dangerous to aquarium fish. The next stage in the rock preparation process is to get rid of bacteria or microorganisms deposited on the rocks.

Safe rocks to prepare for saltwater aquariums

Live rock or dry rock is made up of coral fragments that emerge from the underwater coral reef. This type of rock is usually collected in deep water. They are called live rocks because they create excellent habitats for beneficial bacteria, invertebrates, and lots of marine life.

Why it’s essential to clean fish aquarium rocks.

Fish food scraps, fecal matter, and decaying plant matter can become trapped in your aquarium’s gravel substrate. Leaving this debris exposed is known to create a hostile condition in fish that can endanger and kill them. Because of this, you must carry out the correct cleaning periodically.

Where can I find rocks for my aquarium?

To get rocks safe for aquarium, you want to know where they came from. Ask the seller for all information about the stone, the place of origin, if it is of limestone origin, if anything changes in the chemistry of the water, etc. If you choose to collect, use common sense and always sanitize correctly before placing them in the aquarium.

How should I clean my rocks?

For preparation rocks, for aquarium, you must use fish-free vacuumers and a little time. The task of cleaning and sterilizing the stones is impossible to avoid. A fish-safe water cleaner and time wasted will be needed if you’re preparing the aquarium.

How to Clean Fish Tank Rocks

Rocks You Shouldn’t Put In An Aquarium.

Some rocks can potentially leak toxic chemicals into your aquarium or negatively affect the water’s biochemical balance.


Calcium carbonate released by the mineral calcite can increase water hardness. In some situations, it also causes water to change pH. More resistant fish with more challenging water may never be affected by the addition of calcite. But for more sensitive fish in softer, acidic waters, it can kill sensitive fish. It’s not worth adding calcite rocks to your aquarium as – calcite rocks tend to decompose slowly over time.

Rocks that were kept in other treated tanks

Rocks in an aquarium where the medicine was used to treat fish should not be reused in other tanks. Porous rocks could retain some chemicals for a very long time and are easily absorbed by the new aquarium.

Rocks from contaminated waters

You can clean and sterilize stones to some degree, But fish-safe disinfectants won’t remove traces of dangerous contaminants. It is safe not to have any salt or debris collected in the wild in an aquarium.

Rocks that crumble easily

Sedimentary rock is the one that will generally crumble when submerged for long periods. Even if the rocks look fantastic when you collect them, they should always crumble apart in your aquarium.

Sharp-edged rocks

Stones have rough edges and can cause fish damage in your tank. Avoid adding such types of rocks to fish tanks or fish that have long flowing fins.

Rock with visible specks of metal or rust

Metal deposits embedded in stone can become impractical. Don’t put stones with visible tin in them; it’s a vast hazard too.

How do I test rocks for fish tank safety?

Before adding the chosen rock, you can test it to see if it could be harmful to your tank. The limestone and granite remnants are a ruined disaster that is about to happen.

Test carbonate content

One way to check calcium carbonate content on rock is to splash with vinegar. Unless the stone is calcite, the reaction can quickly become apparent. Don’t worry about washing the rocks and their sterilization because they are safe for marine use. The rock surface will be swollen through an enzyme reaction between vinegar and calcium.

Crumble test

A crumble test is also essential to keep the rock you collected out of your aquarium from deteriorating. Fill a container with old tanks of water and soak the stones for 24 hours. If they remain unspoiled after the soak, they should always be safely kept in an aquarium.

Test porosity

If you add rocks to your tank to give nitrifying bacteria a chance to grow in volume and spread, you should choose rocks with greater porosity. In visual terms, porous stones are darker in rough areas and dry faster than smooth rocks when wet.

Test water parameters

The only way to know if something is going to affect fish is to test the water that comes out of the tap with the water in contact with the rocks and compare the result.

Cleaning the inside glass

A wide range of aquarium glass cleaning products is available on the market, from long-handled scrapers to magnetic scrapers. Buy algae remover pads at pet stores. Pay attention to edges and places that may be scratched or brittle.

Outside glass and fixtures

Regular glass cleaners products contain ammonia toxic to fish. Standard lime cleaners are much more toxic. It is highly recommended to use vinegar or a safe aquarium cleaner. Always wipe away the surface with a clean damp cloth. Wipe the dust and the dirty from light and glass.

Siphon to clean aquarium gravel

There is a lot of accumulation of dirt and bacteria; to clean it correctly, we must aspire to it with the aid of a siphon. The water collected with the dirt is discarded, replaced by freshwater, without chlorine, and with the same physical and chemical standards as the water in the aquarium. A water change of around 30% weekly will bring numerous benefits to your tank. Remember to unplug the heater and other equipment before changing the water, thus avoiding failures and malfunctions. Do a thorough vacuum job over the entire substrate, paying particular attention to the dirtiest areas. Replacement water has the same temperature as the aquarium water, ensuring it is the same as the replacement water you will use during the change.

Do you have to wash aquarium gravel?

The least you should do is remove food and dirt from the substrate. Failing to clean the gravel can make the water slower and dirty, requiring more frequent cleaning. Algae thrive in muddy gravel, accompanied by a rotten egg odor from pockets free of excess oxygen around the compact stone. Therefore, clean the rock to remove dirt and break up the small holes in the packed gravel. Alternatively, aerated calculations can help reduce water movement. Use a stone in the air to improve the flow of water in the tank.

Healthy and happy community aquariums require clean, safe environments.

If you suddenly remove rocks, driftwood, and substrate from your tanks, you risk losing valuable colonies that neutralize animal waste. Remove hardscape and substrate only in case of disabling or modifying the entire aquarium. The correct way to proceed with the cleaning is not to remove anything, not even the fish. The windows will be cleaned with the help of a special cleaner, the substrate using a siphon, and rocks and other objects manually.

How to Soften Aquarium Water – Best Safe & Effective Methods

How to Soften Aquarium Water

The temperature of the aquarium’s tap water can affect the hardness of the water. There are five ways to reduce the hardness of aquarium water. Reverse osmosis, rainwater, peat water, driftwood, and water softening pillows are standard methods of How to Soften Aquarium Water. Each means has its advantages and disadvantages and may not have been effective in all use cases. Detailed descriptions of these types of water softeners will be presented below.

What is water hardness?

The higher the concentration of minerals in the aquarium water, the more challenging water is considered. The Amazon River has a GH of up to 10 mg / L. Unlike African lakes, which can reach 50 mg / L., Fish are physiologically accustomed to the water conditions in their natural habitat. It is up to us to replicate these conditions if we hope to get them back from their cages. Water hardness is one of the parameters that some soft water fish correctly need. In hard water, it is almost impossible to raise and spawn mild water fish because the vast differences in water hardness between aquariums and native habitats are reasons that directly affect the physiological and osmotic system of the fish.

How do I tell if my aquarium water is hard or soft?

There are several ways to find out which aquarium water is hard or soft. A method of evaluating test strips is scientifically advisable and more economical. You can call a local water service to have the person ask if your water supply is hard or not. Online maps also let you know if the ocean is soft or complicated in your area. You can find them in tests – and you can get water tests in fish or pet stores.

What causes aquarium water hardness

Many aquarists use tap water in their waters. The content of natural minerals in natural water sources varies widely across the world. People use crushed corals or oyster shells as a substrate to increase the aquarium water’s hardness intentionally. If the rocky material is formed by limestone, the effect is made to make the water hard. In short, what makes your aquarium water harder or softer is what we call the alkaline reserve.

How to Soften Aquarium Water

How to buffer my aquarium water with carbonate and bicarbonate ions

The hardness of KH-carbonates is responsible for the “buffering effect” in aquarium water, which can keep the pH stable, even with the addition of acids or bases (alkaline compounds). In this way, pH is closely related to KH. Buffered waters present proportionally greater stability and formation for bicarbonates; – the presence of bicarbonates begins to occur at a pH above 4.4, and their transformation to carbonates begins at a pH above 7.8; – remember that acid carbonates/bicarbonates are formed first and then neutral carbonates. If an aquatic system has a high KH-carbonate hardness, it will be tough to change its pH level, while if it has a low KH, it is complicated to keep the pH stable, as the water is subject to significant pH variations. Some think that having a high KH-carbonate hardness will also be high, but this is not true because if we have several acidic compounds, which are higher than the absorption capacity of KH, the pH can be extremely low. It may have high hardness in KH-carbonates, e.g., ex. 120 – 125.0 mg/l, i.e., about 7 degrees/KH, but with a pH in the range of 6.5 or even less, therefore tending to acidic. The opposite is also possible, as we can have alkaline compounds with few carbonates, that is, high pH and low KH-carbonate concentration. You must also check any problem with pH for hardness in carbonates/KH. There is no ideal KH value to keep the pH stable, as this depends on what other compounds there are dissolved in the aquatic system and in what quantity. Generally, a KH of 4° (i.e., 4 degrees x 17.8 parts per million ppm = 71.2 mg/l) is sufficient to keep the pH stable, therefore around 70.0 to 80.0 mg/l hardness carbonated/KH. Attention: generally, but not always, understand.

Why do you need to soften aquarium water?

Aquarium fish species don’t have as much flexibility for salinity, pH, or nitrate level parameters. Levels beyond the comfort range for these water quality indicators run the risk of endangering the fish and possibly causing death. Aquatic hardness is a pond parameter that most captive fish adapt to. Soft water aquarium fish can survive in hard water. If you choose the fish species that need soft water, consider changing the water source rather than using expensive treatments. Using Reverse Osmosis (RO) water for mixing is an option, as is using a combination of tap water and distilled water. Some aquarists even collect rainwater, which is naturally soft and acidic; however, be very careful as the likelihood of it being contaminated can be high.

Use of rainwater in the aquarium

Rainwater is a gift, but unfortunately, not everywhere in the universe. You can mix tap water with rainwater in the right proportion to get the desired range of pH and DHG values. Rainwater storage tanks have safe, sterile, and quality materials to minimize contamination present in the water. Thus to water without impurities harmful to fish. The storage tank must be sized to contain water during the dry season. Rainwater is usually found in a clean, good-sized container, sometimes covered by the sun. When it starts to rain, its lid opens to let in the rainwater. Rainwater is a free source of water that you can use in the aquarium—remembering that rainwater, in large cities, tends to be always soft and with an acidic pH.

How to soften aquarium water with security

Softening water in aquariums is usually a slow and gradual process. This ensures that the fish do not experience dangerous side effects due to unstable water quality. It’s best to soften your aquarium water slowly and gradually to reduce the harmful effects – especially for your pet. Softening the water is more important than completely changing the overall hardness of tap water. The weekly test should help inform you of any noticeable GH, KH, or pH levels fluctuations.

How to soften water in an aquarium with driftwood

Using driftwood is a natural approach to reducing hardness in aquarium water. Malaysian driftwood contains many tannins and is suitable for softening water. Tannins tend to fade with water changes gradually. If you test water hardness and see an increase in water hardness, even if the wood is absorbing water, you can substitute floating wood. Another common alternative is tannin-producing leaves, mainly Indian almond leaves.

Peat moss for softening aquarium water

Among the natural ornaments, it is known that driftwood helps soften the water and thus lower the pH; being widely used in tropical fish aquariums and used together to soften the water is peat, usually placed in a bag inside the filter or in a waterway. A peat moss softens the water and reduces hardness (GH). You can buy it at aquarium stores. However, it tends to be a little more expensive locally. It is much more economical to buy it from garden stores.

Reverse Osmosis (RO/DI)

The RO / DI (Retro – Deionized Osmosis) system passes water through a membrane filtration unit to make the water 100% pure. RO water contains zero hardness which cannot be used in aquariums. Although it is initially expensive, it can help you save time and money. RO water also has no hardness, so it is possible to mix or remineralize RO water by adding minerals in an ideal way for your aquarium. Once you start making RO systems, managing the hardness and pH of your aquarium, the water is very manageable.

How to Soften Aquarium Water

What you need to know carbonate hardness kit

General hardness (GH) describes the level of calcium and magnesium ions found in water. Carbonate hardness (KW) describes levels of carbonate or carboxylation. The higher the KH concentration, the greater the buffer against acid. This prevents the pH from dropping and helps keep the alkaline water. It is essential to study the effects of calcium and magnesium in aquarium water. Some fish grow well in hard water, but certain fish such as gouramis, tetras, and cichlids survive best in soft water. Remember that most fish you buy is probably not wild-caught, so they’ll be OK at home.

Chemistry made for general aquarium hardness water

About industrial water softeners suitable for aquariums, it is essential to read the label correctly because as reliable as it is, the change in your aquarium can be none or too sudden. Because it depends on what was recently posted and talked about. Several factors influence the overall hardness of the water. And incorrect use of these products can cause harmful and fatal effects to your fish. This process is gradual, changing quickly, it will affect your fish’s osmotic system. As tolerable as it is, it can lead to death.

Conclusion on the effects of water hardness in aquariums

We know that water conditions, in general, are a sum of factors until we have the desired result for our fish’s environment. The necessary parameters go beyond temperature or pH; they talk about minerals dissolved in the water, alkaline reserve, interaction between all these parameters, and even the partial exchange water of the aquarium. Whether your aquarium water will be acidic or alkaline will depend on the desired fauna, each fish species has its preferences. Although they are pretty resistant to changes in hardness, that doesn’t mean that this is not harmful to your system in the long run. And it is essential to contain good filter water to maintain generally ideal conditions, as the poor quality of water filtration will also influence these parameters.