Clownfish Tank Setup ( Complete Guide and Tips 2023)

Clownfish Tank Setup

Clownfish are very common pets of saltwater fish in the aquarium hobby. Their hardy nature makes them easier to keep than other saltwater fish. As long as the water temperature, salinity and pH remain very favorable in your saltwater tank; you probably expect your fish to survive for many years. In any case, you will need to clean the tanks and replenish the water used up by evaporation. I suggest people read the article on nitrogen cycles to learn more. In a saltwater aquarium, the nitrogen cycle is vital. Let’s start Clownfish Tank Setup Guide…

Clownfish (Nemo fish) Care Guide &Species Profile

We all love Nemo fish, which makes beginners especially interested in seeing it enter their home aquarium. Fortunately, clownfish can feed easily while accepting artificial feeding faster than other fish species. These fish have a lot of personality and beautiful color patterns. I’m going to show you all the ways to maintain your aquarium to be as comfortable as it should be.

Clownfish Tank Setup

Clownfish Care: Size, lifespan, cost & compatibility

Clownfish are among the best-known saltwater aquarium species. The adorable and famous striped fish has long been legendary, and its fame is now nearly inscribed in the Saltwater Fish Hall of Fame. This article will explain the best way to keep fish in our aquarium.


Clown fish do not need anemones to reproduce. Depending on the species, different anemones can take on additional requirements, such as feeding, lighting, or substrates. The most comprehensive selection of anemone-hosting clownfish is the curled anemone (Heteractis aurora) and the attached anemone (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum). Most anemones can bite people, so always measure the anemones using gloves. In a short period, clownfish can accept corals or polyps as hosts.


It would be best if you always kept the water variables constant. Typically, a partial water change every two weeks is recommended. Visible algae are removed with suitable abrasive cleaning agents. Investigating the fish’s abnormal behavior and appetite changes can help you know if something is wrong. Most Clown fish have a quick cure rate for minor setbacks but can catch infections such as ick or dropsy.

Clownfish Facts & Overview

There are approximately 30 varieties of clown fish; however, two are among the most widespread varieties. The different species and variety species belong to the Pomacentridae family, including damselfish. Couples themselves have unique characteristics that fascinate aquarists. They form a pair of males to breed, so one of them can reverse their sex. The species lives around six years, but sometimes the animals live up to 10 years.

Clownfish Tank Setup

Typical behavior

These fish can show peaceful and aggressive behavior. The species is resistant to all the toxic elements of the anemone. In the absence of an accessible anemone in the aquarium, the couple needs another place to hide. As soon as they are introduced into saltwater aquariums, they settle in the area of the naturally chosen anemone.

A great fish for beginners or anyone

Clownfish’s natural habitat are in the reefs of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The natural relationship between clownfish and anemones is a significant factor. It is an excellent fish for beginners in saltwater aquariums as it is a beautiful, hardy, and easy to keep fish. They are perfect for any reef tank or even a same species tank.

Disease susceptibility

Most clown fish are very hardy and peaceful fish in the home aquarium. Over the ’90s, the most prevalent concern was Saltwater Ich – as reported by 41% of clownfish keepers. Salt water aquariums are full-time jobs to maintain the proper water parameters, providing a variety of colors as well.

Incompatibility with other community fish

The typical Ocellaris clownfish is usually a peaceful fish. They can be pretty friendly or aggressive fish; some species and types of Clown fish can attack other fish in the aquarium. This includes making it a priority to plan for Clown fish tankmates.

Egg tending

The female will care for the eggs until they hatch. A female clownfish is generally peaceful, but they become aggressive towards other fish (defense instinct) when looking after the eggs.

Raising larvae

The development of larvae will require a lot of dedication on the part of the fish keeper. Take a deep dive into the world of clownfish farming.


Clownfish spawn at different stages as they become more familiar with their environment; they might even start cleaning the spawning grounds before that.


The egg is placed in the nest, prepared before fertilization, and the egg is kept protected and oxygenated by the parents.

Is clownfish right for your aquarium?

These fish are the ideal starting point for you to enter the world of reef tanks. They have a fascinating character in fish, and this is undoubtedly an exciting fact to consider when keeping the species. New owners must have some options and notions when choosing the correct tank sizes to keep their fish optimally. A Clownfish tank is an excellent addition to any place.


Clownfish are omnivores known to eat copepod eggs and larvae in their natural habitat. It’s easy for the animals to accept commercial food, and we can include foods that resemble their wild diet, like Mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. As the only alternative to using algae-free water tanks, spirulina powder and algae-like Nori provide the vegetable portion of the food for them. Just give what the fish eats in a few minutes and remove the uneaten food from the aquarium to avoid water quality degradation.


Clown fish eat almost all fish food. They accept food in flakes, granules, and pellets well, something not very common in the case of saltwater fish. However, they must be given an equally varied diet. Bring fresh/frozen seafood to your diets, such as brine shrimp or Mysis shrimp. Most pet stores will have these foods. Often, the dietary supplement contains plant ingredients such as spirulina or spinach. You can buy Nori seaweed in supermarkets. Proper nutrition is rich in nutrients that fish need.

Habitat and tank requirements

These fish are present in coral reefs in the warm waters between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Symbiosis with anemones rarely takes them below 40 meters in-depth and no longer occurs in deep-sea areas due to low light and temperature. It is a weak swimmer, adheres to protected anemones under corals. The waters close to the reefs are very high quality, so they are clear. Reproducing your natural environment with the right water parameters in your Clownfish tank requires some effort on the aquarist’s part, but it’s possible.

Tell me the size of the aquarium?

Each fish requires an aquarium with fifteen gallons of space; this volume allows the fish to swim freely and feed without problems. In any case, it’s better to have more giant tanks available to keep your Clown Fish. The greater the volume of water, the aquarium is less prone to sudden changes in parameters.

Keep the clownfish together

Clownfish should be kept together in pairs.

Prepared Foods

These pet stores that specialize in saltwater fish also sell specialty fish foods. Foods made with premium ingredients are often filled with algae, similar to the natural fish diet. Generally, these foods contain algae such as Nori and Spirulina and essential prebiotics. Clownfish adapt smoothly to any food; the secret is a varied diet.

[Detailed Guide] Frogspawn Coral : Care, Diet, Feeding, Lifespan And More

Frogspawn Coral

Have triple-tipped tentacles, which stay open all the time, resembling several hundred frog eggs. It is a large polyp stony coral (LPS) and is one of the most notable species in the hobby, mainly because of its balance with the flow of water. Frogspawn Coral is related in growth and care needs to its Euphyllia cousins, the Torch and Hammer coral. See below for care tips for this coral.

What does the frogspawn coral look like?

Frogspawn corals are one of several types of large polyp stone corals. Frogspawn corals are found in several varieties, with different colored tips on their tentacles. Frogspawn can branch quickly, unlike Frog Coral. The brighter the color of the tentacles tips, the more commercial value the coral will have.


When water flows through its polyps, the mesmerizing effect is immense. It fits nicely between “easy and moderate” difficulty and is a beautiful introduction to coral care for beginners. As long as you follow basic care guidelines and are consistent, you will enjoy the beauty of its stunning aesthetic appeal for a while.

Summary of species

Australia, Fiji, Southeast Asia, Soloman Island, and the Ryukyu Islands provide accessible finding locations for Euphyllia divisa. Unlike other coral species, Frogspawn polyps are outdoors 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so they are ideal in any home aquarium. The coral frog is an extremely hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of environmental factors. It is known to be aggressive towards other corals searching for space, but they end up in small colonies. Its ideal environment is at a depth of 120-140 feet and thrives in dirtier waters.

How do I care for frogspawn coral?

Euphyllia divisa, also called Frogspawn coral, is the most popular large polyp stony (LPS) coral in the reef hobby. The name Frogspawn was inspired by its attractive multi-tipped tentacles the resemble the mass of the frog eggs. This species is resistant, semi-aggressive, and can attain rapid growth spurts in favorable water conditions. This report provides some insights into the captive care of Frogspawn corals. They consist of eating behavior, location and care tips, and much more.

How do I care for the coral frogs in my reef tank?

Frogspawn coral is a highly adaptable LPS coral available in the hobby. It is essential to know how to keep your tank healthy as a whole. This website has everything you need to know about care for your corals, including light requirements, water flow preference, feeding habits, and more. It will also cover light needs and eating habits for the Frogspawn corals in your reef tank.

How do I care for Euphyllia divisa?

For success in seawater aquariums, the key is to provide the reef inhabitants with optimal water. Coral should be placed in an equipped and stable aquarium for healthy living.

Care placement & feeding tips

Frogspawn coral (Euphyllia divisa) is an excellent choice for owners of reef aquariums. Extensive polyp coral stony is magnificent for viewing. Despite its popularity, there is a lot of false information on the internet about the care of frogspawn coral. The guide tells you everything you want to know about frogspawn coral keeping.

Coral Care Sheet Frogspawn (Euphyllia divisa)

They are famous for being among the most beneficial species for coral reef exploration. Many experienced reefers are still using them because it’s beautiful to look at and are affordable.

Frogspawn Corals Care and Breeding Guide

Frogspawn corals have flowing tentacles and are an excellent addition to any reef tank. Scientifically the species is called Euphillia divisa. Rounded lobes help it from the hammer coral. Their identity is usually determined by the shape of the polyp rather than the delicate skeletal. They are very colorful too, which allows for great ornamental use.

Frogspawn Coral Guide: In-depth information for beginners

This article provides crucial info regarding frogspawn corals such as water quality, lightning, greatest threats, etc. This detailed guide has been created to help novices develop into experts.

Getting to know frogspawn coral

Frogspawn Corals have a full-body look with softly waving tentacles that remind viewers of an anemone. Frogspawn Coral are perfect beginner corals thanks to their unrivaled light and nutrition requirements. Coral frogs are very friendly with the others Euphyllia. Those guys have the power to be capable of advance in the terrain by displaying aggression against other corals. Generally, these corals prefer moderate intensity light, and a mild current is vital for them. This coral can grow in various heads and can be easily propagated.

Natural habitat and appearance

Frogspawn corals are very fleshy and show quite a lot of movement, similar to hard corals. Most species of corals are found primarily at sites near the Philippines, Indonesia, and on the Coasts of Australia. They are divided into two major groups: wall type and branching coral. They each have long tentacles which can trip to triple or double in length when necessary. As for color, tentacles usually are yellow-green and brown, with bright colored tips. The red, pink, purple, and white tips combined with lighter colors in the tentacles themselves create excellent contrast – one reason for putting such coral in your aquarium.

Frogspawn Coral Placement And Temperament In The Aquarium

Frogspawn coral doesn’t require much light and has natural habitats in indirect sunlight. They can not be placed on any substrate because their tentacles can get stuck under hard surfaces and cause serious harm. Additionally, it would be best not to put the frogspawn coral beside other corals because of its sweeper tentacles. If your coral begins to pale and lose color, then it may get too much light. If placed in contact with a coral – be prepared for chemical warfare within your tank. Keep these away from other aggressive Euphyllia, i.e., bubble corals.

Origins and Habitat

Frogspawn corals can be found in large colonies around reef sites in Southeast Asia and Australia. The corals seem to prefer turbid waters with mild currents and mud beds. As species Euphyllia, Frogspawns have sweeper tentacles containing stinging nematocysts that can be used to catch plankton. There is sometimes space between frogspawn coral and the next coral on the coral reef. Therefore there usually is a distance between the following species to it.

Habitat of frogspawn corals

Frogspawn coral is a species of coral found in a variety of reef regions in Asia and Australia. It forms colonies on relatively deep turbid water reef slopes to a depth of 40 m (131 ft).


The range from 130 to 200 PAR is good for Frogspawn coral. These corals reside in the region, which has its maximum depth of 40 m, and the sun is continuing to illuminate the reef. Moderate or even extreme light is excellent for Coral frogs spawning. Directly affecting FrogspawnFrogspawn with solid lighting may cause necrosis (= tissue death).

Water quality

Alkalinity, calcium, pH, temperature, and water flow are all essential parameters of coral survival. If you keep these five parameters balanced, you have little to worry about. The most significant water parameters are 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.022-1.025.

Placement in the tank

Do not place corals on areas where the flow of water is rapid and direct because it may cause lateral aeration and would not permit them to filter. It is not recommended to pack them together because they tend to contend with other corals for space in the reef tank.

Placement in a reef tank

Coral frogs aren’t as inconsistent when it comes to their placement. Many times they’re placed in the center of the aquarium as a central piece. Also, be sure to leave 6 to 10 inches of space for the Frogspawn coral inside the tank.

Frogspawn Coral Placement

The proper placement of the Frogspawn coral is an excellent part of the puzzle. In general, you’d like to try and position it near the middle or top portions of the tank with a 6 to 8-inch buffer between it and other coral. The reason behind this buffer is that it’s not only good-sized but also really aggressive too. It has its sweeping tentacles they use to clear space for themselves by hurting surrounding coral. These do not make anyone laugh, and frogspawn corals come out on top in the real estate battle. If your lighting is deficient, you’ll most likely want the coral to move closer to the top of the aquarium than towards the middle.

Frogspawn Corals and Tankmates

Clownfish were found inside frogspawn corals in reef tanks. Clownfish can easily damage corals causing infections like brown jelly. Frogspawn coral doesn’t enjoy being disturbed. They are also known to be dangerous to hermit crabs.

Compatibility with other species

Two aggressive corals close together guarantee one war to their death. Some frogspawn corals aren’t as heavy as some corals might be. They are entirely dominant over the territory using their sweeper tentacles. For the frogs, a good tankmate is a clownfish or a cardinal; leave parrot fish away. You should pay a little attention to even the dwarf angels.

What are good tankmates for frogspawn corals?

Frogspawn corals can live with a range of fish and invertebrates. Their soft fleshy polyps can be interesting for some species, so it is vital in keeping the population safe and protected. You must note that some clownfish can attempt to host the coral-like a small anemone. Hermit crabs and shrimps could also pose a risk to FrogspawnFrogspawn if they were not totally reef safe. The type of fish that will pick up corals must also be avoided.

Frogspawn Coral

Corals such as FrogspawnFrogspawn are generally pretty forgiving in the end; however, they can still get scratch and get some nasty bits in your eye. Protect yourself first.


It can branch out in an area relatively quickly. Some of the most popular colors that stand out are green and yellow. The brilliant color makes the light effects terrific, and this unique feeling can change the aesthetics of a tank, making this coral attractive. This coral is something to see and makes it look even better when combined with exciting lighting! The structure of this kind varies depending on what you can afford. The tentacle color can be a pale color like white or a bright pink variation.

Frogspawn Coral

Description of Frogspawn Corals

Frogspawn corals form large colonies with corallite walls which arise on the outer edges; these corallites are thin and sharp. Frogspawn coral tentacles are dense, lumpy, and long; some branches branch into double-skeletal or single heads at each end are vividly colored tips. These polyps resemble an outwardly bubble-like appearance which resembles a mass Frog – spawning (frog eggs).

Care and maintenance of frogspawn corals

Regular inspection, tests, and a good water changes plan are crucial in ensuring the good health of the corals. Assure that these trace ingredients are in the right proportion to maintain good health for good growing conditions. A damaged coral should be removed from the rest and placed in a quarantine tank for proper treatment; this helps prevent further illnesses. It would be best to examine the corals regularly; this goes much further in quickly detecting any damage infections or abnormal changes in their behavior.

Feeding Frogspawn Corals

The coral frogs have a symbiotic relationship and host algae in their tissues; they are called zooxanthellae. This algal feeds through converting light into food. The corals will also capture planktonic organisms, and food particles suspended in the water column and absorb organic material. Regardless of the presence and role of the algae, corals should also receive fresh, live, and meaty foods. You can quickly thaw frozen food to increase the chances that coral can eat it.

Feeding Frogspawn Coral

Frogspawn corals take all the energy using algae. The algae converting sunlight for food. It only matters about water quality and light. If you have other corals that need to be supplied, we recommend feeding them.

What do Frogspawn corals eat?

If you feed Frogspawn coral more giant foods like fish and shrimp, it may be harmful; the polyp will view this eating as a threat that will force it to retract. Feeding LPS Corals promotes good health and growth. Feed it with proper food for corals and beware of overfeeding, which can deteriorate the water quality.


In their natural habitat, Frogspawn corals feed on nutrients and organic materials captured by them. The feeding process is a little easier in captivity. You’ll want to use common foods such as brine shrimp, plankton, and meaty frozen foods. There is no downside to trying pellet food, as long as you do not negatively impact water quality. The only advice given to you is to experiment and test yourselves!

The behavior of Frogspawn Corals

Nevertheless, corals of other genera belonging to the Euphylliidae family are not excluded from hostility as viewed from their location. As large colonies grow, they can expand tentacles up to 25 cm when a case poses a threat to nearby coral species because of the potent sting it delivers. Some species and fish of the vicinity will benefit frogspawn corals by commensalism. As observed, the polyps extend throughout the day and only partly at night.

How to propagate frogspawn corals

The coral frog is one of the fastest-growing species of Euphyllia. If your cut is successful, it can lead to great success. You will need a scalpel or scissors. After removing the seedlings from the coral, please leave it in a low-stress environment until it recovers.

Frogspawn Coral

Fragging and propagation Frogspawn Coral

Frogspawn corals produce sexual and asexual reproduction. In the wild, they perform sexual reproduction by releasing gametes into the water, resulting in a fertilized egg. Afterward, planula larva will develop into a tiny polyp that excretes calcium carbonate and then develops into corals. As seen in aquariums, Frogspawn coral will have an abundance of small polyps. They can then fragment individual Polyps in response to stressful stresses. These polyps will move to other places, and a new colony will be started.


The propagation of Frogs is something new owners want to understand. There are some sophisticated ways experienced owners use to propagate new corals, but they will be limited to the basics. To begin with, identify a chunk of healthy, solid-colored coral with good visibility of polyps and minimal damage, then cut into the parts you want to become a colony. The next step is to follow the basic principles of Frogspawn coral placement. Choosing a high-quality location in a marine aquarium is a simple and efficient way to place the polyp that will become a colony. You need to tie it to the rock or turn it on. There’s no point in doing anything after that!

Health And Disease

Frogspawn coral is a resistant species of LPS, but it can die quickly if its maintenance is irregular. All corals require the correct lighting to keep their tentacles preserved. If their tentacles are scraped against a rock or placed in a higher stream, they can succumb to stress, infection, or brown jelly disease. To help prevent the disease from entering your reef, it’s recommended to conduct an iodine or coral bath and quarantine the reef for a week when you get new coral.

Potential problems associated with Frogspawn Coral

The brown jelly disease is caused by poor water quality or tissue damage and premature tissue destruction. Brown flatworm is a worm widely found in reefkeeping that can destroy your frogs. Rust brown flatworms can thrive in tanks with high nutrients in large populations. All the species can firmly be attached to Frogrespawn corals and blocked access to the body’s cells. They can also be tackled using natural predators such as the Blue Velvet Nudibranch (Chelidonura varians) and Wrasses.

In conclusion

Frogspawn coral is vibrant, charming, engaging, and perfect for the beginner. There can be a few options for getting one for an aquarium reef as well. It is very fast-growing, light maintenance, attractive colors, and soft sway of the long mulled tentacles in turbulent water currents. The coral is an excellent addition to reef aquariums.

Closing thoughts

Frogspawn corals are one of the best corals for beginners, intermediates, and advanced hobbyists. They are easy to care for, offer various colors, and mimic an anemone. These corals need moderate light and moderate flow but will soon begin growing new polyps once established. Feeding is not required, and the coral can be cut if necessary. I hope you learned many things about taking care of a Frogspawn Coral and answered any problems you might have faced.

Most Popular Saltwater Plants for Aquarium [Species Guide]

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium are still relatively new to the hobby. It is not always easy to create a balanced ecosystem to keep plants alive. There are many requirements: Substrate, filtration, nutrients, lighting, nitrates and oxygen. How do you maintain an environment for your marine reef aquarium plant?

Saltwater plants for aquarium will breathe life into your marine set-ups

Saltwater aquarium plants will light up your aquatic exposition with vibrant colors and trippy shapes. Aquarium plants keeps your fish happy in a healthy environment, even helping you to keep your aquariums clean.

Of course, you will want to ensure that you can choose the best ones for your tank, so we have rounded up the best-recommended suggestions for your fish tank. With an extensive list of saltwater aquarium plants, you can buy ectopic fish and plants from our collection of aquatic and horticultural resources and articles.

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium

Choosing the right saltwater plants for aquarium

When choosing fish, it is relatively easy to determine if will be friendly with others. If plants are healthy, but there is fish or another occupant who eat them, dig up roots, or have no carbon dioxide, plants will not survive. Similarly, it would help if you considered the chemical balance inside the saltwater aquarium.

Moreover, temperatures are constant, and clarity is needed for photosynthesis. When the temperature is too high or too cold, everything suffers. If the ecology works appropriately, the plants and fish must work together to maintain the right balance in the aquarium.

Saltwater plants for your refugium

If you’re raising saltwater fish, this stocked reserve is natural to remove harmful nitrates from your aquarium. Marine plant systems may be a reasonable means of filtering your system. seaweeds help weeded out unwanted algae by keeping them away from the surface.

In addition, Saltwater plants can create ornamental crops, reduce Nitrites (NO3) and phosphates (PO4), and provides an inexpensive and attractive source of nutrient for fish.

Chaeto Macroalgae

Chaetomorpha is among the populous seaweeds croalgae with good reason. The colonies produce thick mats, which are highly helpful in the control of nutrients. Chaeto offers dense hiding places for copepods, fish, and other minor creatures.

Please be sure to screen new algae purchases carefully, as unauthorized hitchhikers may come into your ecosystem as snails or bristle worms. There are several types of species in the genus, but the most common, the Chaetomorephrea chaeto, is edible.

Chaeto Macroalgae

Red Gracilaria Algae

Red Gracilaria Algaeis a beautiful alga, and it brings a very dark red tint to your aquarium. It is suitable for cleaning water and for providing nutritional benefits for plants-eaten fish. Perfect for managers and angelfish, this growing tree is easy to care for with the appropriate lighting and moderate flow conditions.

Many hobbyists choose to grow that algae in a refugium and feed on the fish in little pinches occasionally. However, it can easily be placed in the main tank since its appearance is lovely!

Red Gracilaria Algae

Spaghetti Algae aka Chaeto

It absorbs Nitrates and releases loads of oxygen, so your marine life will love this addition to your tank. A lot of fish don’t attempt to eat this plant, but smaller fish often find more food in its pods. It’s hardy plants and won’t bother us when we have it in our saltwater aquarium.

Spaghetti Algae aka Chaeto

Mermaid’s fan

Mermaid’s fan is a tremendous decorative alga for saltwater aquariums. It has a vast, beautiful green leaf with an almost mermaid tail. The mermaid’s fan is easy to take care of once he settles down into the tank. This living plant requires illumination and supplement to survive. Make sure your aquarium has adequate amounts.

Mermaid's fan

Green Finger Plant

This algae is both beautiful and hardy and is a favorite with saltwater aquarium hobbyists. Most fish don’t eat this plant, so you should be worried about being destroyed by hungry fish. A green finger alga makes an excellent filter, so your tank stays clean.

Green Finger Plant


Species are discovered at high depth; therefore, their adaptability is high. Halimeda algae retain higher concentrations of ccalciferous alcium.

Their grow is a reliable indicator of a sufficient level of calciferous for corals to grow. They may be attached to the surface of a coral or alive rock. They are also a calcified type of macroalgae and use limestone (calcium carbonate) as a structure.

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium - Halimeda

Sea Lettuce

There is a widely available macroalga type, and it is one of the hardiest species. Lettuce grows in an intertidal zone on ocean-wide shores. Growing on wave-swept rocks and gravel, the plant will be exposed ever to the harsh bright and warm air.

It also grows quickly enough to overcome snails, limpees, and other herbivorous plants. It is a beloved selection of algae for most people.

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium - Sea Lettuce

Blue Hypnea

Blue Hypnea is an important crown jewel of the macroalgae world. Hailing from Micronesia, the deep iridescent algae are intensely blue. It is a relatively slow-growing species that forms small mats that rarely grow more than 3 inches in height. It is usually saved as a decorative plant and thrives under the intense coral bright. The specie grows quickly.

Saltwater Plants for Aquarium - Blue Hypnea

Shaving Brush Plant

It is diverse macroalgae in terms of appearance. Others have spherical tops, while others are taller or resemble barbers’ brushes.

Each has a small stalk anchored in sand or other substrates. The height can vary and is between 4 and 12 inches. The size can reach 12 inches. For growth, the dissolved calcium content of 200 to 200ppm is ideal.

Shaving Brush Plant

Red Mangrove Propagule (Rhizophora Mangle)

Mangrove is a beautiful addition if used. Grown in pairs, these tall plants can appear like bamboo forests. The leaves must remain above water so the roots can be easily anchored to dry rock or solid sand. The seeds are the best selection for propagation in your aquarium tanks.

Turtle Grass Shoots (Thalassia testudinum)

Turtle grass is seaweed and macroalgae that you can easily use as a mat for a tank. This can be used in groups to produce a natural fresh looking sandy bottom in your ocean tank life.

Many things need extra attention. Turtle grass requires minimal illumination and water circulation to look attractive and quality. It’s native site is Florida’s Gulf Coast, where it is seen in its natural habitat.

Turtle Grass Shoots (Thalassia testudinum)

Water primrose

Water primrose grows in or underneath the water. It can display a distinct reddish-brown tint that will brighten your otherwise green aquarium.

This versatile plant is an excellent addition to your Aquarium but requires iron fertilizers best for development. You’ll want to maintain an ideal environment for your primroses to make sure you get the bright color of the leaves.

Water primrose

Dragon’s Tongue

Dragon’s Tongue tolerates medium luminosity environments. It is particularly variable in form, with anemones like increase form given much higher luminosity.

The plant also prefers mild current, so placing it near a drain leads to more significant growth. It will grow higher when it low light conditions than in a high light environment.

Dragon's Tongue

Tufted Joint Algae

Tufted Joint Algae is a small segmented green plant with small feathered branches at the of which the plant appears to be from prehistoric eras.

The plant oxygenates the water and balances nitrogen. It should be anchored to a reef and requires medium lighting for best results. It doesn’t do well within environments with heavy concentrations of nitrates and phosphates.

Tufted Joint Algae

Highly Nutritious

All macroalgae are rich in iodine, ribose, and magnesium to provide the aquarium with calcium. Herbivorous fish such as tangs can often suffer nutritional deficiencies when forced to eat just food feed.

If yours is slow-growing, you could always supplement its diet with dried macroalgae preparations.

Plants Eliminate Unwanted Algae

Marine tanks have advantages in fighting off algae. Because larvae first feed on nitrate that the microalgae use for survival is eliminated. It can be said that microalgae starve and die because of nitrate deficiency and the moral of the story is simple.

You can use macroalgae for managing dangerous algae in a sea tank. Over time microalgae become starved and die from a nutrient deficit.

Conclusion: A great alternative to Coral (Saltwater Plants for Aquarium)

Almost all macroalgae species get by on very little light and require relatively low levels of water. The plants need a moderate amount of free-moving nutrients for growth to be healthy. Other species such as calciferous Halimeda have similar care requirements as coral. Corals require impeccable water condition, stability, and an intense light setup. Many macroalgae grow alongside them.

The right plants can help keep the water chemistry balanced and provides feed for plants-eating animals. The wrong plant may cause havoc in large tanks or be quickly eaten and destroyed. A little study can go a very long way, and it is usually easy to fix any situation.

Different Pleco Types: Which One Is Right For Your Aquarium Tank?

Types Of Plecos

If you are an aquarist, you know that there is nothing more enjoyable than having a well-kept aquarium. One of the most important aspects of keeping fish in your tank is choosing the right companions for them. Plecos are one type of fish that would be a good fit for any size aquarium and can provide many benefits to your aquatic environment. In this blog post, we will go over 15 different types of plecos so that you can find one perfect for your needs!

To Start – Let’s Talk Minimum Tank Size

For very small pleco species, you will need at least a 20+ gallon aquarium as minimum tank size. If you want to keep your plecos in an aquarium smaller than 30 gallons, you will need to provide extra hiding spots. You will also need the proper filtering system to match that minimum tank size.
A 30+ gallon aquarium is the minimum tank size for most juvenile and small dwarf species of plecos.
65-gallon aquariums are good for medium-sized pleco species, such as some bristle nose pleco or many common plecostomus. Some plecostomus species, however, grow exceptionally big, requiring over 95 gallons as a minimum tank size.
90+ gallon aquariums are generally considered appropriate for most adult-sized plecos. Some very large plecos can reach up to a maximum size of 24 inches long.

Common Pleco

Hypostomus plecostomus, or the common pleco, is one of the popular types of plecos (probably the most common pleco species in the world). Keep in mind that this is a very large species of plecos, growing up to 24 inches long. This is not a good type of plecos for an aquarium with less than 65 gallons of water. This type of pleco really needs its own space!

Zebra Pleco

Zebra Pleco
These are striped types of plecos that mimic the shape of a zebra (hence the name Zebra Plecos). They grow to around 4 inches. Care is fairly easy. Keep their tank in a tropical heated aquarium with non-aggressive partners. They live between 10 and 15 years, depending on the level of care. They are carnivorous plecos with a low degree of herbivory, requiring lie food and feed for carnivores to maintain good health. These species are shy at first during the day and often want comfortable hiding places to rest. After some time, they tend to become less shy and explore the whole aquarium. They look wonderful in groups and are easy to reproduce.

Sailfin Pleco

Sailfin Pleco
Sailfin plecos are grown to a maximum height of around 14 inches and can live for 20 years. They are pretty fish with a leopard-print pattern covering their body armor. They eat mostly plant food and sometimes largely animal protein. You must make sure that you provide a tank suitable for their size. Because they are big and feed all day, they both keep the tank free of algae and produce huge amounts of excrement.

Leopard Frog Pleco

Leopard Frog Pleco
Leopard frog plecos usually age 8 to 10 years. Their average length is just slightly more than 4 inches. They are omnivores with a strong herbivorous tendency, and they prefer other plant materials to algae. Thus, while great additions to the tank, they do not act as good tank cleaners.

Snowball Pleco

Snowball Pleco
There are three species commonly called Snowball pleco. Together, these three species range in size from 5 to 12 inches (the two from the genus baryancistrus are larger than the other, from the genus hypancistrus)… They derive their name from the patterns of white dots that they have. Depending on water and food quality and general care, these species live about 8 to 10 years. Depending on the species, Snowball plecos may be hungry for biofilm and plant foods, eat algae in the aquarium (baryancistrus), or nearly strictly carnivorous (hypancistrus). For these creatures to thrive, plecos must have heated tropical tanks. They should also have a nice space with hiding places and great water and food quality, as they are sensitive species.

Peppermint Pleco

Peppermint Pleco
There are two species, commonly called Peppermint pleco, that grows to about 7 inches and live about 10 to 12 years. One type, from ancistrus, likes to eat vegetable matter but does not prefer algae, whereas the other, from paracistrus, eats algae ferociously. They typically are peaceful communal species with tropical tankmates. The ancistrus enjoys still waters while the parancistrus prefers fast-moving water channels. They both want warm and heated tanks.

Orange Spot Pleco

Orange Spot Pleco
There are two species under this name, but one of them is quite rare. This section will cover the more common type, lda031.
This type of pleco loves to hide in trees and nibble on the soil. They are timid and like to go out in the total dark. They need to have driftwood in their food. They exhibit orange dots across their fins and body, making them rather interesting to look at. Unfortunately, orange spot plecos (especially males) show more aggressive behavior to other plecos, so it is good to keep them alone in a heated tank with other compatible tropical tankmates. Usually, they live at least for about 12+ years, and their maximum size is about 5 inches.

Royal Pleco

This species of pleco is known for its digestion of various woods. Their bodies and fins are irregularly colored, striped in black and white patterns. They weigh about 22 kilograms and last about 10 years on average. They predominantly eat algae-based foods like sinking pellets or wafers and occasionally enjoy meat-based snacks. Because of their large size, they can perform well in large heated tanks, and they do well with other fish.

Butterfly Pleco

Butterfly plecos are nocturnal and like to hide in the dark at times. Interestingly, these fish change colors very quickly; when on a dark substrate, they will turn nearly black, but they will show a pretty striped pattern during the day on lighter substrates. These fish have an extremely healthy appetite. They live on algae constantly and need supplementary food such as grilled and preserved veggies. They also sometimes like animal protein, like insect larvae. While they do not feed on wood, they like the biofilm that forms on wood. These fish produce tons of waste because of their high consumption, so a healthy filtration system is important.

Otocinclus Catfish

The Otocinclus catfish is an opportunist algae eater that will feed on other things when it does not have algae. It often stays on the tank walls, scraping away biofilm and algae. If you plan on buying one, you should have an existing mature tank. They are susceptible to water parameters while acclimating, so be careful. Once acclimated, they are quite resistant fish. Do some research before buying some other new tank mates for this catfish. In nature, they make giant shoals with more than 100 individuals, so it is good to keep them in shoals in aquaria. However, with large numbers of fish, the algae and biofilm reserves are quickly depleted, and not all otos will be able to convert to artificial feed. So be sure to plan before buying these fish!

Blue-Eyed Plecos

The blue-eyed pleco, native to Colombia, has amazing blue eyes. It likes driftwood to eat (they are voracious biofilm eaters), graze for algae, and hide during their inactive hours. Its body is covered in large, thick, gray armor plates. They can have a lot of light, depending on their conditions. They are probably the biggest plecos in the aquarist community and need rapid water for growth, as well as a massive tank…

Vampire Pleco

The vampire pleco is an interesting fish. Its eyes dilate differently with different light intensities, making it interesting to watch. Vampire plecos make the perfect addition for community tanks. The fish are mostly peaceful, and when fed in a dark place, they are calm. However, they can be aggressive and territorial, and they like to get in trouble with bigger plecos. Their environment must be very oxygenated and fast-flowing, and they have a high carnivorous tendency.

Candy Striped Pleco

Candy Striped Plecos live within the Xingu and Tapajós river basins. They thrive best with a tank heavily coated with rocks and driftwood. They are algae eaters, but that’s not all they need; they are omnivorous with a tendency toward meaty foods with animal proteins, preferring live and fresh products. They are very peaceful fish.

Are there even smaller pleco fish?

The Soromon Pleco is the smallest type of pleco known to date, reaching an overall body size of 1.2 inches. They occur at Soromoni Creek, a clearwater tributary of the upper Orinoco and in the Guiana shield area. This species has been known for some years, but commercial expeditions do not generally encounter these fish due to the geographical isolation of the regions where they live.

Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco

The gold spot dwarf pleco keeps its size small throughout its lifetime and only reaches 2 inches in maximum body size. They prefer to stay in groups, and a 10-gallon tank will hold no more than three of them. Fine gravel or sand is a suitable substrate as the fish sometimes like to bury themselves in it. This species of dwarf pleco is also very timid and does not like being around especially active and fast fish. This fish species is often mislabeled as a Pitbull pleco in fish markets, so remember this when looking for them.

Queen Arabesque Pleco

The queen arabesque pleco is a small, exotic fish that grows to just around 3.5 inches under good care. Like many other plecos in this list, this pleco likes a good deal of driftwood in its tank; it also loves to have its own cave. They have a carnivorous tendency in their diet and love to eat live food. They’re best matched with a planted environment with a moderately strong current. They are sensitive to nitrogen and low oxygen levels in the water. They take some time to adapt to a new aquarium and can get pretty shy.

Pitbull Pleco – Parotocinclus jumbo

This fish reaches about 2.5′′ at maturity and is usually a slow grower. Pitbull plecos are social and should go in groups of at least three, but if you have the necessary space, go with six or more (a 30-gallon tank is recommended for six of them). They are ravenous algae-eaters and love algae wafers. Anything with animal protein should be given very occasionally (a few times a month). They are clumsy and can break plants during feeding.

All in all, the Pleco is a great addition to your aquarium

Why is the pleco a great fish for your aquarium?

Plecos are hardy fish. They can withstand the most extreme water conditions. This makes them very easy to maintain, giving you basic filtration and some algae in return. You even do not have to know exactly how many are there in your tank. Just add food regularly and keep an eye on nitrates and the quality of the water.

Plecos are the best fish for algae eating.

They eat almost any algae in your tank; they’re not picky about food and will eat some algae that other fish will refuse, such as green spot algae.
You can keep more than several plecos in a community aquarium, but be careful with larger and more aggressive species such as the common pleco; they can grow enormous and may eat smaller fish if they are hungry enough. Only get large ones if you plan on keeping them alone or breeding them. Make sure to give a fish the space it will need as an adult at full size.
If you have a problem with algae and can’t find an effective fish to help solve it, then add an algae-eating pleco or two to your aquarium and start enjoying clear water again!

Pleco’s are also great scavenger fish

They love leftovers as much as live food, so make sure you feed them some extra food after you have fed your other fish.
If you want more than one pleco, consider buying a group of 3-4 newborns rather than just buying one adult. Some plecos are known to attack and kill their own kind if hungry enough (massive ones). It’s all about being prepared!
If you are keeping these fish, then always give them plenty of places to hide, such as rock caves, driftwood, and plants. This will make them feel much happier as they are nocturnal fish and sleep during the day. And make sure to have enough algae and biofilm for all the fish.

Give them places to hide

If you do not give them places to hide then they may attack your other fish/shrimp & snails, or even bite off their own fins out of stress – especially newly purchased ones who are still stressed from moving into a new aquarium. Always prepare your fish before adding them to your tank by placing them in a plastic bag inside the main aquarium for 15-30 minutes (depending on size), so they get used to the temperature first. Be careful not to add too many at once! This can destabilize the filtration, which leads to ammonia spikes.
They like deep substrates such as river gravel, sand, or clay balls, but it is not required as they will live quite happily in the normal aquarium gravel. Just make sure that the substrate doesn’t have any sharp points that would hurt the plecos’ mouths. Keep in mind that a deep substrate makes cleaning more difficult. Siphoning the bottom of the tank is necessary several times a week to keep it free of residues.
Try not to change the substrate you are using too frequently, as this may stress them out. If you want a different substrate, then prepare their tank by doing a large water change (50%+) before adding the new substrate, and slowly fill the tank up over a couple of days.

The bottom line is, never ever consider your pleco just another “algae eater”

Plecos are an integral part of your aquarium. You should care for them as pets and admire their beauty. Appreciate what they do for you and your other fish because without them, many tanks would be overrun with algae!

For more info, you can check out

Our link to our pleco care article is here.

Wrapping Up

Plecos are amazing fish that come in a variety of shapes and colors to suit every water tank. You can find the perfect pleco for your aquarium with this list, so go out and grab one or two today! We hope you found this blog post helpful; if there’s anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

[Detailed] Clown Pleco Fish Care Guide – Size, Diet, Lifespan, And More!

[Detailed] Clown Pleco Fish Care Guide – Size, Diet, Lifespan, And More!

Clown plecos are a well-known freshwater tropical fish found in aquariums around the world. These creatures are relatively low-maintenance fish to keep, and many people find them enjoyable to watch as they wander and nibble on driftwood. In addition to requiring little maintenance, clown pleco fish enjoy being with other catfish and can live in community tanks.

This article will provide information on several important topics pertaining to clown pleco fish, including: the best tank size and diet, how many clown pleco grow each year and where they originate, what water parameters are best, and some other notes and requirements you should consider when keeping one.

Summary of Clown Pleco

 Clown Pleco

Clown pleco fish (scientific name: Panaqolus maccus) are found in the Caroni and Apure basins of Venezuela (where they are found in densest population) as well as much of eastern Colombia, including most of the Orinoco basin, the headwaters of the Venezuelan Llanos, rivers of clear water rapids, and water streaming down from the Andes. Because many of these areas are adjacent to cities and other densely populated areas, these fish often encounter a high degree of turbidity due to pollution; thus, they are good at dealing with less-than-pristine water conditions. (It should be noted that while these fish are often able to survive polluted water, studies affirm the devastating effect of water pollution through the contaminants in fish mean and organs.)

While this species is widely popular and found in tanks all over the USA, Japan, and some places in Europe, it is quite rare in other locations.

Clown Pleco Coloration:

The clown pleco often has light brown or white skin tones. It has between five and twelve fascinating rings distributed along its body, some straight and some wavy. The color of these rings depends on the environment of the fish; they often appears golden yellow, but in darker backgrounds, they tend toward an orange tone. The color intensity of these rings is affected by the clown pleco’s diet, health, tank, water parameters, and age. The vibrant color of a young clown pleco fades as in gets older.

Aside from the rings, these fish are primarily gray in color. Some have brownish patches or spots on their body while others are striped, and some might even show hints of red coloring towards the tail fin area. The wide range of colors comes from population characteristics of different regions and from the crossing of different populations in aquariums, resulting in different phenotypic characteristics.

Clown Pleco Gender differences

Determining the sex of clown pleco often is a challenge, and it is impossible with very young fish. Males often have more whiskers around their mouths as well as long odontodes on both head and dorsum area. Females are bigger and rounder while males are thinner. This difference is especially noticeable when considering the width between pectoral and pelvic areas.

Clown Pleco Life span

These fish typically live six to eight years. The main factors affecting their life span are food quality and water quality; the best way to prolong your fish’s life is to take proper care of it.

Clown Pleco Natural habitat

The clown pleco is native to the waters of Venezuela and Colombia. On the Colombia side, the water is slightly hard and alkaline (somewhere around 7.2) due to the minerals that come from the Andes. On the Venezuelan side, depending on the location, the water tends to be softer and slightly acidic. In basins inhabited by the species on both sides, the pH fluctuates from about 6 to nearly 8. Some areas where clown pleco are found are heavily vegetated, where many places have nothing but rocks and wood.

Clown plecos live primarily in the watersheds of Caroni and Apure ( two main rivers). These rivers’ bottoms are littered with plant matter, rocks and, most importantly, sticks and driftwood thanks to the heavily forested areas where they flow.

Seasonal variation affects the ecosystem’s water environment. In Aquarium settings it is important to remember that these triggers are associated with the fish’s breeding cycle. The clown pleco’s life cycle is based around mating in rainy seasons and surviving through the dry seasons.

Feeding Clown Pleco

The primary factors of a clown pleco’s diet are wood and algae. Wood-eating plecos need a lot of fiber to stay healthy and thus are constantly eating. Fresh vegetables can be good for these fish.

Rather than eating large fish larvae, infants eat more algae. You can feed them three or four times a day, once at bedtime and one time at the night. The fish’s digestive tract is ideally always filled with food, so the more times you feed the fish, the better. They love feeding after dark, so it would help them if you could defrost your lamp before feeding. It is quite convenient to use wood tank ornaments that the fish can feed on.

The clown pleco is an omnivore and will eat most any live or frozen foods that are offered to it, including shrimp, worms, bloodworms, beef heart, earthworm etc. Live foods and other animal-based foods are a great complement but should not be offered as a main food. Algae wafers are great to use as a staple for their diet. Generally, they’re not too fussy about food, but it’s worth bearing in mind that they need a varied diet plan to stay healthy.

A clown pleco should be fed more than once a day with fish food for omnivorous-herbivores, no more than two or three times a week with live food or other animal-based food, and daily with fresh vegetables, preferably after lights out.

Breeding Clown Pleco

Fortunately, clown pleco breeding is easily done in small domestic and commercial aquariums. Breeding often occurs among these fish even when it is not intended or planned by the aquarist.

The temperature of the tank must be reduced temporarily by about 2° C to provide the sense of a rainy season, then heated back up to trigger breeding. This breeding tank of clown plecos must have lots of hiding places. These hiding caves may be constructed with very small entrances for entry (considering, of course, the size of the particular fish). These caves allow the male fish to imprison the female.

To breed this type of fish, you must have a mature female and male. They need to be in the same tank with at least 24″ of water surface area. The pH level should be about neutral or just slightly acidic (6.8). More importantly, the water hardness should be low (0 to 5 KH).

It is important that your clown pleco has plenty of plants, rocks, wood, or other ornaments for hiding.

Both clown pleco will try to adapt themselves to nesting place (this is called “conditioning”). The females are oviparous and lay eggs. The male will trap a female in a cave until it lays eggs then will fertilize the eggs. The eggs will hatch in about three days.

Care guide for Clown Pleco

A clown pleco’s lifetime is about six to eight years if properly fed and cared for correctly. Their temperament is calm alone or with other fish. They do not require great expenses for feeding and caretaking. The recommended tank size for a pair of clown plecos is twenty gallons, adding another ten gallons for each fish you add to the aquarium. The tanks must have a temperature of 72° F – 86° F and pH between 6.5 and 7.5. An intense water current should be maintained within the aquarium as well as a natural one for them to enjoy. This will mimic the natural environment of the clown pleco.

Clown Pleco Behavior & Temperament

The general temperaments of clown plecos are very mellow and pleasant. They like to do their own thing below the aquarium. There is only one situation where an honest and friendly temperament changes. The two or more male pleco can get aggressive with each other over territory — for example, if two males want to play with the same pieces of driftwood. If you give them the right space it might decrease the risks, but that’s no guarantee.

Clown Pleco Tank Mates

Avoiding fish with aggressive behavior and excessive size differences is a rule of thumb for clown pleco tankmates. Fish that are prone to aggression and fighting (as the flowerhorn cichlid) need their own custom plans to ensure compatibility. If you have the wrong fish in the same tank, they can become each other’s dinner. If you are keeping your clown pleco with other species, choose other fish that can swim away from it quickly should any aggression occur. This will help prevent injuries to both the clown pleco and the other fish.

It is worth mentioning that you should look for fish with similar water parameters. All in all, the clown pleco is compatible with quite a few different kinds of fish because it an easy-going fish.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but you can use it to get some ideas!

A few compatible fish for your clown pleco include:

  • Other species of plecos (although they may not be peaceful). It is best to prefer females over males, even if from another species.
  • Discus – as mentioned above, these are both easy to find and easy to keep. These would be great companions for your clown pleco, although they demand a lot of space and generally live at higher temperatures.
  • South American Dwarf Cichlids – Again, these cichlid species are generally peaceful towards other fish and nicely sized for a community aquarium. They can be quite territorial, but otherwise they are perfect tankmates.
  • Other larger bottom-dwelling catfishes – Asian Stone Catfish and Corydoras Catfish make good tank mates for your clown pleco. These fish are generally peaceful and easy to find.
  • Mollies, Platys, Guppies, Swordtails, and other livebearers – Again, these are all small fish that stay relatively small when they’re fully grown (a few inches long). The male swordtails get a little bigger than the females but not by much, so you could keep both sexes in the same tank (either alone or with like sized companions) without too many problems!

If you decide to keep a larger variety of fish with your clown pleco, it’s a good idea to do your research one species at a time. Learn about its temperament and what tankmates it can get along with before you buy or add them it to your aquarium. Also remember to check its compatibility with the physical and chemical water parameters.

Lastly, always keep in mind that some fish will just not get along with each other under any circumstances. If you have a very skittish African cichlid (for example) and a large territorial pleco then these two are likely to fight, so the best choice would be to make sure they stay separated!

Clown Pleco Tank setup

Due to the size of this fish, tank size is a crucial part of keeping it happy and healthy. Other things to consider are decorations that simulate the clown pleco’s native habitat and appropriate filtration for waste.

Tank size for Clown Plecos

The recommended capacity for a clown pleco’s tank size is ten gallons per fish. These are small fish  and do not require much space.

Filtration and aeration for Clown Plecos

Clowns, as a freshwater fish, prefer moderate rate of flow on the top floor of their tanks. No part of the aquarium should be without water flow, but that works well with this species since they like intense water flow as they hide in holes and logs.

You can use a canister or HOB filters for your pleco tank. It never hurts to put a stone into that hole to stimulate the flow of water. Clown pleco produce a large amount of waste for their size and need a robust filtration system with replaceable media that both mechanically and chemically separates waste and toxins from the water. The bottom of the bucket should have a moderate flowing supply of water. This helps prevent potentially harmful hypoxias from developing in the tank.

Aquarium plants for Clown Plecos

At times, the aquarium plants provide shade from the aquarium lights. The fish will probably not eat much of the plants, though they may nibble on it occasionally. Given the intense flow that could pull the plant root from the substrate, it is wise to avoid sensitive plants.

Clown Pleco Lighting, plants and decorations

Normally seen as nocturnal fish, clown plecos usually escape from caves or boulders at night. They sometimes snack on plants but usually are not destructive. As such it’s always good to choose between fast and low-growing plants. In terms of decor these fish need a lot of driftwood, sticks and branches to be happy as well as to have a balanced diet. Including rocks also helps develop the proper amount of edible algae that supports the growth of your plecos.

Clown Pleco Decorations

Because clown pleco is a bottom dweller, start with a soft substrate. Sharp stones or sharp substrates can hurt the fish’s whiskers and mouth. Live plants like hornworts or floating plants can provide nice covered islands for the fish. Rocks and caves provide your fish places to stay during the day as well as surfaces on which algae and biofilm can grow. Put an abundance of wood drifts. In nature these fish obtain all their nutrients in driftwood. This design is crucial to the overall health of your clown pleco.

Tank requirements for Clown Plecos

The aquarium should replicate the natural environment of the fish. Natural habitats include many dead forests roots, tree stump bark and vegetation as well as rocks. When you stimulate them, you may not be able to find clown pleco inside the tank. Sometimes the fish will eat the algae inside the tank, so you should encourage its growth around the tank. Add rocks and smooth stones (their surface permits growth of both algae and biofilm). For decorative purposes consider sturdier plants with strong leaves that are similar to Amazon swords.

Clown Pleco Common Diseases

Ich is the most popular disease in clown pleco fish. It is an external parasitic disease. The use of antibiotics may provide the best treatment for bacterial disease. Any red spots that appear on the skin on the eyes and belly indicate that your fish is infected with bacteria. Segregate infected fish into separate tanks. Before adding fish to an aquarium use a hospital tank to quarantine. Avoid any types of copper and potassium products as it is extremely harmful for fish in general. Do not use any medications that contain copper or potassium. It is always important to research symptoms to arrive at a correct diagnosis and treatment.

All in All, the Clown Pleco are a Great Fish

If you are considering adding a new fish to your aquarium but don’t want to take the time and expense of introducing another species for them to eat or compete with, consider getting a clown pleco. These low-maintenance creatures will be happy in many freshwater environments, and they enjoy the company of other types of fish. They also do well as pets that can live inside the home, given that they have access to sunlight when it is available. If you think this might be something for you, make sure to learn about these fascinating animals before taking one home!

[2023 Latest] The Best RO DI System For Reef Tank, Saltwater Aquarium

[2023 Latest] The Best RO DI System For Reef Tank, Saltwater Aquarium

A reverse osmosis water system works to filter the water and remove any contaminants, so you get clean water.

RO / DI systems have an excellent reputation as an efficient way to filter water; New technological advancements have improved filtration capacity to the point of removing up to 99 percent of impurities.

comparison Table

CustomSiteStripe ImageTitleReviewBuy
Top PerformanceAquatic Life RO Buddie Three Stage Reverse Osmosis4.5/5.0Check Price
cheapestLiquaGen 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis/Deionization (RO/DI)4.6/5.0Check Price

Now you can get Best RO DI systems for reef tanks, sea water aquarium. You just have to make sure it is the best option for your aquarium model before purchasing it.

For those of us committed to reef maintenance, a reverse osmosis deionization (or RODI system) is essential for the successful maintenance of sensitive corals and corals. Many of us start with smaller tanks and buy RODI or fresh salt water from our local fish store. While this will work for a while, once you step into larger tanks, an RODI system is essential to success as it will require more water to replace the evaporated water in your display tank and will perform larger water changes. After a while, buying fresh salt water in an emergency becomes expensive and risky.

Today’s post is about raising awareness and providing options that work for a reef keeper. I will discuss what’s important to know when purchasing an RODI system and will review several RODI systems that work for aquariums. Let’s start :).


What is the best RO / DI system for an aquarium?

Reverse osmosis systems come in many different sizes, shapes and functions. You shouldn’t buy all of them, just the one that works well for you.

It is important that you now learn the  Best RO DI systems for reef tanks.

The filtration process and the stages

Depending on the type of RO / DI water system, it can have 4 to 6 stages of filtration. During these stages, the water is purified to remove any contaminants and ensure it is clean for the fish in your tank.

These systems often have additional filters that remove odor and improve flavor, but one that ensures all debris is removed should be sufficient for use in an aquarium.

Brand and certifications

Choosing the right brand is crucial to ensure that you always get a quality model that will do very well in a variety of aquariums. You can have only one filtration system for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

The best brands have a reputation they want to keep. This is why you are likely to find one brand with a better reputation than the others, and it is always better to select the best product from the best brands.

In addition to buying the best brand, make sure that the filter also has the correct certifications. The most common certifications are the FDA and NSF certificates. If your filter has both approvals, you can rest assured that you have the right product.

Installation and maintenance

Once you’ve picked and bought one, you’ll need to install your reverse osmosis water system. Depending on the design, different filter systems can be difficult or easy to install. You can view different RO / DI systems to see which ones are easier to install.

Some manufacturers supply all the mounting hardware you need, while others have nothing in the box other than the product and the instructions.

It’s not just about installation, but also about system maintenance. Ideally, you want it to be easy to install new parts if something breaks. If a model is designed so that parts can be easily replaced, it will be easier to perform the necessary maintenance on that water filtration system.


You should consider how easy or difficult it would be to use the reverse osmosis system of your choice. There is no need to buy a model that takes a long time to set up or operate.

The idea is to end with the best reverse osmosis system that comes with easy to use controls. These controls allow you to operate the system and create clean water for your aquarium.


Reviews are the best place to learn about the best RO / DI systems for your aquarium, reef tanks. In their reviews, users explain what they liked and didn’t like about the system. It is important to take the time to learn more about the RO / DI system based on reliable assessments.

Not all reviews are genuine, as some manufacturers pay reviewers to write positive reviews. Better to look for a reliable review site to read reviews.


The Best RO DI Systems For Saltwater Aquarium, Reef Tanks


RO/DI System for Aquarium Reviews


1. AquaFX Barracuda RO/DI Aquarium Filter

Best RO DI systems for reef tanks

This model is the best you can get for your money. Many people have used it for both fresh and salt water aquariums. You may be thinking that it will cost you a lot, but you would be surprised as it is quite affordable.

It’s not just about the attractive price, but also about the strong purification process that makes this model attractive to so many people. With quality filters in place, you can be sure that you will always deliver the best water in the end, with no impurities.


  • It has a faster outflow compared to other models.
  • It has a great debugging process.
  • Easy to set up


  • Appears to have a high water waste rate
Check Price On Amazon


2. Aquatic Life RO Buddie Three Stage Reverse Osmosis


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

The manufacturer offers this model in two capacities: 50 gallons per day or 100 gallons per day. You just need to choose the one that suits you best.

The three stage filtration process comes with an RO cartridge, carbon and sediment filters. They work together to make sure you don’t have to worry about metal ions or other types of contaminants.

The manufacturer is already known for producing the best aquarium products, so it’s no surprise that this model is so good. With the addition of new water filtration technology, you should end up with the best reverse osmosis filtration system available.


  • It’s easy to install, even for someone new to the process.
  • Add additional filtration steps
  • Easy to maintain
  • It is compact in size for easy installation.


  • It is likely to leak if it is not properly adjusted
Check Price On Amazon


3. LiquaGen 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis/Deionization (RO/DI)


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

This product is designed to be ideal for multiple applications. The manufacturer claims it can be used in aquariums, labs, or anywhere else you need ultrapure water.

To facilitate installation by the user, it is pre-assembled by the manufacturer. You just need to connect it to your aquarium and turn it on.

The 5-stage filtration process must provide enough space to filter the various contaminants from the aquarium water. The quality of the water you get from this RO / DI system can also be used for cooking or even drinking. The high repellency membrane offers the opportunity to tackle common aquarium contaminants.


  • It has a large capacity
  • Has multiple uses
  • The membrane has a high rejection percentage.


  • GPD often starts at low rates, but can improve over time.
Check Price On Amazon


4. LiquaGen Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis RO/DI Water Filter System

Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

Those who want the best filtration system will appreciate the LiquaGen brand. It is ideal for saltwater, freshwater and reef tanks. You can also use it for other applications.

There is no need to rinse the membrane. Moreover, it is installed in just a few minutes. Hence, you don’t need to hire a professional to do it for you.

This patented permeate pump can reduce your wastewater by up to 80 percent. You can also increase the water flow up to twice that. As if that wasn’t enough, you don’t have to use electricity to make it work.

People with low water pressure can still use this system. It automatically ensures that the current is kept at the correct level.

You will like the pressure gauge. It’s easy to read. Immediately indicate when your filters need to be replaced and view the water pressure levels.

This of course means that you get the best performance from your water filter time after time. Those who care will appreciate that this product is made in the USA.


  • BPA free
  • Long life filters
  • Leak-free connections


  • Difficult to read instructions
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5. LiquaGen Heavy Duty & High Capacity Aquarium Reef Systems RO/DI


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

The LiquaGen Heavy-Duty Filtration System works well for a variety of things. They include laboratory tests, aquariums and drinking water.

This is a pre-assembled system, so it does not require much installation work. In fact, most people can set it up in just five minutes.

Includes a manual dump valve. Hence, it is a superior system design compared to other RO / DI options in the market. This can extend the life of your device, reduce leaks and save time.

While it is important to clean the system every few months, it is not difficult. The instructions explain everything so you don’t get confused.

This product uses a high rejection reverse osmosis membrane. That means it can remove nitrosamines and other precursors. The product is also made in the USA.

You are going to find an application for this filter system. It works well in reef aquariums, as well as in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. With the deionization process you can make sure that there is no PPM in the water.


  • Leak-proof accessories
  • BPA free
  • High octane performance


  • You should tighten the accessories regularly
  • Challenging to change filters
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6. SpectraPure MaxPure 180 GPD System – The Best RO/DI System


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

For those of you with larger tanks and more demanding tanks, the SpectraPure 5 Stage 180GPD MaxCap line offers the pinnacle of RODI filtration. This unit is equipped with two RO membranes with a failure rate of 99%. Those are two of the best membranes in the business. This 5-stage unit is also equipped with pressure gauges, dual TDS gauges and an improved DI resin.

The resin for this device is two-part. The first part is your Mega MaxCap DI and the last stage is the Enduro DI. Together they get DI resin that is 4 times the capacity of typical competitive mixed bed DI cartridges. This device works so efficiently that you get a 2: 1 waste rate that outperforms almost all RODI devices on this list that only produce a 3: 1 waste rate. This means that you also save quite a bit of water!

You would think a downside would be that this is not a 6 stage unit, but this RODI filter just doesn’t need it because it works so well. The only downside to this is that you have to pay for performance as it is priced higher.


  • The membrane!
  • 4 times more effective than most DIs out there
  • 180 GPD


  • price
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7. APEC Water Systems Ultimate RO-Hi


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

The APEC Water Systems Ultimate RO-Hi system uses 3/8 â€pipes and fittings to move more water through the system.

RO can produce up to 90 liters of reef safe water per day. The Ultimate RO-Hi system uses five stages of filtration.

The polypropylene sediment filter removes rust particles that can clog the filter and damage the reverse osmosis membrane. Two compressed activated carbon filters with blocks remove chlorine, chloramine and organic chemicals.

The RO membrane made in the USA removes heavy metals, nitrates, phosphates and other contaminants that can damage reef aquariums.

The final filtration phase traps any trace of organic chemicals with a cartridge of coconut shell activated carbon. The kit comes with a water storage tank and a lead-free tap to dispense the purified water.


  • The larger tube allows you to fill a bucket with water faster than with other ROs.
  • Makes water changes and refills for your reef tank faster.
  • Dual activated carbon cartridges to remove pesticides, chlorine and chloramine.
  • The high-quality reverse osmosis membrane removes up to 99% of salts, pollutants, nitrates and phosphates.
  • Replacement filters are available.
  • Lifelong product support.


  • It does not have a deionization pattern.
  • No relief valve to purge the system.
  • No pressure gauge to monitor maintenance requirements.
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8. iSpring RCC7AK — Its Alkaline Remineralization Filter is One of a Kind


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

The manufacturers of the iSpring Reverse Osmosis Filtration System have gone to great lengths to ensure that the installation process is practically a walk in the park.

In addition to the usual manual, they also link you to various online videos that guide you step by step.
I also like that they are on standby with solid and tireless support to respond quickly to your questions while you install.

They will keep in touch as long as I have this product

The components of this RO DI unit are easy to assemble and, for example, the tubes are color-coded so you know where to place them.

With everything in place, you can expect pure, super clean water for your reef tank, although this RO DI system does not include a DI cartridge. The unit does a fantastic job of filtering compounds harmful to marine invertebrates and corals as the media used in the filtration process is of quality and divided into 5 consecutive stages. For this reason, the iSpring RCC7AK, while not a complete RO DI system, is one of the best water filtration units for a reef tank.

I have not used this particular unit but I have a friend who does and manages a very successful SPS reef tank. He is absolutely certain of the effectiveness of the iSpring and recently celebrated 3 years without any aquarium accidents.

As you may know, reef tank accidents are often a result of the build-up of contaminants in aquarium water and generally occur less than a year after the contamination has started to build up.

Regardless, a unique feature of the iSpring RCC7AK is the sixth unit, the Alkaline Remineralization Filter, which allows the water to recover essential minerals lost during filtration due to harmful compounds.

For this reason, filtered water is not only good for your fish and corals, but also for you.

You will enjoy the natural taste, thanks to this sixth phase, without which the water would be quite acidic.


  • Easy to install, once you understand the instructions or tutorials.
  • The water is super pure and undergoes 5 stages of reverse osmosis filtration.
  • Lifelong customer service.
  • It has a remineralization phase, which only introduces safe minerals (even for reefs).
  • Includes a nickel tap and a pressurized storage tank.
  • Durable components.


  • The filtration process can be slow at 75 GPD, although this shouldn’t bother you given the high quality of the water you end up getting for your reef tank.
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9. Koolermax AR-122 6-stage RO+DI Aquarium Reef system — Pressure Gauge and a High GDP Rate


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

So far, most of the filtration systems we’ve looked at are multi-functional, meaning they can also be used to produce drinking water, etc.

However, the Koolermax AR-122 is expressly designed as the ultimate water filtration system for refreshing seawater aquariums. It is able to filter water intensively thanks to its efficient 6-stage system, including 2 DI cartridges.

This model has replaced previous models with a lot of wastewater.

This makes the ratio almost in balance.

Judging by the high water production capacity of this 120 GPD RO DI system, it will be very suitable for large reef tanks.

Additional accessories included in the package include hoses, automatic shut-off valve, built-in filters and pressure gauge that allow you to easily check the operating pressure online.
If the pressure drops to 15 PSI, this is a warning that the filters are clogged and should be replaced as soon as possible.

It is important to remember that the inlet pressure must not exceed 80 PSI, in which case you must order a separate pressure regulator.
For greater efficiency, if the inlet pressure is below 40 PSI, manufacturers also recommend providing it with a booster pump.

The components are pre-assembled and this makes the installation process easy.

This RO DI filter system is built to last and also appears to consist of high quality components.

In addition, the company provides after-sales technical support.

With all of this, I think it is again one of the best units worth getting for the pristine water quality in a reef tank.

Be aware that there have been complaints that the instruction manuals are not sufficiently compressible and they could confuse a beginner.


  • It is durable due to its compact and robust design.
  • It has a pressure gauge and other extras that you normally don’t get with many models of the same price.
  • There are no leakage problems.
  • 1 year warranty and assembled in the USA.
  • Especially good for this, use chloramine instead of chlorine to disinfect tap water.
  • 2 DI stages for total water purity and polishing.


  • You can only use filters from the manufacturer (Koolermax), they are different from traditional ones. This limits your options when it comes time for a replacement.
  • The manual is quite complicated for beginners.
  • Works best with water sources that contain less than 300 TDS.
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10. Home Master HydroPerfection — 9 Stages of Purification With Less Waste Water


Best RO DI systems for reef tanks,

This product may be the last on this list, but it’s not the least in terms of efficiency.
In fact, on this list, Home Master HydroPerfection is the best water purification system you can get for your reef tank, despite not being a full RO DI unit. It has 9 stages of water disinfection, including ultraviolet filtration, purification, and even sterilization. It is especially effective in removing excess iron from the water, which can be harmful to sensitive coral reef aquariums.
That said, this device is also great if your tap water is high in nitrates.
Wastewater is a problem with traditional RO DI systems anyway, but not when it comes to the Home Master, which reduces wastewater by 90 percent compared to others.
This is partly achieved by the permeate pump that is included in the system.
The good news is that the permeate pump does not require electricity to operate.
In addition, the flow rate is also faster, thanks to the fast flow RO kit and the larger tubes compared to traditional ones.
This means 50 percent more water flows into the tap, so that you get more water at the end of the day.
Basically, the ratio of filtered water to wastewater remains 1: 1, which is rare when it comes to cheaper RO DI filtration units.
If you are a DIY enthusiast, installing this is another fun project for you.
It is designed to be installed by you, the reef tank owner, not the plumber. You don’t need any special skills, which I really appreciate in this advanced model.
To make the job more comfortable for you, the hose is color-coded, the instructions are clear and you get live support during installation. “Live support” here means that a customer service representative assigned to you will patiently answer your questions while you install.
Home Master not only has a modern design, but is also made of high-quality materials. It is largely BPA-free plastic and the container tank is made of stainless steel.
The filters also last a long time before you eventually replace them.
Replacing them is also made easy for you as you don’t need any tools for it.
In terms of efficiency, nothing is left to chance.
The filtration process goes through 9 stages to remove 98% of contaminants including chlorine, sulfur, chloramines and fluoride.
The water is not only purified, it is also treated against pathogens.
If there are harmful microbes or viruses in the water you are about to place in your reef aquarium, Home Master is equipped with ultraviolet light to destroy them.
Unlike chlorine, this sterilization light will not affect the life of your fish and corals, nor will it leave any residue.
Unlike traditional RO DI filter systems, Home Master has replaceable canisters.
All filter cartridges will collect debris over time and if left unchanged, their effectiveness will gradually decrease.
This RO unit is a bit pricey but in my opinion it’s worth every penny and I’ve seen some very serious reef keepers use it for water changes in their aquarium systems.
  • 9 stages of water disinfection, resulting in ultrapure water that can be used safely in a reef aquarium with sensitive corals and invertebrates.
  • UV sterilizer also included.
  • It comes with a 5-year warranty, which is a guarantee that everything will be fine now and in the distant future.
  • Given the warranty, it is a fantastic long-term investment.
  • It is reliable and made from durable BPA-free plastic.
  • It comes with a water pressure tank to store the purified water.
  • Excellent for the removal of iron and high nitrate levels.
  • Its efficiency is unmatched as it even keeps wastewater 1: 1 purified.
  • Durability generally trumps warranty.
  • You can even replace the cans.
  • It can be loud.
  • Relatively expensive.
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From the many options you have looked at above, you have probably learned several things about choosing the best reverse osmosis system. These systems can deliver the quality you really need if you make the right choice and buy the right model.

Comparing different models is always the best way to arrive at a system that offers the best performance. With the right RO / DI system you are ready to deal with all impure aquarium water.