Understanding: Why Is My Fish Swimming Sideways? [6 reasons]

Knowing why is my fish swimming sideways

It can be quite alarming to find your goldfish swimming sideways or even upside down in the water. There are several causes of this problem including your fish eating either too much or too quickly. Here we answer the question- why is my fish swimming sideways?

Why is my fish swimming sideways?

Aquarium fish with swim bladder disease

Swimming sideways caused by swim bladder disorder?

Swim bladder disorder is a condition that causes the swim bladder to stop functioning properly and for your goldfish (and other aquarium fish) to have problems with buoyancy and his ability to sink or swim.

Swim bladder disorder is usually caused by one of several different problems rather than just one disease. It may appear at first glance that your goldfish is dead, but closer examination will reveal that he is still breathing but is having problems with both his balance and buoyancy.

As well as swimming sideways, a goldfish with swim bladder problems may float to the surface or swim upside down. This is because their buoyancy is badly affected. Your goldfish may also be using his fins far more than usual to try and keep in the correct upright position.

The good news is that with care your goldfish can be nursed back to health and make a full recovery. It is important to know what has caused the problem to avoid it happening again.

What is the role of the swim bladder?

What is the role of the swim bladder

The swim bladder is a large internal organ that is filled with gas and acts like a buoyancy tank for your goldfish and will also help him maintain balance. There are a number of problems that goldfish can develop with their swim bladder. These problems can affect many other species of fish too.

Could your fish have constipation?

Why is my fish swimming sidewaysIf the water in your tank is on the cool side, your goldfish could well have constipation. The reason for this is that cool water slows down the digestion of food. Also, too much food has accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is best to test the water temperature and if necessary to raise the temperature of the tank to 21- 27C ( 70- 80F).

This can be easily done by using a heat pad or probe heater. It is a good idea to fix a thermometer on the tank wall. This is so that it is immersed in water and easily read on a regular basis.

  • If warming the water doesn’t work, try the frozen pea trick mentioned below. Frozen peas are a good source of fiber which should get your fish’s digestive system working again.

Fish swimming sideways- a sign of enlarged organs

Another reason that your goldfish could be swimming on its side is an eating problem – or to be more accurate – an overeating problem. When a goldfish overeats its internal organs become enlarged. This prevents the swim bladder from doing its job properly.

The best way to get your goldfish better is to stop feeding the fish for three days. By doing this, you are giving your fish the chance to digest the food in their body properly – without adding to it.

The result will be that their body will be able to process the food normally, giving organs like the stomach and intestines, the chance to reduce back in size to how they should be.

Whilst fasting for three days will not cause your goldfish any harm, you should not let him go without food for any longer.

Keep a close eye on him throughout the fasting period. Hopefully his condition will improve. If your fish still has the problem at the end of the third day try feeding him extra fiber.

Try the frozen pea trick!

Cooked peas for sick goldfishThis may sound strange, but there are two benefits for feeding your goldfish cooked frozen peas.

The first benefit is that the peas are packed with fiber which can ease constipation problems.

The second benefit is that it is possible that your goldfish swallowed some air when eating his flaked food.

Peas are very different in consistency and easily help solve the problem. However, they must be prepared carefully and given to your goldfish following three days of fasting.

  1. Your goldfish should be fed only 1-2 frozen peas per day.
  2. Cook the peas until they are soft, remove the peel and chop the pea into small pieces and drop on the surface of the water.
  3. Be careful not to overcook the peas as they will quickly turn mushy and difficult for your fish to eat.
  4. Continue this diet for one week.

Food can sometimes cause this problem

It is well worth reviewing the diet of your goldfish as this can sometimes be the cause of your fish swimming sideways. What causes the problem is when your fish swallows excess air when he is feeding. The excess air gets into the gastrointestinal tract and then the duct to the swim bladder. Therefore affecting the buoyancy and balance of your goldfish.

If you think that this could be causing your goldfish to be swimming sideways, it is best to try soaking the food in water for a few moments before popping in the tank. Alternatively, try a different type of food such as a product that is a sinking or neutrally buoyant one. This could alleviate the problem.

Infections cause fish swimming sideways

If your goldfish has an infection, the swim bladder can become inflamed by either parasites or a bacterial infection. If you suspect this, it is best to seek the advice of your veterinarian who will be able to prescribe antibiotics to quickly resolve the problem.

What other reasons why my goldfish is swimming sideways?

There are sometimes other reasons why one of the organs in the goldfish’s abdomen has become enlarged and is now affecting the swim bladders.

There is the possibility that cysts have formed on the kidneys or fatty deposits have accumulated on the liver. In female goldfish, the cause can be egg binding. If you suspect any of these it is best to take your goldfish to your veterinarian.

Occasionally, damage to the swim bladder can be caused by your goldfish swimming into an object in the tank or getting into a fight.

What else can I do for my goldfish?

Understanding why my goldfish is sickThere are a few measures that you can take that will not harm your goldfish – whatever is causing them to swim sideways. These include –

  • Keep the water in the tank exceptionally clean and at the correct temperature
  • Lower the depth of the water and reduce the flow of water so that it is easier for your goldfish to swim around.
  • Add a tiny amount of aquarium salt to the water as this will help prevent parasites and microorganisms.

If your goldfish has part of his body exposed to the air for lengths at a time, it would be a good idea to apply some stress coat conditioner. This will maintain your fish’s slimy scales and prevent them from drying out. Applying the conditioner will also prevent any sore or red spots from developing.

How can I prevent swim bladder problems in the future?

Prevention is better than cure and there are 4 steps to ensure that your goldfish doesn’t get swim bladder problems again:-

  1. Keep the tank really clean to avoid infections and regularly change the water.
  2. Keep the water at the correct temperature as this will help your goldfish digest his food and thus prevent constipation.
  3. Feed your goldfish quality foods switch to different foods if your goldfish is taking air in with his food.
  4. Monitor how much food your goldfish is getting and avoid over-eating.


[2023] Ammonia Poisoning Betta: Preventions And Disease Healing

Ammonia Poisoning Betta

Ammonia poison is dangerous for all fish. Many fish have fallen victim to ammonia poisoning when they enter their new home. This guide gives you the basics of preventing ammonia burn, making it safer for the animals you are feeding. Let’s start guide about Ammonia Poisoning Betta..

How do you treat Ammonia poisoning in fish?

It is possible that the goldfish is intoxicated by ammonia. Some symptoms may develop, it all depends on the fish’s immunity and how quickly ammonia accumulates in the water. How does it work for treating poisons? Simple changes of large amounts of water in the tank can quickly solve the problem.

Can chemicals cause goldfish to turn black?

Attractive and easy-care goldfish tolerate different tank situations and thus have become popular as pets. Finding black spots on your colored goldfish likely indicates ammonia burn, which is often found on the fins, which could also indicate an infection. Excess ammonia in goldfish tanks is unfortunately common, so the keeper must carry out tests to constantly check the ammonia level.

Other causes

A parasite also can causes black spots on fish. Some parasites use fish as hosts to complete a stage of their life before releasing their eggs into the environment. They attach themselves to the skin, creating small cysts in the form of dark spots. Infection can be rare inside aquariums and, if it occurs, produces black flakes on the fish’s skin.


The burning from ammonia may occur in “new tanks”. During the initial cycling period of the tank, we still do not have enough beneficial bacteria to control the toxic concentration of ammonia found in the water. Therefore, when we set up an aquarium, the first step is to wait for the nitrogen cycling period. A thorough cleaning will be necessary when ammonia levels are high in the aquarium. If the keeper cannot take preventative measures, harmful levels of ammonia are found inside the tanks. It also applies to water in a transport bag for packing and transporting fish.

What is ammonia poisoning in betta fish?

In open wild environments, it is pretty rarely seen significant amounts of fish wastes, leftovers, and other debris. The accumulation of water and debris in the tank can cause excessive ammonia concentrations and contaminate the aquatic life, poisoning the fish. Ammonia in the waters causes the gills to burn, driving breathing difficulty and eventually killing the fish. Ammonia is usually found in newly built aquarium installations that do not cycle properly before adding fish.


Goldfish with brown or dark spots and stains are likely victims of ammonia burn. Goldfish produce a lot of fish waste for a pet fish, leading to an ammonia problem in a new tank. Fish that eat a lot produce ammonia. Fish waste, plant waste, and leftover food are broken down and produced ammonia, decreasing pH and burning goldfish gills and skin. When ammonia levels drop, fish recover and heal; discolored patches signify skin healing. However, in a tank with consistently higher ammonia concentrations, stains can never appear. The fish’s skin has little chance of recovery and will turn brown.

Is Ammonia poisoning fatal?

Ammonia poison can kill your fish. This depends mainly upon how much ammonium has accumulated in the water. This will be regulated to keep the tank clean and the water always in good condition. A few drops of ammonia can cause some discomfort to your fish. Ammonia poisoning is dangerous and can cause the death of all animals in the tank. If we test our water regularly, we can treat the problem fast. The treatment affects the fish very much in most cases, so quarantine them while treating the tank and changing the water.

Ammonia Poisoning Betta


Ammonia is the first nitrogenous waste produced by fish which causes severe toxicities in the water. Using the right dimensioned biological filter breaks down the ammonium produced from fish and keeps the tank safe. Regular water changes can also help maintain a healthy enviroment. The tank should be cleaned at least every week.


Other reasons for the ammonia burning symptoms are water containing chloramine; that enters the tank when changing the water without using a water condition. Use dechlorinators or water conditioners for every water change or water reposition.

Ammonia poisoning

In fish, excessive ammonia causes many problems, including skin blackening. Fish suffering from ammonia poisoning sometimes behave strangely. Hemorrhage results in pink or red gills with red stripes in the fin. Goldfish may also stop eating and look like they have trouble swimming in the water. If your Goldfish suffers from poisoning, contact your veterinarian immediately. Ammonia has no colors; therefore, water clarity does not determine Ammonia level.


Ammonia poisons have serious consequences. You must be sure all tanks are correctly cycled. The bacteria converts ammonia through the nitrification process. Checking tank water regularly can help prevent ammonia levels in your tanks go up without warning. The ammonia buildup will likely indicate a problem in the nitrogen cycle or filtering system.

What causes ammonia poisoning?

Ammonia gets in the tank in many ways. Ammonia can be formed in chloramines which are disinfectants in tap water. Chloramide helps make drinking tap water safe but is lethal to fish and invertebrates. Fish wastes, dead plants, or other uneaten food and debris can cause ammonia levels in tanks. When you do not clean and adequately maintain your tank regularly, you can cause contaminating ammonia and organic matter to buildup, which causes toxicity.


Ammonia is released directly from fish excreta. During the presence of toxic ammonia in aquariums, it reaches the skin and gills of the fish, which are chemically burned. Low concentrations of ammonium can cause an increase in mucus on the skin, causing the skin to develop spots or a coating over the gills. These factors can affect fish breathing, as ammonia directly harms the gills. Ammonium burning can cause secondary problems of bacterial origin, internal or external. High levels of ammonia can be fatal.

What is ammonia poisoning?

Ammonia is fish waste’s main component. Your fish releases ammonia through waste in their waters. A dissolved organic material released into a water tank can release ammonia. For instance, ammonia can be released through rotten food. The toxic effects of ammonium poisoning can cause serious harm to the fish. These toxins burn the skin and gills of fish, resulting in an unable to breathe. Ammonia poisoning should never take place in a well-maintained tank.

Signs of ammonia poisoning in Bettas

It is essential to learn how to treat Betta fish poisoning correctly. Ammonia poisoning is often a chronic condition. You can start changing the Betta tank water; if the fish doesn’t eat its too much food and lays on a surface with fins attached to the body. Your fish’s gills can change color and appear as it is bleeding. As the poisoning continues to occur, your betta may get red spots in his side or blood spots when the tissue starts to deteriorate.

How to treat a betta with ammonia burns?

Ammonia has devastating effects on your betta fish. When water is saturated with ammonia, the kind of acid will be harmful to the fish that live in this water. It is toxic to fish’s eyes, gills, and skin. Even lower ammonium levels will result in fish producing skin mucus, which causes a pale appearance. The mucus can also cover the fish gill – preventing his breathing. Ammonia burns skin-on fish, and internal organs are a source of internal and external infections. Now we can understand what ammonia poison is and its symptoms. Along with such symptoms, you might notice the water becoming cloudy, which could indicate the ammonia causing dirt accumulation on the tank.

Reducing Ammonia

Reduced ammonia is a process of finding the cause and addressing the consequences. Fish can eat and excrete more food than they need; therefore, it is easier to overfeed them. Install the right tank filter and set your system for proper operation to filter water. A regular water change is needed and tank cleaning as substrate vacuum. Replace 30-40% water each week and use a water conditioner.

Ammonia poisoning in goldfish

Ammonia kills silently. It’s an amalgam of hydrogen and nitrogen without colors. This means you can’t view it and you can probably only see it once the issue has been installed. How do I know my Ammonia concentration has been elevated? You can test ammonia levels with a test kit.

Clamped Fins and Lethargy

In affected fish, it is common for their fins to close to the heart; it is one of the first signs that something in the aquarium is incorrect. This can signal an unhealthy fish, and stress can lower the immune system and promote disease. Lethargy can also be seen with many fish ailments and shows weakness. A lethargic fish is quiet or lying on the substrate or somewhere in the aquarium. All these symptoms are seen in ammonia burn.


At the first stage, it’s possible to lower ammoniate in aquarium water using water changes. Use the ammonia test to determine if ammonia has been controlled. The signs of improvement are seen in fish within 5 – 7 day intervals. Treatment can continue until the ammonia levels are stable again in the water tank.

Thickened slime coat

Every fish is coated with slimy mucus, protecting it from bacterial and viral infection. That’s how fish become slippery when trying to hold them. Interestingly, it becomes thicker with the presence of low amounts of ammonia. The disease causes the fish’s color to fade, and the scales appear dull.

How to cure ammonia poisoning in goldfish?

As with most goldfish diseases, it is best to avoid ammonia poisoning and avoid it altogether. It’s much easier to properly cycle your tank and avoid overfeeding than to reduce ammonia levels and treat goldfish when ammonia becomes a severe issue. But ammonia poisons can also be easily treated with regular maintenance and water changes, avoiding the accumulation of fish waste and uneaten food. Also, a goldfish tank with a well-established nitrogen cycle is essential to prevent problems in fish keeping, as properly cycled tanks are ready to withstand organic loads and fish waste.

Betta Fish Diseases (Ultimate Guide With Pictures)

Betta Fish Diseases

This Guide to Betta Fish Diseases can help you identify different illnesses your fish might go through and treat them as soon and effectively as possible. Different diseases can stem from a variety of causes, such as fungal, viral, bacterial or parasitic. However, many of them have simple and easy treatment if you can correctly identify what it is.

Betta Fish Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment Comparison Table


Betta Fish Medication Comparison Table

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Complete Guide to Betta Fish Diseases and Treatment (with pictures)

Betta fish, also called Siamese Fighting Fish, tend to thrive in simple but well-equipped tanks, usually filled with various plants and decor to hide in. Most betta, when not well, have symptoms that clearly indicate it may be sick, such as droopy fins, lethargic swimming and dulled colors.

It’s important to understand these symptoms so you may be able to care for them as soon as there’s a hint that they may have fallen ill.


Betta Fish Diseases

Fungal Diseases in Betta Fish

True fungal infections in betta fish are less common than parasitic or bacterial infections.

In general, they usually appear as white cottony growths on fish; like white sheets of fuzz, white lumps or white dusty slime. They can also be internal, and in a lot of cases, fatal if not treated properly.

Fungal outbreaks can follow other bacterial or parasite illnesses where the fishes body has open wounds and a weakened immune system.

Fungal diseases are most commonly brought on by poor water quality, infected food or open wounds. Therefore, such diseases can be prevented by keeping a clean aquarium environment and avoiding infected injuries.

Antibiotics like Methylene Blue and Clear Fungus are effective at removing fungal diseases on fish.



Betta Fish Fungal Disease


Fin and Tail Rot

Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection or of a fungal infection, where a betta’s fins and tail begin to decay and rot away. The fins may also develop a white layer on the surface if it’s a fungal infection.

This common condition isn’t fatal if treated early and fins will eventually grow back, though they may not be as vibrant or long as they were before.

Fin rot may be caused by poor water quality, a poor diet or damage caused by other fish nipping your betta’s fins.

Treatment can include a quality diet high in Vitamin C, along with drastically improving water quality in terms of it’s pH, temperature and various pollutants like ammonia.

Your betta can also be treated with an antifungal medication to prevent secondary infections. For example, Hikari revive is an effective prescription of 5 days, with clear instructions for its use.

It’s also recommended to remove fish that like to nip at the long fins of betta fish, or any sharp artificial plants or ornaments that could also tear fins.


Betta Fish Diseases - Tail or Fin Rot

Water Mold

Another common fungal illness is Saprolegnia. This is a water mold domycede infection, also known as oomycete infection, or winter kill.

Water mold shows up as whitish fur-like growths and/or pink or white external body bumps.

Foods rich in Vitamin C, salt treatments and medicinal baths with Methylene Blue are all recommended treatments. Ensure your betta is in a high water quality environment and the tank is kept at the optimal temperature.

Bacterial Infections in Bettas

Bacterial infections manifest in many ways and are often associated with poor water quality, fish stress, or contaminated food. Common signs include cloudy eyes, a white film on the Betta’s body or fins,  tattered fins, and hemorrhaging (bloody patches) or open sores (ulcers) on the mouth and body. The fish may be listless sitting on the bottom of the tank.

Columnaris (Mouth ‘Fungus’)

Columnaris, are bacterial diseases that can cause a fin to rip or flake. It appears as a pale patchy sheen on the fishes body.

It also causes skin ulcers or unexplained lesions, yellow spots or marks on the face, sometimes resembling a cotton growth near mouth.

The fish is prone to breathing difficulties because of this condition and its damage to the gills. If you don’t treat the infected fish it dies within 72 hours.

The disease could easily be prevented by treating open wounds and fungal infections in aquariums.

Columnaris can be treated with tetracycline and anti-biotics containing sulfa 4 TMP SulfA and triple sulfa. It’s also possible to prevent this issue by ensuring the water is optimal in the tank (free from ammonia, PH in correct balance and correct temperature for Betta fish.

This is a bacterial illness which causes white circles around the mouth and lips of fish. It is often prevented by keeping water clean and clogged. It will cure mouth fever when antibiotics are used.

Others medicines used to treat fish fungus can also help treat the infection. The infected fish can’t survive if sickness doesn’t get dealt with early enough so the diagnosis may have to be delayed.

Columnaria is very contagious so you need to remove and incubate infected Bettafish.

The diseases may be internal but the most often externally occur on Betta. There is a slow and a fast form of this infection so depending on the one your Betta had this will determine how likely it was to overcome the illness. To prevent this disease, maintain good water quality and disinfect all equipment before entering the tank.

As an precaution ensure a high water level and disinfect the equipment at the entrance to the tank while keeping the water safe from the bacteria and other viruses in the. The disease is sometimes found in fish caught before.

It is easy to confuse Columnaris with a Fungal disease called Saprolegnia. They look similar, but require quite different treatments. Saprolegnia presents itself with patchy white (or cotton wool look) on the dying tissues of the fish, whilst Columnaris appears more as a patchy sheen on living tissue.

Columnaris is treated by using an antibiotic or a copper sulfate. To treat Columnaris you must remove the bacterial infection from its whole tank, changing the tank water, vacuuming gravel and adding aquarium salt. After cleaning the tanks you can.


Bacterial Septicemia

Bacteria septicomy is the less common fish illness caused by Pseudomonas or Streptococcus bacteria. It is a serious condition, that if not treated early will result in death.

Symptoms show up as hemorrhages in the mouth and ulceration of the body.

Treat the condition with a medicated food.


Velvet disease is caused by a protozoan parasite. Other names for the condition are: Coral Disease, Gold Dust Disease or Rust Disease.

Symptoms show up as many tiny golden dots covering the fishes body, giving the appearance of ‘rust’. The fish will be agitated, rubbing itself against rocks and plants.

Treat the illness by raising the temperature of the water, dim the lights and apply aquarium salt to the tank. In addition, treat with copper sulphate for ten days.

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Bettafix medication is useful treatment for many other diseases and ailments. It can cure many of.

The fish infected with velvet appear have a rusty face and tanned head including skin glands and belly and it may have black spots all over the skin caused.

If the velvet has been decontaminated before too long it can be fatal.

The parasitic disease could be prevented by improving the quality of water and making the conditions comfortable. I’ve lived with betta for the past 10 or 13 and saw this remedy help to heal our aquatic pets’ injuries.


Dropsy is a condition rather than a Betta fish disease. Build-up of fluid in the body causing bloating and protruding scales can indicate a number of sicknesses including bacterial infections, liver disfunction and parasites.

Swollen belly lining and the swollen belly are caused by accumulation of internal fat.

Infections can occur if you get one of them for medical reasons. Symptoms usually present are white scales and sunken eyes.

There is no known cure for dropsy but medication such as Betta Revive can help with the illness.

Most fish that can be at risk for dropsy don’t survive and most are die of infections. The bacterial infection can be avoided by keeping the aquarium free and by feeding fish with vitamins rich foods such as vitamin rich fish. Dropsy is a bacterial infection with effects on the kidney systems and its cause.

Dropsy Disease in Betta Fish

Swim Bladder Disorder

Pool bladder disorder is due to constrictions, poor water conditions parasites or bacteria and increased organ space (oesophagia).

Fish that have an irregular bladder can also lay at the bottom of the tank and flop out sideways or upside-down in the water.

It can be controlled by maintaining high quality water, avoiding overstocking and providing the fish with the correct amount of fresh and fiber-rich foods.

The treatment can end by raising water temperature, letting the fish fast for a few days and then feeding with cooked peas.  Medicinal baths also help to treat the disease.

Betta Fish Diseases



Hemorrhagic symptoms include bleeding to the face and mouth of the fish, as well as pop-eye and a swollen abdomen. The infection is treatable thus the death is very low.

A diluted solution could prevent salmonella infection by killing Yersinia ruckeri bacteria which causes the diseases.

The treatment of hemorrhagic may include the use of antibiotics such as ampicillin. The disease’s fatality is small.

Hemorrhaging is also a symptom of Septicemia, treatable with an antibiotic medication.


Pop Eye

Pop eye is often a sign of a health-related bacterial infection such as Vibrosis (Red Boil) or Piscine Tuberculosis.

Bacterial infections that lead to Pop-eye can be avoided by prevent infection in the aquarium.

Quarantining new fish before placing them in the main aquarium.

Alternatively Pop-eye is one of the possible symptoms of Septicemia, a viral illness. Antibiotic drugs such as Tetracyclines may treat this illness.

Betta Fish Popeye


Cloudy Eye

Poor water quality (particularly when PH drops) often leads to cloudy eye in Bettas, either directly or indirectly, generally due to a weakened immune system. In addition, internal parasites, such as protozoa or flukes can lead to the condition

The bacteria is found to cause a white film covering the eyes. It can be treated with antibiotics including Metafix and Fungus Clear.

Providing clean water and a healthy diet are the best treatments for Cloudy Eye. Salt treatment or medication with an antibiotic are other helpful treatments.

This type of bacteria illness is not fatal, but may impede vision.

Cloudy Eye Betta Fish Diseases


Parasitic Illness with Betta Fish

Symptoms indicating that your fish has a parasite infestation include: clamped or droopy fins, loss of weight, there may be white spots on the skin or gills or you’ll notice your Betta trying to rub against aquatic plants or ornaments in the tank. Some Betta fish appear bloated.

Most parasitic diseases in Bettas occur as a result of poor water quality.

Parasites Betta

Hole in the head

Hole-in-the-head disease shows up as pale ulcerated areas around the head. It isn’t a disease common in Bettas.

The fish which have been infected usually dies after several days in cases where it was not treated adequately earlier.

Treatment with Vitamin C enriched food and a parasite medication such as Parasitic Clear.

Anchor Worms

Anchor worms are parasitic worms that attach to the fish’s body leading to ulcerations. They are a devilish parasite from the Lernaea species (actually a type of crustacean, not worm) that embed their anchor-shaped heads into the scales and flesh of their host fish.

The parasites are visible to the naked eye as they protrude from between the Betta’s scales. Fish will show signs of irritation and its gills may be damaged (showing breathing difficulties).

Treat infected fish by physically removing the parasites with forceps. Then give the fish a medicated bath to prevent secondary infection. Using an insecticide medication or a potassium permanganate ‘dip’ will also rid the fish of these paracites.

Anchor Worm is prevented by treating all newly infected fish and keeping the water clean. A condition that is diagnosed untreated can become fatal.

Anchor Worm on Betta Fish


Ich, a parasitic disease also known as White Spot, causes small white spots to cover the fish’s body. The fish will be irritated and may rub itself on rocks and plants.

The sickness can be treated by raising the water temperature slightly and using a parasite medication such as Ich-X which gives excellent improvement within a week.

It is preventable by changing and conditioning of water regularly.


Viral Infections

Viral infections are common in Betta fish, but they can affect all aquarium fish. There are no known treatments or cures for viral infections. Fish that are suspected of having a viral infection should be removed from the fish aquarium straight away to prevent spreading to other fish.

Betta Tumors

Bette tumors are usually cancer – lumps growth or minor bumps/cysts that show up underneath a fish skin.

They mainly affected reproductive organs, gills, tail and waist.

The tumors can be controlled by feeding the fish a clean tank, maintaining a healthy diet, treating any other infections or by keeping carcinogenic elements away from the tank. T

he benign tumours and cysts can be treated in several ways depending on the cause of the lump or bump. These malignant tumors are hard to cure but simple surgical procedures can aid.


Betta Fish Chemical Poisoning

Ammonia Poisoning

A build up of ammonia in the aquarium can lead Bettas becoming sick. Decomposition of organic matter (fish wastes, excess food and nutrients) in the water increases the likelihood of a toxic level of ammonia.

In a well cycled aquarium, where a healthy population of beneficial nitrogen consuming bacteria live, ammonia levels will always be in check. However, if this balance is upset nitrates in the water build up leading to the water being polluted.

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning in Betta fish include: an increase in body mucous production. Gills will be inflamed red and may bleed and the fishes overall body color will darken. Sometimes the fish will appear agitated or distressed.

Chlorine Poisoning

Tap water in many countries contains chlorine which is put into the water to kill pathogens. Chlorine is toxic to Betta fish and will cause death if the fish is left in the chlorinated water for too long.

Water added to an aquarium from the household tap must be treated first to remove the chlorine. There are commercial chlorine treatment products that can be bought that will do the job.

Alternatively, fill your tank and run the filters, allowing it to cycle for a few days. The chlorine will dissipate. To speed the process up, you can boil the water to remove the chlorine.

Symptoms of chlorine poisoning include restlessness and erratic behaviour– such as shooting around the tank and jumping. The fish may have trouble swimming and show incorrect body positioning. Its gills will be inflamed.

It is important to remove the fish from the tank and place it in healthy water. If the damage to the fishes gills is minimal, it will likely recover.


Isolate sick fish immediately

If your betta shares its tank with other fish or aquatic creatures, immediately move him towards the quarantine or hospital tank. That last thing should be to expose other tank participants to risking an aquatic illness.

It is also not a necessity or a waste to medicate healthy fish. So drop it into your hospital tank to a separate tank where you will only medicate the sick or injured fish then give yourself another chance to recover. Whenever someone sickens him you need to treat her properly.

Sick Betta Fish Behavior

Some patterns of behavior are correlated with a stressed or sick betta fish and yet not necessarily fully contracted disease. However. This behavior can give you the most accurate and quick diagnosis of when your fish is sick. This behavior and correcting its errors early are important. Attempting to control the problem could increase risks from an outbreak and eventually cause more serious problems.

Betta Fish Diseases

After diagnosis you can now follow the treatment options. Never stop treatment early as it can increase parasitic immunity. If your betta fish lives in solitude you may choose to keep them in the tanks they already contain. If they survive in a community tank you may quarantine them in separate hospitals as a disease-treated tank to treat them. List some famous Betta infections listed below… Infection b. tinnitis is commonly inherited.

Sick Betta Fish signs

If any of these things is unusual or even when parts of their body or fins look unusual to you, trust your instincts. Remember that treating in the early stages of any condition will most likely lead to good outcomes. You have sick fish at hand. If you notice any sign of either any betta fish diseases or any more you may have a disease to contend against that can lead us to a disease.



Keep a First Aid Kit – Hope for the best prepare for the worst

Keeping a first aid kit ready can be a very useful thing for any fish owner. That should be treated as an essential kit for routine care of the fish. Do you or something in your family need medical attention for a sick or injured person? Why would you wait till they are sick on your fish before finding a drug when they might really need them? Let us ask.

A note on preventative medicines

Your aquarium waters are always full of good bacteria with most of it being beneficial. Even harmful bacteria won’t hurt your fish unless their immune system is well developed. By using antibacterial medicine when there are no visible indications of infection, you may end up hurting the good or poor bacteria and giving them the chance to adapt to change. Your best bet is practicing good aquaculture maintenance because diseases have no effect on fish unless they get good care. Good aquaculture keeps should be practicing good care. Keeping fish healthy is the only solution that can prevent disease.

What to put in your Betta First Aid Kit

Ampicillin used for pop-eye and Gram negative infections. Kanamycin – Antibacterial for bacterial disorders. Maracin 1 and 2 – Antibacterial and antiviral medication effective for milder types including frank rot and rhinitis. Jungle infestation Eliminator – fizz forms. Ideal for mouth rot swollen fins that cause fungus and stinging and for eye fog diseases. Works slowly, but remember: dosage appropriately; a full packet is for a 40-gallon tank!

Check water chemistry before treating

Why do you think your mother is unwell? Common toxic substances that form in aquariums creating poorwater conditions are ammonia nitrite and nitrate. Check your water by use of liquid testing tubes. Do a water-change in case you find no unsafe water. The symptoms of poisoning by each potential culprit include vomiting and diarrhea swelling an.

Timing is everything

Some betta illnesses can quickly get worse, leaving few hours of time free for the hunt in the pet food store. Preventing the first stages of illness is probably the easiest path to success. I think therapy should be given if it is difficult.

Questions and Answers

My betta is pale and still alive but is beneath its tank. Very likely that you’re overfeeding him or he’s developed a swim bladder condition. The transparent ring is highly likely fungal, so take one such drug as the Bettafix remedies in that article. You should try cleaning and conditioned the water and maintain the right parameters in water such as pH ammonium nitrite and cadmium. Get me some ways to treat the condition. If she looks sick be careful to monitor it for the next few days to see if she’s going to show any signs of sickness. Does the guy look sick?


Fin-tail Rot Bacterial/Fungal Clean living conditions Tetracycline/Water-Myxazin Columnaris Bacterial Treat open woulds. Clearfish Fungus Avoid prima e infections. Methylene blue parasite clearance hole in the head Parasitic Keep carbon out in water. Betta Tumors Malignant/Benign give healthy foods surgery/viral medication Betta Revive Pop Eye Bacterial Control other disorders. Faking/Raising water temperature to avoid Overing Fasting/Raising water temperature Betta Remedy/Fishzole Ich Parasitic Change water regularly.

Final Thoughts

Some fish could develop behavior defects like excessive stress, lethargy and poor appetite. Betta fish can suffer from fading colors or abnormal color changes and can develop things like bubbles and solid particles like blobs on their bodies. These conditions could be controlled by regularly changing and conditioning water and by optimizing parameters for ammonia, pH, Nitrite, Nitras, air hardness, water temperature and pressure. Animals showing signs or symptoms of distress should see veterinarian immediately. If you don’t understand why your fish doesn’t work do look through some of the answers listed here.

Why is My Fish Lying on the Bottom of a Tank? A Complete Guide

Why is My Fish Lying on the Bottom of a Tank? A Complete Guide

A fish lying on the bottom of a tank could be doing so for a variety of reasons like water quality imbalances, illness or intoxication. It’s necessary to note that some fish use the floor surface to relax, so recognising the symptoms of an unhealthy fish is important.

Why is My Fish Lying on the Bottom of a Tank?

In most cases, a fish will lie close to the floor of the tank when ill or injured, and there may be various signs that can help you perceive this and/or find the cause.

Such signs can include weakness, loss of appetite, heavy breathing, slow movements and loss of buoyancy. We elaborate on this below.

Why is My Fish Lying on the Bottom of a Tank

Appetite Loss 

If your fish isn’t eating and remains mostly at the bottom of the tank, there’s a high chance it may be unwell. Illnesses such as dropsy, swimming bladder diseases and common constipation can cause appetite loss.

You may have to try different foods to encourage your fish to eat. Live, fresh and frozen foods are good choices for sick or recovering fish, and you can also add blanched vegetables or change fish flakes.

Breathing Heavily

If your fish seem to be laying on the floor of the aquarium and gasping for air, it’s most likely linked to water parameters. Your tank water could have ammonia poisoning, nitrate poisoning or temperatures that are too hot. In this case, you’re best to fix water conditions as quickly as possible. If the problem is heating, cool the tank slowly as sudden changes can cause extra stress on your fish.

Laying Upside Down 

Being upside-down is an indication that the fish may have swim bladder disease. This is where there has been a malfunction in the shaping of your fish’s bladder, and it can’t balance properly. Make sure to check and maintain healthy water parameters in the tank and work at treating some of the core causes of the disease, such as constipation.

In extreme circumstances, don’t hesitate to take your fish to the vet.

Laying on Side 

Your fish may not always be injured or sick when it’s lying on the bottom of the tank. If it’s laying upright or on its side with no other worrying symptoms showing, it may just be relaxing or asleep.

You can give your fish more décor, plants and hiding options if you want them away from the substrate. There’s plenty of sleeping platforms and artificial caves you can buy specifically for this purpose.

Is it Normal for Betta Fish fish to be lying on the bottom of a tank?

Why is my Betta laying on the bottom of the tank

Like many other fish, bettas may be lying on the bottom of the tank for a variety of reasons, some harmless. Understanding healthy and unhealthy symptoms of your betta can help you determine the best ways to help them.

Sleeping Betta Fish

A healthy betta naps often. Providing a resting place for your fish to sleep on or in can help ease the stress of

wondering if it is just sleeping or not.

However, if you aren’t sure if your betta is simply tired, watch for unusual symptoms that might indicate illness. For example, feebly swimming, drooping fins or having no appetite.

Older Bettas 

Some older betta fish don’t have the stamina to swim strongly, so it may be more common to see it resting near the bottom of the tank. The average lifespan of a betta is between 3 and 5 years, and slow, gentle water flow is essential for them in their later years.

Betta isn’t Resting

If your betta is showing symptoms of having an illness or injury, it’s important to check and maintain healthy water parameters straight away. Reduce water flow in the tank and do your best to correctly diagnose the problem. If symptoms continue, you can take your betta to the vet.


Diseases That Can Cause Fish Lying On the Bottom of a Tank

There are a range of diseases that may cause your fish to lay on the bottom of the tank. Noticing a disease’s first sign can help you deal with the illness at its earliest stage.

If you’re noticing symptoms that indicate one of these diseases, always quarantine your fish in a hospital of quarantine tank as a precaution. Such tanks are a stable and confined environment of healthy water patterns and temperatures, to assist in nursing your fish back to health.

Sickness & Disease

In most cases, fish are more likely to get an infection or disease because of a weaker immune system, often caused by stress or bad environmental conditions.

Diseases like ich, bloat, dropsy, and others can affect more vulnerable fish. Staying ahead of water conditions and ensuring parameters are within the acceptable range can help prevent many of these.

Ammonia Poisoning

It’s pretty simple to monitor for ammonia poisoning. You can use an ammonia test kit to find the concentration in your aquarium.

To prevent high ammonia levels, ensure that your tank is kept clean, with regular maintenance on water changes, cleaning the substrate, avoiding overfeeding and having an effective filter.

Nitrate Poisoning

Similarly to ammonia poisoning, you can test the tank water for nitrate concentrations. If there’s evidence of nitrate poisoning, it’s important to perform significant water changes.

Fish with toxic nitrate poisoning might be breathing heavily and show pale discoloration, usually laying at the bottom of the tank.

Aggressive Fish

Aggressive fish can sometimes be the cause of fish laying on the bottom of the tank, by attacking and injuring them. It may be necessary to remove the aggressive fish, or place the timid fish in a floating basket to avoid confrontation.

Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease, as we mentioned before, is the temporary or permanent deformity of a fish’s bladder that causes them to swim unbalanced and fall upside-down.

This disease is frequently caused by overfeeding or the inability of an animal’s body to digest some food. Thawed green peas or daphnia can help combat it.

Once your fish feels better, it should start swimming as usual. If there’s no change however, see a vet for suitable medication.

Other Stress-Related Issues

Sometimes a fish that’s been harassed, or is under stress, may sit at the bottom of the tank. You can try offering it more hiding spots with plants and rocks, or move it to a private tank to avoid these problems.

Other Possible Causes of Fish Lying On the Bottom of a Tank

Fish Fungal Disease

There are other causes not related to disease that could cause your fish to lie on the bottom of the tank.

Displaying Territorial Behavior 

Some territorial fish may stay on the bottom level of the tank and claim a portion of its land. If it’s posing a danger to other fish in the aquarium, it may be necessary to move the aggressive fish into a new tank.

Water Temperature is Too Cold

A sustainable temperature for your aquarium is about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature gets below these levels, the metabolism of most tropical fish starts to slow down, causing them to feel lethargic and weak, lying at the bottom of the tank.

In this case, use an in-tank heater to gradually increase temperatures. Make sure there is no sudden temperature change however, as it could put unnecessary stress on your fish.

Water Temperature is Too Hot

Higher temperatures make it more difficult for oxygen to be absorbed in the water during gas exchange. This can lead to your fish breathing heavily and sitting stagnant at the bottom of the aquarium. Warm water may also increase the metabolic rates of fish, making them eat more and produce more waste.

Again, it’s important to gradually shift temperatures back to normal, avoid extreme changes. You can use a fan to cool off the tank slowly, and an air pump to restore oxygen levels.

Water Quality and Unstable Parameters

Significant changes in water quality can lead to having unstable water parameters. This means your fish may be more likely to be affected by toxic wastes and stress that can impact its health. If your fish is lying on the bottom of the tank, make sure to check the aquarium water and parameter levels first.

The Aquarium is Too Small

It’s a common misconception that fish can thrive in small, empty tanks. In reality, this can create some unnecessary stress on your fish. Along with that, empty tanks give fish few options to lie on and they may choose to sit on the bottom of the tank instead.

Creating a vibrant and interactive tank can keep your fish healthy and thriving. Adding plants, decor, caves and most importantly, space, all work to make a strong environment.


Some fish follow the same overall sleep pattern as humans and a lot of the time, they use the bottom of the tank to rest. Bettas are known for finding interesting places to sleep, like tucked in corners or in the foliage.

If you notice your fish sleeping in the morning, consider changing you light’s night settings and leaving your fish in a dark, quiet environment at night to ensure they get the necessary rest.

Extreme Current

Some fish don’t cope well in powerful water flow and can result in a lot of stress if there’s a strong current coming from filters or pumps. To decrease water flow from your pump, you can attach a sponge filter, or redirect the flow towards plants and decorations.

It’s common for fish to rest low in the water after being removed from a fast-flowing tank.

Bottom Dwellers and Feeders

Many fish and aquatic animals are bottom dwellers and naturally stick to the floor of the tank. For example, loaches, corys, catfishes and plecos. Other fish are bottom feeders, meaning that they prefer the floor of the aquarium because that’s where they can find food easily. These fish are usually feeding all of the time and work to keep your tank fairly clean.

Older Fish

Aquarium fish generally have a lifespan between 3 to 8 years. As they age, they have a higher chance of resting near the bottom of the tank as they naturally become more lethargic. If your older fish tends to have short breaks to rest between periods of activity, there’s not much need to worry.


Newcomer fish in unfamiliar areas may choose to lay at the bottom if your tank lacks other refuge areas. However, healthy fish should recover quickly and leave the substrate to explore their new home.


Tips for Beginner Fish Keepers

Some fish, like bettas, spend a bit of time lying at the aquarium floor. It’s recommended to do some research as to what activity levels you should expect with your species of fish. Other tips include:

  • Regularly check your equipment is on and working properly
  • Regularly check that you fish are eating and behaving in their usual fashion
  • Set up a periodic cleaning routine for the tank, for changing the water and vacuuming the substrate
  • Don’t overfeed your fish

Final Thoughts – fish lying on the bottom of a tank

If your fish is laying at the bottom of the tank, make sure to double check water quality and tank settings before trying to diagnose the problem.

Ultimately, getting familiar with your fish’s behaviour and habits can help you notice when something doesn’t seem quite right. This way, you can look after your fish in the most effective way possible.


Why is My Fish Laying On the Side?

Why is My Fish Laying On the Side?

In this article we address the question: Why is my fish laying on the side?

Does this mean your fish is diseased? The short answer is – possibly, however, there are many factors that may result in a fish laying on its side. Gene traits, diet, habitat conditions, opportunistic pathogens, fish syndromes and water quality all may play a role.

Why is your fish lying at his side?

There are many possible causes for the fish to lay flat on the bottom of the tank. Not every reason is terrible, but it’s a signal for you to watch for future changes in your fish behavior.

Use position and behavior to diagnose and treat common problems. This article will help you learn how to solve and analyze each difficulty you face.


Cause for a fish that’s laying on the side

The fact that the fish is acting strange and has sunk, laying on his side at the bottom, is frustrating to any fish keeper. It can happen with all species of fish.

The early stage of any problem or disease can be detected right away when you notice any strange swimming or behavior.

If your fish is swimming and lying at the bottom, that should signify that something is incorrect.

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What if they’re at the bottom of the tank breathing heavy?

Fish laying on the bottom of the tank and breathing deeply require action as soon as possible. Usually, rapid breathing is caused by some pollutant or toxic in the water.

In most cases, it is poisoning by ammonia, nitrite, or other nitrogen. This behavior can also occur when fish are exposed to high temperatures.

Perform tank tests to gauge temperature and nitrogen levels. Next, adjust your parameters and maintenance schedule to keep them from spiking.

What if your fish is at the bottom of the tank not moving?

If your fish is laying and not moving, calmly observe if the fish is making any movement, has some strange stain on the body, as are their fins and their breathing.

Once you have enough information, take some action indicated in this guide that makes the most sense. Asking for help from experienced aquarists and a veterinarian is a great way to go.

Treating a sick Fish

Don’t be intimidated by the different medications available for your fish. First, you’ll need to diagnose which disease your fish has and choose the best treatment to treat it.

If the tank has plants or snails, it must be taken out in another tank; some medicine can be poison for this type of life.

Remove is the best way to prevent your favorite plant from dying from drugs. Let’s examine some diseases that might explain your fish lying on its side.

Depending on where your fish has been kept, there could be a water quality symptom.

Is it normal for my fish to lay on the bottom of the tank?

There are several reasons for fish would lie on the bottom of a tank, some of which are common and harmless.

Learning to recognize some behaviors can help you to solve a lot of issues. Know when your fish are stressed helps prevent your animal from getting sick.

Sickness & Disease

Several diseases can plague fish health. Typically they experience more illnesses when they are with weaker immune systems.

Diseases like Ich, Bloat, Dropsy, and more are usually caused due to stress or lack of proper care. Keep your head on the water conditions and make sure all the water parameters remain within the recommended range.

When your fish is stressed, they got more susceptible to disease. It is essential to maintain adequate and stable water conditions.

Tailor Fin Rot

Fish Fungal DiseaseFin rot can usually be fixed when treated with Ampicillin or Tetracycline. Clean water will reduce the chances of further fin rot.

You can also use a natural antifungal for two days. Make sure to keep regular water changes and to vacuum on a scheduled basis. Fin rot is probably not the most critical reason your fish lies in the tank, but it is a severe disease.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infections are highly contagious and are easily spread through other tanks’ occupants. Adding salt to the tank can cause serious problems; overdosing salt can damage fish, invertebrates, and plants.

Add salt to the proper concentration to treat a fungal infection may help; water changes must be carried out before each application to keep saline levels under control.

Ammonia poisoning

The changing conditions of water’s chemistry can cause many of these issues. If the ammonia level in the tanks is too high, you can perform a partial water change.

Remember to cycle your aquarium before adding fish continuously. Keep the tank clean, avoid overfeeding, and correctly size your filtering capacity.

It’s best to remove a large quantity of the water every week; the more frequently and the greater the amount, the better; remember to stabilize incoming water parameters with aquarium standards.

Nitrate poisoning

Fish with nitrate poisoning can have a high breath rate and look pale or discolored. They may seem lazy, moving strangely. Proceed with the water test and also a partial or total change.

Swim Bladder Disorder

It affects the swim bladder of the fish, an organ that helps the fish fluctuability. In medical terms, the fish suffer either positive buoyancy or negative buoyance.

Symptoms include sinking to the bottom or floating at the top of the tanks, floating upside down or on their side, or having trouble maintaining a normal position.

Affected fish can eat every day or have little appetite. When serious buoyancy problems exist, it is possible that the fish will not feed usual or perhaps even reach the surface.

Symptoms such as a dislocated belly and curved back can be present on affected fish. A swim bladder defect is the consequence of temporary or permanent impairment of the swim bladder.

There may be the pressure of a swollen stomach, an accident, or a bacterial infection. Sometimes after overeating, fish might swallow air on purpose. To cure your fish, you need to know the origins of its bizarre behavior.


Dropsy Disease in Betta FishDropsy is not disease-specific; it occurs when his belly swells and causes scales to protrude sideways.

The dropsy syndrome is fatal if not quickly treated. Early signs of dropsy are challenging to diagnose.

Dropsy is a direct consequence of an infection indirectly caused by poor water quality. Proceed immediately with the total water change, aquarium cleaning, an antibiotic medication.


Velvet usually appears after a tank is not adequately treated using a water conditioner. If your fish is scratching its skin on aquarium décor or rocks, he likely suffers from velvet.

Clean the tank and add water changes will help remove the velvet. Keep water parameters stable and perfect. You should use medication for Velvet disease in case of infection.

Ich (white spot disease)

Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) is a protozoan and is found in many aquariums and reservoirs. A healthy fish’s immune system shields it from ich itself, but it can be vulnerable to stressed or injured fish.

Infrequent water changes, improper water temperatures, and poor food choices can significantly weaken a fish’s immunity system.

To treat ich, raise the temperature to the equivalent of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain water temperature at 82 F for 14 days; this should break the reproduction cycle of the parasite.


Betta Fish PopeyeMore than one culprit may be identified for pop-eye, but regular tests and water changes will be the first thing you need when seeing eye bulging in your fish.

If the water conditions are in a good state, treat your fish with a medication to kill Positive gram bacteria or use a drug for cloudy eyes or pop-eye in the bottle.

The water is too hot or too cold, and O² levels.

Cool water delivers oxygen much faster than warm water does. If your aquarium is filled with no oxygen, then your fish is choking for air.

Cool the temperature in your tank slowly if you have a fan or room air conditioner. To inject oxygen quickly into the water, use an extra pump or air compressor to help in gas change.

Ideally, the water temperature in your tanks should be the most suitable for the species you keep. If the temperature falls below the animal’s tolerance, your fish starts to stifle its metabolism.

Oxygen gets absorbed slower. These combinations of events can cause your fish to become lethargic. Use an in-tank heater to raise the temperature in the aquarium steadily.

Low oxygen levels make the fish passive and quiet, as well as low temperature. Keep the aquarium well-aerated about its temperature.

Extreme current

Some fish don’t cope well with strong tides. If you see considerable flow coming from a filter or an air pump, your fish can be exhausted.

Add a sponge filter to restrict the water flow to your filter. Alternatively, it’s possible to direct the current towards the décors. Your fish might have given up fighting against water flow and settled to rest on the tank bottom.


Some species of fish do have excess weight; check the body of the fish to avoid overfeeding. A lazy fish should also have a good appetite and can continue swimming when it wants.

If the behavior of your fish starts suddenly to change, watch out for additional signs of trouble and be proactive and make a water change to be safe, constantly checking the parameters with good quality tests.

If you see a fish in your tank laying on his sides, think that doesn’t always have to be a problem. Sometimes fish sleeps and relax on his sides. Specially bettas.

Old age

Old-age fish no longer have the same vigor as their younger companions and enjoy their quiet time in the aquarium corner.

Your fish has lived a long and happy life and loves to lie down when they want. They can usually quickly wake up to feed or go to another spot. It’s not a problem to be concerned if an old fish may lay over plants or at the substrate.

Physical damage or injury

A fall, encountering other aggressive fish species, or other mechanical damage can cause your fish to stay laying.

If it was injured during transportation or has a swim bladder disorder, it could die without medical intervention.

If your fish is struggling with some trouble and does not improve from treatments, then it’s probably too late. I suggest considering a humane way of euthanizing it.

External or internal parasites

Parasites BettaSymptoms usually involve reddening blood vessels, white feces, and swollen belly.

It is a disease gateway for bacterial infections, which cause bloating, skin infections, fin rotting, and many more.

Always inspect your fish and look for all potential signs when there are. The use of anti-parasite medications is necessary.

Just take it easy

It sometimes doesn’t feel worth worrying if a fish lies on his side. If pelvic fins keep coming in motion, then your fish may relax.

They may undergo movements to be able to rest under surfaces. Laying rest is normal, and no need for any fear! Check their habits. If your fish species like to sleep in this way, you’re OK to relax. Please take a peek at the fish behavior inside their tank.

Bloating from swallowing too much air

When a fish uses swim bladders, they contain two bags. This more powerful one connects directly to the stomach. This can result in a disfigured swimming bladder and associated disorientations of buoyancy. In this case, offer food with high fiber content.

Bored Or Depressed

Fish are curious animals by nature and constantly contact the environment and the tank mater. In the wild their exhibit exploratory behaviors, like find food.

Fish can get bored in places without plants, decor, being inside tiny spaces. A bored fish can even scratch its fins on decoration surfaces as well as rub against the substrate.

Developing health problems

It is not uncommon for healthy fish to lay around the tanks because they’re sleeping, acting lazy, or bored.

Sometimes you’ll realize your fish is stressed or tense for 1-3 days before clearer symptoms appear. Be worried if they show signs of begin developing another disease. Test the water and, if needed, proceed with maintenance.

The aquarium is not large enough.

Many new fishkeepers mistakenly believe fish can live anywhere. If your fish has been trapped in confined conditions, they will not thrive for long.

Try increasing the tank size; you can also provide an array of enrichments for your fish, like caves, plants, and natural decorations. All this will make your fish happy and healthy. Give the fish a little extra room for exploring.

Do your research

This article was meant to cover just some basic details about this symptom to raise awareness among fish keepers.

This article is not intended to substitute for diagnosis prognosis, treatment prescriptions, and individualized veterinary medical counseling.

When animals develop distress, you should first take them to a veterinary center. If you think an infestation is on your fish, you will need to do additional research about ways to prevent this issue. The articles are accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge.

Offer a fresh diet

Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and fresh vegetables are offered as snacks, and the high-quality commercial meal makes fish more healthy.

It’s in the water

Cold, poor, and neglectful water quality can cause diseases. Get to know about your fish personality to see how he usually acts.

Polluted water will allow you to know when he changes his routine and maybe starts to develop some disease.

You should do the following if you want to ensure optimum water condition. Perform weekly water changes and tank and substrate cleaning to ensure proper health.

Also, offer a varied diet and taking care of your fish. Your fish should be in a tank with the perfect setting for him to thrive through posteriority. Hot water can speed up your pet’s metabolism and shorten your fish lifespan.

Similarly, cold water can cause your animal to be lazy and sit on your side. You should change their water often; the more, the better.

During the water change, use a siphon and vacuum the substrate, removing all the dirt stuck or on it, lift and clean the decorations, rocks, and trunks.

If done correctly, this will ensure that your water will be kept clean and free from pollutants. Make sure always to test your tank water to set standards and test your tap water to see what to fix.

Always condition your water with specific products for aquariums; this will ensure the removal of toxic substances such as chlorine and heavy metals. Have an accurate test; low-quality tests cause confusion and errors for the hobbyist.

Is your fish lying on its side but not dead?

Why is My Fish Lying on the Bottom of a Tank

Overfeeding can cause stagnation and swim bladder disorder. The swim bladder is an organ that helps bony fish to remain at a certain depth by controlling their density relative to that of water.

Fish use such a system for buoyant to move on the water. The gas expands with lighter pressures helping the fish to rise while being compressed as the fish dives.

Several signs of overfeeding may cause swim bladder disorder, and many people don’t know precisely how easy it is for fish to get overfeed.

Is your fish lying on the bottom of the tank?

Not all fish are potent swimmers, and they will become tired and lethargic whenever the flow of water in their tanks is too heavy.

Check for sores, bulging eyes, white spots, fuzzy areas, tail rot, or another sign your fish may have an infection. This problem may be caused by fungal illness or bacterial infection in a fish.

Test other water parameters to check if everything is how it should be.

What can you do to help your sick fish?

A dirty tank is a significant contributor to any tropical fish disease. If your fish has a bacterial infection, you can take it to a separate hospital tank to keep it in and sterilize the other tank. Keep a fish emergency kit, have fish medication on hand is a bright idea.

Types of Fish Medication

Fish medicine can usually be found online, but look in your loyalty fish store if you don’t have the medication available.

Even if you have no idea what causes your fish to become sick over time, a drug like Melafix gives them a fighting chance.

If you do not find or are in doubt about which medicine to use, use salt or medications based on natural essential oils and proceed with good hygiene and partial water changes in the tank.

All possible causes

Understanding your Betta fish’s behavior might help determine when you must act. Let’s find some of the causes why the fish lay at the bottom of the tank.

Senior citizens

As the fish becomes older, he slows down and gets lethargic. You may notice that he’s getting tired more often.

When he ages, he can usually be found lying in either the plant or the bottom of the tank. It is vital to keep you on the cutting edge with the water changes and watch out for opportunistic diseases, aggressive tank mates, or anything that affects the old fish.


Now you know the main reasons & have got your answer for your query Why is my fish laying on the side?

Use the information explained here correctly and see the importance of keeping the maintenance and water change up to date. Keep your fish in large aquariums, with a good filter system perfectly sized and everything else that the species need, especially the parameters to live correctly.

Keep a first aid kit for fish prepared. Know that drastic water changes will affect your animal’s health and their lifetimes.

11 Reasons Why Your Betta Fish Lying At Bottom Of Tank

Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank

The life of a betta fish can be full of many ups and downs. One moment they’re swimming happily along in their tank; the next, they’re laying on the bottom of the tank, looking sad as if to say, “I’m done with this”. It’s not uncommon to see Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank, but there are some things you can do to help them out.

Betta fish make up some of the most common freshwater fish in aquariums. They are easily purchased from any local pet shop, and due to their colorful scales, they’re a popular addition to any fish tank.

However, one common problem that many betta owners come across is the fact that their fish may prefer laying on the bottom of the tank rather than swimming around.

This article covers some of the common reasons you might find your betta fish lying at bottom of tank.

Fish Diseases Causing Your Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank

Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank

Ammonia Poisoning

Feces, urine, and tissue excreta from fish and other organic matter are broken down into nitrogenous compounds, commonly leading to ammonia poisoning.

This ammonia poisoning, in turn, can lead to your Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank. In a fish tank with biological filtration and up-to-date maintenance, this problem does not occur.

Temperature and chemical parameters can help or worsen the toxic ammonia outbreak. To avoid this, keep your tank clean, avoid over-feeding, and invest in a good filter. Perform extensive water changes whenever you can to help your betta.

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Nitrate Poisoning

Betta fish with nitrate poisoning may breathe heavily and appear pale – either gray or brown. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, rapid gill movement, acting dazed and confused, disorientation, and laying at the bottom of the tank.

Verify that water contains a high-level nitrate by using a proper test. If the nitrate concentration is too high, perform a significant water change and add cycled media to the tank.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infections tend to be contagious and could easily infect other inhabitants of the tank. Infections of this type are usually a symptom of something wrong in the tank, usually bad water conditions.

This causes a drop in the immune system of the betta fish and an entry to harmful fungi and bacteria. To treat a fungal infection, ensure that the betta fish has perfect water parameters and conditions, and consider using an anti-fungal medication.

Salt baths are often a helpful complement to this treatment to prevent Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank.

Betta Fish Tail or Fin Rot

Betta Fish Diseases - Tail or Fin Rot

Betta fish fin rot is a bacterial infection caused by Pseudomonas bacteria. The infection causes soreness and inflammation to the betta fin tissue, leading to decay and deterioration of the affected parts.

Like fungal infections, this fin rot is a symptom of a problem in the tank, usually with the water conditions. Thus, fin rot is mostly seen among long-finned or show-quality betta fish with poor water quality, aren’t fed appropriately for their size, or are otherwise under stress.

This disease can be very serious if left untreated, as it can spread into other areas of the body (such as your fish’s gills) if not caught early on. To make matters worse, when you notice the decaying fins, the disease has already reached an advanced stage.

Make sure to maintain ideal water parameters and change the water regularly. Pet stores have medications for these conditions. There are also natural remedies you can try at home as a compliment.

Treating this will help prevent the Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank.

Betta Fish Fin Rot Symptoms And Treatment

Treating Illnesses in the Aquarium

There are several stages with betta fin rot. First, the betta fish becomes apathetic and loses appetite, then starts to hang around the bottom, and its fins will turn white at the ends.

As symptoms develop, the fins start to melt away, and the rot accelerates toward the body. Your betta fish could lose some of its ability to swim and end up landing on the substrate. At this point, the disease has reached a very advanced stage and is likely fatal.

How to Treat Betta Fish Fin Rot Naturally

Remove Infected Fish

Remove your fish from the aquarium and place it in a QT tank or bowl with the same water conditions as your main tank. If you have other fish, place them in a QT tank too.

Do not let the sick betta come into contact with healthy fish since this is an infectious and transmissible disease. Add some aquarium salt to reduce stress on your fish during its recovery period.

Treatments such as Kanamycin (or another antibiotic) are very harmful to the environment, so try treating naturally first before resorting to medications.

If noticed early enough, the disease can be controlled by feeding and constant water change. If you are treating your fish with medications, follow all directions carefully and do not over-medicate.

Aquarium Treatment

Treat the aquarium with a natural remedy like BettaZing or Bettafix to eradicate Pseudomonas bacteria. This will help prevent the disease from spreading while you work on getting rid of it in your sick betta fish.

To kill off any bacteria, you can also add some essential oils to the tank-like peppermint, lemongrass, rosemary, or tea tree. Make sure to control the water conditions, as these remedies will be rendered ineffective by improper conditions.

Fish Treatment

Apply a home remedy such as Melafix on the affected fins every 12 hours (or according to directions). The medication will reduce inflammation and help damaged tissues heal faster. You can also maintain a 0.3% salinity to soak the fish’s fins for an added boost to aid in the healing process.

Clean the Tank

Keep the tank clean and free from diseases

Remove any uneaten food from your betta’s bowl daily so that it does not pollute the water with bacteria. Clean contents of bowl or QT tank completely once you notice fin rot symptoms appear again. Make sure to have a maintenance routine to keep everything consistently in order.

Good Food

Offer your fish a nutritional diet full of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids like Spectrum pellets, blood worms, or brine shrimp. Fresh veggies such as green beans are also beneficial to helping your betta recover from this disease. Food variety and quality is the secret to speeding up the healing process.

Quarantine New Fish

Isolate any new bettas that you add to the aquarium if they bring their own internal bacterial infections. It’s always a good idea to quarantine newly acquired fish before placing them in the main tank.

Betta Fish Fin Rot Prevention

Clean your aquarium thoroughly 

This will ensure that you’re starting off with a clean tank for when you get your new betta fish. Also, be sure to use a good quarantine method so that any diseases that new fish might be carrying are not transferred to your other fish during this process.

Change 20-30% of the water every week

It is important for the health of all living things in your aquarium to change the water regularly. This will help remove any excess waste and keep everything running smoothly. Use a gravel cleaner to suck out the waste and other debris that has settled into the bottom of your tank. Pay special attention to decorations where waste can be trapped.

Don’t overfeed your fish. If the filtration system is not up for it, and you do not keep up with maintenance, overfeeding will lead to bacterial build-up in the tank, which is not good for the fish.

Additionally, do not feed fish expired food, as it can carry pathogens and will not provide adequate nutrition, depressing the fish’s immune system.

Keep water condition up

Make sure you keep your water’s ammonia and nitrates down with weekly water changes. Don’t overcrowd the tank. Overcrowding stresses the fish and causes rapid deterioration of water quality, both of which are dangerous for the fish.

Betta Fish Swim Bladder Disorder

The swim bladder disease is any condition in which fish will never properly float or fall while swimming. This condition alters the swim bladder that provides betta fish with buoyancy underwater.

In medical terms, the fish is suffering from both positive and negative buoyancy.

Swim bladder disorder can be caused by a number of issues, including digestive problems, genetics, and physical trauma.

 Symptoms and Treatment for Swim Bladder Disorder

Swim bladder disorders have traditionally occurred in adult betta fish. The principal danger factor is weight. Fish can often live long periods of time with the swim bladder disorder as long as they can properly feed themselves and do not have any other medical problems, depending on the cause and stage of the disorder.

The disorder can be treated with Epsom salts and by piercing the bladder with a needle. Consult with a vet who could give you advice.

Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease has often been the result of improper feeding. To protect and improve the health of fish with swimming bladder disease, give them small slices of blanched green pea fronds or daphnia.

When the fish recovers, it should return to swimming in a normal manner. Epsom salts and piercing the bladder with a needle are effective treatments for swim bladder disease. This treatment may help prevent the Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank.

Ich (white spot disease)

Betta Fish Fungal Disease

Ich (Ichthyophthirius multiplefiliis) is a protozoan and exists in many aquariums and ponds. A healthy fish’s antimicrobial response wards off ich.

A stressed fish, however, is more susceptible to ich. Infrequent water changes, improper water temperatures, and poor diet can severely weaken a fish’s immune system.

In fact, one of the main triggers of this disease is the fluctuation of physical water parameters. For treatment, quarantine your betta in another tank and raise the temperature to approximately 84° F for 14 hours.

This will break the parasite’s reproductive cycle, eradicating the ich. In cases of serious infestation, medication can be used.

Ich Symptoms and Treatment

The first signs of trouble are small white dots that appear on the head in an overnight pattern around your Betta’s gills, body, and/or fins. Fish may later have skin ulcers.

Aside from the white dots, other signs of the disease are haemorrhages and subsequent bacterial and fungal invasion, weight loss, and excessive mucus production.

Quarantining fish is an important prevention method. When one fish becomes infected, begin treating the entire tank.

Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank Due to Old Age

Old bettas have more of a tendency for slowing down. Most older fish prefer resting more. They may begin to lie down on leaves or rest on the bottom of the tank.


If your Betta fish is kept in cold water, its heart rate, growth speed, immune response, and digestion start dropping. Bloating is often mistaken for swimming bladder illness resulting in bladder infection in some patients. Warming up as soon as possible and properly feeding will keep the fish healthy.


Betta Fish Popeye

Popeye is a symptom of an aggravated bacterial infection on your betta fish. The main symptom is a protruding, swollen, and strange-looking eye due to excess fluid in the eye sockets, which exert pressure and force the eye to protrude more than normal.

A whitish color around the eye is another common sign. Treatment for any injured or sick fish depends on the circumstances. You should remove your fish from its tank and administer ampicillin and aquarium salt to the aquarium.

Cold Temperatures

Betta fish are tropical fish found in small canals in Thailand where water temperatures seldom lower than 73-75°F. If you use the mini heater in the betta’s basket or tank, you can see immediate change. It should perk up quickly more, eat more and be less prone to illness and lethargy.

It’s better to see it around 25-30° C degrees! Use a heater to warm up your jug or pot and help your fish’s appetite.

Filter Current Is Too fast

Large fins make swimming in turbulent waters much complicated. Betta fish prefer slower water flows. If your betta appears less active and enjoys sitting on the bottom of its tank, adjust the filter’s water flow in this manner.

You could possibly use a low-cost sponge filter for smaller fish tanks measuring around 3 to 5-gram volumes.

For larger tanks, including larger fishes such as bettas and other small-scale community fish with large bodies, a good option is the AquaClear Power Filter 50. Tank divider sets are cheap and provide you the perfect flow baffle and attachment points on the baffle.

Low Dissolved Oxygen

Unlike most fish, betta fish, and her cousins, the Gouramis have a specialized organ called the labyrinth organ. This allows them to breathe directly from the atmosphere as we get extra oxygen from the gills.

In the still, hot weed-choked waters of their native Thailand, they can thrive where other fish would suffocate for lack of oxygen present. The anaerobic bacteria release harmful substances that inhibit them, like hydrogen sulfide, if there is no oxygen in their system, preventing their growth. Thus, oxygenation is very beneficial for bettas.

Water Too Hot

Oxygen becomes less soluble at higher water temperatures. Without oxygen, betta fish will gulp for air below the tanks. Even as they breathe atmospheric air, it is important that they never lose access to adequate oxygen. Cool down your tank’s temperatures slowly with a fan or room air conditioner.

Use an air bladder to infuse oxygen into your water quickly. Another option is to use thermal insulation so the temperature in the aquarium remains stable.

Water Too Cold

Bettas thrive well in waters 25-30° C. For heaters, 1.5-2 W per liter works well for places with very low temperatures, whereas in milder places, 0.5 W per liter will do the job.

Small Aquarium Size

If the fish seems restricted then, you are in need of choosing a larger aquarium. Bettas enjoy swimming in a horizontal place such as shallow rice fields with a nice hideout space.

Confined environments result in lazy and lethargic betta fish; it also stresses the fish and shortens their lifespan. A 10 or 20-gallon tank with a filter is ideal for keeping betta fish healthy and well.

You can also add more fish to larger tanks than just bettas, as long as they are calm fish and there are plenty of hiding places.

Treating a sick Betta Fish

When quarantining fish, remove any plants from the quarantine tank. This will keep the medication from damaging plants.

Sleeping Betta Fish

A betta with a good appetite often takes naps. If you aren’t sure whether your betta is simply tired, observe the fish closely for a few days and watch for any signs of stress or illness.

Bettas sleep at night in the dark. Bettas usually sleep in the dark, so lying on the bottom in the light is likely not sleeping.

What can you do to help your betta fish lying at bottom of tank who is sick?

Keep a betta first-aid kit; having betta medications on hand is smart because pet stores often do not contain betta-specific medications or may be out of stock. Salt and clean water are the go-to treatments for many illnesses that bettas may have.

Other stress-related issues

By you see a betta fish floating on its side, watch it closely. If the tank is too narrow, provide a larger area. If you are unsure if this fish has microbial smears, watch very carefully and look for signs and symptoms along its length. It is also important to maintain the water temperature in the correct range.


Dropsy Disease in Betta Fish

Dropsy is a syndrome generated by a serious infection. Common symptoms are belly swelling, injuries to gills and intestines, bristly scales, listlessness, undulating swimming, and difficulty breathing due to tot the impediment of the free movement of the diaphragm.

Temperature balance is essential to maintain the fish’s immunity. Avoid high stocking of fish in the tank, and avoid overfeeding; excess feces and urine in the water give the opportunity for pathological bacteria to develop.

Betta hiding in the tank’s corner

Betta fish like hiding in the structure to feel secure. This often indicates stress and poor acclimation to the aquarium. Having other fish in the tank can help, including loaches, plecos, some livebearers with smaller and less colorful tails, corydoras, and others.

The fish also hide around the corner when the current is stronger than necessary. Fish also might hide in the corner when the current is too strong.

Wrapping up – Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank

You have to know about your Betta Fish Lying at Bottom of Tank in order to help them. Please share this guide in order to help other aquarists become as informed as possible. It is our goal to encourage as many as possible to become informed and responsible betta owners!

How do you manage detritus worms in an aquarium?

detritus worms

What Are Detritus Worms?

Detritus worms are small aquarium pests that tend to be overlooked. They are any type of worm or larvae present in the organic matter in aquariums, the vast majority being an (for reference, earthworms, leeches, and bed worms are also annelids.

In ideal aquarium conditions, the worm population remains low or nearly non-existent. When the level of organic matter in the aquarium is controlled and there is regular maintenance, the environment does not allow for large-scale development of these worms.

However, when aquariums are neglected and organic matter reaches high levels, high worm populations result.

Detritus worms come in different colors – white, pink, or brown. They often grow to approximately an inch in length. They feed on decaying organic matter, whether of animal or vegetable origin, and they eat decomposing plants and fish as well as waste accumulations throughout the tank.

When they have a plentiful food source, the worms can often reach the top layer of a substrate before eventually eating through it. When the aquarium is infested, they are visible everywhere.detritus worms

Are Detritus Worms Harmful?

The worms are not harmful and can cause little harm to inhabitants of the tank. While they are not directly very dangerous to the system or the fish, they are a sign of instability in the system.

They also contribute to overpopulation issues, raising the levels of organic matter and excreta. This causes an imbalance in the biological filtration. This can stress the fish.

Worms play an important role as decomposers in the aquarium ecosystem, and they do help to keep the aquarium clean and healthy, as long as their population is controlled.

If the worms are acting almost exclusively in the role of cycling organic matter within the aquarium, the amount of nitrogen compounds generated due to a sudden overpopulation of these worms will be too large.

Behavior of Detritus Worms

Detritus worms reside and thrive in filter material in the substrate, and find their way into leftover foods, debris and decomposing substances.

They especially like sponges in the filter and less compacted substrates. These animals are detritivores, thus they feed on collected waste materials that remain in the aquarium. They need very little dissolved oxygen to survive.

How Does a Detritus Worm Get Into Your Tank?

Detritus worm infestation

Detritus worms often enter the aquarium via fairly benign means. They can hitchhike on plants. They are often present in new substrate and gravel, and they sometimes appear after a water change or a tank refill.

Detritus worms often enter the aquarium as eggs that have been ingested by fish or snails.

They also might be already present when you buy fish, which means you will need to watch your new fish for signs of them before adding them to a tank.

How Do I Get Rid of Detritus Worms?

Detritus worms thrive in polluted water with a lot of decomposing organic matter. Indicators of their presence include acidic pH, the presence of nitrogen, and low water hardness.

The first solution is to clean the aquarium thoroughly. Do so by changing the water, siphon the entire substrate, and clean the ornaments. Instead of doing one big water change, complete periodic changes of water.

Deworming medicine is not necessary and might only succeed in killing the fish without a solution.

Chemical Removal

It is not necessary to rely directly on toxic chemical treatments for dealing with the symptoms of the detritus-worm worm infection.

Medication use has good initial results with negative consequences. During and after treatment, many detritus worms exist inside the substrate. Killing too many of them at the same time can prove highly fatal to tank eco-systems.

Biological Removal

Loaches-FishOne option is to control the population of the detritus worms through predation, using fish that will eat them. Because most worms stay at the bottom of the tank, you may want a fish that will feed on the bottom.

Loaches are known to be the most prolific eater of detritus worms. They have a healthy appetite for these worms and are constantly searching through the bottom of the tank. They are also great for keeping unwanted snail numbers down in the tank.

In fact, with the right fish, detritus worms are a great live food. Tetra, killifish, and guppies love to eat them. Some hobbyists breed worms to feed their fish.

Change the Water

If your aquarium becomes infected by worms, the best solution is to change the water and create a maintenance schedule to keep the tank clean.

First remove fish and plants from your tank into separate temporary tubes. Remove any stones and aquarium accessories from the water as.

This is also a good time for assessing which worms affect a species of fish and identifying them for treatment. You can return aquarium fish to the aquarium, but always make sure that the detritus are not all added.

Perform a 30-percent water change every 3 – 4 days to eradicate any infestation and remove remaining ones. You can even collect the worms and freeze them to use as food.

Improve Your Aquarium’s Filtering

These worms love to hang around in filters, where dirt accumulates. Filters and media must be washed well with non-chlorine water.

The substrate could become a breeding area for worms, snails, and other pests. Mechanical filters are one of the best methods of filtering to remove suspended particles and other things, though they do not filter nitrogenous pollutants (the job of biological filtration). The water must be cycled and regularly maintained to keep the ecosystem healthy.

Take Care of Your Aquarium Plants

The wellbeing of your plants in your aquarium gives you the feeling of good health. Detritus worms eat debris like algae, seaweed, rotting plants and decayed leaves.

The main task should be taking care of the fungus and plant life in the aquariums to minimize any invasive detritus worms. Even though detritus worms are mostly harmless, it is helpful to watch how your plants are growing and protect them from excess worms to maintain a good-looking tank.

Use a Gravel Vacuum Regularly

Gravel vacuums are also effective at killing and removing detritus worms. They’re an ideal tool for clearing out food and fish waste from the fish tank.

Many aquarists claim that regular soil vacuuming makes it easy to keep worms at bay. Gravel vacuums do not require you to move the fish from the tank, making them especially convenient. This will help you clear out most of the worms without changing its water.

Improve Your Tank’s Feeding Practices

Overfeeding can lead to an excess of organic matter and waste in the tank, leading to an increase in detritus worm population.

Fish pellets and frozen food can rot and eventually decay if too cold to eat. In fact, if they are not consumed immediately, they will release nutrients into the water, creating pollution.

In addition to causing detritus worm infestations, excess of organic matter can directly harm the fish; some fish will forage places where there is accumulation of food or organic matter, causing rotting barbels and mouth fungus, and some toxic gases (generated in anaerobic zones of decomposition) will be released into the water column.

Detritus worms are known to feed on compost, which means they are very likely to live on the bottom of your tank where unvacuumed excess food accumulates.

Use a Bit of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to destroy detritus worms. Hydrogen peroxide is used in plant chemicals that prevent the algae from growing.

It can kill snails and their eggs (though it is hard to get the right dosage to kill the eggs) and other things that can later damage the habitat and the wildlife. Consult an aquarium expert before trying this method. It won’t harm anything except pests like snails and worms.

This method is used by many aquarists to get rid of worms. It is an aggressive method and can be momentarily effective, but if you don’t keep up with cleanliness, the worms will return. As with snails, it might not kill the worms’ eggs.

Preventing Detritus Worms from Coming Back

The best way to prevent detritus worms from returning is by reducing the residue in the aquarium. Perform regular water changes and substrate cleaning to prevent contamination.

It helps to put less food in the aquarium in order to avoid having leftover food as well as to reduce the amount of excreta. This will keep detritus worms from reproducing on a large scale and causing severe infestation.

Final Thoughts

It’s sometimes not necessary to remove worms in an aquarium, but you should make sure that you have the situation under control. The key is to keep your aquarium clean, and always monitor it so you are aware of its conditions!