Betta Fish Diseases (Ultimate Guide With Pictures)

Betta Fish Diseases

This Guide to Betta Fish Diseases can help you identify different illnesses your fish might go through and treat them as soon and effectively as possible. Different diseases can stem from a variety of causes, such as fungal, viral, bacterial or parasitic. However, many of them have simple and easy treatment if you can correctly identify what it is.

Betta Fish Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment Comparison Table


Betta Fish Medication Comparison Table

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Complete Guide to Betta Fish Diseases and Treatment (with pictures)

Betta fish, also called Siamese Fighting Fish, tend to thrive in simple but well-equipped tanks, usually filled with various plants and decor to hide in. Most betta, when not well, have symptoms that clearly indicate it may be sick, such as droopy fins, lethargic swimming and dulled colors.

It’s important to understand these symptoms so you may be able to care for them as soon as there’s a hint that they may have fallen ill.


Betta Fish Diseases

Fungal Diseases in Betta Fish

True fungal infections in betta fish are less common than parasitic or bacterial infections.

In general, they usually appear as white cottony growths on fish; like white sheets of fuzz, white lumps or white dusty slime. They can also be internal, and in a lot of cases, fatal if not treated properly.

Fungal outbreaks can follow other bacterial or parasite illnesses where the fishes body has open wounds and a weakened immune system.

Fungal diseases are most commonly brought on by poor water quality, infected food or open wounds. Therefore, such diseases can be prevented by keeping a clean aquarium environment and avoiding infected injuries.

Antibiotics like Methylene Blue and Clear Fungus are effective at removing fungal diseases on fish.



Betta Fish Fungal Disease


Fin and Tail Rot

Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection or of a fungal infection, where a betta’s fins and tail begin to decay and rot away. The fins may also develop a white layer on the surface if it’s a fungal infection.

This common condition isn’t fatal if treated early and fins will eventually grow back, though they may not be as vibrant or long as they were before.

Fin rot may be caused by poor water quality, a poor diet or damage caused by other fish nipping your betta’s fins.

Treatment can include a quality diet high in Vitamin C, along with drastically improving water quality in terms of it’s pH, temperature and various pollutants like ammonia.

Your betta can also be treated with an antifungal medication to prevent secondary infections. For example, Hikari revive is an effective prescription of 5 days, with clear instructions for its use.

It’s also recommended to remove fish that like to nip at the long fins of betta fish, or any sharp artificial plants or ornaments that could also tear fins.


Betta Fish Diseases - Tail or Fin Rot

Water Mold

Another common fungal illness is Saprolegnia. This is a water mold domycede infection, also known as oomycete infection, or winter kill.

Water mold shows up as whitish fur-like growths and/or pink or white external body bumps.

Foods rich in Vitamin C, salt treatments and medicinal baths with Methylene Blue are all recommended treatments. Ensure your betta is in a high water quality environment and the tank is kept at the optimal temperature.

Bacterial Infections in Bettas

Bacterial infections manifest in many ways and are often associated with poor water quality, fish stress, or contaminated food. Common signs include cloudy eyes, a white film on the Betta’s body or fins,  tattered fins, and hemorrhaging (bloody patches) or open sores (ulcers) on the mouth and body. The fish may be listless sitting on the bottom of the tank.

Columnaris (Mouth ‘Fungus’)

Columnaris, are bacterial diseases that can cause a fin to rip or flake. It appears as a pale patchy sheen on the fishes body.

It also causes skin ulcers or unexplained lesions, yellow spots or marks on the face, sometimes resembling a cotton growth near mouth.

The fish is prone to breathing difficulties because of this condition and its damage to the gills. If you don’t treat the infected fish it dies within 72 hours.

The disease could easily be prevented by treating open wounds and fungal infections in aquariums.

Columnaris can be treated with tetracycline and anti-biotics containing sulfa 4 TMP SulfA and triple sulfa. It’s also possible to prevent this issue by ensuring the water is optimal in the tank (free from ammonia, PH in correct balance and correct temperature for Betta fish.

This is a bacterial illness which causes white circles around the mouth and lips of fish. It is often prevented by keeping water clean and clogged. It will cure mouth fever when antibiotics are used.

Others medicines used to treat fish fungus can also help treat the infection. The infected fish can’t survive if sickness doesn’t get dealt with early enough so the diagnosis may have to be delayed.

Columnaria is very contagious so you need to remove and incubate infected Bettafish.

The diseases may be internal but the most often externally occur on Betta. There is a slow and a fast form of this infection so depending on the one your Betta had this will determine how likely it was to overcome the illness. To prevent this disease, maintain good water quality and disinfect all equipment before entering the tank.

As an precaution ensure a high water level and disinfect the equipment at the entrance to the tank while keeping the water safe from the bacteria and other viruses in the. The disease is sometimes found in fish caught before.

It is easy to confuse Columnaris with a Fungal disease called Saprolegnia. They look similar, but require quite different treatments. Saprolegnia presents itself with patchy white (or cotton wool look) on the dying tissues of the fish, whilst Columnaris appears more as a patchy sheen on living tissue.

Columnaris is treated by using an antibiotic or a copper sulfate. To treat Columnaris you must remove the bacterial infection from its whole tank, changing the tank water, vacuuming gravel and adding aquarium salt. After cleaning the tanks you can.


Bacterial Septicemia

Bacteria septicomy is the less common fish illness caused by Pseudomonas or Streptococcus bacteria. It is a serious condition, that if not treated early will result in death.

Symptoms show up as hemorrhages in the mouth and ulceration of the body.

Treat the condition with a medicated food.


Velvet disease is caused by a protozoan parasite. Other names for the condition are: Coral Disease, Gold Dust Disease or Rust Disease.

Symptoms show up as many tiny golden dots covering the fishes body, giving the appearance of ‘rust’. The fish will be agitated, rubbing itself against rocks and plants.

Treat the illness by raising the temperature of the water, dim the lights and apply aquarium salt to the tank. In addition, treat with copper sulphate for ten days.

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Bettafix medication is useful treatment for many other diseases and ailments. It can cure many of.

The fish infected with velvet appear have a rusty face and tanned head including skin glands and belly and it may have black spots all over the skin caused.

If the velvet has been decontaminated before too long it can be fatal.

The parasitic disease could be prevented by improving the quality of water and making the conditions comfortable. I’ve lived with betta for the past 10 or 13 and saw this remedy help to heal our aquatic pets’ injuries.


Dropsy is a condition rather than a Betta fish disease. Build-up of fluid in the body causing bloating and protruding scales can indicate a number of sicknesses including bacterial infections, liver disfunction and parasites.

Swollen belly lining and the swollen belly are caused by accumulation of internal fat.

Infections can occur if you get one of them for medical reasons. Symptoms usually present are white scales and sunken eyes.

There is no known cure for dropsy but medication such as Betta Revive can help with the illness.

Most fish that can be at risk for dropsy don’t survive and most are die of infections. The bacterial infection can be avoided by keeping the aquarium free and by feeding fish with vitamins rich foods such as vitamin rich fish. Dropsy is a bacterial infection with effects on the kidney systems and its cause.

Dropsy Disease in Betta Fish

Swim Bladder Disorder

Pool bladder disorder is due to constrictions, poor water conditions parasites or bacteria and increased organ space (oesophagia).

Fish that have an irregular bladder can also lay at the bottom of the tank and flop out sideways or upside-down in the water.

It can be controlled by maintaining high quality water, avoiding overstocking and providing the fish with the correct amount of fresh and fiber-rich foods.

The treatment can end by raising water temperature, letting the fish fast for a few days and then feeding with cooked peas.  Medicinal baths also help to treat the disease.

Betta Fish Diseases



Hemorrhagic symptoms include bleeding to the face and mouth of the fish, as well as pop-eye and a swollen abdomen. The infection is treatable thus the death is very low.

A diluted solution could prevent salmonella infection by killing Yersinia ruckeri bacteria which causes the diseases.

The treatment of hemorrhagic may include the use of antibiotics such as ampicillin. The disease’s fatality is small.

Hemorrhaging is also a symptom of Septicemia, treatable with an antibiotic medication.


Pop Eye

Pop eye is often a sign of a health-related bacterial infection such as Vibrosis (Red Boil) or Piscine Tuberculosis.

Bacterial infections that lead to Pop-eye can be avoided by prevent infection in the aquarium.

Quarantining new fish before placing them in the main aquarium.

Alternatively Pop-eye is one of the possible symptoms of Septicemia, a viral illness. Antibiotic drugs such as Tetracyclines may treat this illness.

Betta Fish Popeye


Cloudy Eye

Poor water quality (particularly when PH drops) often leads to cloudy eye in Bettas, either directly or indirectly, generally due to a weakened immune system. In addition, internal parasites, such as protozoa or flukes can lead to the condition

The bacteria is found to cause a white film covering the eyes. It can be treated with antibiotics including Metafix and Fungus Clear.

Providing clean water and a healthy diet are the best treatments for Cloudy Eye. Salt treatment or medication with an antibiotic are other helpful treatments.

This type of bacteria illness is not fatal, but may impede vision.

Cloudy Eye Betta Fish Diseases


Parasitic Illness with Betta Fish

Symptoms indicating that your fish has a parasite infestation include: clamped or droopy fins, loss of weight, there may be white spots on the skin or gills or you’ll notice your Betta trying to rub against aquatic plants or ornaments in the tank. Some Betta fish appear bloated.

Most parasitic diseases in Bettas occur as a result of poor water quality.

Parasites Betta

Hole in the head

Hole-in-the-head disease shows up as pale ulcerated areas around the head. It isn’t a disease common in Bettas.

The fish which have been infected usually dies after several days in cases where it was not treated adequately earlier.

Treatment with Vitamin C enriched food and a parasite medication such as Parasitic Clear.

Anchor Worms

Anchor worms are parasitic worms that attach to the fish’s body leading to ulcerations. They are a devilish parasite from the Lernaea species (actually a type of crustacean, not worm) that embed their anchor-shaped heads into the scales and flesh of their host fish.

The parasites are visible to the naked eye as they protrude from between the Betta’s scales. Fish will show signs of irritation and its gills may be damaged (showing breathing difficulties).

Treat infected fish by physically removing the parasites with forceps. Then give the fish a medicated bath to prevent secondary infection. Using an insecticide medication or a potassium permanganate ‘dip’ will also rid the fish of these paracites.

Anchor Worm is prevented by treating all newly infected fish and keeping the water clean. A condition that is diagnosed untreated can become fatal.

Anchor Worm on Betta Fish


Ich, a parasitic disease also known as White Spot, causes small white spots to cover the fish’s body. The fish will be irritated and may rub itself on rocks and plants.

The sickness can be treated by raising the water temperature slightly and using a parasite medication such as Ich-X which gives excellent improvement within a week.

It is preventable by changing and conditioning of water regularly.


Viral Infections

Viral infections are common in Betta fish, but they can affect all aquarium fish. There are no known treatments or cures for viral infections. Fish that are suspected of having a viral infection should be removed from the fish aquarium straight away to prevent spreading to other fish.

Betta Tumors

Bette tumors are usually cancer – lumps growth or minor bumps/cysts that show up underneath a fish skin.

They mainly affected reproductive organs, gills, tail and waist.

The tumors can be controlled by feeding the fish a clean tank, maintaining a healthy diet, treating any other infections or by keeping carcinogenic elements away from the tank. T

he benign tumours and cysts can be treated in several ways depending on the cause of the lump or bump. These malignant tumors are hard to cure but simple surgical procedures can aid.


Betta Fish Chemical Poisoning

Ammonia Poisoning

A build up of ammonia in the aquarium can lead Bettas becoming sick. Decomposition of organic matter (fish wastes, excess food and nutrients) in the water increases the likelihood of a toxic level of ammonia.

In a well cycled aquarium, where a healthy population of beneficial nitrogen consuming bacteria live, ammonia levels will always be in check. However, if this balance is upset nitrates in the water build up leading to the water being polluted.

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning in Betta fish include: an increase in body mucous production. Gills will be inflamed red and may bleed and the fishes overall body color will darken. Sometimes the fish will appear agitated or distressed.

Chlorine Poisoning

Tap water in many countries contains chlorine which is put into the water to kill pathogens. Chlorine is toxic to Betta fish and will cause death if the fish is left in the chlorinated water for too long.

Water added to an aquarium from the household tap must be treated first to remove the chlorine. There are commercial chlorine treatment products that can be bought that will do the job.

Alternatively, fill your tank and run the filters, allowing it to cycle for a few days. The chlorine will dissipate. To speed the process up, you can boil the water to remove the chlorine.

Symptoms of chlorine poisoning include restlessness and erratic behaviour– such as shooting around the tank and jumping. The fish may have trouble swimming and show incorrect body positioning. Its gills will be inflamed.

It is important to remove the fish from the tank and place it in healthy water. If the damage to the fishes gills is minimal, it will likely recover.


Isolate sick fish immediately

If your betta shares its tank with other fish or aquatic creatures, immediately move him towards the quarantine or hospital tank. That last thing should be to expose other tank participants to risking an aquatic illness.

It is also not a necessity or a waste to medicate healthy fish. So drop it into your hospital tank to a separate tank where you will only medicate the sick or injured fish then give yourself another chance to recover. Whenever someone sickens him you need to treat her properly.

Sick Betta Fish Behavior

Some patterns of behavior are correlated with a stressed or sick betta fish and yet not necessarily fully contracted disease. However. This behavior can give you the most accurate and quick diagnosis of when your fish is sick. This behavior and correcting its errors early are important. Attempting to control the problem could increase risks from an outbreak and eventually cause more serious problems.

Betta Fish Diseases

After diagnosis you can now follow the treatment options. Never stop treatment early as it can increase parasitic immunity. If your betta fish lives in solitude you may choose to keep them in the tanks they already contain. If they survive in a community tank you may quarantine them in separate hospitals as a disease-treated tank to treat them. List some famous Betta infections listed below… Infection b. tinnitis is commonly inherited.

Sick Betta Fish signs

If any of these things is unusual or even when parts of their body or fins look unusual to you, trust your instincts. Remember that treating in the early stages of any condition will most likely lead to good outcomes. You have sick fish at hand. If you notice any sign of either any betta fish diseases or any more you may have a disease to contend against that can lead us to a disease.



Keep a First Aid Kit – Hope for the best prepare for the worst

Keeping a first aid kit ready can be a very useful thing for any fish owner. That should be treated as an essential kit for routine care of the fish. Do you or something in your family need medical attention for a sick or injured person? Why would you wait till they are sick on your fish before finding a drug when they might really need them? Let us ask.

A note on preventative medicines

Your aquarium waters are always full of good bacteria with most of it being beneficial. Even harmful bacteria won’t hurt your fish unless their immune system is well developed. By using antibacterial medicine when there are no visible indications of infection, you may end up hurting the good or poor bacteria and giving them the chance to adapt to change. Your best bet is practicing good aquaculture maintenance because diseases have no effect on fish unless they get good care. Good aquaculture keeps should be practicing good care. Keeping fish healthy is the only solution that can prevent disease.

What to put in your Betta First Aid Kit

Ampicillin used for pop-eye and Gram negative infections. Kanamycin – Antibacterial for bacterial disorders. Maracin 1 and 2 – Antibacterial and antiviral medication effective for milder types including frank rot and rhinitis. Jungle infestation Eliminator – fizz forms. Ideal for mouth rot swollen fins that cause fungus and stinging and for eye fog diseases. Works slowly, but remember: dosage appropriately; a full packet is for a 40-gallon tank!

Check water chemistry before treating

Why do you think your mother is unwell? Common toxic substances that form in aquariums creating poorwater conditions are ammonia nitrite and nitrate. Check your water by use of liquid testing tubes. Do a water-change in case you find no unsafe water. The symptoms of poisoning by each potential culprit include vomiting and diarrhea swelling an.

Timing is everything

Some betta illnesses can quickly get worse, leaving few hours of time free for the hunt in the pet food store. Preventing the first stages of illness is probably the easiest path to success. I think therapy should be given if it is difficult.

Questions and Answers

My betta is pale and still alive but is beneath its tank. Very likely that you’re overfeeding him or he’s developed a swim bladder condition. The transparent ring is highly likely fungal, so take one such drug as the Bettafix remedies in that article. You should try cleaning and conditioned the water and maintain the right parameters in water such as pH ammonium nitrite and cadmium. Get me some ways to treat the condition. If she looks sick be careful to monitor it for the next few days to see if she’s going to show any signs of sickness. Does the guy look sick?


Fin-tail Rot Bacterial/Fungal Clean living conditions Tetracycline/Water-Myxazin Columnaris Bacterial Treat open woulds. Clearfish Fungus Avoid prima e infections. Methylene blue parasite clearance hole in the head Parasitic Keep carbon out in water. Betta Tumors Malignant/Benign give healthy foods surgery/viral medication Betta Revive Pop Eye Bacterial Control other disorders. Faking/Raising water temperature to avoid Overing Fasting/Raising water temperature Betta Remedy/Fishzole Ich Parasitic Change water regularly.

Final Thoughts

Some fish could develop behavior defects like excessive stress, lethargy and poor appetite. Betta fish can suffer from fading colors or abnormal color changes and can develop things like bubbles and solid particles like blobs on their bodies. These conditions could be controlled by regularly changing and conditioning water and by optimizing parameters for ammonia, pH, Nitrite, Nitras, air hardness, water temperature and pressure. Animals showing signs or symptoms of distress should see veterinarian immediately. If you don’t understand why your fish doesn’t work do look through some of the answers listed here.

Ultimate Betta Fish Tank Setup Guide – Quick and Easy Steps

Betta Fish Tank Setup

Betta is beautiful fish. They are full of bright colors and fantastic fins and are an excellent choice for beginners and advanced aquarists. Despite their popularity in the fishkeeping hobby, many aquarists are not familiar with their care. Providing your Betta with a suitable tank will allow him to flourish and lead a healthy lifestyle. This detailed article explains how you can set up and create the perfect Betta Fish Tank Setup.

Get the Perfect Betta Fish Tank Setup

Setting up your first Betta Fish Tank Setup can be intimidating, but it should not be frightening. This article covers the essential steps to take when projecting a betta fish tank.

Betta Fish Tank Setup

Get to know a little about Betta fish

The “Siamese fighting fish” is undeniably unique. For over 150 years in Thailand, children have collected them in rice paddies in the rain and put them to watch them fight.

As the popularity of these competitions grew, the emperor began to control and tax the fish. Fish began to be exported to Europe in the 1890s, being an immediate success.

Betta Fish Tank Setup: Comparison Table

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What makes your pet unhappy?

Betta fish tanks require filtration, warm water, enrichment like plants and caves to explore. They won’t be healthy or happy living confined in a vase with no plants and unstable water quality.

While it is common to find and obtain Betta fish in pots and micro spaces without filtering or heating, this practice is abhorred by experienced aquarists.

Researchers have identified the three most common welfare problems for Betta fish kept as pets; Tiny tanks, poor water quality, and fungal and bacterial infections are the leading causes of severe problems for Betta fish.

Those causes can all be solved with a well-designed and well-maintained aquarium. Fish are smart enough to experience boredom and depression, so working to improve your pet fish’s well-being is critical.

In 2016, a study on fish cognition found that fish perceive and have more cognitive abilities than other animal populations; because of this, animal enrichment and a stable environment are prerequisites for maintaining any animal.

The most common myth

the ideal betta fish tank setup

It is also believed that Betta can thrive in tiny tanks. They will not survive for long. If you are thinking about purchasing a small tank, you’d better reconsider.

A Betta can survive this small but won’t last long enough. To avoid animal suffering, you should obtain a nice tank set up with everything your Betta fish needs.

Betta fish temperament

Male bettas tend to attack each other. Betta fish are highly territorial among them, but they coexist well with other fish species. Male betta fish are known to attack even their mirror image.

Known as the “Siamese fighting fish,” male bettas instinctively show off and fight other brightly colored fish they encounter. Betta fish must not be kept with any other Betta (even females).

Should Betta fish have tank mates?

It is possible to keep Betta fish with other fish; some Betta fish even show a lot of interest in being among tank mates, but you must take precautions.

Males are desirable targets for aggressive fish, thanks to their long fins and bright colors. Even small schooling fish can be a constant annoyance on a Betta fish. The compatible option is small, gentle fish such as corydoras, endlers, rasboras, and khuli loach.

Feeding Betta Fish

Betta fish are carnivores that feed on insects and larvae. In some places, you can provide them with pellet or fish flakes, explicitly formulated for them.

These foods may contain protein and everything else that satisfies their needs. Betta fish also love live or fresh snacks such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, micro worms, and suchlike.

Aqueon Pro Foods Betta Fish Food Formula suitable for betta fish tank setupBlood Worms needed for betta fish tank setupFluval Bug Bites Color Enhancing Fish Food for Betta Fish tank setupBetta Pro Shrimp Patties required for betta fish tank setupAqueon Color Enhancing Betta Food for betta fish tank setup

How much to feed a betta?

It would be best if you fed your fish several times a day in small amounts. Provide an amount to be consumed quickly, with no leftovers; leftover feed degrades water quality.

Betta fish tank setup: Size Matters!

It’s a myth in aquarium hobby that betta fish are happy in tanks as small as a gallon or in glass bowls, with no equipment to ensure stability and good water quality.

Ideally, your betta fish tank setup should have a storage container of at least 5 gallons. Wild Betta fish can have a territorial space of up to three square meters, so larger tanks will closely mirror their natural environments.

In a large tank, pH and temperature fluctuations are less frequent, and you won’t need to change the water as often. A large tank makes it easy to add many plants similar to those found in natural fish habitats.

The bigger the tank, the happier the fish will be, as it will have a much better quality of life, environments to explore and hide.

 With your betta fish tank setup, choose length over height

As long as your tank has a minimum volume of 5 gallons, they will be satisfied with a filter and heater. Betta fish are not keen on having a very high water column, preferring more lateral space to swim and explore.

A wider tank than a taller one is a great choice, as it will provide your fish with much greater well-being.

Clean the tank and check for leaks

The first thing you should do when setting up your Betta Fish Tank Setup is to check for leaks. Fill the tank with water and carefully rub the inner side to remove dust and packaging material.

Do not use any products or cleaning solutions; these types of products can poison your fish. When cleaning is finished, attach the necessary equipment and fill the aquarium with water.

Please make sure the aquarium is stabilized on a properly leveled support; otherwise, it can lead to leakage or break the bottom.

Pick the right place

The most crucial factor you should place in a tank is where to put it. If you place your aquarium in direct sunlight, a little extra bright light can create overgrowth algae and lead to hot spots in the overall temperature of the aquarium.

Keep the tank away from windows and heat lamps somewhere out of direct sunlight and away from drafts; you can position the tank in indirect natural light without significant problems.

Decor: Plants, Hides, and More

A habitat that looks as natural as possible is perfect for displaying your Betta’s natural behavior. Tank decoration is vital to them!

Choose large plants, caves, or natural logs to simulate your fish’s wild home. They like to lie on a sheet and need comfortable spaces to hide, swim and sleep. Also, choose soft-leaf artificial plants over hard or sharp plastic ones that can hurt your fish.

Stay away from any sharp or rough decoration or anything that could damage your pet or ruin your fish’s tail. Use decorative objects to provide hiding places and shaded areas for your Betta.

Live plants, in addition to giving more natural air to the assembly, help in the nutrient cycle and gas exchange in the aquarium.

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Bettas do need a heater

The water temperature in the Betta’s water tank should never drop below 69 F. Ideally; the water temperature should remain between 77 to 84 F, which is the average for most other tropical fish.

The heater always needs to be used because Betta fish are highly susceptible to thermal shocks, and in case of parameter fluctuation, they will be exposed to various diseases.

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Do Bettas need lighting?

Your Betta has the exact lighting requirements as you. He needs to know how to distinguish between day hours and night hours.

Without distinguishing between day and night, the fish will end up losing track of space and time; you will not know the times to eat, rest, etc.

The ideal is for the tank to have lighting that can have its intensity controlled and programmed, but any lighting will do the job.

Betta fish do not like too much light, keep the light at medium to low power and set up shaded areas in the aquarium; open spaces can be shaded using decoration or plants, especially floating ones.

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Do Betta fish need a filter?

Filtration works by pulling water and debris through different sponges and other materials. The filter flows water through the tank to prevent it from stagnating.

If you choose a filter that has a powerful flow, the current generated will throw your Betta around the tank, and it will be stressed. The ideal filter will have an adjustable flow so you can provide the right environment for your fish.

Betta likes very low flow. Even if you use a filter, you will still need to do weekly water changes to maintain safe water quality for Betta fish. Bettas live in the still waters of flooded forests in their natural environment. Without a filter, water will have a high load of pollutants much faster.

A filter is necessary for the maintenance of any aquatic animal, being a vital and central piece in any aquarium, mainly in a Betta tank.

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Install your filter

Not all filters are the same – therefore, different types require different installation methods. Ask your trusted fish store for advice on the best type of filter for your aquarium and how to proceed with the installation; carefully read the product packaging.

For smaller Betta’s tank, a Hang on type filter is generally used, which hangs on the tank’s back wall and is considered an external filter.

We also see internal sponge-type filters, which use a piece of sponge attached to an air outlet. In larger aquariums, we have external filters such as sump and canister, as the most common.

Biological filtration

Biological sponges encourage beneficial bacteria to grow in your tank. These bacteria make up the nitrogen cycle that breaks down decayable material and protects the water from getting too polluted. The biological filter is the most crucial part of an aquarium.

The nitrogen cycle

For the nitrogen cycle to work correctly and efficiently, you will need a filter system with a biological medium (sponge, ceramic, etc.) that will harbor many beneficial bacteria.

Biological media allow a high water flow and a large contact surface, allowing beneficial bacteria organisms to grow and flourish inside.

The nitrogen cycle is crucial to the health of Betta aquariums. You must have a biological filter system that provides a wide area for organisms to live and grow for best results.

Chemical filtration

Activated charcoal is the most popular medium for chemical filtration in the Betta tank and does the job very well. Activity charcoal has the capability of eliminating some chemicals responsible for unpleasant colors and odors in water.

Mechanical filtration

Mechanical filtration in Betta’s tank is used to remove particles from your water columns, like debris and uneaten food from your fish.

You must change or wash the mechanical filter cartridges every month or so, depending on the size of the tank and the filter.

Every week after a water change, you can pass a vacuum filtered bucket through the cartridge to remove debris from the tank that blocks the filters and interferes with water flow.

Picking A Substrate

When choosing a substrate for a betta tank, you have to be sure it is not too sharp or rough. It’s all your problems before your Betta is stuck in the ground or injured on the substrate.

Large gravel can trap some debris that will end up polluting the Betta’s tank water, producing more ammonia. If you add plants, it will be more productive to avoid the sand.

Although it’s not essential, it’s always nice to also pick a natural-looking substrate. So it feels nice and natural. And as a positive benefit for you, he will make the colors pop!

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Other supplies for an ideal betta fish tank setup

Some of the best staple foods include betta pellets or freeze-dried worms. Water tests are necessary to ensure a healthy and stable aquarium; have good tests for accurate results, low-quality tests are not enough to assess accurately.

Keep a maintenance routine up to date. Purchase a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other toxins from tap water and a cleaning siphon to facilitate water change and substrate siphoning.

QZQ Aquarium Gravel Cleaner necessary for betta fish tank setupFreshwater Aquarium Test Strips required for betta fish tank setupAPI STRESS COAT needed for betta fish tank setup

Should your Betta’s tank have a lid?

Your Betta’s tank should be tightly capped; Bettas are excellent jumpers; in nature, they jump from puddle to puddle. In the aquarium, they won’t hesitate to take giant leaps towards the ground.

Wild bettas are incredibly even jumpers! They use this ability to move from puddle to puddle during droughts, which means your goldfish isn’t afraid to jump out of their tanks.

Fill it up!

Your Betta can breathe the same air like you and me, using an organ known as a labyrinth. The labyrinth is an adjunct breathing organ, sometimes used by fish; this is one of the reasons for the myth that bettas do not need filters and live in any quality of water.

Don’t fill an aquarium to the top, as your fish could drown, as strange as it sounds. Remember that bettas are excellent jumpers, leave the lid closed with a breathing space.

Finally, introduce your Betta to its new tank

The final step to set up your aquarium is, of course, adding your new fish. If he’s the only fish in the tank, there’s no need to use a quarantine.

Your Betta will arrive in a bag with water from the store. Float the bag with the fish in the future aquarium until the temperature equals; This takes about thirty minutes, be patient.

After the temperature stabilizes, open the bag and, little by little, put the water from the aquarium inside the fish bag; when the water volume has doubled, discard the water from the bag and place the fish in its deficient aquarium.

Never put water from the pack in your aquarium; this water may be carrying pathogens and other things you don’t want in your aquarium.

Final Thoughts – Betta fish tank setup

Betta fish are fantastic animals that deserve proper treatment. Follow this guide, and you will have a satisfied Betta Fish Tank Setup who will be a loving companion for many years to come.

Have a water change at least once a week to keep the environment healthy. Be sure to monitor pH, ammonia, nitrate levels and properly clean your tanks.

I hope this simple tutorial helps you create a great, stress-free, fun environment for your new flaky friend.


Betta Fish Care Guide – Everything You Need to Know

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish (Betta splendens), also known as Siamese Fighting fish, are among the most beautiful freshwater species. Unfortunately, their popularity has led to the spread of many misconceptions about how to keep Betta Fish Care. This article will cover everything you need to know about Betta Fish Care, including size, diet, lifespan, and more.

Aquarists must understand how to properly care for their pets to provide them with the best quality of life possible. This post will cover all aspects ofBetta Fish Care– from feeding and fish tank requirements to information on breeding and disease prevention. If you’ve been looking for a comprehensive guide on Betta Fish Care, then this is it!

Betta Fish Care 101 Everything You Need To Know

This Betta Fish Care guide provides information for owners on maintaining the proper care for a siamese fighting fish. This includes suggested betta fish tank sizes, keeping perfect water parameters in the fish tank, feeding information, and more. With proper care, your Betta could live a good five years, despite its average lifespan of 2 to 4 years. Betta Fish Care are intelligent and beautiful fish that must be kept with care. The beautiful betta fish are tranquil and affordable to own and maintain, and they can bring joy and companionship for years to come. Knowing how to take care of Betta will make things easier when getting them for the first time.Betta Fish Care

Summary of species

Betta fish are a small but fierce freshwater tropical fish native to Southeast Asian countries. They can live up to three years; five if in perfect conditions. Betta fish have been considered an ideal gateway to the aquarium hobby. Apart from their intelligence and low maintenance requirements, betta fish have unique and remarkable attributes – their parenchymatous lung system and labyrinth organ. This means that betta fish belong to the “labyrinth fishes” (the family Osphronemidae). This organ allows them to breathe oxygen straight from the atmosphere, outside the surface of the water. This feature can make Betta Fish Care more resistant to poor water conditions, although you should also aim for perfect water quality in your tank at home.

Betta Fish – The best beginner pet fish

Betta fish, also known as Betta splendens or Siamese Fighting Fish, is a long-time favorite tropical fish pet for beginners and veteran fish keepers due to their colorful fins and playful personality. Discover the proper care for Betta before acquire your first fish. This care guide is suited to new and experienced aquarists and will detail how to care for a betta properly.


Betta Fish Care

Betta fish is of identical shape to other members of the gourami family (Osphronemidae). This unique type of organ known as a labyrinth organ allows them to survive in low oxygen environments. A great variety of Betta species are found in the wild, and all of them can be identified by their color pattern and fin shape. The sexual dimorphism between male and female Betta Fish Care is very evident. Females are smaller than males, and their colors are not very striking. Short, hairlike fins are primarily worn in the female betta fish only—most reach on average 2.25 inches.

Typical behavior

Fighting fish are violent and territorial to each other and also to any other fish similar to them. Males will fight to the death when gathered together and will attack females who reject their plan to mate, even those who accept. Betta Fish Care, when showing aggressiveness, always display their fins and plays underwater acrobatics. They’re surprisingly intelligent and understand their environment in a manner that most fish don’t. You will find that females tend to be calmer than groups of males, and they often swim in small shoals. These curious fish will look in various areas in the tank but spend their most productive time in either lower or middle levels or lying down in some decoration.

Conditions of water for Bettas

Betta Fish Care prefer the least mineralized (soft) water, and with a pH of around 7, wild bettas need more acidic water; it’s worth asking the pet store owner where the fish comes from. They live in warm water temperature, between 78-80º F, preferring lower levels of ammonia and nitrates. Bettas fish is easy to keep happy and healthy and tolerate fluctuations that would kill other fish; this happens because they live in shallow ponds, which change temperature and other conditions quickly and frequently.

Plants, hideouts, and decorations for Betta fish

Mimicking the natural habitat is the best way of proper care for a betta in a tank. All live plants are the best plants for the Betta Fish Care tank as they get rid of ammonia and offer places to hide. Don’t worry though, artificial plants in the tank are also excellent and resistant. You have to be inspected during tank maintenance to prevent the accumulation of dirt in holes and grooves of the ornaments in the aquarium. The holes in the decorations should be large, thus preventing betta fish from getting stuck in them.

Additional tank recommendations

Betta fish are not exceptionally swimmers, so any strong water flow in the tank can cause stress. It would be vital if it has some lid to cover the Betta Fish Care tank. They can frequently reach the water surface and can quickly get out of the water. Pay attention to the minimum tank size to keep Fish like Betta. Beware of low water temperature; it can weaken your betta fish.

Betta Fish Care Tools

Betta Fish Care species are tolerant of room temperatures but prefer tropical weather. For proper Betta Fish Care, they prefer temperatures between 72-86º F. In cold water, they can suffer from a weak immune system which can lead to ich, dropsy, and other infections. Nitrifying bacteria have a significant bearing on aquarium health. The larger the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain water standards. The filter provides water circulation and a base for your nitrifying bacteria. A sponge or submersible filter is also recommended for creating a straightforward cleaner unit that will hold beneficial bacteria once your bowl and aquarium are cycled. The filter is also essential in Betta Bowls.

Betta Fish Care Guide

Fin rot is an infection that occurs due to the poor quality of the water standards; bacteria, fungus, or both can cause it. Dropsy can be recognized as a swelling in the animal’s abdomen, the scales are raised, and the swimming is crooked. Because you can’t use a powerful filter, you need to rely on periodic water changes to keep the tank as clean as possible. If your animal scale is raised widely like pineapple, then dropsy has to be an explanation. You have to perform water changes to keep perfect pollutant-free water.

Betta Fish Tank Mates

Two female betta fish are housed, with one male Betta Fish Care in the tank. This allows up to five female fish to be tank mates and share a big tank. Betta fish should have space in the tank. For bettas, good tank mates include fish like rasboras, ghost shrimps, tetras, catfish, gouramis, or mollies. Two male Betta Fish Care will need to exert dominance, and the result will be a severe injury and, most likely, one of the male’s death. Betta fish can be great with other animals but will also become competitive and aggressive between the same species.

Other Tank Mates

Betta fish are aggressive. Surprisingly, they get very comfortable with nano school fish in the same tank because shoaling protect large fish from the fight’s temper. Catfish and bottom dwellers can also work well with betta fish because they remain near the bottom and do not venture into betta fish territory. It would be best if you never left any Gourami species in a Betta tank. Finnippers got to be avoided. The Siamese algae eater, tigers barbs, and certain species of tetra should be kept away.

Tank Size

Betta fish should not be in an under a 5-gallon water tank. Ideally, with an extra gallon for each additional fish. It is common to use bowls to house betta fish even if it is not the correct recommendation. Bowls lack the necessary space to house the animal, which can result in excess stress. Start with a five-gallon tank and progress.

Food and Feeding

In the wild, the betta fish eat insect larvae on the surface of the pool. Replicating what and how betta fish eat in the wild can maintain their happy and healthy state. Betta Fish Care food is available in various forms, including pellets, fish flakes, live food, and freeze-dried solutions. The frozen dry bloodworms and brine shrimp are Betta’s favorite items. Breeders should avoid manufactured pellet and flakes by using live-feed food for breeding betta fish.

How often should I feed my betta fish?

A dedicated Betta Fish Care pellet and freeze-dried bloodworms are everyday meals for the fish, but regular fish food for omnivorous carnivores can be used. These floating pellets are specially made for providing the nutrients that fish need. (This article answers the question: How often should I feed betta fish blood worms?)

Habitat Care Cleaning and Maintenance

The smaller the Betta Fish Care tank, the faster the pollution occurs. Water quality deteriorates because of the accumulation of ammonia produced by the waste of the fish. This forces water’s pH to drop into an unhealthy range. A good filter can reduce these concentrations and establish healthy bacteria in tanks. The fish will merely swim around its waste, and it can eventually get ill over time.

Breeding Betta Fish

In action, Betta fish breeding behavior is fascinating. A male creates a net on surface water to attract females. The female will deposit her eggs into the tank water, where the male will collect them in his mouth and put them under a bubble net. Up to 500 eggs may be laid at once, but only about 40 of them will be caught and placed within the nest. As the eggs hatch, the male attack the female until she gets out from the nest. It will take about four months before their juvenile form is matured.


When they reach seven months, they usually have a complete cycle of growth. Male Betta Fish Care have bigger and shorter fins than females and possess a wider body. Compare female fish to male fish; you will see the most significant differences in length in the fins, which are more extensive and prolonged in males. Both males and females average around 2.5 inches.

Behavior & Temperament

Betta Fish Care

Good fishing care requires awareness of their protective qualities. They will often flash the colors as a warning sign for tank mates and outsiders. When threatened, they will also puff out their gills and fins to convince you they’re never to be disturbed. You want to ensure that they get in the right tank with the ideal tank mates. The fish are active and hungry and come to the surface frequently.

How to take care of different Betta fish

Betta fish fry requires special attention during their growing. There are dozens of more species of bettas, and the Betta splendens are available for sale at most pet retailers. Betta splendens come in varied tail patterns, achieved by selective breeding; however – all must have the same level of care and characteristics. Fry’s upbringing needs to be reserved for experienced caretakers and breeders. Fry needs special diets to survive as it cannot put any betta pellets into his mouths. More than 70 different varieties of this fish species, including delta tail, veiltail, double tail, a butterfly, and a Halfmoon.

History and the first sighting

The first recorded case is from the Thai monarchy in the 1840s. Fish fighting became popular in Thailand in the 19th century. Today the Betta is the most prevalent aquarium fish after Goldfish. They were imported into the West in the early 20th century and reached the United States in 1910. The Betta became known as ornamental fish rather than fighter after being outlawed by the Thai royal family in the 1800s. Nowadays, they are popular aquarium fish globally, as do the Goldfish in China, Japan, and the USA; they are more prevalent in aquariums than ever before.

Betta Fish Water Heaters and Filters

Betta is a local freshwater fish of the Thai and Cambodian Islands. The ideal temperature for your Betta tank is 78-80 degrees F which makes you care when choosing a heat source. It’s possible to find a high-capacity heater that will not break but will heat your tank reliably and consistently. Please read our guide on Betta tank heaters; it’s a quick read, and it’s an easy way to keep your tank from becoming an ice pond.

How long should water sit before adding fish?

Many facilities treat their waters with chlorine and other chemicals. Always add water conditioning or de-chlorinator to the tap water, so your water can stay safe for animal use. Never skip the water conditioner.

Betta Fish Tank Setup

Betta fish prefer aquariums larger than two gallons. There is a notion that Bettas are such great fish because they don’t need filters and live happily in cups or fish bowls. You might think that because Betta fish are small animals, their fish tanks got to have the same size. If your fish wishes to be happy, reading the article Best Betta Tank for Happy, Healthy Betta is an excellent option.

Betta Tank Cleaning

A clean tank is vital to the health of your Betta Fish Care. Maintain routine aquarium maintenance. Vacuum the substrate, clean the filters, ornaments and replenish the water. Avoid washing the aquarium with water straight from the tap; under no circumstances use soap. Clean the tank walls with a specialized cleaner and wash the filter with water taken from the aquarium to prevent biological losses.

Betta Tank Size and Environment

The minimum volume of each Betta is two gallons. It is recommended for a size of 6 gals. The Betta splendens live in shallow oxygen inefficient streams, rice pads, and ponds in the wild, but many of these areas are still extensive in water volume. Betta fish need access to the surface of the water to breathe air via their unique labyrinth organ. This organ allows them to take oxygen out of the air and in their veins instead of the simple water.

Keep the male Bettas separated

A good rule of thumb is one male per 10 gallons and never less than four females. By doing so, they can spread the anger and violence across their group rather than one guy becoming the outcast. Providing one female per man also takes one female away to build bubble nests or promote to potential mates. While both will display and fight otherwise, their bouts are much less frequent and rarely fatal. It is nice to use an aquarium of 40+ gallons replicating their natural habitat: full of aquatic plants filling both the surface and the mid-water columns like Hornwort, Vallisneria, and Elodea.

How many Betta fish can I keep together?

You can hardly keep males Betta fish in the same tank. The stress of being placed together with the enemy usually kills them. Certain types of fish live harmoniously in pairs with another male fish; however, there are specific characteristics the tankmates have to meet. As with anything in live animals, personalities will differ. Knowing the fish before, you can understand if it’s a good idea before adding them to the tank. If they display signs of aggression, it’s good common sense to keep them apart, but if they’re not using hostile behavior, it’s okay to experiment with others species.

Look for signs of interest

As the male fish is interested in the female starts nipping from its divider and darkens in color. If interested, a female fish will display horizontal stripes, her ovipositor (the zone from which she sets eggs) will protrude further, and she will move her tail along the surface. At this stage, the male constructs his bubble nest in the shell, just as previously described. It will be decommissioned, but we must watch deadly conflicts first. If the young couple became overly violent, they could have to separate.

Conditioning your Betta fish for spawning

You need to keep water conditions optimal and provide heat and nutrient-rich food like Tubifex, Brine Shrimp, and Bloodworm. Warm water and high in fresh live and frozen foods combined with chemical and behavioral triggers will stimulate males to build their nest and female to begin egg production. After being fertilized, their eggs are collected in the pool of water by the males. He first spits slowly into his bubble nest, where they build up to 72 hours. After her eggs mature, the female enters beneath the nest, and she pairs with each other under the Nuptial Dance.

Betta Fish Fry Care

Betta fish fry is tiny and requires infusoria (plankton), “green water,” and other little prey items. As they grow, you’ll have to up their size to things such as microworms, Brine Shrimp nauplii, powdered flake Daphnia, and later adult foods. Assuming you look at maintaining water parameters, feed them well; this way, you can take them to their fullest potential. The fish may reach adulthood at the age of 3 or four months. If you wish to raise all the fry together, you’re better off netting the whole nest and bringing those larvae to an aquarium only for the fry.

Tell me the best filter for a Betta fish tank?

The most efficient filter for a betta fish is one that can filter over the entire tank repeatedly for over an hour without causing enough flow. The inner filters or sponge filters tend to be a perfect choice. My number one recommendation for a Betta Fish Care filter in small aquariums is the sponge filter, ideal for tanks up to 20 gallons and provides multiple forms of filtration while not blocking bacteria. Betta inhabits shallow and slow-burning bodies of water. They are not equipped with the strength to deal with the fast-moving current that others fish are. Hence the importance of selecting a filter with a low flow rate.

What lighting does Betta Fish need?

Betta species need ample shade at the time of year and dark at night. Artificial light systems are constant and controllable. Live plants in the aquarium need an adequate amount of light to survive and thrive. The lighting may be synthetic or natural, but natural light is challenging to control, and too much sunshine can accelerate algae growth. A good set of artificial aquarium lights can provide your betta fish with the needed illumination without fluctuations. Artificial lighting provides enough light for the fish to grow.

Bettas Butting Heads – The “One Male Rule”

Betta fish are known as battle birds in Siam for the same reason – they attack one another very aggressively. Be careful if you are concerned about putting your male Betta in a community tank or adding more fish to your male Betta tank. Some tank mates work together very well, and you can learn much more from our article. Bettas usually need encouragement and distractions to keep from causing stress. Also, if you’re keeping your animal healthy and happy, you should get a couple of broad-leafed plants to rest.

Wrapping it Up

You’ve learned a lot about how to care for your Betta Fish Care and may have even been inspired to go out and get one. We hope you enjoyed this article on the basics of caring for a Betta Fish, but there is always more information available if you need it! If anything seems unclear or confusing please let us know. Good luck with your new addition!


Best Plants For Betta Fish Tanks: Live & Fake Betta Plants


Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, naturally live in heavily-vegetated, shallow water streams in Asia. When deciding how to set up your tank, there are so many plant options to choose from that could resemble their natural habitat. So, we’ve put together a list of the Best Plants for Betta Fish Tanks to give you more of an idea of what your betta fish would love the most.

Best Live Betta Plants Comparison Table

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Best Artificial Betta Plants Comparison Table

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Contrary to what most people think, betta fish don’t actually thrive in small, empty fish bowls or ponds. In reality, they are much happier, healthier and more comfortable when their aquariums depict their natural environment, a large space with plenty of plants and greenery.

Here are some of the most popular plants we could find to fill your betta tanks with, to keep them refreshed and thriving.

Maintaining Live Plants in Your Tank

Best Plants for Betta Fish

The best option for keeping live plants in your aquarium is having an aquarium ceiling light, such as an LED or UV.

This ensures that they can grow optimally indoors. If you don’t have indoor lighting or don’t plan on adding one to your setup, artificial plants are a good alternative.

However, there are some live plants that survive fine without a lot of external lighting, and these are listed in our reviews below.

Are Live Plants Better?

Choosing whether live or artificial plants are better mostly comes down to personal preference.

Live plants generally liven up an aquarium, creating a vibrant, natural environment for your fish. Some may even help control the water quality of your tank. They require more care and maintenance to remain thriving and healthy.

Artificial plants may not always exhibit that natural aesthetic as well, however are a great maintenance-free option for your aquarium.

Aquatic Plants Versus Semi-Submersible Plants

You may have seen some aquarium setups where plants can grow outside of the tank. An aquarium grown this way is usually expertly crafted and is actually more of a water garden. It is popular with some betta fish keepers to grow semi-submerged bamboo in an aquarium.

Where Can I Buy Live Aquarium Plants?

You should be able to purchase live plants from your local water supply store, or online. We bought our latest Java fern from and were delighted with the quality and service. We have also purchased plants in the past from Swallow Aquatics, a local water sports store that also sells online.

What Plants Are Safe for Betta Fish?

Some of the safest plants to choose for your betta fish are non-toxic and easy to care for, with soft leaves for the fish to rub against.


Top 10 Best Plants For Your Betta Fish Tanks Review


1. Betta Fish Balls Live Marimo Aquarium Plants

Best Plants For Betta Fish

The Betta Fish Balls Live Marimo Aquarium Plants are one of the easiest live plants to choose for your betta tank. These Marimo balls are technically an algae that can live for years without much special care.

These plant balls work well to create a natural aesthetic, along with being a hardy option providing the tank water with necessary nutrients.

Their round shape is a fun choice, that when paired with a variety of other plants, can create a unique, functioning environment for your fish to play in.

Betta fish also love to rub or rest in the soft seaweed.

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2. Green Pro Java Fern

Best Plants For Betta Fish

These Green Pro Java Ferns are low maintenance live plants that can thrive in many environments, especially in low-light freshwater environments. They don’t need any fertilizer, and have long leaves that your betta fish will love to play in.

This plant is so versatile. They don’t require soil or gravel, and can thrive completely or partially submerged in your tank. They provide a realistic ecosystem for your fish, with different layers to swim and explore in.

You can easily create a new plant by dividing the roots. The Java plant is well-worth its value.

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3. Java Moss Live Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Best Plants For Betta Fish

This nutrient-rich Java Moss Live Freshwater Aquarium Plant can help add oxygen to your tank. It creates viable ground cover similar to the natural environment of betta fish for them to rub and happily play around.

The Java moss is a freshwater plant that has no roots. It grows well in average temperatures, covering the bottom of the tank with little to no maintenance.

It prefers a lot of nitrates and stagnates water due to its delicate structure. Food scraps and fish excrement are the perfect and easy fertilizer for this plant.

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4. SunGrow Beautiful Plastic Aquarium Plant

Best Plants For Betta Fish

The SunGrow Beautiful Plastic Aquarium Plant is an artificial decoration with large, glossy leaves that resemble real plant leaves for your betta fish to explore.

You can use it in any type of tank, temperature or lighting situation and you can trust it’s long-lasting durability. It’s maintenance free, with flexible leaves that can move for a more realistic effect.

The product comes with about 20 leaves for you to fill your tank with, providing your betta fish with shelter and privacy.

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5. Betta Plant Amazon Sword

Best Plants For Betta Fish

Another artificial option to add to your aquarium collection is the Betta Plant Amazon Sword. This is an eye-catching choice, with thick sheets that look realistic and help take up space in the tank.

The weighted rock base helps the plastic plant stay safe and allows your betta fish to play and explore the leaves easily.

The leaves are colored to look realistic and have natural variations that can help the plastic plant blend in with other plants or features. This product doesn’t require any maintenance and can be expected to last for a long time.

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6. Marina Ecoscaper Hydrocotyle Silk Plant

Best Plants For Betta Fish

This Marina Ecoscaper Hydrocotyle Silk Plant is made from a natural material that consistently looks shiny and healthy in the container. The colors of the plant are translucent and the silk material helps the leaves flow in water as a real plant might.

This plant can fill the mid-range area of your aquarium, helping with keeping that natural, low maintenance aesthetic for your betta fish to live in.

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7. CNZ Aquarium Fish Tank Green Lifelike Underwater Plastic Plant

Best Plants For Betta Fish

The CNZ Aquarium Fish Tank Green Lifelike Plant is available in two sizes and suits a variety of tank sizes. The leaves are multi-colored to make your aquarium visually interesting, including roots to help with that realistic effect.

This plant can fill larger tanks with ease, giving your betta fish something to hide and play in. It comes with multiple leaves that can blend well with other live and artificial plants you may already have.

This is a great low-maintenance option for your tank.

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8. Marina Betta Pink Orchid Aquarium Plastic Plant

Best Plants For Betta Fish

This striking Marina Betta Pink Orchid Aquarium Plastic Plant is ideal for visual displays. It’s made to resemble the rare pink orchids, even including roots to attach to the bottom of the tank for that realistic effect.

The vibrant green and pink colors add visual interest to your aquatic landscape and it is easy to keep clean and maintain. This is an option to choose if you’re looking for a betta fish-friendly statement piece.

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9. Dwarf Hairgrass Live Aquarium Plants

Best Plants For Betta Fish

The Dwarf Hairgrass Live Aquarium Plant is an easy to maintain, soft and green plant. It grows in the mid-range segment of the tank and is a great addition to creating a realistic ecosystem for fish to swim in. This type of plant is ideal for placing around stone ornaments or pieces of driftwood.

The best temperature for dwarf hairgrass is 70 to 83° F and it grows best in moderate light. It’s a carpet plant, providing lush ground cover for fish to enjoy. However, it needs a nutrient-rich substrate to survive.

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10. Live Aquarium Plants in Tissue Culture Cup Anubias

Best Plants For Betta Fish

The Live Aquarium Plants in Tissue Culture Cup Anubias are a beautiful, fresh an non-toxic choice for your betta fish.

Their unique leaves are visually appealing and relatively low maintenance. The Anubias plant is hardy, growing in a variety of environments, preferring low-light freshwater tanks.

The leaves are thick and heavy, providing high-quality coverage for your betta fish to enjoy.

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Live plants for betta fish



Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, the idea that betta fish can live in small, unfiltered bowls has become a popular misconception. The healthier option to help your betta fish thrive, is a densely planted environment with lots of room to move. The Best Plants for Betta Fish Tanks are low-maintenance, soft greenery with lots of places to hide and play around.
