Pregnant Neon Tetra (Guide) – Everything you should know

Pregnant Neon Tetra

The way neon tetra fish reproduce is unique and requires proper steps for successful fertilization. This entire process is unique and needs specific measures to ensure its success. Because these fish are so adorable, many fish keepers are happy to find that their Tetra neon is carrying babies. How to reproduce this Tetra to have a family of these beauties in a tropical freshwater aquarium will also be discussed.

How do I tell if a Neon Tetra is going to lay eggs?

Many novice aquarists love Neon tetras because of their glowing presence in the aquarium. Generally, a pregnant female with a neon tetra has a swollen belly, so she must lay eggs very soon. The mating and egg-release processes of these small species can be somewhat complicated. Learn about Neon Tetra and its spawn – and discover hidden facts and tips. Keep learning more!

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra is a brightly colored species that enjoy the company of other fish of their species. They have a socially relaxed and happy attitude. But most are very fussy about their waiting for a suitable arrangement.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is Neon Tetra mating?

Even the smallest Tetra can produce more than a dozen eggs in the exact spawn. If you see male swimming alongside a female, he is almost certainly in the mating process. Tetras are egg dispersers. Females release their eggs floating in the water column, so the eggs sink to the bottom of the tank. The eggs should hatch in approximately 24 hours and produce a small fry that will feed on your egg pouch the next day. Removing the breeding pair after the eggs have been laid is necessary as the parents devour their offspring.

How do I tell if a neon tetra is going to spawn

If your Neon Tetra starts to show signs of swelling in its tummy, it will likely lay some eggs. This article will help you know what to do when your Neon Tetra lays eggs. And how exactly to make them reproduce. In this article, I will also cover the complex mating of these simple freshwater species. It also helps people find out when the eggs in their aquarium are about to hatch. Let’s get into our knowledge of neon tetras.

How do you know if a Neon Tetra is pregnant?

A tetra may lay a total of 60 up to 130 eggs, which will take 24 hours to hatch. Once the eggs are loose in the water column, you must remove the breeding pair from the aquarium; otherwise, they may eat the eggs and fry.

Do Neon Tetras eat their babies?

Baby tetras are prone to get sick and are sensitive to injury. They may not survive unless you give them proper care and remove the adults from the fry tank. It is possible to put baby tetras in the same aquarium as the adults after three to four months. They will soon develop the survival skills necessary to live harmoniously with adults.

Neon tetras and breeding requirements

The most likely way to ensure positive breeding of neon tetras is to separate the breeding matrices in proper breeding aquariums. For best results, place a few smaller stones at the bottom of the tank in the egg landing areas. Small fish can be highly demanding if they need favorable breeding conditions. This requires frequent water change during spawning. Immediately after mating, neons lay some eggs, usually at dawn. As the species does not have parental care, they may eat the fry.

Readjusting the water conditions

If the neon tetra is not reproducing, you should check the water conditions and readjust as needed. Adjusting water hardness can trigger spawning by simulating rain. Don’t forget to dim the lighting. Maintaining proper tank conditions on your first attempt can be a challenge. Do not hesitate to experiment and take your time to adjust everything according to the needs of your fish. Some neon tetras prefer harder waters, and some prefer softer waters. Add a large volume of soft water to the pond and see if it makes a difference after a few days.

Removing the fish

Tetra adults typically eat their eggs, and they also consume young ones. It is again recommended to breed one pair at a time in a separate tank. Having an additional adult tetra in a tank means that the other fish end up eating the egg. You don’t want an experience like this because you cannot leave eggs in the tank in multiple pairs within a single tank. The rocks or gravel on the bottom of the tank will make it easier to spot the eggs in the fish tank by simply moving them back to their previous tank to protect the eggs. The eggs are transparent, smaller, and challenging to view.

Prep the water

Neon tetra appreciates soft water with 1-3 dH indicator. The water level should not drop below 80 degrees F. Ph levels from 5 to 7 should be adjusted to provide the ideal climate for neon tetras to breed. The breeding technique must replicate the Neon Tetra’s environment.

Setting up the breeding tank

If you don’t have a tank, buy one that’ll measure at least 12x8x8-inches. The storage tanks will exclusively accommodate the male and female breeding tetras and incubate the newborns. Set up this tank like a standard tank. Avoid plants, and don’t forget to place a few rocks on the bottom of the tank. Make the water very soft and the temperature warm enough for the breeding to happen.

Placement of the tank

These tanks usually will have low light. However, low light does not mean a dark environment. They must be placed in a location and get indirect light to provide them night and day cycle.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Identifying the male and female

It’s not necessary to sex neon tetras for breeding because you can put a few in the tanks, and they will reproduce. To increase the success, chances start with a pair by transferring them into a separate tank.

Breeding Neon Tetras

It’s not impossible to breed neon tetras and reproduce their ideal conditions. The creation of separate hatcheries is advisable. In this section, you learn what actions they must have adopted when developing a neon tetra.

Breeding requirements for Neon Tetras

For best results, you must make a large tank with a couple of inches of rocks to make a proper landing place for eggs or babies. A lid on the device may also help protect the parents from jumping during your moment of euphoria. You should only add tetras into the tank that is fully mature with stable water chemistry. To stop eggs get stuck in leaves, remove plants from tanks.

How long does it take for a neon tetra to lay eggs?

The female neon tetra will scatter a bunch of eggs when ready to reproduce. After spawning, the male neon tetra will assist in fertilizing the eggs. The tiny fry comes from the eggs and feeds entirely from the eggs sacks in the initial few days. In four to five days, we can see fry swimming in the same aquarium. Give fry food, infusory foods, and rotifers. They can be challenging to find because they are transparent.

Why aren’t eggs of my tetra hatching?

You can separate the adults as soon as the eggs are fertilized. You can also take out the eggs from the tank instead! In addition, you must wait until 24 hours before the embryo hatches.

Tell me the time it takes for neon tetras to lay eggs?

When female neon tetra is bred, she will scatter several eggs for males to fertilize. The eggs are tiny, transparent, and quite sticky. These eggs will glide and stick to the soil. After fertilizing, the eggs can take 24 hours to hatch.

Difference between male and female Neon Tetra

Males are generally thinner with a straight blue border. A female neon is also rounder and has an angled blue line. Females are usually more prominent than males. When a female is full of eggs, their belly becomes more significant and more rounded.

Pay Attention To The Male Neon Tetra Fish Behavior

When males begin to demonstrate courting behaviors, it’s likely because the female is ready to reproduce. There are also actions that the males may be observed, which are specific dances they do when attracting the females. When they do these mating dances, the male fish sometimes swims around in square patterns while rotating in a circle. Occasionally you can notice him stop and stay still for a moment before regaining the dance rhythm. The behavior of males will, too, be a clear indication that the females are ready to lay eggs according to the behavior of a female fish.

Check their belly

The female neon tetras flange looks more rounder than usual when she lays eggs. It’s the most considerable confirmation that she will lay eggs. You can see on their abdomen if they are female.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is my Tetra going to lay eggs?

Neon Tetra is not laying eggs but has swollen in the belly for a long time. Let me show you what should happen if you have a sore abdomen for too long.

Is the Neon Tetra fat or going to lay eggs?

Neon tetras are increasing body mass, but they show no symptoms of sickness or pregnantness. If your neon tetras get fat without reason, then maybe it’s sick in water in your tank or something wrong. It can often be caused when high nitrate levels occur.

Is the Neon Tetra pregnant?

When the male becomes more rounded in size, he becomes very sick. To be sure if your female fish is ill or not, you must examine their females compared to the males during mating. If the neon tetra isn’t getting better from the swollen belly, it’ll be in trouble, maybe with some disease or condition.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

What should I do if my Neon Tetra is pregnant?

If your neon tetra shows signs of pregnancy, you probably have to prepare yourself to receive the fry. It’s a good idea to research a little more about this fish.

Ideal water conditions

Neon Tetra fish flourish when they live in water at 77 Fahrenheit. Soft water should be slightly acidic but have a pH of 5.5. The majority of pet shops and online pharmacies offer pH testing strips. When changing water is critical to change at least half of the water in the tank every week. It is recommended to change tank water less frequently to encourage neon tetra to breed. If they’re given this, they might decide to quit breeding when they’re not allowed to do so.

Separate tanks

The eggs are adhesives, so they should have no plants and weeds on them for egg sticking. The breeding tank should consist of at least 10 gallons of water to establish the proper environmental conditions for successful breeding. Make sure the breeding tanks have a lid to avoid your fish from jumping out of the tank. The fish can be placed in the tank during the evening since breeding can take place.

What do neon tetra eggs look like?

Neon Tetra eggs are small and round – similar in length and size to tapioca. They’re clear but usually have White or Yellow tints to them. These eggs have a similar consistency to jelly, and they can stick to plants and leaves in an aquarium. Because the eggs are tiny, they could be quite hard to see.

Adequate lighting

Neon tetra fish always do better in dark environments. Bring the aquarium to an area that would have been protected by natural light during the day. The aquarium shouldn’t need to be fully darkened but will receive only very minimal light per day. Move it to a dark place to be as close as possible to the fish and their habitat.


When you put two female fish neon tetra in the same room, they might scatter eggs for themselves. While you never see pregnant Tetra fish in your aquarium, you can be lucky enough to see a female fish ready to lay eggs.

Signs that Neon Tetras are mating or about to

The more you examine the neon tetras, the more differences you get. If you noticed your neon tetra doing a dancing movement in a square or circular movement and turning your head, you would undeniably be watching and listening to it. Fun fact this dancing aimed to attract tetras that are females! When you see the male Neon Tetras perform this exceptional dancing for the female mates and sometimes stop for some of your moments to stop them. Make sure they meet up.

Male Vs. Female Neon Tetra

Female Neon Tetra is a lot bigger than males. If you take a closer look, you will discover a horizontal blue line between male and female tetras. By contrast, you will notice a blue line curving the body of the two female tetra’s. To put things another way: slimmer neon tetra usually is male.

Specific Belly Form Before Laying Eggs

The females in neon tetra are rounded bellies due to the eggs they carry. She will spawn eggs when conditions come to perfect for it. Eggs can spawn in warmer conditions when illumination is proper.

How do I save and care for neon tetra eggs?

To keep neon tetra puppies healthy, first hold the aquarium parameters stable and optimal, without parameter fluctuations.

Managing water parameters

Neon tetras prefer soft water. The water should be a 0-2 dH indicator. For the pH level, you should go for about 5-6. Additionally, the water temperatures are about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. To maintain the parameters stable, you can look for a test kit to gauge DH water concentrations in your pet store. You can reach 70 and 75 degrees but no more or less.

Avoid newly set tanks.

Fingerlings are sensitive to water quality; therefore, avoid using unmatured aquariums. Changing the fry to another tank should only take place when the fingerlings are around 3 to 4 months old, and the water composition of both tanks must be stable and equal. You must also ensure that temperatures in the tank are maintained properly.

Changes in the water of the aquarium

You can also switch water more often to mature Neon Tetras to encourage spawning. Changing water works wonders when almost none of the factors motivate your fish to spawn.

Final thoughts

Aquarium enthusiasts and lovers love to see Tetra Neon fish; these colorful beauties are appreciated in aquariums worldwide. One point to keep in mind is that females do not get pregnant. Instead, she will lay many eggs to allow male fish to fertilize their eggs. When your female is ready to lay eggs, it is essential to place her breeders in a separate tank with an appropriate environment. Check that the eggs are fertilized and correctly applied. You would like to remove the adults in their tanks before consuming the fertilized eggs.

[Complete Guide] Lemon Tetra: Care, Diet, Tank Mates, Lifespan And More

Lemon Tetra

Lemon Tetra, scientific name Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, is a common freshwater tropical fish. They are omnivorous, feeding on small invertebrates, crustacea, filamentous algae, fallen fruit, and suchlike. They have bright colors, robustness, and a calm temperament. These conditions are easily replicated in captivity, resulting in natural school behavior, breeding, and even defensive techniques. Lemon tetras have become extremely popular in the aquarium business, starting as one of the first species available (introduced in 1932) and commercially produced and now continuing as a basic inhabitant of most aquariums.

Summary of species

Lemon tetras originate in Brazil, and there is a debate about where they are collected, but evidence shows that they are in the basin of the Tapajós and Xingu rivers. A peaceful and hardy fish, the tetra-lemon is an easy-to-care freshwater species. These fish are an excellent addition to a community aquarium and can flourish in large groups. They are excellent choices for both experienced and novice aquarists. Lemon Tetras resides on narrow tributaries of the Tapajós River.

Lemon Tetra care: Tank size, food, school, and breeding

Lemon tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) brings a vibrant, elegant look to your community aquarium. This small but energetic fish is easy to enjoy and easy for someone new to the hobby to keep. Here is the most detailed guide about this fish.

Lemon Tetra Care: Diet, Tank Mates, Size, Behavior

Lemon Tetras are delightful freshwater fish that can add a colorful touch to any aquarium. And of course, they are very active and fun. But for some reason, aquarium hobby often underrepresents this species. Read this information to understand how to care for the lemon tetra. Here you’ll find more detailed information about your tank mates’ behavior, size, diet, and more. We like lemon tetras and have met a few other owners in the fishkeeping community.


Lemon tetras have a diamond-shaped body similar to many other tropical fish tetras. However, lemon tends to be taller and more horizontally compressed. The fish can be sexed using the color of the anal fin. The eyes of this tetra have nothing in common with its body, showing an intense red color, which also makes it unique! The lower half of the iris appears bright red that deepens and dulls due to the health of the fish. Other notable physical characteristics include an adipose fin and the lemon yellow color presented in some parts of the body and fins.

Lemon Tetra

Average size

The typical size of the lemon tetra is 1.5 inches when fully grown. These fish are tiny, which makes them comfortable regardless of the space available to them. Despite their smaller size, they have an intense coloration, standing out among the other inhabitants. They are great fish for nano tanks.

Lemon Tetra

Lemon tetra description

The largest male tetra-lemons are 1.5 inches long. The body is translucent to a light yellowish hue, and we see the lateral shimmering line that goes from the gill coverage to the beginning of the tail fin. The front ends are bright yellow, while the tip and edge of the dorsal fin and the posterior ray of the anal fin are black.

Commercial presence

The Lemon Tetra was introduced to the aquarium market around the beginning of the 20th century. These species are not threatened with extinction in the wild. It is easy to breed in captivity means that aquarists can produce a healthy population themselves. They are hardy fish and get along well with many other species; this adds even more attraction to community aquariums. Like some other tetras, they spawn together and produce many eggs.

Wild habitat

Tetra lemons are freshwater fish, but they cannot tolerate a hostile environment. Lemon tetras are not listed in the IUCN as an endangered species with a relatively narrow distribution and no environmental threat. They prefer shallow and slower river environments in their natural habitat, gravitating towards small streams, areas of flooded forest, and small puddles. The waters they live in are typically straightforward and contain a high mineral content compared to other parts of the river’s tributary.

Lemon tetra information

Lemon tetra is endemic to a specific region in Brazil. The lemon tetras have a yellowish color. The color of the species can change concerning the color of the substrate and the aquarium lighting. The ideal water temperature is 68 to 82 F. The Lemon Tetra is a peaceful fish and will work well in a quiet community aquarium. The aquarium can be a planted tank with a pH between 5 and 7.5, and the water hardness should be between 18 and 215 ppm. The fish is straightforward to breed in captivity compared to other tetras.

Lemon Tetra Care

Lemon Tetra can live up to eight years, although the average is about five years. However, these species are incredibly stable and are known to enjoy a good life in captivity. Lemon tetras are hardy animals, able to survive in many different situations. As mentioned here before, the tetra-lemon is strictly a tropical freshwater fish.

Lemon tetra setup

Lemon tetras kept in tanks that are too small can become shy and stressed. The suggested minimum size for the aquarium is 60 centimeters (24 inches). Try to imitate the nature of Lemon Tetra in your aquarium location. To make the fish more colorful, you can use dark aquarium water, as the contrast effect enhances the fish’s color. A densely planted aquarium containing at least a large open area for swimming can help fish. It is possible to find other peaceful fish species of similar size, which require the same water temperature and chemical characteristics as lemon tetras.

Tank size & tank setup

When designing the tank, it’s best to start with somewhere around 20 gallons or more. Keeping at least six fish together in a tank is ideal as it is a schooling species. A lemongrass aquarium should look like its habitat, densely planted, with clear water and moderate flow. This species needs hiding places and low light, include caves and plants, to block light.

Water parameters

Tetra lemons are obtained from shallow streams with soft, clear water. Lemon tetras are hard enough to tolerate most normal water conditions in a tropical aquarium. To ensure that this water parameter remains consistent, you should invest in an accurate water test kit. The ability to get fast, accurate readings is a must for any aquarist and will allow you to make adjustments to the water as needed.

Tank Size

It’s a small species, so that you can keep them in nano tanks. Despite this, lemon tetras are school fish and prefer to live in ponds. A tank containing 20 gallons of water will satisfy a small number of six fish. They are incredibly active fish and need a large area of water to have fun.

Conditions of water

The water temperature for Lemon Tetra Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis is between 68 and 82 Fahrenheit. The ideal pH range for these freshwater fish is between 5.5 and 7.5, and the hardness range is between 3 to 20 dGH. This aquatic fish will happily swim across the surface of the water and prefers a moderate water flow. Like most fish, they need clean water free of nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia. Maintain a weekly maintenance routine in the tank, cleaning the substrate and changing the water.

What to put in their tank

The tetra lemon blooms in densely planted clear waters in the Amazon region. They adapt very well to Amazon-themed aquariums, even blackwater ones. Start with the substrate; a layer of sand or fine gravel should suffice. Then add driftwood and roots to simulate your biotope. Rocks are also welcome. Mix multiple plants for a natural forest look. Use low-lying plants, taller-stemmed plants, and floating plants. The school should have a large open swimming area— standard filtration equipment, water flow, and lighting correctly.

Recreating a natural environment

Lemon Tetras requires a wide-open space for them to swim. The following elements are some of the main ornamental features to be used when trying to recreate the lemon tetras environment. Optional factors in a tank configuration include dry leaves, tannins, and floating plants. This species performs well in community aquariums with other peaceful inhabitants and will likely share the same food as its tank mates. These fish accept a wide variety of frozen, live and dry, natural and commercial foods.

Food & Diet

Lemon tetras are omnivorous and highly competitive for food. They must rely on high-quality food for their meals. Provide just enough food for them to consume without leftovers. Keep your diet varied, and your fish will have everything they need to stay in top shape and healthy. Feed several small meals throughout the day. Feed a variety of living, frozen snacks to keep the fish fit and healthy. Give the fish a small supply of food, and they will be healthy, and it will help color the fish.

Lemon Tetra

Food and Diet

Their diet should consist of high-quality dry flakes; supplements such as life, fresh or frozen foods are welcome—lemon tetras enjoy daphnia, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Lemon tetras love to eat plants and small animals in the wild, including invertebrates, arachnids, and ants. It is vital to provide the fish with high-quality food.


Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis are easily bred in the home aquarium. These fish disperse eggs and show no parental care. Spawning can be caused by conditioning the breeders with live feed and maintaining the water temperature between 75 and 78.8 Fahrenheit and pH levels between 6.5 and 7.2. A small 3-4 gallon breeding tank is ideal. Under suitable conditions, a large adult can produce as little as 300 eggs in one spawn. Eggs ripen within 24 hours.

Lemon Tetra breeding

A separate tank is specifically needed for breeding and make sure it is full of plants. Tetras spread their eggs and usually try to eat them, hence the importance of plants as they help to protect them. A lemon tetra that lays thousands of eggs a day is not uncommon. In approximately three days, the eggs will hatch, and the chicks will start eating feed in a few days. Lemon tetras are relatively simple creatures, easy to handle and maintain. They add the perfect color to any aquarium. They take varied conditions and can live along with many species of fish.

Lemon Tetra Tank Mates

Lemon tetras are small and delicate enough to become fish food, so don’t keep it with big or aggressive fish. If you decide to keep it in a community tank, choose fish of similar sizes and with the same peaceful temperament. Choose tank mates, such as dwarf shrimp, peaceful-tempered fish, or the like. The lemon tetra can live with a wide variety of tank mates, especially in larger aquariums.

Tank Mates

Lemon tetras generally do well with more laid-back species that don’t become too aggressive when faced with competition for food or territory. Even relatively calm cichlids can be aggressive with tetras; likewise, the little tetra may decide to eat the shrimp. Always remember that the tank owner must continually monitor the tank’s residents and prevent problems.

Behavior & Temperament

Lemon Tetra is a tranquil fish that likes to preserve peace. Like most other tetras, they prefer group life. Males can display aggression during mating, which will lead to a small fight between them, but without significant problems. These are fish that like to group in large schools.

Schooling behavior of Lemon Tetra

Tetra lemon works best when grouped in shoals, and when kept alone, it can be stressed by being anxious. In the wild, lemon tetras unite in large flocks that sometimes contain several thousand fish. Even though they are quiet, males can sometimes show aggression when trying to court females. They can be kept with other small fish species such as other tetras, Apistogramma, or plecos. They are often intimidated by larger fish, but they like to eat small animals like shrimp.

Life span

The average lifespan of the lemon tetra is about five years. In a poorly managed environment, fish experience stress, disease, and premature death. Like all other fish, the life span can be reduced considerably if proper care is not provided. There are many cases where these fish have survived their lifespan, but it is usually a combination of reasonable care and luck.


Hyphesobrycon pulchripinnis is a powerful fish in any tank. When kept in polluted aquariums, fish can become stressed, causing fungus and disease to develop. Like most tropical freshwater fish, the tetra is prone to parasitic infestations, skin worms, and bacterial infections. Before introducing new specimens into your main aquarium, quarantine them to make sure they are disease-free. Before adding plants and decorations to your aquarium, you need to sanitize them.

Potential diseases

Many common illnesses need your attention, including bacterial infections and parasitic infections. You can treat most problems through quarantine, providing pure water, a good diet, and prescription drugs. To keep the water parameters ideal and clean, perform maintenance with a weekly water change. Always have a kit to test nitrogen levels, pH, and everything else you need. When suffering from an illness, the bright colors disappear. If you pay attention to red-eye coloration, you can use their appearance to gauge the health quality of tetra lemons.

Lemon Tetras vs. Other Popular Tetras

Tetras generally share the same general characteristics for their maintenance in tanks. Lemon Tetras require specific water parameters to survive but are still relatively tough and worth your investment as new inhabitants in your aquarium.


No matter how much experience you have, lemon tetra care should never be a problem for you. As long as you follow our recommendations and keep an eye out, you and your fish will be happy.

Chili Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae) Guide: Care, Diet, Lifespan And More

Chili Rasbora

Boraras brigittae, also known as Chili rasbora, is a tiny, brightly colored tropical freshwater nano fish that is often a favorite of people who maintain nano fish tanks and large community tanks. They demonstrate a peaceful temperament and love the company of others of their kind because it is a schooling fish. They create an elegant middle-to-top movement in your aquarium’s water column. This species is less susceptible to single diseases, and its life expectancy rarely exceeds five years. Due to its unique characteristics, some fish care can be a bit challenging for novices. To ensure a long and healthy life, take the time to learn about your tank maintenance and upkeep by reading this guide.

The Complete Guide to Chili Rasbora Care

Chili Rasboras are tiny schooling fish that look great in either a nano-tank or a larger tank. When they are in a school, they make swimming fun to watch and have a good personality. Read this article to get ideas and information about caring for your fish and how to keep the best conditions for them in your aquarium.

History and a first sighting

Chili Rasbora was discovered in 1991 by Maurice Kottelat and published in his Asian Indigenous Fish series five years later. They are believed to have entered the hobby in the late 1990s. To this day, it is still quite common in aquariums, especially among fans of Nano Tanks. Little more is known about this fish.

Natural habitat

The rasbora chili is native and endemic to southwestern Borneo. Fish enjoy various hiding places and cover provided by fallen leaves, submerged branches, and roots. The species’ natural habitat is rapidly deteriorating, so the species’ future in the wild is not guaranteed.

Distribution & Natural Habitat

Chili Rasboras are endemic throughout southeast Borneo. They inhabit streams and pools of black water and can be found in swampy regions with soft water and very low pH. Although the IUCN has not covered this species, there is a severe threat to destroying its natural habitats – specifically the ancient peat swamps. Being in peat moss pools means that the dKH is remarkably low – or incredibly minimal, and there is dim light in most cases.


Chili rasboras are vibrant pink-orange fish with a black and red line descending along their mid-lateral line. Even its tiny fins show tiny orange dots. Mosquito Rasboras are fish of small size, presenting a maximum of 0.8 inches.

Chili Rasbora

Chili Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae):

The Chili Rasbora is a tropical freshwater fish that has been attracting the attention of the hobbyist community for some time. These fish are beautiful, cute (so small!), and easy to care for. This guide covers water condition, size, tank mates, diet, and everything you need to know to maintain your tanks. We also discuss fish size, tank mates, and diet.

Summary of species

When Chili Rasboras were discovered in southeastern Malaysia, they were classified as a species of the genus Rasbora; today, they are classified as Boraras. Regardless of their name, these fish pose a unique challenge to many fishkeepers. It is a small freshwater shoal fish that has become quite popular among aquarists. They offer a colorful addition to tanks of any size or shape.


Chili Rasboras have a fiery red color, and their bodies are covered with red and pink colors. Males are more vividly red when contrasted with females. Chili Rasboras has the thinnest body around its midsection, although the lower body shrinks to a large tail fin. Its large eyes appear with the most prominent features on the head. The fins are very transparent, which gives the small red spots a floating appearance.

Chili Rasboras (Boraras brigittae)

Their peaceful behavior, colorful bodies, and schooling habits make them an exceptional addition to aquariums. Read on to learn everything you need to know about caring for this small freshwater tropical fish in your aquarium.

Chili Rasboras Care Guide

Chili Rasbora, Mosquito rasbora, or Boraras brigittae are the smallest tropical fish in the aquarium hobby. Chili rasboras are “nano” fish with an estimated length between 0.5 and 0.8 inches at height. The commonly used name mosquito rasbora was chosen because the habitat was full of mosquitoes.

Chili Rasbora Guide: The Jewel Of Low Light Aquariums

Chili Rasbora is a fish native to Borneo that looks like small chili swimming in water. They are small and colorful fish, perfect for tropical aquariums. Get information in this guide about this fish’s habitats and settings in the tank, its ideal companion, and how to feed it and keep it in your aquarium.

How many per gallon?

To keep a small school of 6 individuals, you can use a 30-liter tank. Consider a larger tank to build a community with plants. The more space to swim and the many hiding places, the happier and more adapted the school. Fish are a bit shy, so it’s best to stay in large groups, thus encouraging their normal behavior.


Best kept in densely planted aquariums and an excellent choice for carefully landscaped tanks. Floating plants and branches or trunk roots to diffuse the light adds a more natural feel. The addition of dry leaves further emphasizes the natural sense and encourages the growth of beneficial microbe colonies. Tannin and other chemicals released by decaying leaves are considered helpful to blackwater fish species. Keep the species in mature tanks. Very dim lighting is recommended to simulate conditions in nature.


Chili rasbora is also known as chili rasbora or mosquito rasbora. They were initially described as Rasbora urophthalma, though researchers then moved them to the genus Boraras based on morphological differences. The genus has only approximately six other species in the world. The chili rasbora is best known due the color and temperament. It is believed they were known as a mosquito because of the concentration of those blood-sucking bugs present when they were discovered for the aquarium trade.

Chili Rasbora appearance

The Chili Rasbora is one of the most fantastic nano fish, reaching just 0.70-0.78 inches. These fish are colored in any hue from black to deep orange, and the black sidelines are solid or separate. Males are brighter than females, and their intensity is more significant when looking for a mate. It is possible to distinguish between a couple and a partner by color and shape. Males have incredibly intense red colors such as blood red, scarlet, and cherry. Females look bland and are usually mixed with phoenix rasboras and other lighter-colored fish.

Chili Rasbora

Is Chili Rasbora suitable for an aquarium?

Chili Rasbora is gentle and shy; they are beautiful, with their vivid colors and schooling movements. They can be very friendly to other big, peaceful, and gentle fish. They love lush vegetation that mimics their natural habitats in Indonesia, providing hiding places and feeding areas for the microfauna that accumulates in plant leaves. When they swim in a solitary place, they enjoy the abundance of aquatic plants. Like any other shoal fish, they should not be kept alone in the aquarium.


They inhabit blackwater streams and lakes associated with peat swamps. The water turns brown due to the release of tannins and humic acids. These precious biotopes are threatened by rubber and palm oil plantations, construction projects, and other human activities. Such environments characteristically contain very soft acidic water (insignificant hardness) and generally have poor lighting due to dense marginal vegetation and the forest canopy above.

Should you keep the chili rasbora?

The rasbora chili can be very rewarding for nano fishers. Novice fish farming enthusiasts or those with little experience with micro fish and tropical aquariums may find their maintenance a little intimidating. If you have consistent water quality, your Rasbora will thrive. All of this makes Chili Rasbors an excellent and versatile addition to many tropical freshwater tanks.

Tank setup

Chili rasbora does best in an aquarium unique to the species. Due to their small size and easy maintenance, they are easy to do without a big budget.

Chili rasbora tank requirements

To provide the best condition for your fish, the school must inhabit an aquarium of at least 10 gallons (37.5 L) with at least eight or more individuals of the same species. Despite their size, these shoal fish are very active and need a decent swimming area to be safe to get sucked into the filtration equipment.

Conditions of water

A hardness range of 18- 179 ppm. The carbonate hardness (KH) should be as low as 0-1 degrees. The Chili Rasbora tank must be kept clean by cleaning the substrate and changing the water through a siphon. The water temperature they need is milder compared to other types of tropical fish.

Aquarium requirements

Chili Rasbora is a school fish and likes to swim in the middle and upper sections of the aquarium. The ideal tank is an individual fish tank where they are the only species. Live plants provide a habitat for foods like worms and plankton, perfect for fish’s tiny mouths. Make a great addition to a large tank as a massive school of moving colors. Keep the water temperature from 68 to 82 F and the pH from 4.0 to 7.0.

Habitat and tank conditions for Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae)

Fine sand and small gravel are ideal for tiny Chili Rasboras. Blackwater streams dominate its natural environment in Borneo. If you include live plants in your aquarium, not only will they have a canopy to explore, but the plants will also provide shelter for plankton and worms. The vegetation cover will lower the light intensity in the tank, encouraging more movement and brighter colors. If you keep them in a big container with plenty of space, you’ll have a vast, impressive school that can produce a moving lighting show in your aquarium.

Take care

Chili Rasboras are not resistant to changes in water parameters. They have a tendency to die if their tanks are not properly maintained. Perform tests to check if everything is ok in the tank and do weekly maintenance in the aquarium, changing the water and cleaning up debris. You must quarantine newly acquired and sick fish and proceed with the necessary treatment.

Water filtration for Chili Rasbora Care

Size your filtration correctly, but remember to keep the flow low and even. You can use driftwood, rocks, and other ornaments to create less water flow within the aquarium, providing a resting place for the fish.

Chili rasboras and water temperature

Like other tropical fish, Boraras brigittae can adapt to varying temperatures. Use a heater to keep the water temperature stable between 68 and 82 F. If exposed to the sun for more than 30 minutes, monitor the temperatures to ensure the tank is not too hot.

Chili rasbora tank mates

The minimal size of chili rasbora makes them incompatible with many fish. The cardinal neon tetra is a peaceful fish and a great tank mate for rasboras. Cory pygmy is always a great addition to nano aquariums. More active swimmers in medium and high water will stress other fish and should be avoided. Betta fish eat things that fit in their mouth, including chili rasbora; they are not compatible.

Compatibility And Tankmates

Chili rasboras are calm and shy fish, an excellent choice for a community aquarium. Invertebrates such as shrimp and snails make great aquarium companions. Dwarf shrimp and aquatic snails can help control algae growth and are an excellent addition to your aquarium. You want to choose tank mates that are small, confident, and peaceful, that have an affinity for soft, acidic water with a low flow rate.

Tank Mates

Avoid animals that display aggressive and angry personalities, such as Bettas, Loaches, and most barbs. The phoenix and rasboras pygmy make good tank companions. Harlequin Rasbora is also a trendy choice as its colors complement the Chili Rasbora colors very well. Other peaceful dwarf shrimp are cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, and ghost shrimp. You can also introduce Nerite or Mystery apple snails.

Food and Diet Recommendations

In the wild, they eat microscopic food sources such as plankton, larvae, all kinds of small invertebrates, and more. In captivity, fish eat almost anything as long as it fits in their mouths. Fish do very well on a balanced diet of fish flakes or small pellets. To supplement dry food, feel free to provide micro worms, tubifex, brine shrimp nauplii, and Daphnia. Fish are known as micro predators, but they are also pinching biofilm and some plant matter.

Food and Diet

As you might guess, tiny species require small foods. In the wild, they eat all kinds of microscopic foods like plankton and worms. You need to keep the fish on various foods, such as baby brine shrimp, pellets, flakes, bloodworms, etc.


Boraras is a micro predator and feeds on small insects, worms, crustaceans, and other zooplankton. It is a kind of shoal in nature and should be kept in a group of at least 8 to 10 specimens. Males also display their best colors and exciting behavior as they compete to get the female’s attention. It is also an ideal companion for timid anabantoids like Sphaerichthys or Parosphromenus.

Breeding Chili Rasboras

Once they start exhibiting courtship behavior, you will have to feed more often than usual. You can expect your fish to spawn many times throughout the year. Males will try to dominate each other and establish a small territory to defend. Once the female has selected her mate, spawning will begin, and the female will lay up to 60 eggs in 24 hours. You can place plants such as Naja grass or Java moss where the female will scatter the eggs, which helps reduce predation. Eggs should hatch within two days.


  1. brigittaeis an egg scatters species. This species does not exhibit parental care. When kept in perfect condition and the presence of both sexes, a relatively short number of eggs are laid each day. In adult fish tanks, fry may begin to appear without human interference. However, to increase the yield of fingerlings, a slightly more cautious approach is needed. Set aside a separate breeding tank of approx 3.5 gallons, fill one part with thin-leaved plants such as java moss, and add a group (already conditioned) of two or three pairs. The breeders must be removed after 48 hours, keep the aquarium with light aeration and wait for the eggs to hatch.

Chili Rasbora Breeding

Chili Rasboras do not have any parental care and will attack and eat your fingerlings. So, if you want to keep the fry, the ideal is to have your breeding tank. When a female is ready to expel eggs, she spreads them all over the bottom of the tank. In the first 24 hours, the fry will consume the yolk sac and small foods such as infusoria. For the first ten days, you can offer micro worms and other micro foods.

Temperament & General Behavior

Chili Rasboras are very peaceful fish and sometimes become shy. When they feel comfortable, they explore the entire tank. The school performs beautiful maneuvers in the aquarium. It is not uncommon to find this fish looking for hiding places or swimming in the vegetation.

Chili rasbora behavior

Even though they are tiny, these fish are very active swimmers. They remain in the middle and upper column, although they can sometimes get food from the bottom of the tank.

Activity level

Chili rasbora is an active fish, and the school often spends time in the middle section of the aquarium. If you have groups of these fish, they will be more confident, whereas if you only have one or two of them, they will likely hide behind your plants.

Life span

The fish usually live between four and eight years, with five being the average. Maintain optimal water and tank conditions for your fish to live to the fullest. You can expect – if properly handled – to have your Chili’s lovely colors decorate your tank.

Diseases to watch out for

Chili Rasboras do not have diseases considered species-specific. The problems are the same as those affecting tropical freshwater fish as a whole. Ich is an external parasite that produces white spots all over the body of fish. You can avoid this by following proper water conditions and feeding fish a balanced diet. The most important thing to keep fish happy and healthy is to keep the water quality in optimum condition and provide them healthy food.

Do you want one for yourself?

Chili Rasboras are tiny animals that are easy and perfect to keep in a nano tank. They are great for people without a lot of space or looking for something small to include in their room. We’ve been big fans of this particular species for several years, and we regularly recommend them to other fishkeepers. We hope this guide has motivated you to give them a chance and put them in your aquarium. Cute little creatures are straightforward to care for and a lot of fun swimming around your aquarium.

How Many Glofish in a 5-gallon Tank? The Ideal Tank & Mates!

How many glofish in a 5-gallon tank

It’s no surprise that the colorful Glofish catches your eye! Many new aquarium enthusiasts are drawn to the fish that could potentially become a new addition to their aquarium. Not just the fluorescent colors that make these fish attractive, but the minimum care they require makes them perfect for beginner aquarists. This article will help you determine how many glofish in a 5-gallon tank that you can keep.

We will also look at the requirements for caring for glofish, tankmates and the different types of glofish available in pet fish stores.

What is a Glofish?

How many glofish in a 5-gallon tank

Glofish don’t occur in nature. They are a genetically modified (GMO) fish .

Singaporean scientists found a way to take a florescent green gene from a jelly fish and introduce it to the genome of an embryo of a Zebra Danio fish, creating a glowing green fish.

Having success with developing a unique fish that glows green, the scientists then found other bright colored genes from other creatures, such as a red coral, and following the same procedure managed to develop other danio fish colors.

Today, these little guys come in a variety of florescent colors to include; green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and pink.

Not only have they developed these colors for the Glofish Zebra Danio, but they have been successful in creating awesome colors for other aquarium fish species.

The popularity of these fish has grown more and more, especially with people who want killer displays where they use blue ultraviolet lights to bring out the glow!

The most common glofish species are Glofish Tiger Barbs, Glofish Rainbow Sharks, Glofish White Skirt Tetras, and Glofish Zebra Danios.


How many glofish are recommended per gallon of water?

That ‘inch per gallon’ rule was not, and will never be true regarding all types of fish. Imagine having a 10 inch fish in a 10-gallon tank!

It is important to use common sense when populating your aquarium. Every fish species is different and has different requirements and glofish are not any one specific species. Many considerations need to be thought about when setting up a tank that will include glofish such as:

  • Schooling fish needing the comfort of a group of fish to be content.
  • Fast swimming fish requiring wide-open areas to swim.
  • Aggressive or territorial fish who cannot be to close to one another.
  • The size the adult fish will grow to.
  • Water parameters may differ between different species in the tank.
  • Compatible tankmates.

How Many Glofish in a 5 Gallon Tank? Let’s Consider Each Glofish Species

How many Danio GloFish in a 5-gallon tank?

Danios grow to 2.5 inches. With the 1 inch per gallon rule, you would only have two danios. The problem with that is,

Glofish Danios are very active, social schooling fish.

They need to live in a school with more than just one other individual, and they need space to dance around the tank.

Zebra Danios like to occupy the surface areas of the tank, with a tendency to jump. A lid is essential with this species.

Danios like a flow or current in the water, that replicates the streams of their natural habitat. Using your filter pump to generate a current will suit them well.

Keeping danios with say a glofish betta would not work. For one, the betta does not handle currents and bettas become stressed when they don’t have space to move.

Although Glofish Danios are hardy and can tolerate substandard water quality, they do require warm water between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. So an aquarium heater is essential. Ideally, give them a pH between 6.5 – 7.2 and water hardness between 3 – 8 dkH.

A 5 gallon tank really is far too small for a school or Glofish Danios. You will be fraught with problems keeping the water healthy and the fish will become stressed without having space to move. This will only lead to disappointment.

Having only two danios in the 5-gallon tank would not look impressive, as the aim with keeping glofish is to see them displayed in a school flashing multi-colors as they swim about.

Our recommendation would be a 20-gallon tank with a school of 6 to 10 Glofish Danios. This would look awesome and the fish will do so much better.

How many Glofish in a 5-gallon tank? The Rainbow Shark Glofish

Even a 10-gallon tank is not enough for one Rainbow Shark. At the very least you would require a 30-gallon tank.

Rainbow sharks grow quite large (6 inches long) and are aggressive towards the timider fish. They cannot be kept in confined spaces. Rainbow sharks are best kept with other fish that can match their traits. Glofish Tiber Barbs would be a great match for Rainbow Sharks.

Sharks are bottom feeders, and they do a great job fossicking around rocks, substrate and plants keeping the tank clean. Rainbow sharks require caves and places to hide away. They are a hardy species of fish and will tolerate water that is not at its best.

Rainbow sharks enjoy a temperature between 75 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH range of 6-8 and water hardness 5-11 dkH.

We recommend a 40-gallon tank for one fully grown Rainbow Shark. The tank would need to be long, rather than tall, as these fish like to swim left to right scavenging the substrate, not up and down.

How many GloFish Tiger Barbs in a 5-gallon tank?

Electric Green Glofish Tiger Barb

Tiger Barbs are semi-aggressive schooling fish. They are not fussy when it comes to water parameters. A temperature between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, pH range of 6 – 8 and water harness between 4 – 10 dkH.

A 5-gallon tank will not suffice for Tiger Barbs. A school of six would require at least a 20-gallon tank. These fish grow in no time and will reach three inches long, filling the tank space quickly.

Tiger Barbs are fast swimming fish often seen chasing each other around the tank. Without space they will develop social problems.

If housed in a 30+ gallon tank, you would be able to incorporate tank mates with a small school of Tiger Barbs. Choose tank mates that can match their vigorous behaviours, not timid fish with long fins. Tiger Barbs will not be able to resist nipping them!

Glofish Tiger Barbs would look impressive darting around in a school. Just ensure the tank is large enough!

How many GloFish Tetras in a 5-gallon tank?

How Many Glofish in a 5 Gallon Tank Tetras

Unlike the Tiger Barbs, GloFish White Skirt Tetras, are peaceful fish that grow to 2.5 inches long. They live in schools and for them to be happy in your aquarium a school of at least five or six fish would be best.

These tetras are very hardy fish and can tolerate water conditions that may not be optimal. A temperature range between 75 to 80 degree Fahrenheit, pH 6 – 7.5, and water hardness range of 5 – 20 dkH.

They can be shy, so add some plants to the aquarium to provide them with plenty of places to hide and rest. Ensure space for them to swim around in their school.

The tetra glofish is a great beginner fish and in our view would be the easiest to keep out of all the glofish species.

A 5-gallon tank would not be suitable for this schooling species. A minimum of 20-gallons would accommodate a small school of tetras on their own.

How Many GloFish in a 5-Gallon Tank? The Betta Fish Glofish

You would be able to keep one male betta in a 5-gallon tank or two female bettas.

Betta fish are aggressive towards each other, especially males. They don’t cope well in confined spaces with other fish.

Bettas are very forgiving when it comes to water parameters. They have a labyrinth organ on top of their head that allows them to breath air from the water surface if there is a lack of oxygen in the water. Having said this, they do require care, and having a good tank filter and a heater will ensure they enjoy a longer healthier life.

Glofish Betta Fish prefer a water temperature between 75 – 81 degrees Fahrenheit, pH range of 6.5 – 7.5 and a water hardness range of 3 – 5 dkH.

Bettas like places to hide away, so plants and ornaments make great additions to the tank. Their long fins inhibit movement when there is too much water flow in the tank. Water flow through filters will need to be adjusted down or locate the filter behind an ornament in the tank.

Betta fish don’t do well with more aggressive fish such as Tiger Barbs and Rainbow Sharks. These guys may end up nipping the fins of the betta fish.

Bettas can cohabitate a community aquarium, so long as there is enough room for them and plenty of places to hide away if they need to.


Related Questions

Zebra Danio Glofish

Are glofish schooling fish?

Some Glofish species are naturally schooling fish. They are social fish, feeling secure when swimming with a group of others. Tiger Barbs, Zebra Danios and White Skirt Tetras are all schooling fish.

When these fish don’t have a group of companions, social problems set in. Fish may become aggressive or nip fins. This is especially the case with Tiger Barbs. A 5-gallon tank will not suffice for schooling fish.

Can Glofish live with other fish?

The compatibility of the fish with other aquatic creatures will depend on the species of GloFish in question. For

example, bettas and barbs can be aggressive with one other and towards other less dominant species in the tank.

On the other hand, danios and say rainbow sharks in the same tank would work well as they occupy different areas of the tank- danios at the top and sharks in the lower areas.

There are many compatible aquarium fish that can coexist with the different species of glofish.

Careful planning and educating yourself on the needs of each fish species will save you heartache. Many new fish-keepers tend to overstock their tanks with incompatible species.

These people then have water quality challenges to keep abreast of, and social problems in the tank, all resulting in the likelihood of fish dying.

A 5-gallon tank is not suitable for a community aquarium, it is way too small. In our view 20-gallons is the very minimum.

What do you feed glofish?

The best food for all the glofish species is a high-quality tropical fish food. Some people choose to add live and frozen foods to add variety to their fish’s diet.

Keep in mind that the different glofish species occupy, and therefore feed, in different parts of the aquarium. For example, Danios would do better with a floating flake, whilst Rainbow Sharks with sinking granules.

Glofish bettas are slow to get to the food and will be outdone by aggressive feeders such as Tiger Barbs.

How long do glofish live for?

The average life of Glofish is between 3 and 5 years. This will vary between the different species. Sharks grow to six inches and may live longer than the smaller species.GloFish Aquarium Sand 5 Pounds, Black with Highlights, Complements Tanks and Décor, (AQ-78485)

Ultimately, for long living fish it will all come down to how well they are cared for. A large tank, with a quality biological filter, aquarium heater and regular water checks; together with good food and space in the tank for fish to have room to swim and establish territories will increase the lifespan of glofish.

What size tank do glofish need?

There is no tank or system exclusive to Glofish. They are different fish species with different requirements.

However, in general all the glofish species are quite hardy tropical aquarium fish and can be given the same care as other tropical fish would get in a mixed community aquarium.

If keeping only one species of glofish a tank of at least 20-gallons is recommended for all schooling species.4 Pieces Silicone Glow Fish Tank Decorations Plants with Simulation Silicone Coral, Artificial Horn Coral,Fluorescence Sea Anemone for Aquarium Fish Tank Glow Ornament That way you could keep 6-10 in a school.

If mixing them up with other aquarium fish, then we recommend a minimum of 30-gallons. With a tank this size you would be able to accommodate ten to twenty smaller fish of mixed species.

Keeping Rainbow Shark Glofish will require a 30-gallon tank to cater for them when they reach adult size (6 inches). Being semi-aggressive fish, they require space.

The only fish that could inhabit a 5-gallon tank would be a single betta fish or perhaps two female bettas.

In our view, bigger aquariums are always better. Much easier to keep the water optimal for fish, less fish disease and they require less maintenance.

Do glofish require special lighting to make them glow?

The short answer is yes. The colors are emphasised when ultraviolet lights are used in the tank.GloFish Treasure Chest Ornament, Small, Detailed Aquarium Ornament, Hideaway For Fish

The Glofish brand sell aquarium kits that include the ultraviolet lights. The tanks look impressive when turned on at night bringing out the glow.

The problem with the tanks they market is that they are too small for the number of fish they recommend. Their 5-gallon tank kit would only be suitable for a single betta fish. Their 10-gallon tanks could take four or five glofish tetras.

They are yet to sell a 20-gallon aquarium kit which, in our view, is the minimum size for glofish.

The ultraviolet blue lights do create a stunning display; however, they are not healthy for any species of fish. In the natural environment, fish are exposed to a full spectrum of light coming from the sun.

Having only ultraviolet lights will stress the fish leading to health problems and a shortened life span.

Our suggestion would be to have a lighting system that gives full spectrum light but can also switch to ultraviolet blue or white light. That way your fish and plants get the appropriate lighting, and when you want to show off your glofish you can switch the lights over to bring out the glow!

What tank accessories do I need for a glofish aquarium?

The most impressive tanks housing glofish have a dark background with a black substrate. This best brings out the florescent colors of the fish.GloFish LED Light 20 Gallons, Blue and White LED Lights, for Aquariums Up to 20 Gallons

There are many ornaments and aquarium decorative accessories that also glow when ultraviolet lights are used. These help to create a colorful wonderland.

Always use a correctly sized filter and a heater to maintain temperature and water quality.

What plants should I have in a glofish tank?

A planted aquarium requires a spectrum of light that will help them grow and look their best. If only using ultraviolet lighting plants will not survive. You would be better off using artificial plants.

Glofish species, like other aquarium fish, enjoy a planted aquarium. It offers hiding places, better water quality and provides a source of food. Java Ferns and Anubia plants are always a good call.

What pH do glofish require?

Glofish are relatively robust fish that will thrive in different pH levels; read our guidelines about individual species to see what is their ideal pH.

Which glofish give the best effect in a glow-tank?

The schooling species of glofish look great amassed in an aquarium. Especially, long finned danios that dance around flashing their colorful flowing fins.

Schooling tetras and Tiger Barbs also look awesome!

Danios swim around the surface and tetras in the mid water, so combining these two species would fill the aquarium from top to bottom.

To amass a school for greatest display, a large tank is required.

In our view, the glofish betta is not as impressive as the brilliantly colored betta fish that have been selective bread for finnage and color for decades. The glofish betta lacks the finnage of its counterparts.


Final Thoughts

Glofish are genetically altered fish with fluorescent genes that have been bred in captivity. Depending on the species, they are easy to take care of and tend to get along with numerous tankmates.

The size of the aquarium depends on the species of Glofish and how many to be kept. Try always to use large tanks. Our topic with this article for this artic was to answer the question: ‘how many glofish in a 5-gallon tank?’ Although a 5-gallon glow tank, as marketed by the Glofish company, would look amazing, it really is not a suitable option!

If interested read our article ‘How many glofish in a 10-gallon tank?


The Complete Ember Tetra Care Guide

Ember Tetra

The Ember Tetra, often called the Fire Tetra, captivates with its bright orange scales, bringing life to the aquarium. Known for their playful nature and sociable behavior, they make excellent tank mates for a variety of tropical fish.

Join us in our comprehensive guide covering all aspects of caring for these delightful and peaceful aquarium fish.

About Ember Tetras

The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobryconamandae) is a tiny Orange tetra of South America. They are in the Characid family, one of the most diverse fish families in the world.

These fish can be found around the Araguaia River basin in Brazil. They are unusually hardy for their size, and they are not especially susceptible to popular fish diseases.

It would be best if you kept Ember in shoals of at least eight individuals. If you love community nano tanks, then you’ll love these tetras.


Hyphessobryconsamandae is popularly known as the Ember Tetra. This species was recently found in 1987 and given Amanda Bleher, who was the mother of Heiko Bleher, the one who found the fish.

Ember Tetra

What does Ember Tetras look like?

Ember Tetras have a red or orange tone similar in appearance to fire’s dying embers. They have elongated bodies, one anal fin which is merged, two small dorsal fins in one.

The body almost always has a bright orange color, with the lower body slightly lighter than the top. The females usually have larger air bladders than the males, but their bodies tend to be smooth during breeding time.

If we want our Tetras to turn a deep red color, we would have to take special care of their diet, give them live feed, and take extra care of water pH levels and soil conditions.


The Ember Tetra is almost entirely Orangeish-red, and its color brightness is present wherever on its body. Their distal fins are thick and tall, with a gradient that fades from their primary color to an even shader backward and back.

Their caudal fins with forks have more drastic color transitions than their dorsal fins. The tetras’ bodies have a classic shape seen in most tetras.

The nutritional levels of the diet will impact how vivid their color is. A dull Ember Tetra usually suggests it’s not taken care of properly at some point. The fish are adorable and bright color creatures.


An average Ember Tetra size is around 1 inch long. It is somewhat smaller than some other tetras, as neons. Some people think these creatures are identical, just differently colored just as much.

The size of these fish is usually not impacted by the high quality of their care. There are cases when a fish grows longer than an inch, but it’s very uncommon.


Ember Tetra is named for its warm orange body that glows almost like a glow in an aquarium. Males usually show darker to brighter coloration, especially during spawning season. The Ember Tetra can not be confused with the glowlight tetra (Hemigrammuserythrozonus).

Ember Tetra: a species profile

The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Amanda) originated from Brazil’s Araguaia basin and was discovered in 1987. Growing to a maximum of 0.8 inches (2 cm), This fish is a popular choice of home aquariums because of its small size, attractive colors, and easy maintenance. Today’s article talks about embers tetra and describes why they are a popular aquarium choice. And we also talk about easy-to-care fish status and why we consider them the popular alternative to make our aquarium.

Summary of species

Fire Tetras (Hyphessobryconamandae) can be found most strongly in south eastern Brazil in the Araguaia River basin. They prefer the waters of rivers that have small currents and an immense concentration of vegetation. In the wild, this fish eats plant compounds and tiny invertebrates. They are surprisingly calm and can be compatible with a wide variety of tankmates. The primary color of the Ember Tetra is the vivid orange hue. This makes them stand out in most freshwater nano aquariums and means that this fish is likely a popular choice for years to come. This fish might most likely be popular in the Freshwater nano aquariums.

Is the Ember Tetra suitable for your aquarium?

The Ember Tetra’s a stunning fish that fills any aquarium. His temperament makes this a superb choice for anyone who has a community tank. These beautiful fish seem so friendly to have and look great in groups. This article will help you discover everything you can about this fun tiny fish. It’s also an excellent way to get creative with the tank set up with the tropical fish in your tank.

Are Ember Tetras Suitable for Aquarium?

Ember Tetra is one of the most typical tropical fishes in tropical freshwater aquariums. Bright colors and unusual appearance have been popular for the community tanks. The only thing to bear in mind is their size and responsiveness to water parameters. Its peaceful nature allows the fish to fit easily into almost any aquarium. It’s also a perfect opportunity for testing a Nano setup in a 10-gallon tank.


Floating plant species and driftwood branches, and dried leaf litter are valuable additions to the tank. Microorganisms find in those decorations may contribute useful secondary food sources to fry. Filtration has to be correctly sized and with moderate water flow. The tannins and other chemicals released by the dead leaves may be beneficial.

Natural habitat

The Ember Tetra is common in slow-moving rivers in the western parts of Brazil. In the aquarium, to mimic their natural habitat, it is commonly recommended to keep them to a slightly acidic water level with a pH of around 5.8 to 7. They live in hot regions. The ideal temperatures would be between 75 and 82 F or between 24-28 degrees Celsius.


Das Mortes river is a large tributary of the Araguaia, the primary outlet of the Rio Tocantins within the lower Amazon. The full range of H. amandae in the system remains elusive.

Wild habitat and tank conditions

These fish come from the waters of the South American rivers. Underwater vegetation can be found in abundance in the river and provide the fish with protection.

Most of the time, Ember Tetras remain in the low flow zones of the river basin. They usually come out just after sunrise and just after sunset and stay in the central areas of the water columns. These rivers have a muddy substrate with many dead leaves and driftwood.

How do I care for Ember Tetras?

Ember Tetra is a small freshwater fish which are prone to no specific illnesses. Overfeeding sometimes can be a problem. It could cause numerous diseases in their digestive system.

Keeping up with water changes and checking the parameters is fundamental for health, as is consistently conserving the water tank quality.

Ember Tetra Care

Ember Tetra

Ember Tetra fish are perfect for keeping and recommended to aquarists of any professional level. As long as you take care of the basics with their habitats and the water quality, there’s nothing you have to worry about.

This is why we recommend them for anyone seeking some vibrant color for their tank. These tiny fish are quick and easy to keep.

Ember Tetra Care Guide

Ember Tetras are one of the easiest fish for beginners to keep. The species is quite strong and healthy for its size. Make a good maintenance schedule and keep your water supply constant.

The fish is not particularly prone to disease only picks up parasites that cause discomfort in the fish tank after its treatment. If the fish looks very dull or consists of mixed vivid and soft colors, this indicator may mean it is unhappy with its tank conditions.

Unfortunately, they don’t live long. You can expect them to stay alive for two or four years (even under the most effective care).

How long do Ember Tetras live?

Average tetra survives between one and four years. You can prolong their life span by up to a year if you properly care for your fish.

Tetras living in large tanks tend to live longer than those living in scarce tanks. If you can keep your tetras happy, they may live up to six years if even more attention is paid to their habitats. Assure that you put lots of live plants inside the tank, maintain your water well clean and feed them the proper amounts of live food.

What do Ember Tetras eat?

Ember Tetras are micro predators and need a regular food supply of animal-origin food. They have tiny mouths and are not interested in seeking food that splatters in their bottoms.

Feeding the tetras may take the most challenging part of keeping them, and you need to make the most effective care they can handle.

Try to keep their diet as diverse as possible, so your Tetras will be happy and healthy. Possibly you’ll want to look for feeding worms, baby brine shrimps, Baby daphnia, grindal worms, or whatever.

In addition to offering a quality commercial feed. Make sure you provide a little bit of everything for your fish; variety is the way to go.

Ember tetra diet

Ember Tetras will accept fish flakes easily; however, other well-balanced and nutritious foods should serve as a foundation for their diet.

Frozen, fresh, dried, and live foods should be supplied often to maintain your tetra shining brightly. It is essential to remember that these fish are tiny and are probably more challenging to eat.

If necessary, it’s recommendable to break up tiny pieces, so it gets easier for them to eat. Ember Tetra is a hardy fish and eats practically anything they get.

How big do Ember Tetras get?

Amber tetras are relatively tiny at a maximum length of 1 inch. Due to their small size, you can place a considerable number of these in minor fish tanks.

Ember tetra tank requirements

The recommended tank size for a school of Ember Tetras is 10 gallons (38 L). It aims to replicate their natural habitat. An Indian almond leaf is used to darken the water because tannins are released from the leaves. These fish perform best in lower water flow.

They can’t quickly go around when idle in the water column. It is also worth considering how tiny these fish is and that the water pump can soon suck them up if they have no protective barrier.

Tank Setup

The fish originates from small rivers where the flow slows. It can be very beneficial to make use of a powerhead or for filtration. Because they prefer slightly acid waters, the fish usually has a pH range between 5.8-6.8. Some driftwood or leaves will help decrease the pH. It should be at least 10-gallon tanks capable of storing 5-8 fish.


In addition to providing shelter and a microenvironment that generates food, living plants help in gas exchange and nutrient cycling in the aquarium. Due to the skittish nature of these tetras, they often weave through hiding areas during the day for safety.

Ember Tetra Tank Mates

Because of this gentle nature, several viable tankmates are available for the Ember Tetra that are worth keeping. Cory catfish, rasboras, Neon Tetra, and pygmy catfish are all commonly paired.

Essential, all kinds of nonaggressive fish will fit it! If you follow the recommended guidelines of temperament and size, there’s an unlimited supply of choices available. We even have critters like snails and shrimps for tanks with Ember Tetra.

We don’t recommend tankmates large enough to eat the Ember Tetra because the tankmate might accidentally confuse them with a snack.

Tank Mates for Ember Tetras

Ember Tetra

Ember Tetras can survive peacefully with almost any other sort of tetra. Neon Tetras also make good tankmates, as do Pygmy Rasbora. Small Corydoras Catfish are also an excellent addition to our Ember communities.

Cichlids Oscars or even more peaceful Freshwater Angel Fish would make tetra tanks a nightmare. Long-tailed fish (like the Gouramis) can also be avoided. Barbs such as Tiger barb may be too much for this fish to manage.

Ember Tetra behavior

The Ember Tetra is a school fish that thrives when kept in when held in many individuals. They move in clusters and wade in the middle and upper parts of the aquarium.


These Ember Tetras are skittish because of their small size and fragile demeanor. It is usual for them to desire safety from predators. These tetras should be kept in a shoal of at least 5-8 fish. They’re also easily stressed and should be maintained with fish of the same size and distribution.

They look magnificent in a community tank as they appear dazzling as groups with another fish in the aquarium. This species thrives in planted tanks and thrives in any tank given their hiding zones adequate to withstand water. Several times these tetras are observed to weave through plants and decorative items during the day.

Breeding Ember Tetra

Ember Tetras are free spawning fish which means parents don’t care for the fry. Under well-monitored conditions, spawning is frequently performed and does not require additional assistance.

To stimulate spawning, try changing pH near neutral and making water temperature around 80-82°F. If the parents are eating the fries, they should be placed in separate tanks.

It is recommended to optimize the acclimatization procedure for all fish, including the parents. Illumination ought to be dimmed.

Breeding & Reproduction

Ember Tetras are one of the easiest species for breeding. You can just put both males and females together in a tank to help to spawn.

When a Tetra spawns, you will see behavior changes. The male will chase the pregnant female around the tank and become aggressive. You may need to install small breeding tanks with low light and filters.

Ideally, it’s imperative to keep the water filtered for the proper breeding and birth of eggs healthily. Once tetras begin to lay eggs, it leaves them, leaving them to fend for themselves. Once they reach a medium size, you can bring them into a regular fish tank.


Amandais eggs spread-free spawn animal showing no parental care. Young adults can spawn often; in mature aquariums, small numbers of small fry can appear without intervention.

If you desire to maximize yield, this means that you’d need a much more controlled approach. Adult groups can still be conditioned together, but a smaller aquarium should also be set up and have a mature filter system.

The water itself should have a slightly acidic to neutral pH with a temperature towards the upper end of the range suggested above. The sponge-filter or air-stone s could also add oxygen and fluid filtration.

Sexual dimorphism

Adult males are more intensely colored, especially at the breeding stage, while females are noticeably more round-shaped.

Caring for Ember Tetra Fry

You must watch the breeding parent several weeks before she spawns, or it could end up eating the fry. Please take care to feed pregnant mothers live feed at least two weeks to trigger the spawn.

Ember Tetra Facts & Overview

This Ember Tetra is a small freshwater tropical fish of the Characidae family. These fish are very popular with fish keepers because of their beautiful appearance and not demanding fish.

Their bright, fiery appearance makes them relatively easy for us to keep in our tanks. They are active but peaceful fish; great choices for anybody with any level of experience in fishkeeping.

Feeding and general husbandry

Tetra embers are voracious eaters in the wild. Almost all their food in their natural habitat consists of worms, invertebrates, and phytoplankton.

They can happily feed on almost everything from an aquarium. It’s recommended that you vary their diet with some form of wet food like live or frozen daphnia or tubifex worms.

This is important because too many processed foods such as flakes and pellets cause digestive issues. Because of its small size, this species is a susceptible fish. It is best only to introduce them when the tank is completely cycled.

Final Thoughts – Ember Tetra

Combining their beauty and ease of maintenance make them ideal for aquarium keepers of any experience level. The lightning colors and splashing in the waters are worth it.

Whether you are just starting to fish or want a nice and low-maintenance fish, the Ember Tetra can be an excellent choice. We’ve already recommended them to friends for years, but now we’ll let you know how good they are!