How Many Glofish in a 5-gallon Tank? The Ideal Tank & Mates!

How many glofish in a 5-gallon tank

It’s no surprise that the colorful Glofish catches your eye! Many new aquarium enthusiasts are drawn to the fish that could potentially become a new addition to their aquarium. Not just the fluorescent colors that make these fish attractive, but the minimum care they require makes them perfect for beginner aquarists. This article will help you determine how many glofish in a 5-gallon tank that you can keep.

We will also look at the requirements for caring for glofish, tankmates and the different types of glofish available in pet fish stores.

What is a Glofish?

How many glofish in a 5-gallon tank

Glofish don’t occur in nature. They are a genetically modified (GMO) fish .

Singaporean scientists found a way to take a florescent green gene from a jelly fish and introduce it to the genome of an embryo of a Zebra Danio fish, creating a glowing green fish.

Having success with developing a unique fish that glows green, the scientists then found other bright colored genes from other creatures, such as a red coral, and following the same procedure managed to develop other danio fish colors.

Today, these little guys come in a variety of florescent colors to include; green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and pink.

Not only have they developed these colors for the Glofish Zebra Danio, but they have been successful in creating awesome colors for other aquarium fish species.

The popularity of these fish has grown more and more, especially with people who want killer displays where they use blue ultraviolet lights to bring out the glow!

The most common glofish species are Glofish Tiger Barbs, Glofish Rainbow Sharks, Glofish White Skirt Tetras, and Glofish Zebra Danios.


How many glofish are recommended per gallon of water?

That ‘inch per gallon’ rule was not, and will never be true regarding all types of fish. Imagine having a 10 inch fish in a 10-gallon tank!

It is important to use common sense when populating your aquarium. Every fish species is different and has different requirements and glofish are not any one specific species. Many considerations need to be thought about when setting up a tank that will include glofish such as:

  • Schooling fish needing the comfort of a group of fish to be content.
  • Fast swimming fish requiring wide-open areas to swim.
  • Aggressive or territorial fish who cannot be to close to one another.
  • The size the adult fish will grow to.
  • Water parameters may differ between different species in the tank.
  • Compatible tankmates.

How Many Glofish in a 5 Gallon Tank? Let’s Consider Each Glofish Species

How many Danio GloFish in a 5-gallon tank?

Danios grow to 2.5 inches. With the 1 inch per gallon rule, you would only have two danios. The problem with that is,

Glofish Danios are very active, social schooling fish.

They need to live in a school with more than just one other individual, and they need space to dance around the tank.

Zebra Danios like to occupy the surface areas of the tank, with a tendency to jump. A lid is essential with this species.

Danios like a flow or current in the water, that replicates the streams of their natural habitat. Using your filter pump to generate a current will suit them well.

Keeping danios with say a glofish betta would not work. For one, the betta does not handle currents and bettas become stressed when they don’t have space to move.

Although Glofish Danios are hardy and can tolerate substandard water quality, they do require warm water between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. So an aquarium heater is essential. Ideally, give them a pH between 6.5 – 7.2 and water hardness between 3 – 8 dkH.

A 5 gallon tank really is far too small for a school or Glofish Danios. You will be fraught with problems keeping the water healthy and the fish will become stressed without having space to move. This will only lead to disappointment.

Having only two danios in the 5-gallon tank would not look impressive, as the aim with keeping glofish is to see them displayed in a school flashing multi-colors as they swim about.

Our recommendation would be a 20-gallon tank with a school of 6 to 10 Glofish Danios. This would look awesome and the fish will do so much better.

How many Glofish in a 5-gallon tank? The Rainbow Shark Glofish

Even a 10-gallon tank is not enough for one Rainbow Shark. At the very least you would require a 30-gallon tank.

Rainbow sharks grow quite large (6 inches long) and are aggressive towards the timider fish. They cannot be kept in confined spaces. Rainbow sharks are best kept with other fish that can match their traits. Glofish Tiber Barbs would be a great match for Rainbow Sharks.

Sharks are bottom feeders, and they do a great job fossicking around rocks, substrate and plants keeping the tank clean. Rainbow sharks require caves and places to hide away. They are a hardy species of fish and will tolerate water that is not at its best.

Rainbow sharks enjoy a temperature between 75 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH range of 6-8 and water hardness 5-11 dkH.

We recommend a 40-gallon tank for one fully grown Rainbow Shark. The tank would need to be long, rather than tall, as these fish like to swim left to right scavenging the substrate, not up and down.

How many GloFish Tiger Barbs in a 5-gallon tank?

Electric Green Glofish Tiger Barb

Tiger Barbs are semi-aggressive schooling fish. They are not fussy when it comes to water parameters. A temperature between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, pH range of 6 – 8 and water harness between 4 – 10 dkH.

A 5-gallon tank will not suffice for Tiger Barbs. A school of six would require at least a 20-gallon tank. These fish grow in no time and will reach three inches long, filling the tank space quickly.

Tiger Barbs are fast swimming fish often seen chasing each other around the tank. Without space they will develop social problems.

If housed in a 30+ gallon tank, you would be able to incorporate tank mates with a small school of Tiger Barbs. Choose tank mates that can match their vigorous behaviours, not timid fish with long fins. Tiger Barbs will not be able to resist nipping them!

Glofish Tiger Barbs would look impressive darting around in a school. Just ensure the tank is large enough!

How many GloFish Tetras in a 5-gallon tank?

How Many Glofish in a 5 Gallon Tank Tetras

Unlike the Tiger Barbs, GloFish White Skirt Tetras, are peaceful fish that grow to 2.5 inches long. They live in schools and for them to be happy in your aquarium a school of at least five or six fish would be best.

These tetras are very hardy fish and can tolerate water conditions that may not be optimal. A temperature range between 75 to 80 degree Fahrenheit, pH 6 – 7.5, and water hardness range of 5 – 20 dkH.

They can be shy, so add some plants to the aquarium to provide them with plenty of places to hide and rest. Ensure space for them to swim around in their school.

The tetra glofish is a great beginner fish and in our view would be the easiest to keep out of all the glofish species.

A 5-gallon tank would not be suitable for this schooling species. A minimum of 20-gallons would accommodate a small school of tetras on their own.

How Many GloFish in a 5-Gallon Tank? The Betta Fish Glofish

You would be able to keep one male betta in a 5-gallon tank or two female bettas.

Betta fish are aggressive towards each other, especially males. They don’t cope well in confined spaces with other fish.

Bettas are very forgiving when it comes to water parameters. They have a labyrinth organ on top of their head that allows them to breath air from the water surface if there is a lack of oxygen in the water. Having said this, they do require care, and having a good tank filter and a heater will ensure they enjoy a longer healthier life.

Glofish Betta Fish prefer a water temperature between 75 – 81 degrees Fahrenheit, pH range of 6.5 – 7.5 and a water hardness range of 3 – 5 dkH.

Bettas like places to hide away, so plants and ornaments make great additions to the tank. Their long fins inhibit movement when there is too much water flow in the tank. Water flow through filters will need to be adjusted down or locate the filter behind an ornament in the tank.

Betta fish don’t do well with more aggressive fish such as Tiger Barbs and Rainbow Sharks. These guys may end up nipping the fins of the betta fish.

Bettas can cohabitate a community aquarium, so long as there is enough room for them and plenty of places to hide away if they need to.


Related Questions

Zebra Danio Glofish

Are glofish schooling fish?

Some Glofish species are naturally schooling fish. They are social fish, feeling secure when swimming with a group of others. Tiger Barbs, Zebra Danios and White Skirt Tetras are all schooling fish.

When these fish don’t have a group of companions, social problems set in. Fish may become aggressive or nip fins. This is especially the case with Tiger Barbs. A 5-gallon tank will not suffice for schooling fish.

Can Glofish live with other fish?

The compatibility of the fish with other aquatic creatures will depend on the species of GloFish in question. For

example, bettas and barbs can be aggressive with one other and towards other less dominant species in the tank.

On the other hand, danios and say rainbow sharks in the same tank would work well as they occupy different areas of the tank- danios at the top and sharks in the lower areas.

There are many compatible aquarium fish that can coexist with the different species of glofish.

Careful planning and educating yourself on the needs of each fish species will save you heartache. Many new fish-keepers tend to overstock their tanks with incompatible species.

These people then have water quality challenges to keep abreast of, and social problems in the tank, all resulting in the likelihood of fish dying.

A 5-gallon tank is not suitable for a community aquarium, it is way too small. In our view 20-gallons is the very minimum.

What do you feed glofish?

The best food for all the glofish species is a high-quality tropical fish food. Some people choose to add live and frozen foods to add variety to their fish’s diet.

Keep in mind that the different glofish species occupy, and therefore feed, in different parts of the aquarium. For example, Danios would do better with a floating flake, whilst Rainbow Sharks with sinking granules.

Glofish bettas are slow to get to the food and will be outdone by aggressive feeders such as Tiger Barbs.

How long do glofish live for?

The average life of Glofish is between 3 and 5 years. This will vary between the different species. Sharks grow to six inches and may live longer than the smaller species.GloFish Aquarium Sand 5 Pounds, Black with Highlights, Complements Tanks and Décor, (AQ-78485)

Ultimately, for long living fish it will all come down to how well they are cared for. A large tank, with a quality biological filter, aquarium heater and regular water checks; together with good food and space in the tank for fish to have room to swim and establish territories will increase the lifespan of glofish.

What size tank do glofish need?

There is no tank or system exclusive to Glofish. They are different fish species with different requirements.

However, in general all the glofish species are quite hardy tropical aquarium fish and can be given the same care as other tropical fish would get in a mixed community aquarium.

If keeping only one species of glofish a tank of at least 20-gallons is recommended for all schooling species.4 Pieces Silicone Glow Fish Tank Decorations Plants with Simulation Silicone Coral, Artificial Horn Coral,Fluorescence Sea Anemone for Aquarium Fish Tank Glow Ornament That way you could keep 6-10 in a school.

If mixing them up with other aquarium fish, then we recommend a minimum of 30-gallons. With a tank this size you would be able to accommodate ten to twenty smaller fish of mixed species.

Keeping Rainbow Shark Glofish will require a 30-gallon tank to cater for them when they reach adult size (6 inches). Being semi-aggressive fish, they require space.

The only fish that could inhabit a 5-gallon tank would be a single betta fish or perhaps two female bettas.

In our view, bigger aquariums are always better. Much easier to keep the water optimal for fish, less fish disease and they require less maintenance.

Do glofish require special lighting to make them glow?

The short answer is yes. The colors are emphasised when ultraviolet lights are used in the tank.GloFish Treasure Chest Ornament, Small, Detailed Aquarium Ornament, Hideaway For Fish

The Glofish brand sell aquarium kits that include the ultraviolet lights. The tanks look impressive when turned on at night bringing out the glow.

The problem with the tanks they market is that they are too small for the number of fish they recommend. Their 5-gallon tank kit would only be suitable for a single betta fish. Their 10-gallon tanks could take four or five glofish tetras.

They are yet to sell a 20-gallon aquarium kit which, in our view, is the minimum size for glofish.

The ultraviolet blue lights do create a stunning display; however, they are not healthy for any species of fish. In the natural environment, fish are exposed to a full spectrum of light coming from the sun.

Having only ultraviolet lights will stress the fish leading to health problems and a shortened life span.

Our suggestion would be to have a lighting system that gives full spectrum light but can also switch to ultraviolet blue or white light. That way your fish and plants get the appropriate lighting, and when you want to show off your glofish you can switch the lights over to bring out the glow!

What tank accessories do I need for a glofish aquarium?

The most impressive tanks housing glofish have a dark background with a black substrate. This best brings out the florescent colors of the fish.GloFish LED Light 20 Gallons, Blue and White LED Lights, for Aquariums Up to 20 Gallons

There are many ornaments and aquarium decorative accessories that also glow when ultraviolet lights are used. These help to create a colorful wonderland.

Always use a correctly sized filter and a heater to maintain temperature and water quality.

What plants should I have in a glofish tank?

A planted aquarium requires a spectrum of light that will help them grow and look their best. If only using ultraviolet lighting plants will not survive. You would be better off using artificial plants.

Glofish species, like other aquarium fish, enjoy a planted aquarium. It offers hiding places, better water quality and provides a source of food. Java Ferns and Anubia plants are always a good call.

What pH do glofish require?

Glofish are relatively robust fish that will thrive in different pH levels; read our guidelines about individual species to see what is their ideal pH.

Which glofish give the best effect in a glow-tank?

The schooling species of glofish look great amassed in an aquarium. Especially, long finned danios that dance around flashing their colorful flowing fins.

Schooling tetras and Tiger Barbs also look awesome!

Danios swim around the surface and tetras in the mid water, so combining these two species would fill the aquarium from top to bottom.

To amass a school for greatest display, a large tank is required.

In our view, the glofish betta is not as impressive as the brilliantly colored betta fish that have been selective bread for finnage and color for decades. The glofish betta lacks the finnage of its counterparts.


Final Thoughts

Glofish are genetically altered fish with fluorescent genes that have been bred in captivity. Depending on the species, they are easy to take care of and tend to get along with numerous tankmates.

The size of the aquarium depends on the species of Glofish and how many to be kept. Try always to use large tanks. Our topic with this article for this artic was to answer the question: ‘how many glofish in a 5-gallon tank?’ Although a 5-gallon glow tank, as marketed by the Glofish company, would look amazing, it really is not a suitable option!

If interested read our article ‘How many glofish in a 10-gallon tank?


[Complete Guide] Best Fish for 5 Gallon Tank (With Pictures)

[Complete Guide] Best Fish for 5 Gallon Tank (With Pictures)

A five-gallon aquarium or cube is the smallest size that can acceptably keep fish. If smaller than that, then it translates into trouble in maintaining stable parameters. Even the littlest fish do require extra room to move and explore. This volume will limit your choices in fish but can still set up a vibrant and entertaining tank. Let’s go through Best Fish for 5 Gallon Tank.

Stocking a 5-gallon tank.

Any tank with a water capacity below 10 gallons is called a nano tank. The aquarist can use a 5-gallon storage tank to store small fish and invertebrate species. With its small size and capacity, it can be easy to overstock. This article enlightens you with the suitable fish species and inverts that can be kept in a 5- gallon tank and include the best stocking ratio and proper maintenance guidelines.

What freshwater fish should I put in a 5-gallon tank?

What freshwater fish should I put in a 5-gallon nano tank? With this limit on water’s volume, every centimeter counts. Most people have preferred to keep small creatures such as invertebrates and small fish with minimal food waste. Toxic waste builds up faster in smaller volumes of water, mainly if you are a new fish-keeper. I never assumed that five-gallon tanks would be as easy to keep.

Why have a 5-gallon tank

A 5-gallon tank nano tank is the better option for those who do not get much space. A smaller aquarium forces you to make more critical decisions and a righteous maintenance schedule. Most schooling fish are not ideal for a 5-gallon aquarium because they feel more anxious when alone. Small schools usually are what you can safely keep.

Overview of a 5-gallon tank

We could have 20, 55, or 100 gallons of water to fill, but the lack of bigger fish doesn’t mean we have a beautiful system. Nano tanks can equally look unique and full of life with the right fish and plants.

Why a 5-gallon tank?

5-gallon tanks should be the smallest you can get for success at fish keeping. The environment and water quality in highly unstable in those nanosystems. In this guide, we introduce the best fish for a 5-gallon tank. In a small place, an aquarium is a perfect decoration centerpiece.

Tropical freshwater 5-gallon tank basics

Keeping a nano 5-gallon tank is usually a challenge, but it will look like an underwater fairy tale land. Don’t be fooled by the fact that a smaller aquarium would require less work and maintenance than a large one. The numbers of the fish that can be kept in a 5-gallon container depend upon the species of fish you’re want to keep. We will be able to explain the proper design of a 5-gallon fish tank later on.

5 Gallon Nano Tank

There are a surprising amount of options available in regards to the best fish for a 5-gallon tank. While you can keep most of these fish in a 5-gallon tank, we usually recommend, if possible, a bigger tank. Fish like Guppies, Endler, and Killies can survive in little space thanks to their tiny size and habits. They are one of the easiest species for fishkeepers; they are not very demanding.

5 Gallon Tank Stocking Ideas And Combinations

We will show you several other species of fish for a 5 gallon. A bigger tank is easier to manage and allows you to keep a wider choice of fish. We decided to look at some of the best fish to help you get the best combo and the stocking ideas.

How do I stock a five-gallon fish tank?

If you are thinking about building a five-gallon aquarium, it’s simple to get confused by the overwhelming amount of information available on the internet. Keep reading to learn more about preserving one of these nano tanks!

What to consider when stocking a 5-gallon tank

A nano tank can reduce the number of your options of fish. Only some species are likely to prosper and do well in one of these small tanks. Certain varieties of reef fish can thrive in the small nano aquariums. Small tanks are attractively built, which can be kept at even a work table, and are often much cheaper to maintain than larger models.

How do you keep a fish in a 5-gallon tank?

Having and keeping your nano aquarium can be tricky. You should know how big your fish will get when fully grown. It would be best if you didn’t mix a peaceful fish with aggressive species. You can combine many species we list as above because their bioload is relatively tiny. You should find out which fish you want to keep. No overstock is advised.

How to stock a 5-gallon tank?

More life in your tank, more quickly it becomes dirty, needs more maintenance, and water changes. Slowly populate the tank, looking closely at your water parameters and your fish and system; small water tanks quickly become toxic. Live plants are welcome when they do not remove swimming space from fish.

How many fish can you fit in a 5-gallon tank?

How many fish you could keep in this size tank depends on the type of fish you intend to use. There are plenty of choices to choose from, but this article limits it to just some species that will prosper in the tank.

Set up of 5-gallon fish tanks

A 5-gallon tank is an ideal choice if you have limited space or want to start a small budget project. A giant aquarium is always recommended as even smaller critters need room for swimming and exploring. As counterintuitive as it sounds, nano tanks are cleaner and less dirty than bigger tanks. The waste your fish will inevitably create is a biological imbalance that becomes harmful and deteriorates the water quality within your nano tank. Design the tank with enough decorations to help fish hide and relax and leave enough room for free swimming requires a lot of creativity.

Planting and decorating

It is nice to cultivate some living plants in your nano aquarium for cycling nutrients, ornamental beauty, and providing a hiding place for the fauna. Decorations are exciting additions to aquariums because they contribute to replicating the native habitat of fish, shrimp, snails, etc. Add pieces of driftwood, rock, and caves in the tank, which inhabitants can hide in. Several of them should be acceptable for a five-gallon. Live plants not only improve the visual appearance of the tank they also promote water quality. The overall aim is to create a healthy and balanced environment for tank residents and ensure they thrive for a more extended period.


A well-planted tank will brighten every space and bring in a minor nature in your home. Some plants remain relatively small and do not require much maintenance. Even with a small amount of water, you can create your little forest.

Best live plants for a 5-gallon tank

In addition, plants also offer a suitable nesting spot for shy critters. In a 5-gallon tank, you want to choose a small aquatic plant. They are low maintenance! Even a few healthy plants will make a big difference in how stable water quality is kept.

Suitable fish & inverts

Some delightful fish and invertebrates will flourish in a 5-gallon aquarium. Considering that you should only add fauna after the aquarium is mature, the aquarium must be fully cycled before receiving its inhabitants due to the low volume of water and vulnerability to water quality degradation. In a 5-gallon aquarium, it is easy to alter the water’s chemistry which can cause fatality to the inhabitants before you even realize it. When going for Dwarf Crayfish, be sure to pick one of the smaller species, such as Cambarellus diminutus, and not the larger Florida Crayfish (Procambarus alleni). You can quickly put together dwarf shrimp species – like red cherry shrimp – or snails – like nerite snails – in pretty much all of the situations; even if you go for a Betta, it’s an excellent and striking combination.

Popular Stocking Combos For A 5-Gallon Tank

All species in an aquarium tank need to be compatible in good conditions. Generally, it would be best if you aimed to include species without worrying about each other behavior. Here are some different fish that you should consider keeping and combine. Cardinal tetras have torpedo shape bodies and striking blue and red colors. White cloud mountain minnows are named from where they came from. Sparkling gourami is pretty active, swimming all over the tank, mainly in the upper part of the water column. Molly fish, or mollies as they are affectionately known, are another household favorite. Endler’s livebearers are a unique species with a torpedo body but with a large and colorful fin. The chili rasbora is considered a nano fish, only reaching approximately 0.7 inches. The best fish in a 5-gallon tank should plan for low flowing water and tons of live vegetation.


Many species are small, averaging 2 inches long; they are usually kept in pairs and bred in small aquariums. It is maintained without problems in the five-gallon aquarium. Trumpet snails are an excellent way to clean debris from tanks. Amano shrimp is a great tank companion. Shrimps and snails are the best way to keep your tank clean of algae and food debris, and they can also eat fish eggs. Some species of killies can be aggressive to each other and other fish.

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

A tank stocked with only two male guppies will cause a rush of competition when feeding them. Try to keep a small group of females and fewer males. The problem is that a 5-gallon tank will rapidly fill with fry guppies. Guppies are much more intense and energetic than betta fish and are ideal for fishkeepers who want to see fish swimming around the glass with excitement for the next meal or anything else. Male guppies come in various colors and shapes, from colorful redtails to panda-colored. It would be best if you kept female and male guppies in clumps without violence. Get more information from our Guppy article!

Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

Unlike fish, cherry shrimp do not excrete too much bioload, and thus they don’t generate much waste. So with 10cherry shrimps in a 5-gallon tank, you will not be dealing with ammonia spikes caused by the same number of fish that would probably create. Cherry shrimp flourish in the same conditions & care in the same ways as bettas and guppies and are harder animals and easy to keep than you thought. No RO water or special salts for shrimp are necessary. Use conditioned tap water for water changes in the cherry shrimp tanks. They are the perfect species for beginner aquarists and expert fishkeepers who are adventuring into nano fish tanks.

Corydoras Pygmy

Corydoras, corys, or cory-catfish are small tropical freshwater catfish that live in shallow waters. They prefer to be in schools, and 5g / meter tanks don’t provide much space for many Corydoras species, but some are dwarf or pygmy species that you can keep inside nano tanks. A sponge filter is perfect for a small fish as these filters prefer less water flow. These cute animals look fun as they slide around your tank. They make a great addition to any planted tank and can be one of the best fish for a 5-gallon tank if you keep their water quality and avoid overfeeding.

Fish to avoid

Some fish are often recommended as suitable for five-gallon tanks while doing much better in a larger tank. They’re too active, grow too big, and cannot cope with water instability. Try to study each species you want to keep and use good sense when stocking such small tanks. Even some species of Rasboras, which are always listed as great fish for small aquariums, require more than 5 gallons to thrive. The same happens with some species of Gouramis, even if they are dwarfs.

Fish you shouldn’t keep in a 5-gallon tank.

Fish that do not accept tanks prone to suddenly changing the water parameters shouldn’t be kept in a 5-gallon tank. Angelfish are big-sized fish to be held in any nano tanks, but even if marked as juveniles, they will not survive because of the stress. Oscar fish and similar-sized cichlids will soon outgrow a 5-gallon tank and have a hard time as juveniles because they’re very active and territorial fish. Almost all kinds of catfish, cichlids, barbs, and many tetras and livebearers are far from thriving and merely surviving in those small systems.

Fish not to have in a 5-gallon tank

Goldfish and Carps are large size fish and great waste producers, which makes the perfect mix to crash the system of a five-gallon container. Dwarf cichlids can fight to the death if kept together or get super stressed if left alone; in such a small space. Other species of cichlids are terrible residents, as they grew large and are highly active and aggressive. Loaches are out of the question, even dwarf ones because they need water with a fast flow and excellent quality. Virtually any fish that grows beyond 1 inch, is aggressive, territorial, or lives in huge schools are impractical to be kept at this tank size.

Why should I buy a 5-gallon tank?

Nano tanks can be easily installed under counters, desks, or any other place, and naturally, it costs a lot less money. However, a 5-gallon fishing tank can have some severe cons too. It limits the number and types of species and inverts to be housed in it. Larger tanks allow you to stock schooling fish best kept in groups of at least six individuals. They need open spaces to hide from stressors or relax for them swimming in the water.

Keep in mind…

How to design and maintain a perfect nano tank? Tell yourselves about what is best for the fish species that you want to keep. Remember, understocking is always better than overstocking, and choosing a safe population can avoid many troubles over time.

Safety in numbers?

Several species are shoaling fish that become highly stressed and fragile if not kept in teams of six to five individuals. Tiny animals are particularly vulnerable to stress when kept alone or even together. In nature, a large shoal of nano fish looks a lot safer than living alone or accompanied by one partner. Find out here if the fish you are considering buying meets your requirements and is suitable for a 5-gal tank.

What do you think?

We hope that what you learn from this article has been beneficial. Remember always test your water constantly, understand the variation of parameters on your nano, carry out scheduled maintenance, and keep an eye on your animals and plants; this way, you can prevent almost all significant problems that major aquarists face.


A 5-gallon tank is used for those who want to be challenged. Putting too many fish in one place can quickly result in the collapse of the tanks and the death of the fish and inverts. If you want to create a vibrant ecosystem, consider buying a 5-gallon aquarium and filling it with plants and understock with fauna. The rewards for small tanks are derived from the effort and concern we put into them. The compensation for an aquarist is due to our hard work and effort in the tank.