Introducing Best Shrimp For Betta Tank [Top 3]

best shrimp for betta tank

Selecting the best shrimp for betta tank environments requires careful consideration of shrimp size and temperament. In this article we have done the research on the best shrimp for betta tank ecosystems, helping you prevent potential conflicts and ensure a harmonious environment.

Betta fish are popular as they are both colorful and really beautiful to watch. They love living in a large tank with plenty of space for them to swim and several hiding places behind live plants too.

The ideal water temperature for Betta fish is 24°- 28°C (76°-82°F). Bettas love living in clean water conditions and also prefer soft water with pH7.

The Betta is also known as the Siamese Fighter Fish as it does have a reputation of being an aggressive fish – especially the males – and new owners often wonder it is wise to put their betta with other fish or whether there is a best shrimp for betta tank.

If you are planning to introduce some mates for your betta into his tank, it is best to do some good research first.

Best Shrimp for Betta Tank Cohabitation

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp

Compatibility and Benefits

Bettas are territorial and can be aggressive. So there is no point trying to introduce any species of small shrimps into the tank as they will simply be eaten or injured.

The best type of shrimps to introduce into your betta’s tank are the large freshwater species. The shrimp should be about the same length of your beta if there is going to be a chance of them living in harmony.

The minimum length for your shrimps is 5cm (2 inches).

Shrimps can be really good tank mates for betta fish. Shrimps literally eat anything – including algae- so they will help keep the tank water in pristine condition – just as your betta likes it!

Although your betta fish will dominate the fish tank because of their good looks, having some shrimp in the tank definitely adds interest and fun.

Should you decide that you would like to encourage your shrimps to spawn, their young offspring make a really nutritious meal for your betta too.

Best Shrimp for Betta Tanks [Our Top Picks]

Cherry Shrimp

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

There are a number of different cherry shrimps but it is the red cherry shrimp that is the hardiest of them all which is why this shrimp is compatible with Bettas.

Characteristics and appearance:

As its name implies, the red cherry shrimp is a lovely dark red color which will certainly add extra color to your tank. Having said that, because of its color, this shrimp is easier for your betta to spot – if he is feeling aggressive.

Your Betta will eat your shrimps, so it is important that you buy large ones and also ensure that your tank offers them plenty of hiding places. Female red cherry shrimps are usually larger in size than males and a stronger color.

Compatibility with bettas:

Red cherry shrimps can live well alongside bettas because they are no trouble at all but will quietly spend their time scavenging which will keep the tank clean.

Care requirements:

Red cherry shrimps are easy to care for as they enjoy the same range of water temperature as your Betta. Their normal lifespan is 2-3 years and in a ten-gallon tank with one betta you can keep up to six red cherry shrimps.

Amano Shrimp


Characteristics and appearance:

The amano shrimp originates in Japan. They are peaceful and easy to care for making them a good tank mate for bettas.

They are usually a light brown color but can be translucent. The great thing about having these shrimps in your tank is that they love cleaning!

Amano will keep the tank completely clear of algae at all times.

Compatibility with bettas:

An aggressive betta will eat an amano shrimp. So, it is really important to ensure that there is plenty of space in the tank and to provide lots of hiding places for the shrimps as this shrimp loves to hide in dense vegetation.

Amanos moult every month and when this happens, they feel very vulnerable and will disappear from view, hiding in the weed for several days.

A maximum of six shrimps in a ten-gallon tank with one betta is recommended.

Care requirements:

Amano really are lovely shrimps that take minimal care, but their diet of algae can need nutritional supplements such as shrimp pellets, zucchini, or algae wafers several times a week. The only big problem with Amano is that they are not always easy to buy.

Ghost Shrimp


Characteristics and appearance:

Ghost shrimps are a great choice for your betta tank because they are just so easy to care for. They are really clever at hiding which is a real advantage if your betta is in a stroppy mood. Having said that, your ghost shrimps won’t trouble your betta.

Ghost shrimps tend to be loners and only interact with their own species. There are two different types of ghost shrimp Palaemonetes Paludosus and Macrobrachium Lanchesteri.

The first type is gentle and the best one to put in a tank with betta.

Compatibility with bettas:

Ghost shrimps are the best type of freshwater shrimps to choose to live with your betta. They are transparent shrimps that are sometimes referred to as ‘glass shrimps’.

This is a good advantage as it makes it difficult for bettas to spot them! Ghost shrimps are very common, are cheap to buy and breed really easily which will bring the benefit of highly nutritious food for your betta.

Care requirements:

These shrimps happily live for 12-18 months. They are a more delicate type of shrimp and are easily affected by poor water conditions– the chemicals in the tank water can kill them.

They like the water temperature to be the same as Bettas and also like a pH of 7.

Ghost shrimps are excellent scavengers, and you may well see them swimming on the bottom of the tank checking the stones for anything edible!

The recommended number for a 10 gallon tank is 2-4 ghost shrimps.

Tips for Introducing Shrimp to a Betta Tank

best shrimp for betta tank guideBefore you add shrimps to your beta tank, it is worth thinking about your plans. If you feel that your betta is an aggressive fish, you must appreciate the fact that your shrimps may not last too long as bettas will try and eat shrimps.

If you have a beautiful long-finned betta, your shrimps will stand a good chance of survival as this type of betta tends to swim more slowly so the shrimps will be able to swim faster to get away!

To successfully introduce shrimps into your fish tank with your betta, it is best to move your betta temporarily to another tank.

Clean the main tank and move some of the plants and ornaments to different positions ensuring there are plenty of hiding spots for your shrimps and spots of interest for your betta too. Allow plenty of room for them to swim around.

Introduce the shrimps to their new home and after about 48 hours, your betta. Your betta will think that he is in a new tank and may not consider the shrimps as intruders. Careful observation will be required as this trick doesn’t always work!

It is important to continue monitoring your fish tank well. Ensure that the water temperature and chemical balance are both good and that both your betta and shrimps have plenty to eat.

Additional considerations for best shrimp for betta tank

keeping a betta fish with shrimpThe set up of your aquarium is key to success and the key requirement is that it is large enough – ten gallons is the minimum size required.

As mentioned, your betta needs the water to be in the temperature range of 24°- 28°C (76°-82°F) with a pH of 7. These requirements will suit the shrimps too.

The shrimps need numerous good hiding places, and your beta will enjoy having places with numerous plants to explore as he will easily get bored.

Smooth ornaments that cannot hurt your betta or shrimps will add interest too.

It is important to keep your beta well-fed because if he is hungry, he will consider eating on of your shrimps. Check that the fish food you give him contains exoskeleton fiber content.

This is the nutrient betta get from eating shrimp – if you keep your betta supplied with this, he will not be tempted to try and eat one of your shrimps as an extra course.

Ensure that you understand the dietary requirements of both your betta and shrimps so that they are both really healthy and content as this will minimize any aggression from your betta.

Final thoughts – best shrimp for betta tank

Adding some Amano, Cherry Shrimp or Ghost Shrimps to your tank will definitely provide you with added interest with the added advantage that your tank will be kept well-cleaned – just as your betta likes it! These three species are our top picks for the best shrimp for betta tank.

Following our guidelines, you will be able to create an attractive tank filled with live plants, your beautiful betta and some shrimps to keep him company.


[Detailed Answer] How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon?

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

Cherry Shrimps can be stored in small volumes of water. Some species live very well inside nano tanks of even 1 gallon. The Cherry Shrimp is an excellent aquarium companion, especially in small tanks. These shrimp mainly eat algae, but they should also follow a diet with aquarium shrimp feed that will sustain them regularly. They should be fed high-quality food based on their regular consumption.

Cherry Shrimp Facts & Overview

Red Cherry Shrimp is a freshwater dwarf shrimp originating in the Taiwan region. These freshwater shrimp are peaceful and recognized for their ability to eat algae. Suitable for beginners or skilled aquarists, these shrimp are a great addition to any aquarium. The shrimp can be kept in tanks that need little maintenance and are small in size. In nature, they occur in a few colors, but they usually come in red in the aquarium trade. Its red colored bark has been improved through generations of selective breeding and is sorted by hue and color.

Can cherry shrimp be used in aquariums?

This definitive source guide for Cherry Shrimp should give helpful information. It is a fantastic shrimp that makes a beautiful addition to freshwater aquariums. These soft creatures make it suitable for beginners who prefer to plunge into fishkeeping.


They are animals known for their peaceful and passive acts in tropical tanks. They graze all over the aquarium, plants, moss, substrates, and stuff. They can be highly active during the day and remain busy at night.

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

How many cherry shrimp per gallon?

Red Cherry Shrimps are fascinating, colorful, and robust. The length of the adult female is approximately one inch, slightly longer than the size of males. Even inexperienced aquarists are very good at rearing and breeding shrimp because these invertebrates are not very demanding maintenance.

How many shrimp can you put in a 10-gallon tank and why?

For a shrimp tank, you can house around 50 shrimp in a 10-gallon tank. However, the fewer animals they have, the better the quality of the environment and the availability of food. Let’s look at the possible options for your aquarium situation.

Planted vs. non-planted shrimp tanks

Whenever I mention a planted tank, I think of a beautiful aquatic world with fallen plants, where shrimp and fish play only a minor role in the underwater pool. Shrimp are great to be kept in planted aquariums; the plants provide shelter and food for the shrimp, which benefit greatly. In professionally planted aquariums, the number of shrimp individuals must be under control to not overpopulate the display; in this case, try to maintain an average of 8 animals per gallon.

A breeding tank

Depending on whether shrimp are to be collected in the aquarium, the number of shrimp can exceed 200 per year. The first average size for your shrimp colony is 10-15 specimens per gallon tank. Make sure there is at least one female and not too many males. Make sure they have enough biofilm to graze on them.


Females are typically 1.5 inches long, but males are less than 1.5 inches in height. They need to retain color in the body. Cherry Shrimps are valued for their color and hue. The degree of quality ranges from more delicate red tones to redder tones, including brown dots. The male remains the same all his life, but when the female matures, she will develop a saddle near the stomach that will stay visible on the animal’s back.

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

The most common beginner aquarium shrimp, cherry shrimp, is red and can handle virtually any water condition. The Cherry Shrimp represents the mutation or variation in the wild dwarf shrimp species of Neocaridina denticulata sinensis. The deep red and green colors of cherry shrimp are unattainable, and, like most fish, their color has evolved and improved during selective breeding.

How many shrimp can you put in your aquarium?

Freshwater shrimp are essentially some of the cutest animals used as a centerpiece in an aquarium. In addition, shrimp are colorful algae predators that can eat biofilms and other visually unwanted stuff.

About Cherry Shrimp

The females of these shrimp are darker than the males. There are numerous qualities in cherry shrimp. You will never notice the differences between the two types of growing shrimp. The lower part of the older female has a darker stripe.

Habitat and tank conditions

These shrimp originate from Taiwan and are present in streams and lakes in dense vegetation and flat substrates. When your shrimp feels safe and comfortable, you can see bright colors. They are animals that generally do not require heating. If you want water temperature stability, you should use a heating appliance; this will not make it necessary unless a heated room is needed to store the tanks.

What size tank do cherry shrimp need?

It pays to have a little extra volume in a tank that will be specialized in keeping a lot of shrimp. In any 1 gallon pot, you will keep eight shrimp. Note – Cherry Shrimps grow very fast. You can improve your tanks as they grow and multiply, or start with more giant tanks and continue to feed the young shrimp.

Cherry Shrimp Tank Mates

Many aquarium fish can quickly eat this small shrimp. Betta fish is one of the perfect companions for shrimp. A large planted pond can also help your baby shrimp establish a healthy nest to thrive on. A tank has to be ideally designed for the maintenance of shrimp. Java moss does excellently when maintained with these invertebrates. Provide a good range of hiding places for the shrimp, such as caves and holes made with plants, driftwood, and rocks.

Tank Mates

Cherry shrimp has no tools to protect itself other than hiding. With a relatively low defense, the shrimp will multiply and become food for other aquarium inhabitants. Ensure you have several areas to hide in, such as caves and plants. Do not keep large, predatory fish with shrimp.

Keep Cherry Shrimp Together

The only safe method to keep cherry shrimp in aquariums is with many species. To form a fantastic group, you need to maintain about 20 individuals. With a more significant number of shrimp and a natural and well-maintained aquarium, the shrimp will be beautiful and reproduce healthily. For a good gender ratio, they’re excellent. In addition to shrimp, snails are also welcome.

Tank conditions

Keep the shrimp tank water parameters within ideal. Typically, low-quality shrimp can handle lower water quality. The pH should remain between 6.5 and 7.5 with an ambient temperature of about 72 degrees F. To be honest; you shouldn’t put them in uncycled tanks as these animals are sensitive to nitrite.

Tell me the size of the aquarium?

Cherry shrimp fits in the smallest aquarium under five gallons. In most cases, the sizes chosen for the shrimp tank are subject to space availability. In general, the ratio is about eight prawns per gallon. Do not build colonies without having a tank of at least 10 gallons.

Which Substrate to Use for Red Cherry Shrimp?

Shrimp naturally want to blend in and contrast with the environment and prevent predators from seeing them in their vicinity. You can also use a darker substrate to bring out the colors of the shrimp, accentuating the deeper color when hiding. Shrimps can be opaque, trying to hide from the sunlight. Choose a substrate that contains small pebbles as they are found in nature.

Properly cycling an aquarium shrimp tank

Before using Cherry Shrimps in aquariums, ensure that the tanks are properly cycled. I recommend using natural methods for cycling as they are highly effective. The best way to create an effective breeding site is to keep shrimp in well-maintained tanks. You need some water test kits. You also don’t want to add ammonia to the tanks before adding the shrimp. A weekly water change can also help keep the shrimp properly.

Cycling Your Shrimp Tank

Shrimp Cherry does not tolerate nitrate, be aware of the concentration of this pollutant. When nitrite concentrations rise in your tank, it is often the result of faulty equipment sizing and erratic maintenance. You can use a nitrate test kit and a complete freshwater test kit. A high concentration of toxic ammonia in the water quickly causes the death of all animals in the system. If you have a lot of plants in the pond, this helps to keep nitrate and nitrate toxicity levels low. Use your test kit to monitor the ammonia content and test your shrimp water. Bring enough fresh plants to the pond and do periodic water changes and maintenance.

How often to change the water?

A part of the water in the shrimp aquarium can be renewed weekly to enjoy healthier environments. I suggest that you use water conditioners to remove chlorine and heavy metals from the water supply network when making the water change.

Plants and hiding spots for your shrimp tank

Your aquarium should be identical to the cherry shrimp environment in this scenario. They originally arrived from Taiwan, living among water bodies. Cherry Shrimp prefers a densely planted, sandy substrate environment. You can start by installing them in tanks using driftwood and natural rock. You can also use mosses and an artificial cave. In addition to being able and efficient in eating plant material, they hardly attack plants when well fed. The moss serves two purposes; in addition to supplementing food, you will find shrimp inside this moss, using it as an escape zone. If the shrimp does not feel danger, its color will increase.

Tell me the optimal water condition?

Despite being robust, the cherry shrimp prefers to live in excellent quality water. You also don’t have to worry about the tanks filling with lesser quality shrimp. These animals have great adaptability in harmful conditions.

Cherry shrimp water conditions

Cherry shrimp will survive from 57 to 86 F, although low and high levels can negatively impact growth or reproduction rates. Cherry shrimp prefers slightly acidic water. Whenever ammonia in wastewater is tested, it must be at zero. Typically, less than 20 parts of nitrite per million pose no danger to shrimp in mature, well-maintained aquariums. In peak pollutants, the water must be changed every two days. Planting your aquarium with lots of vegetation and moss is a great way to reduce nitrogen and nutrient levels.

Temperature requirements

Store in water temperatures as low as 57 and as high as 86 degrees F. When the temperature increases, it makes the shrimp grow faster. The colony may reproduce quickly, and its tanks end up overcrowded. In any case, you may need a giant aquarium. Shrimps sit still if conditions are much below 60 degrees F. When the temperature drops below 57 F, it will not affect larvae development, but your shrimp can be exposed to fungus and disease.

Optimal pH levels

Cherry shrimp grow in water with a pH between 6.5 and 8. Once adequately balanced and adjusted to your system, the shrimp will have healthier and more vibrant eggs when they hatch. When the quality of tap water exceeds the recommended pH, it can bring out the color of the shrimp.

Is it possible to have too many shrimp?

If you look at your aquarium and only see shrimp of different sizes everywhere, you have more shrimp than you should. Use common sense to develop this perception about overpopulation. Many individuals produce many bioloads; overcrowded aquariums must be watched closely and have a strict maintenance schedule.

Feeding Cherry Shrimp

Cherry Shrimps repeatedly eat as part of the aquarium’s forage, consuming the algae and biofilms found inside the aquarium and scouring for food waste. Cherry Shrimps are omnivorous and eat different types of foods and vegetables. Vegetables like bleached zucchini are an excellent snack for shrimp and valuable nutrients. Shrimp feed easily on commercial feeds such as pellets and pellets, which must be used, to provide beneficial nutrients to keep it in optimum quality. Shrimp will eat everything they find in nature. As an omnivore, they consume foods and common plants such as algae or plankton. As always in the hobby, ensuring that your foods contain quality granules is advisable. You will need to whiten the vegetables before offering them for dinner.


Cherry shrimp are one of the most prolific species and are likely to cross quickly between ornamental dwarf shrimp. Under good management, this species can become a great breeder based on the care provided by its guardian. Cherry shrimp reach sexual maturity from 2 to 6 months and can reproduce. Once these shrimp mate, this becomes obvious because looking at their heads, it’s clear that you’ll see a lot of eggs under their tail—the female who carries the eggs. You can also see that she holds her tail in an aggressive shake to keep the egg circling, allowing oxygen to pass through. The new egg should hatch in 2-3 weeks.

Breeding Cherry Shrimp

Heavy covers of vegetation, logs, or rock cracks will ensure the safe and effective breeding of the shrimp. Please make sure the aquarium water is in perfect condition to keep the animals well; this will help keep them healthy for a long time. By adding lime flakes to filters or other calcium-rich materials to the surface, you can help to harden the water even further. Baby Cherry Shrimp is a miniature version of the adult Cherry Shrimp.


This freshwater shrimp care demands are highly undemanding to this animal; however, they have a significant intolerance to copper, where contact can be fatal. The more significant an aquarium, the more efficient its stability. You mustn’t neglect them when they have high levels of ammonia. If water changes and periodic maintenance occur, tank conditions will remain stable, and water parameters will be long-lasting: larger tanks are easier to maintain.

Releasing pets in the wild

We all know you have to keep these animals in our homes forever! You might think the shrimp aren’t happy in your aquarium somehow, and consider releasing them in some river or lake. Still, any foreign species that enter a particular ecosystem alters its balance and harms native wildlife. Invasive species sometimes carry unknown diseases, which can cause catastrophic effects.

A community aquarium

The community shrimp aquarium should be designed primarily to protect freshwater shrimp. Small fish such as Neon Tetras and Harlequin Rasbora will complement and enhance any shrimp tank. The shrimp need to have a well-lit aquarium filled with vegetation with small spaces to protect the shrimp colony. The recommended amount of shrimp to put in an aquarium will vary depending on the type or percentage of shrimp and fish species you want to put in the aquarium. Pour a good selection of beautiful shrimp.

A breeding aquarium

If you get a shrimp tank that has a sufficient volume of at least 18 gallons, you can store about 100 shrimp inside that tank. Aquariums made entirely for shrimp will also be ideal shrimp breeding sites. The best starting number in this shrimp colony is 10 to 30 shrimp. There should be a few females per tank in a breeding aquarium plus a small group of males. When the aquarium is so giant, the number is minimal, and the shrimp won’t just see themselves during the breeding season. Keep your aquarium with your favorite shrimp.

Overly Planted vs. Scarcely Planted Shrimp Aquarium

Keeping these freshwater shrimp in an aquarium is more accessible when the aquarium contains dozens of beautiful plants and dozens of ornaments such as rocks and wood to form hiding places. How many shrimp per gallon is relative to the type of setup and what you are looking for with your shrimp colony. Nano tanks should have a little less variety of individuals. In tanks smaller than 2 gallons, if there are more than 20 individuals, you will ruin the beauty of the aquarium by making it look overcrowded. When the aquarium is relatively less crowded with shrimp, it allows a lot of free space to move, and they can reproduce quickly.

Detailed Guide: Blue Velvet Shrimp – Care, Diet, Lifespan, Breeding And More

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care

The blue velvet shrimp is a variation of the blue color of the cherry shrimp. They are small members of the cleaning team, designed to clean biofilm and algae that form on the surfaces of your vegetation. Follow all the facts and secrets about these beautiful blue creatures. The Blue Velvet shrimp is a species of crustacean popular with aquarium enthusiasts.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care: The Complete Guide

Blue velvet shrimp is a freshwater shrimp species that look stunning. Its vibrant blue hue is almost fake when you see it. There are some excellent numbers of aquarists who want one or two on their aquarium. These shrimp are easy to care for and beneficial for your entire tank. Though this animal is low on maintenance, there will be something you will need to provide to them. This article will give you the basics regarding this shrimp care.

Summary of species

The Blue Velvet Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) is a unique freshwater species prevalent in the aquarium trade. This species is just a different color variation from the red cherry shrimp, which is pretty popular. There are no clear explanations for how color changes occur. In your tank, it spends most of its time scavenging for organic matter, including algae and biofilm.

What is a blue velvet shrimp?

The blue Velvet Shrimp is the color morph of the Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi). It comes from the Atyidae family of freshwater shrimp. This color doesn’t occur in the wild. When fully grown, they usually reach around 1 inch but only live for 1 to 2 years. They can also be placed within tanks of five gallons. The color is determined based on the proportion of blue relative to black on the shrimp body. Usually, shrimp is used to clean algae.

Species Overview, Appearance & Origin

The species are freshwater dwarf shrimps and can grow for as little as 1.5-2 inches. They have a cerulean color body which can variably range from light to intense colors. Their origin is still debated – and not a clear answer is yet expected. Many varieties currently sold from hobbyists and tank owners are farmed and reared, but some are wild and originate in Southeast Asia, such as Taiwan. Their natural habitat lives in freshwater surroundings like streams and ponds with rocky floors amidst numerous plants and wood for concealing and feeding requirements.


They have the typical shrimp body with three pairs of walking feet and two maxillipeds. Their abdomen is relatively thick and begins to taper off just before the thorax. They may have relatively soft antennae which move at regular intervals. Their head, tail, feet, and abdomen are roughly the same color. There may also be light dots; These are more condensed in the rear of the body. These shrimp’s eyes often have as much darker color as those from other types in nature.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care

Cute but just tiny meals 🙁

They are amazing. But you know, they are small enough that little fish can devour them in a day! So be careful with your choice of tank mates.

Life span

Blue-velvet shrimps survive for roughly one to two years. Lifespan will ultimately depend on the quality of the breeding and on the care the tank provides during its lifecycle.

Shrimp overview

Blue Velvet Shrimp are selectively raised from chocolate shrimp born in Taiwan. Blue Velvet Shrimp are straightforward to care for because they can adapt to an extensive range of water conditions. It’s relatively easy for them to breed within an aquarium. Female shrimp carry the eggs for about 30 days until they hatch. We recommend you keep only one variety of Neocaridina shrimps within the tank because of crossbreeding. Crossbreeding also reverts the offspring to wild color. You can keep blue velvet shrimp in soft or hard water. Freshwater shrimp is excellent in fighting algae and eat food leftovers. It is best when kept in mature tanks. These shrimp have to be held in a tank with small fish which will not eat them.

The origin of Blue Velvet Shrimp and Blue Dream Shrimp

Some shrimp breeders believe Blue Dream, Neocaridina originated from Carbon Riili shrimp. Other shrimp lovers believe the blue Velvet shrimp are the result of Crossbreeding. We should never cross breed Blue Dream shrimp with Blue Velvet shrimp. The Blue Jelly shrimp with the Red color is known as the Blue Jelly or the Blue Velvet. Blue Velvet is the result of different genetic types. As a result, it will cause offspring with varying coloration.

Difference between Blue Velvet Shrimp and Blue Dream Shrimp

There is lots of confusing information about the blue color and different names in the shrimp hobby. There can be hardly any uniform assessment system for different colored variations. Because of this growing popularity, shrimp are creating their pattern or color variations. For example, now in the market, you can find Blue velvet shrimp, Blue topaz shrimp, Blue Diamond Shrimp, Blue Fairy Shrimp, and other varieties.

Detailed Guide to Blue Velvet Shrimp: Care, Diet

Neocaridina davidi var. ‘Blue Velvet’ requires little care, rapidly reproduces, and is fun to watch. It could easily live in any tropical freshwater aquarium. They can be highly active, productive, and quite hardy shrimps. All these characteristics make it perfect for beginners shrimp keepers as well as more experienced keepers. This shrimp is a great example of Red Cherry shrimp who are very hardy and adjust quickly to their new environment.


Blue Velvets Shrimp is typically 1.5 inches when fully grown, but some females can reach up to 2 “. Their size is dictated by genetic components and the quality of their care in their developing stages.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care Guide

Blue Velvet Shrimp are sensitive to water quality and can be difficult to acclimate to a new tank. One major issue is copper and zinc poisoning. These metals are present in fertilizers and some fish medicines. Everything that you put in your water shouldn’t contain chemicals. If you must treat one of your fish and there is no safe option, you should remove all shrimp from the tank while the medicine is taken. A helpful rule of precaution is that shrimp’s blue vivid color will fade if the water quality in your tank is in poor condition. The most effective way to acclimatize them is using the dripping method.

Keeping Blue Velvet Shrimp

Dwarf shrimps don’t tolerate ammonia or nitrites in the water. They don’t need a large aquarium; they can flourish in a 5-gallon tank. It’s also competent to adapt to almost any kind of water. Don’t forget to acclimate carefully. Use proper filtration in the shrimp tank. Plants will provide hiding places, extra space for food and can play an essential role in the nitrogen cycle. It’s a great idea to add live plants to the shrimp tanks.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care

The Blue Velvet Shrimp require little to no maintenance, and they need no specific care of their owner. But there are some particular water parameters and conditions must be satisfied for shrimp to live long and well.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Care Guide & Tank Set Up For Beginners

Blue Velvet shrimp adds a special touch to any hobbyist’s tank. They became popular with people because of their colors and ease of maintenance. Plus, they will rid your tank of the undesirable algae. This guide will show you how to care for blue velvet shrimp and offer the proper tank conditions for the long term most possible. The guide also provides a guide for handling and maintain shrimps in your tank.

Blue velvet shrimp tank requirements

Cherry Shrimps inhabit densely cultivated areas in freshwater rivers in Taiwan. They have a home within groupings of moss usually shaded by long leafy plants. They live near the substrate where the light is small and where they have enough room to hide. In these freshwater waters, the flow remains low, and decaying plant material allows the pH to fluctuate between primary and mild acid conditions.

Blue shrimps requirements

The best start should be a 5-gallon aquarium. Use plenty of live plants to provide safety for your shrimp. Shrimp are highly sensitive to ammonia and nitrite, so this need always is clear from your tank water. Tubes, caves, and driftwood can be used as hide-outs for shrimp when they are ready to molt. If you want to breed blue velvet, be sure to use a sponge filter or at least one prefilter sponge as the fry is tiny, the filtration system can quickly suck them in the filter.

Blue velvet shrimp water quality

Blue velvet shrimp is an underdeveloped and less sensitive dwarf shrimp variety. Keep water parameters stable and use a test kit to ensure it. Even living in places with fluctuating temperatures, a heater to keep the temperature stable is welcome. These shrimp are hardy yet need stable conditions.

Water parameters

Blue velvet shrimp can be easily adapted to their surroundings. It can tolerate temperatures from around 64°F to as high as 82°F. The higher your temperature, the faster it will grow, breed, and die. It’s preferably recommended to store it around 72 F, where the shrimps can breed adequately and live longer. When it comes to pH, it typically prefers a neutral environment, ideally between 6.5 to 8.

Aquarium setup

It would be best if you kept this shrimp in at least five-gallon tanks. The water temperature can range from 57° to 84°F; however, between 72 and 80°F is best. Your filter mustn’t be strong enough to injure or suck the shrimp – a sponge filter is your safest option. You can also use any light intensity, as long that there is some shade in some part of the tank. Plants are the most necessary part of this tank installation. Large leafed plants have vast biofilm deposits as well as attract large algae.

The Nitrogen Cycle

Ammonia nitrite or nitrate is the only weakness of Blue Velvet shrimp. They won’t tolerate and may die if exposed to nitrogenate pollutants. Before adding shrimp to your tank, ensure appropriate bacterial colonies have been established in the filters of your system and that the filtering system is cycled. Nitrate can be taken away by plants or removed from water changes. If you want to know more about the nitrogen cycle and how to cycle your tank, look at our article about it.

What to put in their tank

The ideal Blue Velvet Shrimp tank will be well planted. Plants also serve to provide food to these critters. Java Moss is a popular choice that works well. Rocks and driftwood are fantastic surfaces for algae and biofilm to accumulate. These shrimp species prefer rocky sides but will sift and soak into the soil with a good environment.

Plants & Decor

Live plant activities play a vital role in the nitrogen cycle by eliminating nitrates. Besides, these shrimps have their hiding places where they can be located that make sure they are completely protected. Rocks, caves, and bogwood add crucial layers to your shrimp stock. Ornaments increase the surface area on which algae and bacteria grow, shrimp’s leading diet and nutrition.

Blue Velvet Shrimp Tankmates

In the wild, shrimps are one of fish’s favorite dishes. Almost all fish eat shrimp. The best tankmates for blue velvet shrimp are all types of snails. Check my guides for Malay Trumpet snails, Mystery snails, Ramshorn Snails, Rabbit Snails, White Wizard Snails, and Nerite snails. It would be best if you didn’t have blue shrimp with other Neocaridina species.

Tank Mates

Blue Velvet Shrimp may be combined with Amano Shrimp and Bamboo Shrimp. When it comes to fish, you need to be pickier. Peacefully-oriented species that aren’t too big and aren’t aggressive are an excellent choice. The safest approach is to leave out all types of fish, but for now, we recognize it is not the most attractive option. Many aquarists wonder whether or not it can be successful to pair Blue Velvet shrimp with Betta fish. We do not recommend this because its effectiveness seems to be inconsistent.

The tank mate for blue velvet shrimps

In the wild, these shrimp live in large groups. They live alongside native fish, including smaller cyprinids, catfish, and loaches. Your fish tank mate shouldn’t be big enough to put this cute shrimp in your mouth. Nano fish like Oto catfish, corys, Chili Rasboras, Lampeyes, and Endlers will make your best combination. Smaller fish that generally only eat micro prey are safe to keep with blue velvet shrimp. A good tankmate is a peaceful creature that doesn’t think of shrimp or her babies as food sources. Some fish species in aquariums are friendly enough to coexist with shrimp during the time in the tank. Some methods can help improve fish companionability and compatibility with shrimps. Ensure that the shrimp are given plenty of hiding places from the fish and that the tank is long enough to hold both without constant clash.

Blue velvet shrimp diet

Dwarf shrimp-like blue velvets are omnivores that thrive on diversified diets. You’ll frequently see the animal foraging for biofilm, algae, and debris. There is much excellent shrimp food which works well as a staple diet. You can also offer frozen foods, algae tabs, tropical fish foods, and vegetables.

Diet and feeding

They consume microbiome, biofilm, and algae that accumulate onto the plant leaves and tank parts. If you saw them grazing on your plant’s leaves, don’t be worried. They do not eat live plants; like many shrimp, they will eat everything they can locate at the bottom. They prefer green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, cucumber, and broccoli.

Food & Diet

Blue velvet shrimps are scavenger predators who spend their time searching for all food sources, like algae and biofilm. Standard flakes or fish food pellets are a perfect choice for this species and provide a smooth base diet. Ensure not to overfeed. Overfeeding will cause harmful effects on the shrimp and an increase of ammonia in your tank.

The diet of blue velvet shrimp

As long as an alga or microbe in the water is present, Blue Veal shrimps will generally require minimal food. If you have plants, you can find them constantly looking at them and grazing on them. They will eat dead, rotting, or decomposing plants. The more diverse their diet, the more essential nutrients they’ll have for good growth and molting.

Breeding blue velvet shrimp

The shrimp is a good breeder and a good breeding project to create your own. During pregnancy, the female will carry small eggs, which hatch into mini shrimp. The fry can be kept in the same tank as the parents and immediately start forage and eat. Keep your water quality high and provide a diversified diet to keep the shrimp healthy.


Put the pair in a breeding tank without fish and keep suitable water parameters. Once the shrimps mate, the female will carry around the eggs under her tail. Your only role in this instance will be to ensure that enough algae and biofilm are left in the tanks for feeding the young ones. It will be their crucial nutrition source, although you may supplement some algae tablets if needed. In roughly 90 days, Blue Velvet Shrimp will be ready for reproduction.

In-Tank Behavior & Temperament

Blue Velvet shrimps can be very social and curious animals. They tend to shy away from their fish companions but do not become violent when near others. They’re very active; you’ll probably find them all over the tank searching for food, which can be funny.

Behavior & Temperament

Blue Shrimp are very straightforward and can easily be kept or bred. Their temperament seems peaceful, so finding friends is easy. Like most shrimp, they prefer being focused on their business, leaving their tank mates alone. You could see them under a rock, on the bare ground near the surface, or practically anywhere. The babies are amazing to watch, thanks to their bright colors.

Common possible diseases

Even most minor copper deposits in your tap water can be deadly. Intoxication is probably the most common mistake a homeowner makes. If you start adding medications to your aquarium, you will likely have to move the shrimp to another tank. Blue Shrimp is often brought in established tanks that have been tested. Put them in mature, well-established tested tanks is usually the best approach! Blue velvet and copper can’t mix. Some fish medication contains significant levels of copper means that you will kill your shrimp while treating your fish.

Final thoughts on blue velvet shrimp

Blue velvet shrimp are a good choice for your freshwater aquarium. They have a beautiful blue color, are fun to watch, easy to breed, and need minimal care. They will continue growing and prospering once you provide them with an appropriate water parameter and another tank setup. We hope this guide will help you decide on becoming a valid Blue Velvet shrimp owner.

Best Amano Shrimp Care Guide – Everything You Need To Know!

Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata), a resistant, easy-care freshwater shrimp species, making a terrific addition to the cleaning crew of the aquarium-  constantly removing algae and wastes from the tank.

If you’re looking for a bold active little shrimp that has character, is easy to keep and tough as they come, the Amano Shrimp may be the one for you. These social crustaceans make the perfect ‘cleaning’ crew for any tank!

Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata)

Amano Shrimp


This translucent dwarf sized shrimp is fascinating to look at as you can see all its organs inside!

Males are smaller than females, growing to about an inch long. They will have a row of black dots running down their sides.

Females, being twice the size of males, will have a row of black dashes down their sides and will quite often be carrying eggs.

Where did the Amano Shrimp originate from?

Amano shrimp originates from Japan, Taiwan and China; inhabiting freshwater/brackish swamps and mangroves. This is where the Japanese aquascaper, Takashi Amano, collected and then presented this intriguing species to the planted aquariums of the world. Today this little shrimp has become popular amongst aquarium enthusiasts.

A curiosity, is that until 2006, the shrimp’s scientific name was Caridina japonica. Scientists changed this to Caridina multidentata.

Character and Tankmates

Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp are peaceful inhabitants and will not create problems in the aquarium so long as they are kept with appropriate tank mates.

Being social community shrimp, Amano like to live with other Amano shrimp. A 20 gallon tank, keeping about six shrimp (with even numbers of males and females) would be ideal.

Identifying the sex of shrimp when they are juveniles is difficult, so if buying young shrimp from an aquarium store you’ll have to take pot luck with their gender.

Amano Shrimp are very gregarious and are not shy in coming forward, especially when food is on offer! The onlyDOHO Aquarium Cave Ceramic Decoration for Amano Shrimp Cichlid with Fish Hideaway and Breeding time they will hide away is during their molt. During this time, their shell is very soft and they’re vulnerable to predators.

You will soon notice a ‘hierarchy’ develop with your shrimp group. The larger ones will take charge and will be first to take their picking of shrimp food granules. Although not aggressive, they can be bossy!

Selecting the appropriate tank-mates is important, as any aquatic creature with a large mouth will be a threat to them. Do not house them with medium to large fish such as cichlids, goldfish and larger barbs. They will co-occupy a community aquarium with peaceful nano-fish such as guppies, tetras, cories and smaller live bearers.

Some people ask if they do well with Betta fish. In a small tank with little cover they may be harassed and possibly eaten. However, in a large, planted tank, Amano should be fine with bettas.

Water and tank requirements

A group of 5 or 6 shrimp can be housed happily in a planted aquarium that is no smaller than 10 gallons. Smaller than that will lead to social problems with the fish, resulting in them feeling stressed.

It is advised to keep about one shrimp for every 2 gallons of water.

Include ornaments, driftwood, and live plants; this helps create hiding places and areas to be explored by the shrimp.

They enjoy a well lit aquarium and are adapted to flowing waters. To encourage their natural behaviors, you may like to use your aquarium pumps and filters to generate a current.

Being probably the hardiest shrimp of the freshwater shrimps (arguably hardier than the more colorful shrimp species), the Amana Shrimp can live within a wide range of water parameters. Although they prefer the cooler end of the spectrum, they will live happily in water between 65 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

pH needs to be within 6.5 to 8.0 and they prefer a harder water. If your tank water is soft, try adding crushed coral into the filter or substrate.

Amano are susceptible to ammonia levels and chlorine in new water to tanks. To ensure success with them, it is recommended that you cycle the tank for six weeks with a good biological filter before introducing your shrimp.


Amano Shrimp

When crustaceans grow they need to shed their exoskeleton. During this time the shrimp is at its most vulnerable stage, and tend to hide away until their new exoskeleton has hardened.

If you spot any dead-looking white/clear shrimp in the tank, it will not be a dead shrimp, but rather the exoskeleton that has been shed. However, if you spot what looks like a cooked (pink/orange) shrimp lying on its side at the bottom of the tank, it likely is one that has died.

It is important that shrimp have a diet rich in minerals to ensure they grow healthy strong skeletons.

Aquarium Cleaning Machines! What do Amano Shrimp Eat?

Many aquarists introduce a group of Amano to their tanks to keep the algae away. Amano love eating algae and do a wonderful job eating the micro-filament algae off plants and rocks in the tank.

They are great vacuum cleaners as well. Any escaping food that gets stuck within crevices are quickly found by the eager shrimps and devoured.

The little guys are innately lazy! If they’re too well fed, they will ignore the algae in the tank.

Aquarists should not assume that shrimp will solve all their algae and waste problems in the aquarium. They do a great job cleaning the algae off leaves in a planted aquarium, but don’t clean the algae from the glass sides of the tank, nor will they consume the older heavy growths of algae.

When it comes to commercial food it is easy- they are not fussy eaters and will eat almost eat anything! They are omnivorous, so having a varied diet of both animal based and algae based food is best.

Being aggressive eaters, they will often get to the food sinking to the bottom of the tank well before the fish. Quickly they will gather a food pellet up and dash away to eat it. It is better to scatter food, allowing them to each to find a pellet without arguments.

We recommend the Fluval Shrimp Granules as it has a good amount of minerals and is best suited for crustaceans. It comes in granules that conveniently sink to the bottom of the aquarium.

In addition, shrimp will eat vegetables such as cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and spinach. Vegetables should be blanched, and don’t leave them in the tank for more than an hour, as this will start to pollute the water.

Escape Artists

Any small gap in the lid of your aquarium will be an opportunity for these little guys to escape. They are known for it and will do so. Ensure you have a tight-fitting lid!

Breeding Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp are incredibly difficult to breed. This is mainly due to the shrimp lava requiring salt water to live and grow, whilst adult shrimp wouldn’t last more than a few minutes in salt water.

How they breed in the wild

In the wild, the male fertilizes the eggs, and the female carries them for four to five weeks. During this period, the female can be seen wagging her tail to fan oxygenate the eggs. At the five to six-week mark, she will release the larvae.

Shrimp lava are dragged by the current into the saltier waters of river estuaries. When they reach adulthood, the shrimp return to freshwater upstream to live.

You may see females in your tank carrying eggs, however, these will not survive when they hatch unless they are immediately placed into salt/brackish water.

Amano shrimp, available in aquarium fish stores, are generally wild caught shrimp, not captive bred.

Amano shrimp won’t cross breed with other shrimp species.

Captive breeding

If you’re up for the challenge, captive breeding is possible. It is reported that breeders keep adults in a 40 gallon (150L) breeding tank with sponge filter and tall plants. The pH is maintained at around 7.0, and the temperature stabilized around 77F (25C). Feed with pelleted food.

Larvae will need to be relocated to brackish water as soon as they hatch. As they grow, the water can be gradually diluted with freshwater.

Under these conditions, the larvae began to metamorphose into post-larvae after 20 days. It takes about six months for a complete cycle from hatching to adulthood.

Cost and Life Span

They are inexpensive ($3-5/each). To buy a group of six Amano shrimp will cost about $15 to $35.

You would expect your shrimp to live between 3-5 years, a little longer if their water temperature is kept at the lower range and the tank is well filtered.

Final Thoughts

Amano Shrimp are tireless eaters, helping keep the tank free of algae, and excellent community tank members, being compatible with smaller aquatic tank-mates. Being easy-care, hardy animals that will entertain for hours as they roam around the aquarium feeding, interacting with others, and creating their little homes.  This small invertebrate is a great choice for any peaceful aquarium!





Bamboo Shrimp Care Guide: Size, Diet, Lifespan, and More!

Bamboo shrimp

Bamboo shrimp are a type of freshwater crustacean. They can be found living in the wild, but they’re more commonly kept as pets in aquariums. If you want to keep them in your home or office, there are certain things you should know about their care requirements and lifespan. In this article, we’ll talk about size, diet, lifespan, and other details that will help make sure your new pet is happy and healthy!

In contrast to other species, Bamboo shrimp, also known as wood shrimp, Singapore flower shrimp, or flower shrimp, Atyopsis moluccensis tend to have a different way of capturing food. A fan-like appendage filters out sediment particles from water. This shrimp requires another feed-in method to be employed. Care for Bamboo shrimp varies widely. Keep reading to learn everything you need about Bamboo shrimp care and keeping in an aquarium. You can purchase this shrimp online.

Bamboo Shrimp Care Guide

These freshwater shrimps live for about 2-years though unfortunately have a tough time adapting to new tanks. The common cause for death is the wrong way to acclimatize the new Atyopsis moluccensis. They are susceptible to sudden changes in temperature and water quality. Do not place heavy and toxic chemicals in your water column. Never introduce or add shrimp in your tank without proper acclimatization. Use the drip method to drain water from the tank to the container where the shrimp is, thus equalizing the parameters.Bamboo Shrimp

Description of bamboo shrimp

A Bamboo shrimp has four fans instead of a claw to capture small food particles in the water column and take them to the mouth. They exhibit various colors, including a combination of brown, red, green, creamy whites, and blue with a mixture of creamy yellow-brown down their back. The patterns are effective camouflage to the human eye, which is why so many shrimp keepers lose these giant shrimps in their tanks. Only recently did there exist the precise classification within the species. Bamboo shrimps can grow up to 8-10cm (3-4 inches).

Species History

The most accurate mention of this animal occurs by De Haan in 1849. Over time, it went through various classifications and was found in several open water streams from India to Indonesia, increasing its original geographic distribution. They were raised in the early 1980 and throughout the 1990s as feeds to farming fish. In the late 2000s, it was first introduced as ornamental to the aquarium. Their practical quality and attractive appearance enabled that they rapidly become popular. Because they get along very well with other shrimp, they’re common in freshwater invertebrate tanks. Collecting these shrimp from quickly moving open water can be extremely dangerous, so many are bred in captive conditions.

Bamboo Shrimp Appearance

Bamboo shrimp can grow as long as 4 inches and are among the world’s more giant freshwater aquarium shrimp. They are decapods, and they have five pairs of legs and ten legs total. On three lateral portions, they are known as chelipeds or chelsidas. Its use is also used to gather food. The ten periopods ( or walking legs) are supported by a set of swimming legs (pleopods) that allow the shrimp to swim forward. It is reinforced and can swim on urophodes when trying to escape from bad situations. This shrimp has two beady dark eyes centered on two small stalks surrounded by a large antenna.

Bamboo shrimp requirements

The minimum tank size needs to be at least twenty-seven gallons (102 liters) the larger, the better. A water filter with a high flow should be used to mimic their natural habitat. Atyopsis moluccensis regularly molts so they can grow. The exoskeleton they had hidden was revealed beneath its new structure. The vulnerable shrimp will stay hidden for some days until it hardens its carapace. It is common for aquarium owners also to fill their Bamboo shrimp tanks with tons of plants. Plant fertilizer pellets tend to sink to the bottom, where they dissolve slowly into the water. When applying plant fertilizers, ensure that they are safe for shrimps.

Bamboo Shrimp Care

Singapore flower shrimp care is relatively low maintenance and easily accessible to pretty much anyone. It takes time for people to be used to how to feed them. Although shrimp are surprisingly hardy and easily recognizable, these critters may suffer serious health complications when they experience significant changes in the water parameters. We will discuss this later, but this invertebrate can be adapted in an aqua tank. The main thing is focusing on being constant but also giving the best. The best aquarium for this shrimp species should have stable water parameters.

Bamboo Shrimp Size & Lifespan

When fully mature, a healthy Bamboo shrimp is about three to four inches long. Their life expectancy can range anywhere from 1 – 2 years if in the right conditions. However, it’s not uncommon for the Bamboo shrimp to die soon after introducing it to the tank. Perhaps it’s a change in water parameters or the stress from being transported.


Bamboo shrimp are excellent for community tanks and are known for their peaceful nature. However, the aquarist should maintain one shrimp per tank unless kept in a high-end (75 gallons or more significant) aquarium. Hidden spots can also be crucial as shrimp molt approximately every two months. During the selection of the filter, a hang-on is the best choice for a Bamboo shrimp tank. The tank should be heavily placed with great hiding locations. Driftwoods and smooth river stones help create their natural environment where they live among rocks or roots. Shrimp usually hides until hardening their shells.

Bamboo Shrimp Care: Water & Habitat

They do not like a new tank; Bamboo shrimp seem to do good in established aquariums with parameters in the tropical freshwater community tanks range. As for any aquatic invertebrate, it is vital to avoid copper as it’s fatal for them. Be careful with plant fertilizer as it dissolves slowly. One important Bamboo shrimp care issue involves copper, which filter-feeding shrimp can consume in significant concentrations and could be fatal or harmful. Make sure all fertilizers are plant safe.

Habitat and tank conditions

The species is native to Southeast Asia: Sri Lanka, the Samoan Islands, Japan, India, and the Malay Peninsula. They inhabit the fast-moving inland rivers and streams. Warm waters were usually somewhat alkaline, and a lot of light was given out. The habitat consists of abundant plants and rocks at the tributaries where they spend most of their time. These places offer shelter as well as perching points for filters of incoming food. Next, we will talk about the specific steps to assemble your tank.

Water parameters

Understanding the optimal water parameters for Bamboo shrimp is extremely important. Rapid change or suboptimal conditions can cause serious issues, leading to the death of the animals. To keep this consistency, you are expected to check these parameters. The consistency of parameters is essential early when they might still adjust to the new tank conditions.

Setting up their Habitat

The essential item in the water tank includes plants. Include plant species into their tank to facilitate the natural way for them to find food. Tiny pieces of plant waste can enter the water for your shrimp to catch by their own hands! The species also is seen climbing on plants regularly. They have an uncomfortable use to conceal away in the wild and are likely to appreciate interactions they form with them. Any popular aquarium plant can fit. As for the rest of the decoration, you can be much more flexible.

Bamboo Shrimp Habitat: Lots of live plants

Bamboo shrimp

Keep them with a wide variety of aquarium plants, like their natural habitat. Aquariums with living plants are not always too clean, meaning many small edible items are floating in the water. They love to climb around plants as they position themselves to face the movement of the water. They often place themselves on the sponge filter to intercept any unwanted food particles which would otherwise be taken up the filtering tube. They also like rocks like lava rocks. Like other filter feeders, they seem to like tanks with sponge filters on powerful hob exhausts. This is because microcrustaceans and other plankton are housed in the sponge, which will serve as food for the fan shrimp.

Bamboo Shrimp Molting Process

The wood shrimp give some signs before molting. The shrimp should keep hiding behind plants, rocks, a heater, or the filter about a day or two before shedding. When the molting cycle is accomplished, it leaves its old empty shell in the waters. Some hobbyists leave molted shells in the water and watch and see what happens. The remaining unaffected shell disintegrated. Let’s hope this indicates that those sea minerals will be dissolved as we get to the water at some stage. Amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, and red cherry shrimp came looking for them.

Take care

If you find that rotting shells are still present in the ground, you can leave them for a couple of days. Sometimes shrimp come back because their diet is incredibly nutritious. Sometimes the remaining shrimp will eat the dead tank mate for nutrition. If a shrimp appears motionless for long periods, the situation could be wrong. If you detect sick shrimp, isolate them immediately. Numerous treatment ways can restore them to health. Before applying chemicals to an aquarium, make sure they never contain copper. It is toxic for bamboo and many other invertebrates.

Bamboo Shrimp Feeding in Nature

Bamboo shrimp are omnivorous creatures and rarely consume food. They feed predominantly, filtering the drifting detrital particles in the water column by the cheliped setae. They capture microscopic animals, organic detritus, and algae inside a large fan and transfer them to their mouths. They also prefer rapid water displacement. They are the result of increased food intake proportionate to the actual water velocity of the source water. They can be more active at night.


High-quality food must be an offer to Bamboo shrimp with quality food. Food gravitated toward the bottom of the tanks should quickly be swept off with it. They can be active even if they clean out the filter of your tank and tiny bits of dirty food fall from the filter, and the water is carried along with it. Sometimes there may be no leftovers in the tank because the shrimp refuses to leave. They sit right near our pump, filtering the water supply for food. If they were still missing this meal, they could even die of it.

The feeding of bamboo shrimp is fun to watch

Bamboo shrimp are fed as the food is filtered from the current by what seems like four delicate ball mitts held in front of their faces. The shrimp takes a handful from the mitts every few seconds and releases the pieces to its mouth. You need to have your tank adequately covered if they are climbing the hose at night looking for food, and they can fall from the surface of the water. If shrimp fall out, it won’t last too much out of the freshwater, so always check regularly to assure your safety.

Bamboo shrimp tankmates

Because Bamboo shrimp are very fragile, the keeper should take great care to identify the best tankmates that wouldn’t harm. This means no small predatory species such as cyprinids or bettas view these fish as simple prey. Peaceful species on this list (small tetra, catfish, and hatchet fish) and other harmless invertebrates such as dwarf shrimp and snails would make a good choice. Also, always keep your Bamboo shrimp in groups, as they appreciate safety in number; always remember what their tank size and filter can handle.

Is bamboo shrimp suitable for an aquarium?

Bamboo shrimp makes a lovely tankmate species and are a great choice if you have sufficient space. It will be necessary to consider whether tank conditions and tank mates would be adequate.


You should prevent any bigger aggressive tank mates with wood shrimp. Most large cichlids and any predators should be avoided. Crayfish may also not share a tank with Bamboo shrimp as they inevitably hunt and are killing them. Arowanas and peacock bass should also avoid

Bamboo Shrimp Breeding

Bamboo shrimp larvae need saltwater to thrive. In nature, they breed in brackish water. Adults cannot survive in saltwater. Having a separate brackish water tank could appear an obvious solution, but aquarists tried this many times. We have not encountered any successful solutions. We suggest not trying to breed Bamboo shrimp. If you want to reproduce it in captivity, you must seek help from a knowledgeable animal expert.


Bamboo shrimp is not the type to chose for breeding purposes. Adult adults cannot survive in shallow brackish water. Typically male to female will be 1:1. Fortunately, there’s something for which you can have an excellent sexual experience earlier. One female bears 2000 egg cells on its abdomen for 30-40 days. They turn brown as they grow and eventually develop into floating larvae. After 90 days, larvae metamorphosed, at which point they continued to swim forward. You could reintroduce these into your main aquarium.

The behavior of bamboo shrimp

Bamboo shrimp

Across the tank, Bamboo shrimp spread their chelae in a filter-feeding posture. They unfold like an umbrella keeping it in place until enough suspended matter is lodged in the circulating fan’s surface. In still water, these are motionless to most extent, and most frequently, the substrate does not have any food sources at any time. They have never been observed to make burrows in the substrate. The tall giant shrimp have squat bodies, a short rostrum, and strong legs than the graceful dwarf shrimp.

Potential health complications

It is sensitive to water changes. Even small amounts of copper can kill them. Because a significant part of tank medications contain copper, remove shrimp if there is any medicine added to your tank that contains copper. When performing water changes, make sure the parameters are equal.

Watch for motionlessness

The shrimp can be under one of the plant’s leaves, under a rock, behind the decorations, or in the back of a power filter system. Interestingly, the same follicle acrobats acoustically may be expected when pre-molting, especially if the shrimps don’t molt and don’t feed after a few days. If the shrimp remains listless, you should check water parameters to know water levels inside the proper range. It’s essential to look for signs of trouble while fishing for shrimp if the shrimp does not feed adequately and the current status of water is in the normal range.

Hunger signs: Bamboo Shrimp Pick For Food

Bamboo shrimp are often unsatisfied with their diet and can become picky at times. Prepare to give them meals so that they can fill quickly. Bamboo shrimp are often spotted strolling down the bottom of their tank to pick at the material for the edible matter in their new home. Pick food from the substrate is a usual behavior when they’re starving, so get some of them a treat. After a few days, they will be out again and eating normally.

Keep bamboo shrimp together

Bamboo Shrimp can interact perfectly with each other. You can also keep it in the group as you have plenty of room on a tank. It’s not just a social behavior because everyone has identified it as suitable for filters or other filtration processes. Even if they’re each fighting in the same position, they’ll never behave aggressively. They are very plentiful in the wild. You can also hold lots of shrimp inside your tank.

Fertilizer and bamboo shrimp

I don’t know when a high amount of copper in an aquarium becomes harmful to Bamboo shrimp. About 98% of all aqua fertilizers have copper. It looks prudent to limit it as much as possible to avoid fertilizers that contain copper. For bamboo shrimp, it is better to prevent fertilizers with copper in your aquarium.


If you have an aquarium of 75 to 100 gallons, you will keep an exotic and delicate shrimp on top of your golden fish. They are alien species of shrimp and can grow in a tank capacity of 75 liters. These shrimp species can be grown in small tanks of at least 100 gallons.

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp – Top 10 Best Shrimps for Aquarium

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp : It does not matter if you are looking for a new entry into your community tank or if you are breeding.

Freshwater aquarium shrimp are some of the most interesting and beautiful creatures you can have in a tank.

Comparison Table

CustomSiteStripe ImageTitleReviewBuy
Top PerformanceAmano Shrimp4.4/5.0Check Price
cheapestPanda Shrimp4.2/5.0Check Price

However, they are not all the same. There are a few things to consider before adding freshwater shrimp to an aquarium.

The first decision is what type of shrimp works best in your tank.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular aquarium shrimp to help you decide.

They are fascinating creatures and your aquarium will reap the rewards for grazing algae or leaking food organisms. These organisms are a perfect addition to community tanks that contain small, peaceful fish species, such as the Rummy Nose Tetra.

In this article we cover the best freshwater prawns for aquariums and provide you with the basic knowledge necessary to keep them in your home aquarium.


The 10 Best Freshwater Aquarium Shrimps

Some types of aquarium shrimp can be placed in community tanks, while others are better off setting up their own colony in a designated aquarium.

What you want to achieve with your shrimp determines which type of shrimp is right for you.

If you are thinking of giving new life to your aquarium, here are the 10 best freshwater aquarium shrimp to consider:


1. Red Cherry Shrimp

These species are one of the most popular because of their bright and beautiful color and because they are easy to maintain.

They work well for common tanks as long as there are no aggressive fish.

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2. Bamboo Shrimp

This type is also known as wood shrimp. They are reddish brown in color and tend to grow up to 4.5 inches.

taller than men and can reach a size of approximately 4.7 cm. Women also have slightly smaller front legs than men, which is useful when it comes to sexing them for breeding purposes.

Bamboo shrimp are automatic filter feeders and have special fans that collect food particles from the water and put the food in their mouths. These shrimp can be fed a variety of foods, including freshly hatched brine shrimp, powdered fish flakes, and algae powder.

Because this species is larger than each of the dwarf variants, you will need a larger tank (at least 20 gallons). They work well for a water temperature of 68-77 ° F and a pH of 6.5-7.5.

3. Ghost Shrimp

If you are looking for the easiest shrimp to care for, it is definitely the ghost shrimp.

They’re great for first-time shrimp owners and are great scavengers, making them a great addition to a non-aggressive community tank.

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4. Bee Shrimp

Bee shrimp are one of the most diverse freshwater shrimp in the hobby with more than a dozen selectively bred color variants. One of the most common species is the Black Bee variety, from which many other variations have been selectively bred.

Black bee shrimp are small and only 1 inch long. The color of this subspecies is white with black bars extending the length of the body.

They are generally more difficult to maintain than other species in the industry and are not recommended for beginners. They prefer warm water at 68-78 ° F with a pH of 5.8-6.8.

5. Snowball Shrimp

Snowball Shrimp is another variety that is very easy to care for and a good option for beginners.

They can tolerate more fluctuations in water balance and eat almost everything. They are also fast breeders who will form a colony in no time.

6. Amano Shrimp


Amano shrimp have a reputation for fighting algae. For this reason, legendary aquarist Takashi Amano introduced them to commerce in the 1980s.

Since then, their popularity has been booming and they are the second most popular freshwater crustacean after cherry shrimp.

They grow to about 5 cm tall, making them one of the greatest hobby gardeners. They have a transparent gray color and the females have long lines along their bodies, while the males have uniformly distributed dots. The color of these marks can be reddish brown or teal.

These freshwater shrimp thrive in planted aquariums with a water temperature of 70-80 ° F and a pH of around 6.0-7.0. Breeding in captivity is not very common as the hatchling hatches in salty water before returning to fresh water as it grows.

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7. Blue Tiger Shrimp

This is another beautiful shrimp that will add a pop of color to any tank.

They are easy to care for as long as they are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrate. Therefore, it is very important not to overfeed them.

8. Red Cherry Shrimp

Cherry red shrimp carries some other common names, such as cherry, fire, and sakura shrimp. The name used actually depends on the individual’s color class.

Women tend to have a more intense red color than their male counterparts, which are paler red. They also have a rounder center section and are larger.

They are some of the easiest to maintain and arguably the most common hobby tension.

If you keep these shrimp, they will need a pH of 6.5 to 8.0 water and the temperature should remain constant (65 to 85 ° F).

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9. Panda Shrimp

Panda shrimp, named for their striking black-and-white patterns, are striking and slightly rarer than most of the other shrimp we’ve listed.

They are very sensitive to water changes and reproduce very slowly.

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10. Crystal Shrimp

Also called Crystal Red or Red Bee Shrimp. Its colors and patterns differ between individuals. However, the most common is a white background with deep red spots or bars throughout the body.

Unfortunately, this freshwater shrimp is not for beginners.

This is because they require a lot of maintenance because they require certain water parameters as well as regular water changes.

However, by adding plants to the aquarium, they absorb excess nitrates, completing the nitrogen cycle.

They should be kept in fresh water with a pH of 5.8 to 7.5 and the water temperature should remain constant between 62 and 76 ° F.

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp Tank Companions

Unfortunately, most fish are not friendly companions to shrimp, especially if you want to raise them, and small shrimp make a quick and easy meal for even the smallest aquarium fish.

There are some fish that can live peacefully with freshwater shrimp. Ottoman cats and small plecos have sucking mouths and leave the shrimp alone.

If you don’t plan on raising and raising youth, of course there are still a few options. Guppies and Tetras are great tankmates. You can eat the babies, but they are too small to bother adult shrimp.

A good rule of thumb is that any fish that is not aggressive breed and has a mouth too small to eat an adult shrimp can probably be safely placed in the tank.

While most fish species have a stereotypical temperament, keep in mind that everything really depends on each fish. They also have personalities, and just because a species of fish is classified as “non-aggressive” does not mean that the individual fish does not.

Snails are a good option. Some, like Red Ramshorns, Spixi, or Trumpet Snails, may actually benefit your tank. They will not eat live plants and are great scavengers. And most of all, they don’t eat shrimp, not even babies.

Each of these types of snails also has other advantages. Red horns take care of uneaten food and even eat algae out of the glass. They come in some bright colors and are a nice addition to a shrimp tank.

Trumpet snails bury themselves in the substrate, which helps oxygenate it, which can help build useful bacterial colonies that are so important to a thriving tank environment. They only come out at night and when it’s time to eat. They also trap uneaten food and help keep the aquarium clean.

Spixi snails are a variety of apple snails. They are much larger than the other two snails mentioned and should not be kept in small aquariums. However, if you have a large aquarium, take care of algae and uneaten food. They also leave the shrimp alone.

If you plan to keep dwarf shrimp but don’t raise or raise them young, there are plenty of fish that make great aquarium companions. Endler’s life bearers, guppies, many types of tetras, and most types of killis are excellent roommates.

Again, it is very important to consider the aggressiveness of the fish you want to combine with the shrimp.

Another thing to consider is size. If a non-aggressive fish has a mouth that is less than half the size of a full-size shrimp, the fish cannot eat it. That said, if they are aggressive, they can still hurt shrimp or cause a lot of stress. Another reason why aggressive fish should be avoided.

How do I care for freshwater aquarium shrimp?
To understand the basic supply of these shrimp, it is useful to consider where they live in the wild. Most of the popular breeds of freshwater shrimp come from East Asia.

Ghost shrimp native to the southern United States are the only exception.

Their origins really affect the type of environment they like, especially when it comes to water temperature and pH.

Let’s start with a little more information about the type of environment in which aquarium shrimp like to live.



As you can see, there are many wonderful options when it comes to freshwater shrimp. Before choosing an aquarium, there are a few things to consider.

Remember that not all shrimp work well in a community tank, especially if the mixture contains aggressive fish, as they are more likely to be eaten. Choose a variety of shrimp that works with what you already have.

If you’re thinking of growing shrimp, be sure to find a guy who does it quickly and easily. Some shrimp are difficult producers and can give you a difficult time, especially if you have shrimp for the first time.

Shrimp are an interesting and often enjoyable addition to a tank environment. Also, most species eat algae, debris, and dead plant matter, and they actually help keep the tank healthy so that everything that lives in it can thrive.