12 Aggressive Freshwater Fish for Your Tank: With Pictures!

12 Aggressive Freshwater Fish for Your Tank: With Pictures!

In this guide, we will delve into the world of aggressive freshwater fish, exploring their special traits, tank set up, habitat, tankmates and appropriate care requirements.

We’ll also help you with being able to decrease aggressive behaviours in community tanks.

Factors That Affect Aquarium Fish Aggression

Aggressive behaviors can vary quite considerably between fish. With some fish the behavior is inherit, whilst with others aggressiveness may come about when provoked, or when the tank habitat is not appropriate for them.

Before purchasing aggressive fish, it is necessary to understand the requirements of each species that you plan to introduce to your tank.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggression During Breeding

Aggression in some fish is only evident during breeding times. A primal instinct kicks-in. It becomes a priority at all costs for the fish to establish a territory, fight off rivals, gain a mate and to protect young.

In many cases, juveniles are placid and get along peacefully in a community tank and with others of the same species. They only develop the aggressive behaviors on sexual maturity.

With consideration of feeding requirements, places to hide within a tank, compatible tank-mates and an appropriately sized tank, can all reduce aggressive behavior of adult fish wanting to breed.

Provocation Causing Aggression

Larger territorial fish, such as Arowana fish, require extra large tanks if they are to coinhabit with other fish species.

These large fish need room to swim and feel relaxed. When they are forced to be in a confined space they will be more aggressive towards fish that come close to it.

This runs true with many of the smaller aggressive freshwater fish too. Never overcrowd their tanks and provide plenty of places for them to establish their territories and for them to hide if necessary. If they feel stressed they may chase and nip other fish.

Tankmates that are domineering will also cause fish with aggressive tendencies to feel threatened. This provocation can become a problem with anxious fish lashing out in self-preservation. Understanding which tankmates coexist best with your aggressive species will reduce aggression.

Some species like to be in a school as this gives them a sense of security having friends around them. Species such as Tiger Barbs are less aggressive towards one another and towards other fish in the tank if kept in groups of five or more.

In addition, when only two or three are kept together, the dominant fish may be inclined to bully the lesser fish.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish Are Usually Carnivorous

Carnivorous species of freshwater fish will eat pretty much any fish, invertebrate or mollusc that can fit in its mouth. By nature, many are ambush fish, keeping hidden, then darting out to eat prey. Piranhas will do this in groups, making them an even bigger threat in a tank with other smaller fish.

Slow moving fish, and fish with long fins, are an easy target. It is better to keep fish in the tank who can keep out of the way of carnivorous fish. Ensure plenty of hiding spots as well as room for these fish to keep their distances.

Feeding Time Leads to Aggressive Freshwater Fish

When food is presented to fish, often their true colors show. Larger aggressive fish dominate and will scoff the food before other fish get their share.

In many cases, these bossy fish are generally peaceful in the tank. It is simply the excitement at feeding time that provokes aggressiveness. Large adult plecos are an example of a fish that can become bossy at feeding time.

To reduce the aggressive behavior of fish during feeding time it better to spread the food around the tank, allowing some to float and some to sink. This way the fish spread out and all have an opportunity to eat.

12 Popular Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Tiger Barbs

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

When kept alone, Tiger Barbs can terrorize and potentially kill smaller fish. They tend to nip at fins and bully more passive species, such as guppies, goldfish, and betta fish. This behavior becomes more intense when Tiger Barbs are kept in smaller groups.

Tiger Barbs thrive in water temperatures between 77-86°F. They will show less aggressive behavior when kept at optimal water temperature.

These fish do better when kept in groups of five or more. Individuals kept on their own are vulnerable and may feel threatened, which can lead to them being aggressive towards tank-mates. Also, in a group the pecking order has been established and the bullies amongst them can’t target single fish as they may if there were only a couple of barbs in the tank.

To reduce aggressive behavior in Tiger Barbs try the following:

  • Provide able swimming space with plenty of places for fish to move and to also hide.
  • Don’t place in a community tank with long finned passive fish.
  • Keep a group of 5 or more barbs.
  • Monitor their behavior and remove the aggressive individuals.
  • Keep optimal water conditions.

Gourami fishes

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Male gourami fish, can become confrontational and exhibit fin-nipping behavior when threatened or defending their territory. They are often aggressive towards smaller fish.

Originating from Southeast Asia, gouramis are adaptable to slow-moving streams and can survive in stagnant water. They prefer a water temperature of 77°F and pH 6.7.

A tank with plenty of aquarium plants will help reduce stress on the fish. Anxious gouramis can become aggressive.

Among Gourami species, Dwarf Gourami, Honey Gourami, Sparkling Gourami, and Chocolate Gouramis are generally more peaceful.

Here are some tips to reduce aggressive behavior in Gouramis:

  • Keep males as individuals. Females can be kept in groups.
  • Consider using a tank divider to keep gouramis away from other fish.
  • Add ornaments or plants to provide additional hiding places.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by giving gouramis space, ensure water conditions are optimal, and don’t house them with other aggressive species that may threaten them.
  • Keep the smaller species of gouramis in a community aquarium.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

There are numerous species of cichlids from different regions of the world. Many are known for their hostility, territorial behavior, and predatory nature towards other fish and invertebrates.

There are peaceful species of cichlids that do well in community tanks, however, some of these peaceful fish become fearlessly aggressive when they want to breed.

African cichlids in particular are known for their aggression, driven by their instinct to defend there territory during breeding.

Many cichlids are predators and will hunt down smaller fish. Others can be aggressive at feeding time as they compete for their meal.

Common aggressive cichlids kept by fish enthusiasts include:

Jewel Cichlid: with its stunning breeding colors of red with flecked green-blue flanks and gill covers.

Convict Cichlid: a territorial fish that feeds on worms, insects, and algae with black stripes.

Wolf Cichlid: built with a heavy body and strong jaw for hunting prey. This fish looks menacing and should only be kept with other large cichlids.

Umbee Cichlid: A huge fish, growing to 2 feet long. Not suitable to be kept with other species as it is a real hostile fish.

Poor Man’s Tropheus: an aggressive vegetarian that eats algae from rocks and will take on fish larger than itself.Seachem Cichlid Trace Elements 500ml

Green Texus Cichlid: a hybrid cichlid that will eat any fish that can fit it its mouth.

Bumblebee Cichlid: brightly colored yellow and black aggressive species, particularly the males.

Red Devil Cichlid: a destructive fish with plenty of personality that will attack its own kind.

Acai Cichlid: a smaller species with abundant energy to defend territory and provoke other fish.

Jaguar Cichlid: A large fish that gets its name from its cat like demeanour and coloration.

Jack Demsey: named after a 1920’s boxer for its ferociousness and looks.

We delve deeper with these aggressive cichlids in another article.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Pufferfish are known for their powerful bites and volatile temperaments, making them a threat to peaceful community fish in close proximity.

They have a tendency to nip fins and can display outright aggression or predatory behavior. Due to their tendency to eat other fish and invertebrates, it is not recommended to house pufferfish with them.

Pufferfish can be found in warm and temperate regions worldwide. They have thick, often spiky skin and fused teeth, featuring a beak-like structure with a central split in each jaw.

While some pufferfish can grow up to 93 cm (2 feet) in length, many species are relatively small. It’s important to note that numerous pufferfish species are toxic, containing a highly poisonous substance called tetraodontoxin, which is concentrated in their organs.

Despite the risks associated with consuming pufferfish, they are still utilized as food in certain cultures.

Among freshwater aquariums, the Amazon Pufferfish is considered one of the more docile pufferfish species.

Pea Puffer

Aggressive Puffer Fish

The Pea Puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), also named the Dwarf Mini Puffer Fish, is one of the tiniest fish on Earth. They may appear cute, but their aggression, particularly among males, should not be underestimated.

Despite their miniature size, they will attempt to bite other fish in a community tank. It is recommended that they are best kept alone in a small aquarium. You can keep up to six pea puffers in a 20 gallon tank with plenty of shelter without other tankmates.

If putting them with tankmates, select species that can evade the nipping. Kuhli loaches, danios, neon tetras and cherry shrimp all make suitable tankmates. Ensure there is plenty of places for fish to move as well as hiding places for fish to retreat to.

Hobbyists enjoy this oddball species of fish as it has an unusual swimming manner, like a hovering helicopter. They are courageous and intelligent.

African leaf fish

Predatory African Leaf Fish

The African Leaf Fish, also known as the Leopard Bush Fish, is not aggressive but highly predatory, consuming anything that can fit into its mouth. Despite its small size (3-4 inches), it can quickly eliminate all of the smaller fish in the tank.

This species originate from central Africa inhabiting pools, swamps, creeks and slow-moving rivers. They like to sit in amongst vegetation along the river banks.

The African Leaf Fish is a peaceful tank member which will get along very well with other fish species, so long as these fish are not small enough to eat. They shouldn’t he housed with other aggressive freshwater fish as they will easily be bullied.

Ideal tankmates are peaceful fish that are large enough not to be eaten, such as bala sharks, red-tail barbs, and silver dollars.

Smaller fish such as neon tetras will likely become prey if kept with this species.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Arowanas are fiercely aggressive and do not tolerate other arowanas. The Australian arowana is considered to be the most aggressive, often killing all other fish in its tank. Silver and black arowanas are comparatively less aggressive.

In the wild, arowanas prey on fish, frogs, insects, and even larger animals like snakes and rabbits.

They have sleek bodies, reflective scales, and come in various colors and fin types. They move gracefully on the water’s surface.

Some color variations, such as the Silver arowana are valuable, with a price tag up to $25,000! Arowanas are a good luck in certain Asian cultures. They are believed to take on the illnesses of their owners.

Due to their value and aggression, most fish keepers house arowanas alone in large tanks and avoid community tanks. Due to their skittish nature Arowanas require at least 60 gallons to freely move about and a suitable lid as they will jump.

Black Wolffish

Black Wolf Fish

The Black Wolffish is a highly aggressive predator native to South America. It is a true predator and is a real threat to smaller fish. The aggression of this fish becomes even more so as it matures.

Usually, this fish keeps to itself. However, during times of breeding it will bond with a mate. The Wolf fish can grow to 28 inches, therefor requiring a large tank with relatively low water flow.

Suitable tankmates for this species include bichirs, silver dollars, catfish, peacock bass cichlids, and other large, fast-moving fish. Ensure there is plenty of room in the tank and plenty of hiding places.

When looking at the Wolffish you notice it’s large teeth and giant mouths. It is a true ambush predator, swiftly darting out from cover to consume its prey.

Betta Fish/Siamese Fighting Fish

Managing Aggression in Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, display aggression through flaring their gills and fins, charging, and biting.

Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, display aggression through flaring their gills and fins, charging, and biting.

Wild bettas are carnivorous and largely feed on insects and their larvae. Male bettas are known for their fighting behavior. They will fight with other males, damaging their fins when bitten.

Females are less aggressive and can be kept in groups so long as there is shelter for them to escape to if need be.

Bettas are highly popular due to their beauty, intelligent character, and ability to thrive in small spaces.

These small territorial fish will defend their territory from other bettas. Long-finned bettas are generally slow and not a great threat to fast-moving fish, but they may nip the tails of other long-finned fish like guppies and goldfish.

Providing plenty of space in the aquarium will prevent bettas from feeling threatened and this will reduce their aggression. Betta fish can coexist with other fish species in tanks.

It is important to avoid housing betta fish with semi-aggressive fish like Tiger Barbs, as these species are known to nip the long fins of bettas.


Can Plecos be aggressive

Plecostomus, or plecos, are normally non-aggressive and prefer to hide in a community aquarium. Plecos may display semi-aggressive behavior if their needs are not adequately met.

This can be during times of competition for food, breeding, and battles over territory.

Juvenile fish are not a problem in a community tank. However, plecos grow quickly. One challenge with plecos is their potential growth to a large size, ranging from 12 to 24 inches, which can exceed the capacity of the aquarium.

Meeting their nutritional needs will help prevent plecos from potentially annoying other fish. When a large pleco aggressively feeds, it can intimidate other fish in the tank.

To ensure there is no competition over food, feed plecos plenty of algae wafers. Spread these around the tank.

Plecos will find places to hide out in the tank. Provide plenty of driftwood, hollows and caves large enough for them to fit inside.


Are oscars aggressive

Oscars (Astronotus ocellatus) are very attractive aquarium fish with many new color ranges. They interact with their owners and will even take food from the hand.

However, they do have a reputation for being fierce, dominant, and hostile fish. Oscars are aggressive towards other fish and tank decor.

This species grows up to one foot in size and requires a minimum of 55 gallons of water for one individual fish.

Oscars are destructive in the tank, showing aggression towards décor and equipment such as heaters and filters in the tank. It is best to use aquarium sumps where the aquarium equipment can be kept away from Oscars.

They do engage in “jaw” or “lip” locking when battling each other. Oscars will also nip at other fish and even human hands.

Oscars do best in an aquarium with other oscars as opposed to other fish species. If keeping them with other fish species, ensure they have similar tank requirements and have a temperament and size to match the oscars. For example, they should not be housed with African Cichlids due to their different needs.

Oscars love to eat and will produce quite a bit of tank wastes. Water changes and a large aquarium filter are necessary to keep these fish healthy.

Keep oscars in at least a pair or more if you have the room. Having three oscar fish isn’t ideal as one may be picked on if the other two pair off.

Rainbow shark

The Rainbow Shark Aggressive behavior

The Rainbow shark is a hardy active and easy to keep aquarium fish that is very poular amongst enthusiasts. Despite its name, this fish from tropical Thailand is not a real shark.

Rainbow sharks are not considered to be as aggressive as some of the species described above. Their semi-aggressive nature is generally only with adult fish towards other fish that inhabit the bottom of the tank.

It is best to select tankmates that can defend themselves but have a peaceful nature, such as Barbs and Danios. Rainbow sharks may display increased aggression towards other fish with a similar body type, like Rainbowfish.

Rainbow sharks are solitary. In a community aquarium it is better to keep only one shark. Provide ample space for the shark to minimize conflicts in the aquarium with other fish.

Rainbow sharks are easy to keep and with the right conditions will grow to 6 inches and live for 4-6 years. There is also an albino version of the Rainbow Shark sold in aquarium stores.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

There are over 60 species of Piranhas in the wild. They are carnivorous fish found in South American rivers and lakes, having a reputation for having razor-toothed jaws.

Piranhas are popular with aquarium hobbyists who keep them for their curiosity and aggressive nature. These fish grow to 12 inches and are best kept in groups.

Piranhas are attracted to the scent of blood. They are primarily scavengers, but can also hunt in groups, ambushing and chasing down their prey.

Juvenile piranhas tend to gather in groups for protection against predators. As they mature, they can become cannibalistic, attacking their own kind.

Keep piranhas with fish of similar size and temperament to avoid aggression. Piranhas can be skittish if startled and may hide in the tank.

Within a school of piranhas, a clear hierarchy forms, with the largest and most aggressive adult fish being dominant.

Ideally, house them in a 200 gallon tank where they have plenty of room to move. Small aquariums result in small unhappy fish.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggressive Freshwater Fish During Breeding

Often it is only during times of breeding that fish with an aggressive nature show their aggressiveness. Certain species become highly aggressive and protective, isolating themselves to defend their partner, nest, and fry. This behavior is very common in cichlids and snakehead species.

By understanding their behaviors and meeting their specific care requirements, aggression can be managed effectively, allowing for a captivating and harmonious aquatic environment.

After successful pairing, breeding fish generally reduce their territory and gather around their eggs or fry to protect them from other predatory fish in the aquarium.

Several of the African cichlids will brood their eggs and fry in their mouths, adding to the alure of these fish.

Feeding Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggressive freshwater fish are known for their fast swimming and voracious appetite. They may eat other fish, even stealing food from the mouths and gills of their tank mates.

To minimize competition during feeding, offer a diverse range of floating or sinking food and distribute it throughout the tank using filter outflow or powerheads.

Head Butting or Biting Behavior

Fish aggressively attacks another by head-butting or biting its head. This aggressive encounter can cause timid fish to hide for extended periods. With some species, like oscars battling fish will lock jaws with one-another.

Final Thoughts – Aggressive Freshwater Fish

The world of freshwater aquarium fish offers a diverse range of aggressive species that captivate with their colors and unique behaviors. From the dominant Red Devil Cichlid to the predatory instincts of the Piranha, these fish bring interest and beauty to the aquarium.

By carefully considering tank setup, fish habitat and nature, aquarists can create thriving environments that showcase the captivating nature of these aggressive freshwater fish.

It is a privilege to be able to witness the remarkable diversity of nature within the confines of your own home aquarium.

To discover more about aggressive freshwater fish check out our article on the 12 Top Aggressive Cichlids.


Platinum Arowana Dragonfish – Meet Our Most Expensive Fish!

Platinum Arowana Fish

The Platinum Arowana is widely recognized as one of the most expensive freshwater fish in the world. Its visually captivating appearance makes it highly sought after by affluent fish keepers who are willing to pay a premium to become its proud owners.

Let’s delve into more details about this tropical species and understand why it commands such a high price.

An overview of the Platinum Arowana (osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

The Platinum Arowana belongs to the Osteoglossidae family. It is a unique threatened fish native to Brazil.

Platinum Arowana Fish

Arowana habitat

The main habitats of this fish are the freshwater rivers, lakes, and ponds in tropical South America. Concentrations can be found in the Amazon River basin, Rupununi, and Oyapock Rivers. It is able to thrive in diverse environments, including flooded forests.

The Arowana is a true carnivore

The Arowana is a hunter, seeking prey of fish, insects and other small animals found on the water surface.

What sets this carnivore fish apart from other hunters is its extraordinary ability to spit to catch prey. They are able to target prey such as insects in low hanging branches and knock them into the water with a squirt of water. This hunting technique is not common among fish. The Archer fish from Australia is another species of fish that uses this technique.

The Arowana is a very fast powerful fish. Its power and the unique hunting technique solidifies its reputation as one of the most amazing and mysterious fish kept by aquarists.

Description of the Platinum Arowana

The Platinum Arowana streamlined body that resembles an eel and its shiny metallic scales that exhibit a mesmerizing pale silver color, make this a very sort after fish.

Its large eyes, oblique mouths, and tapered tail, contribute to its sleek and elegant appearance. In addition, the merging of its dorsal and pectoral fins with the snout, enhances its streamlined look.

The Arowana has two barbels located at its jaw. These barbels allow the fish to sense movements in its surroundings. The fish has a calm confident appearance as it swims gracefully around its tank.

Its slender body is adorned with massive scales that contribute to its majestic appearance and add to its allure. Some scales measure up to an inch in length.

Arowanas have been bred to come in a variety of colors, including silver, blue, and red. Providing enthusiasts with a range of options to choose from.

Platinum Arowana Fish

Arowanas, a threatened species

Due to habitat destruction and illegal mining the Silver Arowana, a close relative of the Platinum Arowana, the fish is under great threat in certain regions. It is considered to be a local delicacy, leading to intense fishing of this species.

To preserve this extraordinary fish and its habitat, there needs to be a concerted effort with conservation and responsible fishing practices.

By preserving this fish’s natural habitat and through responsible fish farming practices, will ensure the survival of this remarkable fish.

Why is the Platinum Arowana so sort after?

Fish keepers seek to own this fish as it is a true marvel of nature! Its exceptional hunting technique, impressive physical attributes, confident personality, and adaptability to thrive in diverse freshwater habitats lures people to this fish.

Owning and caring for the Platinum Arowana requires knowledge and experience. However, the rewards of admiring its beauty and being able to watch its unique behaviors make it a worthwhile for the dedicated aquarium enthusiast.

Due to its rarity and beauty, the Platinum Arowana is much sought after aquarium fish. It commands a very high market value with enthusiasts, in some instances, paying more than $300,000 to own this remarkable fish!

Owning this fish isn’t for the light-hearted. Careful attention is required to meet its demanding needs. Arowanas have substantial appetites and require a large and well-equipped tank to thrive.

How long does an Arowana live for?

In captivity, the Platinum Arowana can live for 15 – 21 years or even longer. This depends on the quality of care provided.

Owning a ‘Dragonfish’ brings good luck

The Platinum Arowana is also often referred to as the “Dragonfish”. Its majestic presence, characterized by large scales, extended fins, streamlined body, barbels, and upward-pointing teeth give this fish an appearance and demeanour of a Dragon. Thus, contributing to why this awe-inspiring fish is such a highly sought-after and valuable ornamental fish.

Believed to bring good luck and prosperity among many Asian collectors, this rare fish is a gem among aquatic creatures.

The challenge of keeping Platinum Arowanas

Arowanas have specific care requirements requiring expertise and experience when acquiring and keeping them.

These “monster” fish are capable of growing nearly four feet in length in their natural habitat. Therefore a well-equipped and spacious tank is necessary for their well-being.

Tank requirements for keeping Arowanas

Arowanas are demonstrate impressive leaping abilities! Provide a large, wide, and deep tank to accommodate this jumping behavior. Having the correct tank set-up will prevent the fish from excessive contact with the bottom or sides of the tank.

Additional tank reinforcement by covering it with plexiglass or nets will prevent fish jumping out. Due to their robust and aggressive behavior, it is best to only house one Platinum Arowana in the tank.

Due to the fish’s size and strength, it is necessary to have a tank that can hold at least 150 gallons and water with extra-thick glass. Having a sturdy tank will better withstand this magnificent fish’s power and ensure that they are kept safe from injury and stress.

To allow the fish to move around freely without injury, it is better to provide a tank free of obstacles. These fish require lots of open space to swim.

The fish’s beauty can be enhanced by illuminated lights or mirrors.

Arowana Platinum diet and feeding

The Platinum Arowana is a carnivore. In the wild the Arowana is known for capturing prey from the water’s surface.

Keepers of this fish feed fish, crickets, shrimp, and similar live foods. These can be bred by the hobbyist or bought commercially.

It is not always convenient or ideal for these fish to be reliant on live foods. Live foods can also introduce pathogens and diseases into the tank, posing a risk to the fish. So, some hobbyists prefer to feed them on commercial pelleted food. Arowans can be conditioned to eating commercial foods.

When introducing live foods, it is recommended to quarantine them before introducing them to the aquarium.

Arowanas are all individuals and will have their preferences for foods- some fish may be finicky. You may need to experiment with different foods to find out which they will take readily.

Always look for quality when feeding Arowanas. Look for a diet rich in nutrients. By doing so, will ensure a healthy long living fish.

Platinum Arowana tankmates

Tankmates for the Platinum Arowana

Due to the size and aggressive behavior of this fish, it is not recommended to keep them in a tank with other fish. They tend to do best when kept on their own. Conflicts and undue stress will result when housed with other species.

Being a solitary predatory fish that is best suited for an exclusive tank setup. Careful considerations and planning need to be made if deciding to include tank-mates.

Look for semi-aggressive and passive species. Consider Oscars, Black Ghost Knife Fish, Pacu, Silver Dollar, Clown Loach, Pleco, larger cichlids, Flying Fox, Redtail Catfish, Tiger Shovel Nose Catfish, and Iridescent Shark.

Interesting traits of the Arowana

Platinum Arowanas have a natural inclination to swim near the water’s surface. They are a apex predators looking for prey on the surface. Some fish in the wild have discovered with bats and snakes in their stomachs. Thus, highlighting their exceptional hunting ability.

Another astonishing trait is its incredible jumping ability. Arowanas can leap up to six feet from the water’s surface to catch bugs, frogs and even birds perched on branches.

Arowanas demonstrate athleticism and adaptability in acquiring food sources.

Breeding Platinum Arowanas

Similar to some other fish species such as the cichlids, the Platinum Arowana is a mouth brooder.

Once the eggs are laid and fertilized, the male carefully collects them into his mouth. He will devote himself entirely to the protection of the eggs. The eggs take about a month to hatch.

During this period, the male Arowana abstains from eating. He devotes himself to focusing solely on nurturing and safeguarding the precious eggs.

The male will continue to protect the fry in his mouth for a further two to three months.

The mouth-brooding behavior of the Arowanas highlight their devotion to protecting their offspring.

The breeding process of this extraordinary species fascinates hobbyists and adds to the lure of keeping this fish.

Gender differences

Telling the difference between male and female Arowanas is very difficult. There are no real visual differences. In order to accurately identify the sex of a breeding pair DNA test is required.

Final thoughts

The Platinum Arowana stands as an exceptional highly desired fish, known for its unique characteristics and unparalleled beauty. Its captivating presence is enhanced by its sleek, flat body, metallic scales, and distinctive features.

This highly valued species captures the attention and admiration of dedicated fish keepers worldwide. It is a true gem among aquatic creatures.




Pregnant Neon Tetra (Guide) – Everything you should know

Pregnant Neon Tetra

The way neon tetra fish reproduce is unique and requires proper steps for successful fertilization. This entire process is unique and needs specific measures to ensure its success. Because these fish are so adorable, many fish keepers are happy to find that their Tetra neon is carrying babies. How to reproduce this Tetra to have a family of these beauties in a tropical freshwater aquarium will also be discussed.

How do I tell if a Neon Tetra is going to lay eggs?

Many novice aquarists love Neon tetras because of their glowing presence in the aquarium. Generally, a pregnant female with a neon tetra has a swollen belly, so she must lay eggs very soon. The mating and egg-release processes of these small species can be somewhat complicated. Learn about Neon Tetra and its spawn – and discover hidden facts and tips. Keep learning more!

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra is a brightly colored species that enjoy the company of other fish of their species. They have a socially relaxed and happy attitude. But most are very fussy about their waiting for a suitable arrangement.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is Neon Tetra mating?

Even the smallest Tetra can produce more than a dozen eggs in the exact spawn. If you see male swimming alongside a female, he is almost certainly in the mating process. Tetras are egg dispersers. Females release their eggs floating in the water column, so the eggs sink to the bottom of the tank. The eggs should hatch in approximately 24 hours and produce a small fry that will feed on your egg pouch the next day. Removing the breeding pair after the eggs have been laid is necessary as the parents devour their offspring.

How do I tell if a neon tetra is going to spawn

If your Neon Tetra starts to show signs of swelling in its tummy, it will likely lay some eggs. This article will help you know what to do when your Neon Tetra lays eggs. And how exactly to make them reproduce. In this article, I will also cover the complex mating of these simple freshwater species. It also helps people find out when the eggs in their aquarium are about to hatch. Let’s get into our knowledge of neon tetras.

How do you know if a Neon Tetra is pregnant?

A tetra may lay a total of 60 up to 130 eggs, which will take 24 hours to hatch. Once the eggs are loose in the water column, you must remove the breeding pair from the aquarium; otherwise, they may eat the eggs and fry.

Do Neon Tetras eat their babies?

Baby tetras are prone to get sick and are sensitive to injury. They may not survive unless you give them proper care and remove the adults from the fry tank. It is possible to put baby tetras in the same aquarium as the adults after three to four months. They will soon develop the survival skills necessary to live harmoniously with adults.

Neon tetras and breeding requirements

The most likely way to ensure positive breeding of neon tetras is to separate the breeding matrices in proper breeding aquariums. For best results, place a few smaller stones at the bottom of the tank in the egg landing areas. Small fish can be highly demanding if they need favorable breeding conditions. This requires frequent water change during spawning. Immediately after mating, neons lay some eggs, usually at dawn. As the species does not have parental care, they may eat the fry.

Readjusting the water conditions

If the neon tetra is not reproducing, you should check the water conditions and readjust as needed. Adjusting water hardness can trigger spawning by simulating rain. Don’t forget to dim the lighting. Maintaining proper tank conditions on your first attempt can be a challenge. Do not hesitate to experiment and take your time to adjust everything according to the needs of your fish. Some neon tetras prefer harder waters, and some prefer softer waters. Add a large volume of soft water to the pond and see if it makes a difference after a few days.

Removing the fish

Tetra adults typically eat their eggs, and they also consume young ones. It is again recommended to breed one pair at a time in a separate tank. Having an additional adult tetra in a tank means that the other fish end up eating the egg. You don’t want an experience like this because you cannot leave eggs in the tank in multiple pairs within a single tank. The rocks or gravel on the bottom of the tank will make it easier to spot the eggs in the fish tank by simply moving them back to their previous tank to protect the eggs. The eggs are transparent, smaller, and challenging to view.

Prep the water

Neon tetra appreciates soft water with 1-3 dH indicator. The water level should not drop below 80 degrees F. Ph levels from 5 to 7 should be adjusted to provide the ideal climate for neon tetras to breed. The breeding technique must replicate the Neon Tetra’s environment.

Setting up the breeding tank

If you don’t have a tank, buy one that’ll measure at least 12x8x8-inches. The storage tanks will exclusively accommodate the male and female breeding tetras and incubate the newborns. Set up this tank like a standard tank. Avoid plants, and don’t forget to place a few rocks on the bottom of the tank. Make the water very soft and the temperature warm enough for the breeding to happen.

Placement of the tank

These tanks usually will have low light. However, low light does not mean a dark environment. They must be placed in a location and get indirect light to provide them night and day cycle.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Identifying the male and female

It’s not necessary to sex neon tetras for breeding because you can put a few in the tanks, and they will reproduce. To increase the success, chances start with a pair by transferring them into a separate tank.

Breeding Neon Tetras

It’s not impossible to breed neon tetras and reproduce their ideal conditions. The creation of separate hatcheries is advisable. In this section, you learn what actions they must have adopted when developing a neon tetra.

Breeding requirements for Neon Tetras

For best results, you must make a large tank with a couple of inches of rocks to make a proper landing place for eggs or babies. A lid on the device may also help protect the parents from jumping during your moment of euphoria. You should only add tetras into the tank that is fully mature with stable water chemistry. To stop eggs get stuck in leaves, remove plants from tanks.

How long does it take for a neon tetra to lay eggs?

The female neon tetra will scatter a bunch of eggs when ready to reproduce. After spawning, the male neon tetra will assist in fertilizing the eggs. The tiny fry comes from the eggs and feeds entirely from the eggs sacks in the initial few days. In four to five days, we can see fry swimming in the same aquarium. Give fry food, infusory foods, and rotifers. They can be challenging to find because they are transparent.

Why aren’t eggs of my tetra hatching?

You can separate the adults as soon as the eggs are fertilized. You can also take out the eggs from the tank instead! In addition, you must wait until 24 hours before the embryo hatches.

Tell me the time it takes for neon tetras to lay eggs?

When female neon tetra is bred, she will scatter several eggs for males to fertilize. The eggs are tiny, transparent, and quite sticky. These eggs will glide and stick to the soil. After fertilizing, the eggs can take 24 hours to hatch.

Difference between male and female Neon Tetra

Males are generally thinner with a straight blue border. A female neon is also rounder and has an angled blue line. Females are usually more prominent than males. When a female is full of eggs, their belly becomes more significant and more rounded.

Pay Attention To The Male Neon Tetra Fish Behavior

When males begin to demonstrate courting behaviors, it’s likely because the female is ready to reproduce. There are also actions that the males may be observed, which are specific dances they do when attracting the females. When they do these mating dances, the male fish sometimes swims around in square patterns while rotating in a circle. Occasionally you can notice him stop and stay still for a moment before regaining the dance rhythm. The behavior of males will, too, be a clear indication that the females are ready to lay eggs according to the behavior of a female fish.

Check their belly

The female neon tetras flange looks more rounder than usual when she lays eggs. It’s the most considerable confirmation that she will lay eggs. You can see on their abdomen if they are female.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is my Tetra going to lay eggs?

Neon Tetra is not laying eggs but has swollen in the belly for a long time. Let me show you what should happen if you have a sore abdomen for too long.

Is the Neon Tetra fat or going to lay eggs?

Neon tetras are increasing body mass, but they show no symptoms of sickness or pregnantness. If your neon tetras get fat without reason, then maybe it’s sick in water in your tank or something wrong. It can often be caused when high nitrate levels occur.

Is the Neon Tetra pregnant?

When the male becomes more rounded in size, he becomes very sick. To be sure if your female fish is ill or not, you must examine their females compared to the males during mating. If the neon tetra isn’t getting better from the swollen belly, it’ll be in trouble, maybe with some disease or condition.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

What should I do if my Neon Tetra is pregnant?

If your neon tetra shows signs of pregnancy, you probably have to prepare yourself to receive the fry. It’s a good idea to research a little more about this fish.

Ideal water conditions

Neon Tetra fish flourish when they live in water at 77 Fahrenheit. Soft water should be slightly acidic but have a pH of 5.5. The majority of pet shops and online pharmacies offer pH testing strips. When changing water is critical to change at least half of the water in the tank every week. It is recommended to change tank water less frequently to encourage neon tetra to breed. If they’re given this, they might decide to quit breeding when they’re not allowed to do so.

Separate tanks

The eggs are adhesives, so they should have no plants and weeds on them for egg sticking. The breeding tank should consist of at least 10 gallons of water to establish the proper environmental conditions for successful breeding. Make sure the breeding tanks have a lid to avoid your fish from jumping out of the tank. The fish can be placed in the tank during the evening since breeding can take place.

What do neon tetra eggs look like?

Neon Tetra eggs are small and round – similar in length and size to tapioca. They’re clear but usually have White or Yellow tints to them. These eggs have a similar consistency to jelly, and they can stick to plants and leaves in an aquarium. Because the eggs are tiny, they could be quite hard to see.

Adequate lighting

Neon tetra fish always do better in dark environments. Bring the aquarium to an area that would have been protected by natural light during the day. The aquarium shouldn’t need to be fully darkened but will receive only very minimal light per day. Move it to a dark place to be as close as possible to the fish and their habitat.


When you put two female fish neon tetra in the same room, they might scatter eggs for themselves. While you never see pregnant Tetra fish in your aquarium, you can be lucky enough to see a female fish ready to lay eggs.

Signs that Neon Tetras are mating or about to

The more you examine the neon tetras, the more differences you get. If you noticed your neon tetra doing a dancing movement in a square or circular movement and turning your head, you would undeniably be watching and listening to it. Fun fact this dancing aimed to attract tetras that are females! When you see the male Neon Tetras perform this exceptional dancing for the female mates and sometimes stop for some of your moments to stop them. Make sure they meet up.

Male Vs. Female Neon Tetra

Female Neon Tetra is a lot bigger than males. If you take a closer look, you will discover a horizontal blue line between male and female tetras. By contrast, you will notice a blue line curving the body of the two female tetra’s. To put things another way: slimmer neon tetra usually is male.

Specific Belly Form Before Laying Eggs

The females in neon tetra are rounded bellies due to the eggs they carry. She will spawn eggs when conditions come to perfect for it. Eggs can spawn in warmer conditions when illumination is proper.

How do I save and care for neon tetra eggs?

To keep neon tetra puppies healthy, first hold the aquarium parameters stable and optimal, without parameter fluctuations.

Managing water parameters

Neon tetras prefer soft water. The water should be a 0-2 dH indicator. For the pH level, you should go for about 5-6. Additionally, the water temperatures are about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. To maintain the parameters stable, you can look for a test kit to gauge DH water concentrations in your pet store. You can reach 70 and 75 degrees but no more or less.

Avoid newly set tanks.

Fingerlings are sensitive to water quality; therefore, avoid using unmatured aquariums. Changing the fry to another tank should only take place when the fingerlings are around 3 to 4 months old, and the water composition of both tanks must be stable and equal. You must also ensure that temperatures in the tank are maintained properly.

Changes in the water of the aquarium

You can also switch water more often to mature Neon Tetras to encourage spawning. Changing water works wonders when almost none of the factors motivate your fish to spawn.

Final thoughts

Aquarium enthusiasts and lovers love to see Tetra Neon fish; these colorful beauties are appreciated in aquariums worldwide. One point to keep in mind is that females do not get pregnant. Instead, she will lay many eggs to allow male fish to fertilize their eggs. When your female is ready to lay eggs, it is essential to place her breeders in a separate tank with an appropriate environment. Check that the eggs are fertilized and correctly applied. You would like to remove the adults in their tanks before consuming the fertilized eggs.

Complete Guide: 40 Gallon Breeder Tank [Including top picks 2023)

40 Gallon Breeder Tank


When assembling a 40 Gallon Breeder Tank, the basic principle for not getting it wrong is to study the size of the aquarium versus the fauna you imagine adding. There are infinite types of mounts, from marine tanks to fresh, to biotopes and plantations. Creating can be easier than it sounds. This tank gauge is the best seller in the aquarium industry. Breeder tank has been growing in the market every year. Every day we see more websites aimed at breeder fish and other animals. Articles on fish breeding have given us a lot of important information for successful fish breeding.

About buying a 40 gallons tank, What fish should I pick? How to correctly size the 40 Gallon Breeder Tank? Is it possible to have a good aquarium in 40 gallons of water?

Comparison Table – 40 Gallon Breeder Tank

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40-gallon breeder fish tank dimensions

The most common dimensions of this aquarium are 100x50x30 cm; it is equivalent to 40 gallons. It’s a great fish tank size. They are widely used in large fish breeders. It is usually an aquarium gallon size used by freshwater fish breeders. It is commonly used in saltwater aquariums for corals.

40 Gallon Breeder Tank

Is a 40-gallon breeder tank suitable?

It’s common for people to move to smaller tanks right away, but did you know that the smaller tank is more difficult to maintain? Mainly in parameter control.

The tank has to be strategically thought; the measure of 40 Gallon Breeder Tank was thinking about having more space, ease of maintenance, and compatibility with most lighting fixtures.

It is better to have more area (length vs. width) than height, making maintenance and lighting incidence very difficult.

Setting up a 40-gallon breeder tank.

This item considers the positioning of rocks or trunks, substrate placement (fertile, neutral, or that acts in the alkalinization of water), placing the water, connecting the devices to start the system. Don’t forget to have a good piece of furniture to support your aquarium; you need to keep it safe. After all, we are talking about glass!

Glasses for 40-gallon tanks are the most manufactured standard. So you find a lot of furniture out there, but keep your glass safe from crumbling supports. Glasses are sensitive to vibrations, sudden temperature changes. And safety in fish farming is essential.

40 Gallon Breeder Tank

Cycling the breeder tank gallon to receive the fish

Considered when the aquarium is running at full steam, just after assembly: filters on, lighting on as required (8h daily lighting? 10h? need to see which plants and fish you have chosen, to see what they need), CO2 introduced in the water, heater, in short, everything.

Sometimes particles can make the water cloudy for some time; the cycling period is also helpful to allow time for the particles to settle or be filtered out until the turbidity decreases.

Above all of this, our attention should be focused on the good bacteria communities, which begin to fix and transform nitrogenous compounds into non-toxic forms. The use of tests will likely be required frequently at this stage – at least pH and ammonia tests are essential.

Oscar fish is a favorite of breeders.

Its size and need for territory mean that each fish needs a lot of space. Start with 40-gallon breeder tank dimensions for the first Oscar and add an extra 40-gallon aquarium bill for each additional Oscar.

If you’re a breeder looking to turn your tank into a community tank, you’ll need to pick some big, passive fish that will stay out of Oscar’s way while still being able to defend themselves.

The ideal is to have only one Oscar fish (if it’s a relatively small tank or 40 gallons). Alternatively, a group (for a large enough tank), then a hierarchy will form in the school, and there will be relative peace.

But maintaining a group can create a problem in the medium-term if developing couples start fighting over territory. If the tank is not big enough, at least 40 gallons, you will need to separate those getting too much to avoid deaths.

Oscar fish breed in captivity with some ease. When they form a couple, they will be together for life. The problem is that when this happens in community aquariums, the aggressiveness of these fish tends to increase and with the enormous risk of parents eating their offspring due to the stress caused by the simple presence of other fish in the aquarium.

In these situations, the ideal is for the breeder to separate this couple into a tank just for them if they want to reproduce.

Is it possible to breeder a marine tank at 40 gallons?

Yes, it is possible. The difference is that you will need some other equipment that in a freshwater tank would not be necessary. For example, the Skimmer. Saltwater fish demand strong currents, good water circulation.

If you own corals, it is essential to know correctly and need lighting to be used. It ends up being a little more limiting the amount of fish possible to put in a 40-gallon marine tank for the size and varieties available in fish stories.

Marine fish breeders usually tend to start with an even smaller tank. This is because the price is much more prominent than in a freshwater tank.

These marine aquariums tend to be very popular in home environments, especially in children’s rooms. Although it looks big, it is clear that the space for corals and fish when it comes to saltwater is relatively tiny, but enough for you to have a healthy tank.

setting up a tank for breeding aquarium fish


The Importance of Partial Water Change in the fish tank of This Gallon Size

The partial exchange of marine tank works as follows:

It varies from tank to tank, but the rule is to change 20-30% water per month. You can change it all at once or split it and change it little by little until you complete the monthly percentage.

Excluding extreme cases, never change more than 30% as marine animals are not used to sudden changes of any kind. You only siphon the sump to remove that dirt that accumulates at the bottom.

Only siphon the rocks from the tank if you want to remove any pests, such as algae, planarians, and cyanobacteria, etc. If dirt is on the substrate, you can siphon only the surface without touching the sand using a thin hose.

School fish and a 40-gallon aquarium

Acid pH fish are pretty common in tank stores; the beauty of the community tank usually focuses on shoal fish; below, we will mention four species that can make up this aquarium, our suggestion is an average of 15 units of one of these species (be careful in overcrowding).

The suggestions are: Paracheirodon axelrodiHyphessobrycon amandae, Hemigrammus rhodostomus, and Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. From this list above, the biggest highlight for a closed school is the Rodostomus; they swim in sync and have very high activity in the fish tank.

Medium and large fish are compatible with 40-gallon tanks.

In this case, a quantity of 6 specimens would be fascinating to compose your aquarium; it is essential to note that the two species suggested below also swim in schools. Pterophyllum scalare and Symphysodon aequifasciatus, will always be the favorite. It is worth noting that both species can prey on smaller fish, especially the angels, when it is not used to the aquarium fauna.

This fish tank is it meant to be a community?

Community fish tanks need more attention as they require a more accurate calculation for size and filtration needs. But it is possible to mix school, medium, and even large fish. Everything will depend on the behavior of the chosen fish. It is also essential to know the necessary parameters for each species to live well.

The 40-gallon tank is one of the most recommended and used by aquarists today. With good versatility and easy maintenance due to its size, it turns out to be a perfect tank for those who want to start the hobby. It is seen a lot in creating guppies and mollies as well.

It is a tank that, with little investment, you can provide a good quality of life for the inhabitants.

Guppies and Mollies are the most bred fish in a 40-gallon aquarium.

The famous Poecilids, who has never had one. They are famous for being resistant fish and with a high reproduction rate, very suitable for those just starting with fishkeeping. However, make no mistake, as any other animal requires particular care.

The amount of fish can vary a lot, but take into account that they are fish that reproduce at a very high speed, so about 3~5 groups of 1 male to 2 females is quite interesting; some of these species can breed with each other.

Setting up a breeder tank for freshwater fish


Is it possible to have plants in a 40-gallon tank?

If you are starting now, we strongly recommend slow-growing, low-maintenance plants. The suggestion below is genera with dozens of species and varieties; most of them do not change the way of cultivation and are common in the main fish store.

Anubias – They are among logs and rocks.

Echinodorus – Due to their size, they make the background and tend to leave the fish tanks.

Eleocharis – If you have fertile substrate, you can choose to have a beautiful soccer field style carpet, but they are slower and even slower if you don’t have CO2 injection.

Please pay attention to the dimensions of the plants to be used so that they don’t get too dense in the tank and remove the free spaces for the fish.

These low-light plants are excellent for breeding in this tank pattern. So you can create a small aquascaping without spending too much, making it look enjoyable and giving a better adaptation to the fish breeder there.

The advantages of having a 40-gallon freshwater breeding tank

One of the main advantages is the ease of keeping the parameters in this tank. The ideal filtration is easy to find, as pumps and filters made for these tanks are ubiquitous.

In addition, the larger the tank, the smaller the variations in parameters due to the amount of water available there.

This is very noticeable about sudden temperature changes, which are always slower in these tank sizes. You’re sure to spend a lot less energy on your heater on a tank of this size.

Hardscape for 40-gallon breeder aquarium

Driftwood is welcome when it comes to fauna for acidic water as they tend to lower the pH. Be careful with those sharp ones; they can hurt medium and large fish.

Rocks like dark basalt rocks can give a nice touch to the aquarium. Some rock types can raise the pH, being useful for the alkaline pH group. Better if the bottom of the aquarium is free of a substrate, it helps with maintenance.

Essential Equipment for a 40-gallon fish tank

For filtration, it is best to use a foam-type filter or a hang-on, always scaling the water flow needed for the species. A heater is required to maintain the temperature stable.

Final Thoughts-  40 Gallon Breeder Tank

As a general rule, the larger the tank, the greater it is stable. So this size tank fish for beginners is a good start. Breeding is not always easier when starting with small volumes of water.

The main fish we see in these aquariums are the famous guppies, colorful and of great variety; they attract any eye. But a 40 Gallon Breeder Tank allows us to go further.

It is possible to have marine and freshwater fish. Have a high density of fish as well as medium to large fish. Have plants and corals.

It’s up to the breeder to know how to shape their ideas, keeping it as a suitable principle for the animal life contained there.

Articles to teach how to keep fish in these dimensions are increasing every day on the website.

The search for fish that are possible to 40-gallon breeder in these fish tanks is the new trend of the moment. Search more about this size tank and keep fish in your house room.

Your Red-Eared Slider Not Eating? Here’s What You Can Do

Red-Eared Slider Not Eating
Red Eared Slider Secrets
Although most red-eared sliders can live up to 45-60 years, most WILL NOT survive 2 years. CLICK HERE to learn more.

After a year, my slider stopped eating, and that worried me. For some reason, I started researching why my Red-Eared Slider Not Eating.

A reptile professional told me that even when turtles mature, they can eat less compared to other species.

He also noted that there are several reasons why some turtles tend to bite less into adulthood. How do I fix this problem? What does this mean?

The main reason for the Red-Eared Slider Not Eating

Significant causes include suboptimal temperature in the tank, dirty water, unhealthy diets, any illness, overfeeding, etc. In this article, I will discuss my entire journey with the dilemma of my Red-Eared Slider not eating. After following a few steps in the maintenance of my turtle, it lost its appetite again. The cause can range from excessive food or dirty water in the tank, inadequate parameters in general.

Red-Eared Slider Not Eating

The ideal habitat specifications

In the enclosure, as they are semi-aquatic animals, they need both an environment with water and a dry one to rest; they can even drown, as they are lungs like us.

The best habitats for them are the so-called aqua terrariums, which are like aquariums. But they have a platform where the turtle can climb to relax and sunbathe.

It should be big enough for the water tiger to have room to grow. Remember, it can be up to 6 times its initial size! In addition, the terrarium must always mimic the pet’s habitat.

Space should have a dimension of 1.50m, ideal for an adult water tiger. Remembering that it is not just a space with water; the installation must have a heating lamp or stone for the animal to perform the thermoregulation.

The temperature of the habitat

Red sliders are ectothermic, whose bodies heat from the environment determines metabolic temperatures. A turtle should not suffer from the heat inside the tank but rather have ideal conditions, not cold water.

The ideal is 78 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature is such a determining factor for these animals; that is, a variation of few degrees can determine the sex of the embryo.

Between 78º C to 82 F males are born, above 82 F females are born. Use a digital thermometer with temperature monitoring to control the reservoir environment.

Temperature and light are related in reptiles; it is essential to respect the photoperiod; in captivity, you must adjust the hours in which the reptile receives sunlight directly or indirectly through lamps to avoid disturbances in hormone levels that cause the appearance of various diseases.

What is the correct diet for a red-eared slider?

They recommend using other ingredients if industrial turtle pellets do not work. You can try live animals, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, or whatever the turtles like.

Try earthworms, mealworms, small fish, and snails in the feeding area. The red-eared sliders lost their appetite after eating the same food for months.

This is probably the primary explanation for why this turtle’s appetite began to wane. I haven’t fed the same kinds of food to the turtle for a long time in its life.

So far, it’s excellent, and the turtle looks healthy. Changing diets or adding new foods can cause your pet to stop eating. Provide food for turtles with various preferences to distinguish those foods your pet likes.

If it’s the type of food, you’ve never eaten before, start slowly and add smaller portions initially. And after knowing all this, it is essential to break down the amount of food given to your turtle daily.

It should not overfeed; it can cause problems for the animal in several ways, in addition to requiring that the quality of the water be higher.

Female Gravid or Egg Bound in turtles

On the other hand, females lay eggs, but they need a suitable environment for this to happen. Otherwise, they can retain them! Another thing is that, like chickens, female water tigers lay eggs even without the male, but they are infertile.

Another curiosity is that females have host glands that keep the male’s semen for several years to lay fertile eggs during that time. Reproduction usually takes place from July to December; during this period, the female digs a nest and places an average of 10 eggs that will remain hatched for 66 to 114 days.

The brooder’s temperature is 20 to 30 degrees, and unlike birds, the eggs cannot be rotated; they have to be quiet until the baby is born. The baby is born fragile, has to stay in an environment with controlled temperature and humidity, in addition to receiving a specific feeding for juveniles.

Change of environment 

An adult turtle is new to the family, and its unique environment can make adoption very uncomfortable. Once adapted to the new home, he will try to eat again.

This should take several days. Avoid handling red-eared right after bringing it to. Be sure to let the animal settle into its new environment before trying to deal with it.

These tiny turtles need constant parameter control to live closer to their natural habitat. Many live on poor quality water in aquariums.

Turtles don’t like sudden changes in parameters, new people, new environments, noise, and so on. Also, be aware of adding other turtles to the aquarium. This can cause nervousness in the new animal and the old one, which can lead the Red Eared Slider not eating.

Constipation or foreign object

A hot water bath usually solves this; the temperature should be slightly higher than the turtle needs. In contrast, impaction is a severe condition that can lead to fatality.

Impaction usually occurs if your turtle eats a foreign object at home or even from the tank. This requires urgent surgery, take the vet to treat it as soon as possible, and ensure your safety, but a severe case of constipation can lead to death if nothing is done to correct the situation.

Respiratory Infection in turtles

If your pet suffers from asthma, it stops eating and may become lethargic. Symptoms include excess mucus in the mouth, causing nasal irritation, wheezing, and open mouth breathing.

It is usually a disease that occurs in cases where there is negligence towards the correct temperature for the animal. It can often be a secondary result of vitamin A deprivation.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A deficiencies are common in red-eared turtles, where the food does not contain much vitamin A. Therefore, it can disrupt their normal functions and lack of appetite.

But to be sure of this issue, it is necessary to carry out examinations on the animal and diagnosis by a veterinarian. Based on the information obtained after the exam, you will have a correct diet line to provide for your animal with the professional’s guidance.

Change meal times

Activity is most common during the first half of the day. If you are providing evening meals, try changing the feeding period. Early in the morning, turtles tend to digest faster with more energy and cravings. Maybe that’s another reason your turtle doesn’t eat. Try changing your turtle’s food, and you will notice changes in your turtle’s behavior.

Lighting in the tank

Red-eared ones need adequate lighting to live correctly. 12 to 14 hours of light a day make for the perfect environment. Certain species also need to receive UVB light to maintain optimal functions, such as swimming, moving, breathing, and even eating.

Dim light also causes strain on newborn turtles, leading to poor growth and underweight. It ends up causing a vitamin deficiency.

You set your lights to run 12-14 hours a day using a digital timer to lighten your work. Without regular lighting, your pet may stop eating. Create a daily cycle to help your pet live. Pay close attention to the general conditions of the environment in winter.

Remembering that the specific lamp for them has validity but still seems to be usually working, a tip is to look at the period of light on the package and calculate how long it will last, so you will know exactly which day to change the lamp.

Calcium deficiency in food

If the red ear loses its appetite, it may be because it lacks calcium. Add calcium blocks to water in your diet to increase your pet’s blood calcium levels and increase appetite and health. Vitamin and calcium supplementation levels must be present in the captive reptile diet for healthy growth.

Alternatively, it recommends the inclusion of bones in the diet, especially crocodilians or carbonated water with calcium.

Red-Eared Slider Not Eating

What should I do if my Red-Eared Slider not eating?

The most stressful situation with our pet is the refusal to eat. Fortunately, with turtles, this problem is usually relatively easy. Red-eared (Trachemys scripta elegans) refused to eat for weeks.

It was a frightening experience, but it taught me that a red-eared turtle would quickly become healthy if you kept your cool and researched the subject and turned to professionals in the field.

Final Thoughts – Red-Eared Slider Not eating.

The Red-Eared Slider is an attractive, low-maintenance animal that can stay with you for up to 30 years. If you take care of your health now, it should live up to the expected life span.

Keep an eye out for what might upset your turtle and try to remove it. When the turtle refuses to eat and shows the first symptoms of illness, go to the vet immediately. Turtles can survive without food for an unusually long time. However, let’s not try this because we are responsible turtle owners.

[Complete Breeding Guide] How To Tell If Angelfish Eggs Are Fertilized – (With Pictures)

How To Tell If Angelfish Eggs Are Fertilized

The primary feature of fertilized eggs is brownish amber rather than white opaque, which indicates a non-viable egg. The fertilized eggs stick to their spawning site. The yolk sac larva and the oil tube inside their translucent eggshell provide the only sign of fertilization. Both parents signify fertilization by shielding their eggs and nibbling on any fish that stay close. After reading this post you will get a clear idea about How to tell if Angelfish eggs are fertilized. Let’s start…

Angelfish eggs

Angelfish eggs are fertilized when they are translucent to amber-brown or light brownish-yellow in color. When they are yellowish, it means they are getting ready to hatch in a few days. Today, we will use information about Angelfish eggs to increase our knowledge about these fish, as they are known and maintained in aquariums worldwide.

How do I tell if an angelfish egg is fertilized?

Angelfish are easily reproduced fish, in addition to being competent reproducers and providing excellent parental care. Some obstacles in breeding are unfertilized eggs or eggs attacked by infective agents (mainly fungi). Luckily, detecting the viability of angelfish eggs is easy and quick to do and helping the parents or even artificially hatching them in a separate tank. Are fertilized and how to care for an angelfish, and much more. Angelfish offer many opportunities for trial and error, especially if you have already established pairs of angelfish that have previously mated and have had experience caring for eggs and fry.

How To Tell If Angelfish Eggs Are Fertilized

How often do angelfish lay eggs?

Angelfish species are fish belonging to the Cichlidae family. They are among the most popular tropical aquarium fish because of their beauty and graceful movements in the water. Angelfish lay as many as 1,000 eggs in a single spawn. Each couple can mate every two weeks. There are many varieties of angelfish of different colors, including wild angelfish, silver angelfish, zebra angelfish, koi angelfish, smoke angelfish, etc. Knowing the correct care at each stage of reproduction can help you understand the egg and take the necessary care. There are several reasons why you might want to resort to hatching eggs without the help of the angelfish parents. This will be explained in detail in this guide.

Difference Between Fertilized And Unfertilized Angelfish Eggs

It is normal to find some dead white eggs among the brown eggs. Beginning aquarists may think that the egg’s color is irrelevant to the hatching process. White or milky eggs are dead eggs, unfertilized or contaminated by some fungus or bacteria. You must remove milky eggs before they infect viable eggs; you could lose all offspring if not removed. Couples in the first litter should be observed, as they have not yet learned to properly take care of the litter. The main difference to be observed between healthy and non-viable eggs is the color they present.

What color should angelfish eggs be?

Viable eggs have high transparency, ranging from light translucent to amber and brown. Viable eggs hatch in approximately 60 hours when kept at 80°F in good water conditions. Opaque or milky eggs indicate non-viable, unfertilized, or infected eggs and should be removed from the pond. Fungi-covered eggs will produce more fungus, infecting healthy eggs. As we move forward, I’ll tell you how to recognize viable eggs and share some valuable ways to take care of a tricky situation and ensure that your fry stays friendly and healthy.

Angelfish breeding

Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.) is a population with adequate stability, which is recognized as less concern. This species is most often found in soft acidic waters in flooded forests and lakes in Amazon. Keep a large school, and couples will form without a problem and spawn readily. They clean a flat vertical surface to lay their eggs and will protect the place from other fish. Spawning occurs with the female laying eggs on the prepared surface and the male following, fertilizing them.

Introduction to the breeding of angelfish

At some stage, every fishkeeper or aquarist has started to keep or try to breed angelfish most of the time. Angelfish are one of the oldest freshwater tropical fish in the business, featuring a wide variety of colors and shapes and being easily obtainable. They are relatively easy to maintain and breed and are a great entry point for anyone looking to produce fish that lay eggs.

Getting that first angelfish spawn

Being easy to reproduce does not mean that they will automatically lay eggs when you place them in your aquarium. It just means they have a steady habit of spawning. After introducing a fish to another location, it takes a few weeks for them to adjust. Wait a while, and they will reward you with patience and good behavior. A characteristic mark of a poorly packaged fish suffering from stress does not eat much or are visibly thin, afraid, and without strength. You can raise the temperature a little or make a substantial change (75% or more) with cooler water; in formed pairs and conditioned fish will act as a trigger for egg deposition.

Angelfish water requirements

In natural environments, angelfish swim in acidic, soft, and hot water, which is easily found most of the year – usually 84 F. Because they have been bred in captivity for years, captive individuals are adapted to living in different environments. Water patterns from that of nature. In the case of wild individuals, if the water used in your system is not naturally acidic and soft, use deionization or a reverse osmosis filter to produce soft water.

Angelfish Tank Set-Up

A 26-gallon aquarium is a great size to use when isolating a pair for breeding. Angelfish need to feel secure in their new environment to succeed and reproduce freely. Angelfish have no difficulty dealing with nitrites and ammonia in low concentrations. Still, when we are going to breed them, we have to be very careful with the quality of the water, as this can result in the success or failure of the litter. An adequately cycled and sized filtration system will help deal with these contaminants, along with water changes. We recommend using PVC pipes, plant pots, and driftwood when setting up the breeding tank; this provides flat surfaces for oviposition.

Feeding Angelfish

Angelfish are typical cichlids. The standard rule is to offer good quality food at least a few times during the day. Angelfish are great eaters, having no problems accepting different foods. Offer small portions of food so as not to be leftovers in the water; take advantage of the feeding time to see if all the fish are ok. Barebottom tanks are an excellent choice for breeding tanks, as you can see if there are any leftovers or droppings somewhere and get them out quickly.

Artificially Hatching Angelfish eggs.

Artificially hatching angelfish eggs is relatively easy and can be done on many different levels, but there are two essential ingredients. One is aeration, and the other is pure water. It can take a lot of spawns for the parents to learn how to create the eggs ideally. Some breeders make use of fungicidal elements and other tricks to increase the success rate. By keeping the eggs aerated and water in perfect condition, hatching will occur.

What do angelfish eggs look like when fertilized?

Angelfish eggs range in color from translucent amber to brown. The more eggs that turn white, the more care must be taken. Other fish and even inexperienced parents will eat the fry in the blink of an eye. Monitor egg growth and evolution frequently. Angelfish eggs need a short period of approximately 60 hours to transform into fingerlings.

How do I care for angelfish eggs?

Angelfish eggs face the initial threat from their parents. Parents can care for the eggs, oxygenating them and keeping them free of dirt, fungus, and dust with their fins. If you keep the couple away from the eggs, you must do everything their parents did during and after incubation. Always keep the water in perfect conditions; when raised with the parents, remember to remove the matrices right after the fry is in its normal swimming movement. Post-hatch success depends on you keeping the water parameters excellent and stable and providing the fish with proper nutrition.

How long does it take for angelfish eggs to hatch?

It takes fertilized angelfish eggs 60 hours from spawn to hatching. Keeping the temperature in the tanks around 80°F. As the larval angelfish consume up all their yolk sack, they become free swimmers. This happens in about 3 to 5 days after hatching, depending on the water temperature.

Tell me the right color for angelfish eggs?

Angelfish eggs should be opaque amber or brownish, indicating they are fertile and healthy. If your eggs become white and opaque, they are not necessarily dead, but your chances of hatching are minimal unless you take immediate action. Watch the colors of the eggs in an appropriate range. If they keep dying, you can fix the causes and avoid it before a new spawn comes, even if they can be saved.

Why are Angelfish eggs not fertilized?

When you see white Angelfish eggs, you are left wondering where anything went wrong. We know that the egg is not viable; this can happen for different reasons. In the case of fish, poorly conditioned breeders will produce poor-quality offspring. With deteriorating water quality, eggs will be lost to fungi and other infections, and the couple’s experience also counts in this case.

Acquisition of Angelfish breeding stock

There are two basic ways to get a pair of angelfish. One of them is to acquire fish that have already formed pairs. The second involves purchasing a dozen juvenile fish to grow and develop new pairs. When receiving formed pairs, ask how old the fish are and how long they have been bred. Some angelfish that have been used as a matrix have observable sexual traits, but ideally, you don’t want old couples because they don’t show the same vigor as before.

Do angelfish lay eggs without males?

Some signs say your angelfish will spawn. Angelfish can be bred at six to twelve months of age. It’s equally important to look at the available space; an overcrowded environment prevents angelfish from spawning, no matter how good the parents’ breeder is. Some females will lay eggs regularly; when kept in optimum pond qualities, the eggs will not be fertilized without a male angelfish; they will die, becoming a mass of opaque white fungus.

What to do when angelfish eggs change color?

You can’t expect all angelfish eggs to hatch. Angelfish produce so many eggs that there are still many leftovers even in outbreaks of contamination. And angelfish are so prolific that even if you lose all your eggs, you’ll soon have a new spawn. Take some steps to keep your fish healthy in the tank and in all failed attempts to understand what is going on so that you can learn to solve future problems.

How do I keep angelfish eggs from changing color?

You have to accept that you’re going to lose some eggs no matter what you’ve done. If your eggs look milky, try to find out why your Angelfish never fertilized correctly. As eggs are victims of fungal infections or bacteria, it is best to keep the water in perfect condition at all times. Put it in a separate tank if any hostile fish exerts so much stress that it inhibits your angel from producing its egg.

Improperly managed migration

If angelfish eggs turn opaque or white after you relocate them, they are infertile or dead. Relocation of eggs without the correct technique can cause fungal infections or hatching eggs, causing embryo death. Use and keep the same water parameters of the aquarium in which they were fertilized in the egg tank.

Fertility issues

A healthy angelfish egg has a bright brownish-brown color. On the other hand, white or opaque eggs are sterile. Angelfish, unlike other fish, also do not lay fertilized eggs.

The factor behind Angelfish egg colors

Fish breeders must continuously monitor angelfish eggs colors because they show a lot about egg health. Early fertilized angelfish eggs should show a clear amber or brown shade; in this situation, you might increase your chances of hatching their eggs. For this reason, you must watch their colors closely during the spawning period of your angelfish. White or transparent angelfish eggs are not always dead.

Egg Caring Tips

You should then check if the eggs are oxygenated and the water is in excellent condition. To protect the eggs from bacteria or fungi, you can treat the water with a fungicide like methylene blue.

Notes About the breeding of angelfish

If your angelfish pair is too young or eating the eggs, you might have difficulty breeding them. Angelfish have been known to react over certain stress factors (e.g., motion around the tank or other fish movement) and eat eggs in their haste. If this is the case take eggs out of the tank will be necessary. If it’s their first-time breeder, the eggs can be removed and hatch in a separate tank.

How do I care for angelfish fry after they hatch?

It would be best if you waited until you got a tank full of free-swimming fry to feed them. You can supplement their diet with fresh hatched brine shrimp and micro worms. It would help if you ultimately gave angelfish the same feeding you fed your adult angelfish. Angelfish fry develops a maturity within six to twelve months.

Final thought

Constantly observe the colors and evolution of your angelfish eggs; that way, you will know how to take the necessary action that will guarantee long and prosperous life to the embryos.


Angelfish eggs should be transparent amber or brown. If they look opaque, it may suggest the lack of fertilization. Angelfish do not need internal fertilization. The female can even lay eggs without the presence of a male. You can form your breeding pairs or visit a pet store or a fish breeder and purchase a reproduction pair from experts. I hope you can raise an angelfish fry someday. Don’t give up even if you don’t succeed after trying. Try my suggestion above to improve your problem-solving skills. I believe the article has helped clarify the matter about How To Tell If Angelfish Eggs Are Fertilized.

[Quick Signs] How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?

[Quick Signs] How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?

[Quick Signs] How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?: A pregnant molly fish develops swollen stomach and black spots near the center of her abdomen. In some circumstances, it may begin to get aggressive and eat more. Near the laboring stage, Mollies tend to hide away and stop eating. Before your fish get pregnant, there are several essential things to consider, like know what you can do to protect her fry. Here we provide a detailed guide about the How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?

Should I separate pregnant Molly?

It is best to take the pregnant molly fish from the main tank and isolate it in another well-maintained, mature aquarium during birth. Some people have used the fish breeding box to separate the fry from other animals, but they remain in the same aquarium. You don’t have to purchase a separate tank filter and heater by this method, but it may be very stressful for mom. After some time, it’s possible to place your baby molly fish in the main aquarium.

How does Molly fish breed?

Molly fish are livebearers, and instead of laying eggs, they produce live fish. A female molly retains fertilized eggs to hatch within her body and only releases them into the tank after it hatches. Incubation time differs for molly species but is around 40 to 60 days on average. This difference also occurs in the production of chicks, where Sailfin Molly can give birth to up to 50 baby molly fish, while Giant Sailfin up to 200 and Black around 120 fry. Adult Mollies will eat the fry. Male Mollies stress the females by their ongoing efforts at pursuit.

[Quick Signs] How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?

How do I identify a pregnant molly fish?

A few days before birth, she develops a swelling underneath the genital pore, making her shape relatively square and the surface of the gravid spot enlarged.

How do I tell if my Molly Fish is pregnant?

Mollies are livebearers. You will notice behavioral changes as the Molly keeps clear of other fish in water and moves slowly. Those changes are a vital sign if you see a dark triangular spot near the anal vent or a protruding belly.

Spotting the condition and the “Gravid Spot.”

The ‘gravid spot’ is a dark spot near the base of the anal fin caused by the stretching of the peritoneal walls. It is also identical to a womb, but the egg is not attached to the mother’s body, unlike mammals. Each egg is fully equipped to produce nutrients provided by the mother on which the embryos can thrive. The relationship between mother and fry it’s been a study topic for a long time.

How long are Molly fish pregnant?

Mollies are livebearers like guppies as they are the same genus but different species. They can keep their babies for about 6-10 weeks. Sometimes, it is better to leave the new mother alone in a separate tank for exceptional care and safety. During pregnancy, you can check the proper development of the fry through the female gravid spot.

Is Molly Fish about to become pregnant?

You may initially find it intimidating to breed these animals but don’t worry; it’s effortless and rewarding. This article can provide a quick and easy guide on looking at the signs of molly pregnancy.

How long does it take for a girl to give birth?

Molly fish will likely have a gestation period of between 6 and 10 weeks. Female mollies usually mature at 3 to 4 months. They get the first pregnancy and continue the cycle repeated; they can give birth to hundreds of fry throughout their entire life. In some cases, a gestation period has lasted more than ten weeks.

Molly Fish and the fry

After several weeks of pregnancy, a female molly can give birth to something between 20 to 60 fry. Unfortunately, like nature’s rules, Molly fries are prey to other fish or even their parents, and not all molly fry will grow into adults. Mollies are also easy to raise, keep in their tanks, and easy to care for. Here is all the information you need to know from Mollie on its previous posts. Read more about keeping pet fish on this site.

How do mollies fish act before giving birth?

Your molly fish will give you indications it is trying to give birth. You’ll know about this attitude as they try to be comfortably on the tank. They will try to be isolated and settle down in a peaceful and cooler water area. You’ll notice she doesn’t care about swimming. Female Molly can display aggressiveness right before birth. Your mollies should continue to show some signs even until the last minute.

The eyes of the fry and signs of imminent birth

As eggs are incubated, their eyes are sometimes visible at the thin walls of the gravid spot. To support the development of the egg, the maternal body enlarges, growing deeper and broader. The following day after birth, the female Molly develops a slight bulge in the underside of the gills, which has become square for him in this area.

The birth process of new fry

At birth, the fry sinks a few inches under the water but quickly straightens out and hides to a cover, like the vegetation. If they don’t appear right away, they sink beneath rocks, driftwood, ornaments, or even the substrate; and take refuge on it. They sit motionlessly and slowly start the life out of the mother.

Molly Fish Babies

Since Mollies carry live eggs, they do not lay eggs but rather release the live baby into the water. Unfortunately, the babies aren’t given parental care and are as likely to be eaten by the parents as the other fish in the aquarium. A breeding box will assist you with keeping your molly fry fish once the mother gives birth to them. Once the fry is released, they automatically fall into a different compartment away from the mother, where you can hold them until you catch and bring the adult fish into the main tank. Make sure to offer small pieces of food that fry may eat. Once they’ve grown enough and can cope with themselves, you can move them to the mains display.

Do Mollies eat their babies?

As with all of the fishes, cannibal behavior is standard. Mollies who give birth don’t take care of their babies and can even eat them. Small fry fish are usually fragile, making them vulnerable to the attacks of any predator. You may need to remove fries and keep them at another tank for safety reasons; you must take care of them separately for their wellness. Because the fries are weaker and smaller than other fish, they are suitable as fish meals. It may be necessary to protect your small fish from predation.

How do I save Molly Fry?

If you want to keep the fry in the same aquarium as the parents, increase the number of hiding places, and leave an area (if possible the entire tank) densely planted, a few babies molly will be leftover. In the case of putting them in a separate aquarium, set up a tank with everything the fry needs; anticipate the birth and get the aquarium already cycling to receive the offspring is a great idea; to do this, you must install some equipment and follow some basic steps known to any aquarists.

Feeding the fry

After the fry is born, most will feed on commercial fish flakes, just like their mother. You can also make some preparations to feed your molly fry as soon as they birth; homemade rations generally degrade the water a lot; when offering this type of food, perform a partial water change soon after feeding.

How do I feed molly baby fish?

Once the female has given birth, remove the fry and bring them to a new aquarium. You should feed the fry quality food such as baby brine shrimp, baby fish meal, quality flake, or pellet ground into a fine powder—feeding in small quantity and high frequency.

Molly fish eat anything.

The young born babies are tiny about the size of pellet food, and molly female can eat their babies after they’ve given birth; that’s why we keep them in a separate tank. Mollies fish are greedy, eating almost anything that fits inside their mouths. Breeding a fish provide an immersion in aquarium keeping hobby and provides a fantastic learning experience for young and older persons.

Tell me the best way to feed a baby Molly fish?

Your baby molly needs an abundance of good quality food to grow to adulthood. Crushed fish flakes will give your baby a healthy source of nutrition. You can also feed it baby brine shrimp. Crush some fish flakes until a perfect texture so the fry can swallow them. If you properly feed your baby fry, they shall be mature in some months. You’ll be capable of adding them to the larger tank. They can also be free and protected from attacks by other fish.

How long do I need to separate my baby mollies?

You have to remove baby Mollies from the main aquarium before they sink into the jaws of other fish. You can keep fish in different tanks anywhere from four to six weeks. After eight weeks of age, a fish will fit in an adult tank. The keeper must make sure that your fish are appropriately sized before releasing them in the main aquarium.


The easiest way to see if Molly is pregnant is by paying attention to the gravid spot. The fish will also display other signs of pregnancy. If you want to breed Mollies fish, then there are things that you should keep in mind. It was all easy to accomplish, and the best results were obtained, separating the mother and the fry in another tank later. You get all you want to know reading this guide How to Tell if a Molly Fish is Pregnant?. It would be best if you did some research before begin to breed fish.

[Must Read] Best Fish For a 20-gallon Tank (With Pictures )

[Must Read] Best Fish For a 20-gallon Tank (With Pictures )

Embarking on a journey into the world of aquariums? Explore our guide to discover the best fish for a 20-gallon tank, ensuring a thriving and balanced aquatic ecosystem.

There are a lot of freshwater fish species kept as pets for people across the globe. This type of animal is fairly more economical than other small animals and does not require much maintenance.

A 20-gallon tank is an interesting aquarium size for a novice hobbyist and the more experienced ones. It provides an excellent volume for the care of several species besides occupying little space.

Factors That Influence How Many Fish You Can Keep In 20 days.

The idea of 1 inch of fish per gallon is a bit old and useless. When stocking a 20-gallon tank, you got to be accurate; the tank configuration will influence the number of fish you can keep.

If you want to have multiple species in your aquarium, other factors may come in. A good selection of fish and tank companions is the best choice for any aquarium.

Make sure the animals you are keeping together have the same preference for water conditions.

How many fishes in a 20-gallon tank?

There are various types of species that can be kept in a 20-gallon fish tank. In this article, I’ll present some freshwater fish and stocking ideas for your 20-gallon tank that you can apply or customize for your setup.

How many fish can be in a 20-gallon fish tank?

A 20-gallon fish tank has a lovely size for keeping some fish but stay away from overpopulating it. Too many fish will cause stress and water deterioration, resulting in sick, strained fish.

How many fish can you keep in a 20-gallon tank?

You should be able to fit around 15-20 small fish for a 20-gallon tank. A goldfish can overgrow, so these kinds of fish are not for this size of the tank.

How many fish can a 20-gallon tank hold?

Usually, people think of a certain number if they’re tempted to keep a certain quantity of fish from their tank. Instead, make sure to spend time researching the fish you plan to keep.

Learn their needs and temperament and try to figure out how they fit together with tank mates. This is especially important when you’re trying to select the right fish for 20-gallon tanks.

During your research, you will also need to consider the different parts of your tank. Some fish occupy the upper part of the water column, some in the center and others in the bottom.

How many fish for a 20-gallon aquarium, stocking ideas

A container of 20-gallon water has 20 1-inch fish per gallon of water. Remind yourself that the length of fish described in this article will be the maximum length you can comfortably keep in a 20-gallon tank with the best environment and the proper maintenance.

Big fish for your 20-gallon tank

If you have a big fish in your tank, I suggest thinking about buying a larger tank. Those are fish which you should avoid.

Best fish for stocking a 20-gallon tank – ideas & combinations

A 20-gallon tank is a mid-size tank, so you’d want to be careful what fish you fish and what type to keep. The best fish we have found for a 20-gallon aquarium is the fish you can keep in small low-tech tanks.

Which fish is best for a 20-gallon tank, and how many can you fit

A 20-gallon tank is ideal for a beginning enthusiast because it offers plenty of options of fish to choose from. You can keep all sorts of aquatic fish and plants. We give you some of the most excellent fish you can keep in your 20-gallon tank in this guide.

Guidelines for stocking your 20-gallon tank

However, in some aquariums, owners overstock their tanks often. It can be considered certain factors for measuring safe stocking levels.


Generally speaking, your guideline for stocking your aquariums is about its filtration system and common sense about physical space for fauna to swim, hide and have a peaceful corner in the aquarium. For this, perform tests to assess the aquarium’s water quality, know the efficiency of filtration, and find out if your aquarium is full of fish.

Stocking your freshwater aquarium

A 20-gallon aquarium allows you to keep many live plants and various beautiful freshwater fish, and exciting animals. I listed some of the most fantastic fish for a 20-gallon tropical tank. Every fish, critter, plant, and decoration in a tank play a role in the health of the aquarium. The goal of making these micro-ecosystems is to build one that requires as little effort as possible to keep going.


Livebearers are freshwater creatures who give birth to tiny fry. These fishes may be the most commonly encountered within an aquarium, with most coming from the family Poeciliidae.

It includes guppies, mollies, swordtail, platys, and others. One benefit of keeping livebearers is that they’re easily bred. There are many species where the males fight each other when trying to mate.


Bettas are slow-swimming fish. They most often swim on the top of the tank. Shrimp can also live with betta fish, but you have to provide them with hiding places not to become a meal for the fish.

Siamese Fighting Fish can thrive in a 20-gallon aquarium. Choose peaceful but quick-moving fish for tank partners; avoid fin nippers.


Neon tetra fish are most widely used for aquarium fishing. Tetras generally have tiny, compressed, and brightly colored bodies. Other than Neon Tetra, Black Neon Tetra can also do well in 20-gallon tanks.

They’re easy to rear. It’s best to keep them in schools of at least six fish. Other tetra species include the Rummynose Tetra, the Black Phantom Tetra, and the Glowing Light Tetra. Tetras can make an essential part of the aquarium.


You can keep dwarf cichlids in a 20-gallon tank. Angelfish, Discus, and other cichlid grow pretty massive and rapidly to be held in a 20-gallon tank. Dwarves can get territorial during the breeding process. It is not uncommon to keep Rams and Apistos in these sizes of tanks.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf gouramis are the only fish in this list I’d consider semi-aggressive. In general, they are mostly peaceful and can offer superb communities fishing.

If there are two, they can fight, or you may bully either partner. To reduce the chance that this happens, try to avoid using two males in the same tank. It is also a good idea to provide an area in your aquarium so that a bullied animal can hide.

Can you list the best fish combinations for a 20-gallon tank?

In general, when filling your 20-gallon tank, try to have one or two bigger “centerpiece” fish and fill the rest with a class of smaller fish and a few bottom dwellers like snail or shrimp.

In general, twenty-gallon tanks should be a perfect size for a novice tank owner. And always remember that it’s crucial to understand the nitrogen cycle and how to maintain healthy water conditions for your fish.


Zebra Danios are exceptionally active fish that generally stay in the upper areas of an aquarium. They are native to South Asia and rely on a large tank because they love swimming and chasing other fish.

Other Danios can be kept in 20 gallons of tanks, including Danio Marginatus, Pearl Danio, and Celestial Pearl Danio. These fish can also fight with other fish, such as guppies and others, so be aware when stocking up your aquarium. The danios zebras are happier in groups with five to six fish.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Swordtail’s appearance is almost the same as those of platies. In an aquarium situation, you need a male for every two females. It reduces the stress on the female when the males start harassing them.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Aquarium shrimp can add a fun element to your aquarium as they come in multiple sizes and colors. They also molt as they grow that inevitably makes them shed exoskeletons. They are scavengers who eat anything, including animals and plants (dead or alive).

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Otos are cute little shoaling fish that go into glasses into a 20-gallon tank. They are little plecos that remain small, and you can keep a small group in a tiny tank. You might want to enhance his diet with algae wafers. The fish are the best algae eaters for small tanks.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Barbs usually live in schools in soft, acidic water. Most barbs are fin nibblers and don’t like long-finned fish. Barbs can even kill other fish. They are a very active type of fish.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Rasboras are possibly the best kind of fish for small community tanks. These fish also originate from freshwater habitats in Southeast and South Asia. Due to their peaceful nature, they are excellent tankmates. Also, these fish shows unique breeding and shoaling habits, all with fantastic color. These examples of common Rasbora species regularly held in aquariums are Red-Lined, Pygmy and Harlequin.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank


Cory catfish are an excellent addition to any tank. They will eat leftover fish foods that get lost in the tank. They’re big-bodied schooling fish.

Best fish for a 20-gallon tank

Tell me the biggest fish you can put in a 20-g bag?

You want to keep fish less than 6 inches in size. Fish has to have space in the tank to swimming and also relaxing. Avoid keeping large numbers of fish in a small tank.

Additional factors

Any extra addition to the tank will reduce the amount of space that is available to the fish. Plants and gravel could also impede the flow of water in the tank.

Always add filtration and aeration. But you shouldn’t rely too much on such aid, as any blackout will be disastrous; keep an eye open.

Fish You Shouldn’t Keep In A 20-gallon tank.

There is also lots of fish that should never be kept in a 20 gallons tank. It’s not acceptable to fill tanks with large cichlid or other large fish.

Angelfish are territorial species that have a semi-aggressive temperament and can kill smaller fish. In addition, Common plecos grow faster even as juveniles as they can occupy all the tiny tanks in a short time.

Goldfish can die prematurely in small aquariums.

Best live plants for a 20-gallon tank

Planting Vallisneria in your 20-gallon tank is the best way to turn your nano aquarium into an aquatic jungle. Amazon’s Sword is a good option for nano tanks.

Sagittaria dwarf has a grass-like appearance. A lot of Wisteria species can make excellent places of cresting for fish. It flourishes with liquids or tablets of fertilizers and tends to take over the underwater landscape as it can propagate via side shoots. It is easy to take care of.

Size considerations

Many times the fish bought in the pet store are youngsters that will grow more. Check the average size of each fish when mature, and use this measurement to figure how much space the fish need. It’s not unusual for a fish to double in size pretty quickly.

Specific needs

Most fast swimmers need more area than slow swimmers, even though they tend to be active all the time. You’d better give your fish plenty of room to eat, which helps protect the peace by decreasing the number of unpleasant encounters.

Some large fish will produce more waste than much smaller fish and can alter your storage capacity or tank filtering ability as well, when in a 20-gallon tank.

Lights for a 20-gallon tank

Lighting is critical to fish to maintain the day and night cycle. Although there are plenty of lights available, it is better to turn off their tanks at night. Adjust in the minimum of 12 hour light and 12-hour dark.

Fish tank filtering system in a 20-gallon tank

That filter is the critical component in every tank. Filters keep good bacteria and make sure to keep the water free from pollutants for longer. The best the filter system, the healthier the fish, and the less maintenance is needed.

20-gallon tank water heater

A simple water heater offers a better quality of life to the 20-gallon fish tank residents. The heater is essential to keep the temperature stable; the fluctuation of this parameter and others can cause a drop in the fish’s immune system, causing diseases and other pathologies present in the tank to appear. It’s easy to set up a thermometer when looking for a quick and easy way to monitor the temperature.

The last step is adding water.

Once you have assembled the basic structure with the tank, heater, filter, lighting, plants, logs, and other decorations, it’s time to fill it with water.

Depending on the substrate you use, the water can get murky the first time you fill the tank, and you might have to wait for patience till the debris settles in.

If you add some fish to your new tank – without cycling it – you’ll have to perform numerous water changes; otherwise, you will have a big ammonia problem. Before adding fish, keep your tank going (while full of water) for 2 to 4 weeks for the bacteria to attach themselves to your filter so that they can carry out the nitrogen cycle and be able to maintain a good quality of water in your aquarium.

Good luck with your aquarium!

A 20-gallon aquarium includes stocking options outside of its 10,000-gallon capacity. If you want big fish or many fish, you will probably be better off getting a 55-gallon tank or bigger.

Or if you’re going to set up a small community with some beautiful fish and maybe some excellent plant, having one this size will probably suffice. This article is not meant to supplement diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or a qualified veterinarian’s formal guidance.

Final thoughts

A 20-gallon tank is a perfect aquarium for any beginner. It provides a chance to care for different animals without taking too much space. Always ensure to keep track of the size of the fish species when stocking.

In any case, ensure it is the right environment for the species of your choice. Set up and decorate the aquarium correctly with a heater, filter, plants, and everything else you want.

Remember to make space available for the animals to swim, hide and rest whenever they want. Use common sense when populating the tank, and know the habits of the fish you want to keep; this will help you choose which area of the aquarium to occupy.

Keep your maintenance routine up to date, keeping your water always in perfect condition; that way, you shouldn’t have any problems.

The Ultimate Red Tail Shark Care Guide

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a tropical freshwater fish native to Thailand. It has been detected in the clear waters and floodplains in the basin of Chaos Playa; nowadays, it is classified as extinct. It is famous for its striking appearance with a completely black body with vibrant forked red tails. In captivity, you should expect your fish to grow to 6 inches, with the majority staying around 5 inches. It should probably live to about six years old. It’ is an omnivore; it will eat anything you put into the tank and should not be confused with the rainbow shark.

Summary of species

The Red Tail Sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a freshwater fish from Thailand. The species has been declared critically endangered. The majority of their body is black except their red caudal fin. The Red Tail Shark population was highly condensed in Bueng Boraphet, Thailand. It has been verified that this fish is still in the wild; their numbers are only a fraction of what they once were. There are things about keeping it in the aquarium that people don’t know about. We only recommend getting one if you are fully convinced of the commitment and responsibility for its maintenance.

Red Tail Shark Appearance

Redtail shark has a deep blackhead offset with a red forked tail. Red Tail Shark are often confused with Rainbow Shark. Both belong to the Cyprinidae family, but they are, in fact, separated species. They should be expected to grow to about 6″ with most going to 5″. At your age, there’s no discernible difference between females and males. Don’t keep Rainbow Shark together, as they’ll fight; more on compatibility and their tankmate section.

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Shark: Tankmates, Care Guide and More…

The Redtail shark is incredibly active, which will bring plenty of entertainment to everyone who watches it. Due to their non-fussy nature, they are straightforward to feed, and once in their aquarium, they should not offer too many difficulties to remain happy. Read our free guides to learn more about fish diet and habitat.

Is the Red Tail Shark Right for your aquarium?

The Red Tail Shark is an exciting and beautiful fish. They present several challenges for beginner fish keepers, mainly because of their territorial nature; they need large aquariums. If you have space in a sizeable suitable tank, many territorial characteristics may be avoided with plenty of hiding places. We hope the guide has helped you decide if they are the right fish for your aquarium.


The Red Tail Shark is predominantly dark black with a brightly contrasted red tail and white point on the dorsal fin. These hardy and curious fish add personality to an aquarium.

Red Tail Shark 2.5 inch plus

Red Tail Shark has a black body with a red tail that almost looks like a black shark. There should only be one Redtail shark in your tank because as long as you keep them in multiples, their aggressive and territorial behavior will get worse. Avoid the temptation to keep them with Rainbow Shark or other Black Sharks. White Tails sharks can be highly active but territorial when in multiple pairs. Those red-tailed black sharks have an aggressive and very territorial nature.

Red Tail Shark Size

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Sharks usually grow up to 8 inches when fully grown. It is dependent on an environmental and genetic conditions. We don’t know anyone who has a Red Tail less than 3 inches. The average size tends to be at the higher end of its range as long as you give them proper care.

Behavior & Temperament

Redtail sharks are incredibly active fish and have fun to watch. You will often watch these sharks swim near the bottom of the tank. This species has a very territorial nature that needs to be considered when choosing to put those sharks in a community tank to feel comfortable. All other offensive tendencies displayed will be exaggerated because of lack of space or by the wrong tankmates. They need to find space and need to own space at camp. The easiest way to keep active fish well in an aquarium is by giving them space and the right conditions to reduce stress.

Typical behavior

These kinds of sharks are aggressive with fish that bother them. As he matures as an adult, they become territorial and pursue other fishes until they reach exhaustion. In a vast tank with a wide number of hideouts, you can keep a group of sharks. Each fish need at least 10 gallons of the tank to use as a hideout. Red Tails are aggressive with fish when straying from their territory. They will aggressively attack other fish while you are feeding them. All tank mates should have more space within a larger tank.

How do I keep a black shark happy in my tank?

The Red Tail Black Shark is a fish that belongs to the Cyprinidae family. This family is native to Thailand but is considered extinct in the wild. Famous for its large dark body and a vivid red tail, the fish can grow to about 6-inch in length. A lifespan of six to 10 years is expected, but rare reports report that some people live as much as 15 years. If you plan to keep this fish at your aquarium, be sure the tankmates you chose could stand up to that type of aggressive behavior.

Water parameters

Water parameters are one part of the Red Tail Sharkcare we shouldn’t get crazy about. Even though this isn’t the most sensitive species globally, you should constantly check the water parameters. Checking the water prevents anything from pollutants in the water to pH drops. Get an aquarium kit test and inspect your tank and tap water.

Tank conditions

It would be best to guarantee juveniles have a tank of at least 29 gallons, and adults have 55+ gallons. You may also try to ornament the tank to reduce territorial behavior and help protect more timid tank mates. For the water flow, you should try to ensure water is slow-flowing to match the natural environment. The substrate must include gravel and pebbles, or fine sand. Remember that they can be jumpers, and therefore you should use a heavier lid.

Habitat and tank requirements

During the rainy season in the natural habitat, these black sharks live in the flooded streams and forests. Over the recent decades, the wild population of Red Tails has been virtually gone because of excessive poaching and changes in landscapes caused by population growth. But booming aquaculture business means that this species is still alive. It is now listed as critically endangered.

Take care

The Red Tail Sharks are pretty simple and easy to care about since you know how basic they are. They’re pretty sturdy and withstand a decent number of water parameters. But if you have one in an adequate tank, you will experience a problem. Learn all of your basics to get started on the right path. Red Tail Sharks are pretty simple to keep as well as can be held under normal water circumstances. They are easier to maintain in massive systems.

Tank Size

The recommended tank is 75 gallons. Even though they are not monsters, the fish are very active and require a lot of space for their swim. As semi-aggressive species, the area helps reduce the possibility of aggressiveness toward others community freshwater fish. It is highly recommended to increase the size of your tank significantly if you want to try to keep two of them in the same tank. To get more information, follow this article.

Tank requirements

Moderate water flow is needed to recreate the natural habitat for the red tail black shark. For the substrate, use gravel, fine sand, or big rocks. Live plants add value to aquariums. They might eat algae in stones and glass, but they leave plants unharmed. Putting a thick layer of gravel as a substrate can be helpful.

Life span

The Average Red Tail Species life span is five to eight years. There might be ways you can help them live happily for the rest of their lives. Buy fish from a reputable seller and breeder. Keep these in an excellent habitat at all times. Keep the fish in an environment suitable for it, provide good quality water and the perfect parameters for the species, and an optimal diet, so your fish will live to the full, always in its splendor. Reduce stress by keeping them with suitable tankmates. We also will cover other issues to keep them healthy in a safe environment and a happy place.

What to put in their tank

The ideal substrate for the red-tailed shark is moderate-sized gravel or pebbles. Many owners say they found their Red tail Shark hiding at plants instead of caves. Some driftwood is a good inclusion that gives variety and places where the fish can hide. Make some open space to swimming in the tank. It can be easy to go overboard as you decorate the tank. This species prefers to inhabit the bottom of the aquarium, which is why choosing the correct substrate is so essential. The fish comes from a large basin in central Thailand whose surface is filled with vegetation, driftwood, and stones. Knowing their natural habitat means you’ll use these items for your fish to get more comfortable at home.

Red Tail Shark Diet and Feeding

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Sharks are omnivorous, prone to herbivory, and in the wild, the food it consumes will consist of insects, larvae, crustaceans, algae, and small insects. They are also scavengers and will eat much of anything put in their aquarium, including fish pellets, fish flakes, and live and frozen vegetables. The core of their diet should consist of an excellent value pellet or flake. It would be possible to add variety to it by using it with animal and plant origin ingredients. If you feed, them vegetables wash them first. Usually, there’s a considerable number of vegetables they accept well, like broccoli, zucchini, and carrots.

Food and Diet Recommendations

The Red Tail Shark are omnivores who are not picky about things they eat. It eats plants, insects including crustaceans, in its natural habitat. Brine shrimp, bloodworms, or tubifex can be a few of their favorite foods. Some aquarists also suggest including vegetables such as zucchini or cucumber in their diet. After feeding, remove any leftover food from the tank; leftover foods are likely to reduce water quality and rapidly increase the potential for illness.

Compatibility and Tankmates

RedTail has a reputation for sometimes dangerous and aggressive fish. The shark is a territorial fish that will get hostile to other fish if it invades its territory or during feeding activities. Although Red Tail isn’t exactly a suitable candidate for a community tank, you can still have it with other fish. Ideal tankmates must also be solid and fast and spend much of their time in water’s middle and upper levels. Other sharks such as rainbow or blue-tailed are to be avoided. In addition, it is advised not to go for other bottom dwellers like some Cichlids and Plecos.

Red Tail Shark Tank Mates

Since they often get aggressive, you must find the right tankmate for it. Fish who are curious and bold are unfit for them. The possibility of keeping more than one Red Tail Shrimp in one aquarium comes at a cost; Due to their territorial nature, there is a very high probability that these fish will fight if they don’t have a substantial area to explore and hide. For this reason, it is good to have a few hideouts.

Keep Red Tail Sharks with other Red Tail Sharks

For each Red Tail, you add one meter or 20 gallons into the tank is required. You must also keep at least five sharks at the same time. Keeping it in a group prevents the “alpha” from brutally killing each fish. For the most avid fish fan, a huge tank is utopic, hence why we recommend keeping only one individual. This does not mean that we need to keep it in tiny spaces. If you insist on house more than one shark in your aquarium, then do it with caution. Make sure the aquarium is large; Redtail Sharks are exceptionally territorial.


There are few reports of successfully breeding Red Tail Sharks in-home aquariums. Artificial breeding techniques are harmful to your fish and can be detrimental. It is best not to try breeding them. We never encourage aquarists to try unless there is a clear path to success, so there’ll be no space-occupying this section. In contrast, the entire world population is obtained from farms. Aquaculture uses manuals and techniques for inducing reproduction, and it also does so naturally, ensuring the species’ prosperity, even if it is practically extinct.

Red Tail Shark Breeding

It’s hardly an example of someone who has produced Red Taileds in an aquarium. It can most likely be a result of luck. They’re extinct in the wild, and the commercial breeding system is left to keep them out of extinction. In many commercial environments, hormones are used to induce mating. As fry develop, they can switch color from silver to brown before dark. At about ten weeks old, their red tail begins to grow. After a male fertilizes the egg, it takes 40-60 hours to hatch the fry. It usually spawns in rock caves.

Disease Potential

Red Tail Black Sharks don’t have a species-specific disease, but they can develop other common freshwater diseases. The likelihood of such an event goes down significantly if you provide them with great care and perfect water conditions. We recommend that you focus your efforts on avoiding problems keeping a maintenance schedule instead of treating it. If your fish is unlucky enough to get sick, you need to find out what disease is affecting them and quickly come up with a solution. Till then, feed your Red Tail Shark a good source of quality food and provide your fish with suitable habitat and water conditions. You also could spend minutes inspecting the water and the fish behavior every day.

Where can I find a Red Tail Black Shark?

Your local fish store may have enough of these fish to supply for everyone. Take your time to choose the right fish from the tank store. Bright eyes and colors, correct and constant movements, and no visible parasites are signs to look for. If the fish is feeling stressed, strange, or looking, you must give up the purchase and go to other stores; all of the tanks should be visibly clean, and the fishes healthy, look for fallen or lying fish, as well as dead fish in hard-to-reach places. A tiny alga on the walls doesn’t mean anything, but dirt on the substrate is a red light. If you come across this type of treatment or carelessness in a fish shop, talk to the responsible and file your complaint. They will be happy to hear candid feedback from their customers and turn the situation around. You should inspect all tanks to ensure cleanliness and safety to purchase. You can also order it on the internet, on specialized online shops.


Red Tail Sharks are beautiful freshwater fish and will continue to be popular in the aquarium for quite some time. Their simple design and attractive appeal make them a good choice for broad-ranging experience levels. The only semi-tricky part of owning one is dealing with their aggressiveness (and this should be only important if you plan on keeping them in a community tank). We hope this guide helps you to understand the care of Redtail Shark.

The Complete Ember Tetra Care Guide

Ember Tetra

The Ember Tetra, often called the Fire Tetra, captivates with its bright orange scales, bringing life to the aquarium. Known for their playful nature and sociable behavior, they make excellent tank mates for a variety of tropical fish.

Join us in our comprehensive guide covering all aspects of caring for these delightful and peaceful aquarium fish.

About Ember Tetras

The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobryconamandae) is a tiny Orange tetra of South America. They are in the Characid family, one of the most diverse fish families in the world.

These fish can be found around the Araguaia River basin in Brazil. They are unusually hardy for their size, and they are not especially susceptible to popular fish diseases.

It would be best if you kept Ember in shoals of at least eight individuals. If you love community nano tanks, then you’ll love these tetras.


Hyphessobryconsamandae is popularly known as the Ember Tetra. This species was recently found in 1987 and given Amanda Bleher, who was the mother of Heiko Bleher, the one who found the fish.

Ember Tetra

What does Ember Tetras look like?

Ember Tetras have a red or orange tone similar in appearance to fire’s dying embers. They have elongated bodies, one anal fin which is merged, two small dorsal fins in one.

The body almost always has a bright orange color, with the lower body slightly lighter than the top. The females usually have larger air bladders than the males, but their bodies tend to be smooth during breeding time.

If we want our Tetras to turn a deep red color, we would have to take special care of their diet, give them live feed, and take extra care of water pH levels and soil conditions.


The Ember Tetra is almost entirely Orangeish-red, and its color brightness is present wherever on its body. Their distal fins are thick and tall, with a gradient that fades from their primary color to an even shader backward and back.

Their caudal fins with forks have more drastic color transitions than their dorsal fins. The tetras’ bodies have a classic shape seen in most tetras.

The nutritional levels of the diet will impact how vivid their color is. A dull Ember Tetra usually suggests it’s not taken care of properly at some point. The fish are adorable and bright color creatures.


An average Ember Tetra size is around 1 inch long. It is somewhat smaller than some other tetras, as neons. Some people think these creatures are identical, just differently colored just as much.

The size of these fish is usually not impacted by the high quality of their care. There are cases when a fish grows longer than an inch, but it’s very uncommon.


Ember Tetra is named for its warm orange body that glows almost like a glow in an aquarium. Males usually show darker to brighter coloration, especially during spawning season. The Ember Tetra can not be confused with the glowlight tetra (Hemigrammuserythrozonus).

Ember Tetra: a species profile

The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Amanda) originated from Brazil’s Araguaia basin and was discovered in 1987. Growing to a maximum of 0.8 inches (2 cm), This fish is a popular choice of home aquariums because of its small size, attractive colors, and easy maintenance. Today’s article talks about embers tetra and describes why they are a popular aquarium choice. And we also talk about easy-to-care fish status and why we consider them the popular alternative to make our aquarium.

Summary of species

Fire Tetras (Hyphessobryconamandae) can be found most strongly in south eastern Brazil in the Araguaia River basin. They prefer the waters of rivers that have small currents and an immense concentration of vegetation. In the wild, this fish eats plant compounds and tiny invertebrates. They are surprisingly calm and can be compatible with a wide variety of tankmates. The primary color of the Ember Tetra is the vivid orange hue. This makes them stand out in most freshwater nano aquariums and means that this fish is likely a popular choice for years to come. This fish might most likely be popular in the Freshwater nano aquariums.

Is the Ember Tetra suitable for your aquarium?

The Ember Tetra’s a stunning fish that fills any aquarium. His temperament makes this a superb choice for anyone who has a community tank. These beautiful fish seem so friendly to have and look great in groups. This article will help you discover everything you can about this fun tiny fish. It’s also an excellent way to get creative with the tank set up with the tropical fish in your tank.

Are Ember Tetras Suitable for Aquarium?

Ember Tetra is one of the most typical tropical fishes in tropical freshwater aquariums. Bright colors and unusual appearance have been popular for the community tanks. The only thing to bear in mind is their size and responsiveness to water parameters. Its peaceful nature allows the fish to fit easily into almost any aquarium. It’s also a perfect opportunity for testing a Nano setup in a 10-gallon tank.


Floating plant species and driftwood branches, and dried leaf litter are valuable additions to the tank. Microorganisms find in those decorations may contribute useful secondary food sources to fry. Filtration has to be correctly sized and with moderate water flow. The tannins and other chemicals released by the dead leaves may be beneficial.

Natural habitat

The Ember Tetra is common in slow-moving rivers in the western parts of Brazil. In the aquarium, to mimic their natural habitat, it is commonly recommended to keep them to a slightly acidic water level with a pH of around 5.8 to 7. They live in hot regions. The ideal temperatures would be between 75 and 82 F or between 24-28 degrees Celsius.


Das Mortes river is a large tributary of the Araguaia, the primary outlet of the Rio Tocantins within the lower Amazon. The full range of H. amandae in the system remains elusive.

Wild habitat and tank conditions

These fish come from the waters of the South American rivers. Underwater vegetation can be found in abundance in the river and provide the fish with protection.

Most of the time, Ember Tetras remain in the low flow zones of the river basin. They usually come out just after sunrise and just after sunset and stay in the central areas of the water columns. These rivers have a muddy substrate with many dead leaves and driftwood.

How do I care for Ember Tetras?

Ember Tetra is a small freshwater fish which are prone to no specific illnesses. Overfeeding sometimes can be a problem. It could cause numerous diseases in their digestive system.

Keeping up with water changes and checking the parameters is fundamental for health, as is consistently conserving the water tank quality.

Ember Tetra Care

Ember Tetra

Ember Tetra fish are perfect for keeping and recommended to aquarists of any professional level. As long as you take care of the basics with their habitats and the water quality, there’s nothing you have to worry about.

This is why we recommend them for anyone seeking some vibrant color for their tank. These tiny fish are quick and easy to keep.

Ember Tetra Care Guide

Ember Tetras are one of the easiest fish for beginners to keep. The species is quite strong and healthy for its size. Make a good maintenance schedule and keep your water supply constant.

The fish is not particularly prone to disease only picks up parasites that cause discomfort in the fish tank after its treatment. If the fish looks very dull or consists of mixed vivid and soft colors, this indicator may mean it is unhappy with its tank conditions.

Unfortunately, they don’t live long. You can expect them to stay alive for two or four years (even under the most effective care).

How long do Ember Tetras live?

Average tetra survives between one and four years. You can prolong their life span by up to a year if you properly care for your fish.

Tetras living in large tanks tend to live longer than those living in scarce tanks. If you can keep your tetras happy, they may live up to six years if even more attention is paid to their habitats. Assure that you put lots of live plants inside the tank, maintain your water well clean and feed them the proper amounts of live food.

What do Ember Tetras eat?

Ember Tetras are micro predators and need a regular food supply of animal-origin food. They have tiny mouths and are not interested in seeking food that splatters in their bottoms.

Feeding the tetras may take the most challenging part of keeping them, and you need to make the most effective care they can handle.

Try to keep their diet as diverse as possible, so your Tetras will be happy and healthy. Possibly you’ll want to look for feeding worms, baby brine shrimps, Baby daphnia, grindal worms, or whatever.

In addition to offering a quality commercial feed. Make sure you provide a little bit of everything for your fish; variety is the way to go.

Ember tetra diet

Ember Tetras will accept fish flakes easily; however, other well-balanced and nutritious foods should serve as a foundation for their diet.

Frozen, fresh, dried, and live foods should be supplied often to maintain your tetra shining brightly. It is essential to remember that these fish are tiny and are probably more challenging to eat.

If necessary, it’s recommendable to break up tiny pieces, so it gets easier for them to eat. Ember Tetra is a hardy fish and eats practically anything they get.

How big do Ember Tetras get?

Amber tetras are relatively tiny at a maximum length of 1 inch. Due to their small size, you can place a considerable number of these in minor fish tanks.

Ember tetra tank requirements

The recommended tank size for a school of Ember Tetras is 10 gallons (38 L). It aims to replicate their natural habitat. An Indian almond leaf is used to darken the water because tannins are released from the leaves. These fish perform best in lower water flow.

They can’t quickly go around when idle in the water column. It is also worth considering how tiny these fish is and that the water pump can soon suck them up if they have no protective barrier.

Tank Setup

The fish originates from small rivers where the flow slows. It can be very beneficial to make use of a powerhead or for filtration. Because they prefer slightly acid waters, the fish usually has a pH range between 5.8-6.8. Some driftwood or leaves will help decrease the pH. It should be at least 10-gallon tanks capable of storing 5-8 fish.


In addition to providing shelter and a microenvironment that generates food, living plants help in gas exchange and nutrient cycling in the aquarium. Due to the skittish nature of these tetras, they often weave through hiding areas during the day for safety.

Ember Tetra Tank Mates

Because of this gentle nature, several viable tankmates are available for the Ember Tetra that are worth keeping. Cory catfish, rasboras, Neon Tetra, and pygmy catfish are all commonly paired.

Essential, all kinds of nonaggressive fish will fit it! If you follow the recommended guidelines of temperament and size, there’s an unlimited supply of choices available. We even have critters like snails and shrimps for tanks with Ember Tetra.

We don’t recommend tankmates large enough to eat the Ember Tetra because the tankmate might accidentally confuse them with a snack.

Tank Mates for Ember Tetras

Ember Tetra

Ember Tetras can survive peacefully with almost any other sort of tetra. Neon Tetras also make good tankmates, as do Pygmy Rasbora. Small Corydoras Catfish are also an excellent addition to our Ember communities.

Cichlids Oscars or even more peaceful Freshwater Angel Fish would make tetra tanks a nightmare. Long-tailed fish (like the Gouramis) can also be avoided. Barbs such as Tiger barb may be too much for this fish to manage.

Ember Tetra behavior

The Ember Tetra is a school fish that thrives when kept in when held in many individuals. They move in clusters and wade in the middle and upper parts of the aquarium.


These Ember Tetras are skittish because of their small size and fragile demeanor. It is usual for them to desire safety from predators. These tetras should be kept in a shoal of at least 5-8 fish. They’re also easily stressed and should be maintained with fish of the same size and distribution.

They look magnificent in a community tank as they appear dazzling as groups with another fish in the aquarium. This species thrives in planted tanks and thrives in any tank given their hiding zones adequate to withstand water. Several times these tetras are observed to weave through plants and decorative items during the day.

Breeding Ember Tetra

Ember Tetras are free spawning fish which means parents don’t care for the fry. Under well-monitored conditions, spawning is frequently performed and does not require additional assistance.

To stimulate spawning, try changing pH near neutral and making water temperature around 80-82°F. If the parents are eating the fries, they should be placed in separate tanks.

It is recommended to optimize the acclimatization procedure for all fish, including the parents. Illumination ought to be dimmed.

Breeding & Reproduction

Ember Tetras are one of the easiest species for breeding. You can just put both males and females together in a tank to help to spawn.

When a Tetra spawns, you will see behavior changes. The male will chase the pregnant female around the tank and become aggressive. You may need to install small breeding tanks with low light and filters.

Ideally, it’s imperative to keep the water filtered for the proper breeding and birth of eggs healthily. Once tetras begin to lay eggs, it leaves them, leaving them to fend for themselves. Once they reach a medium size, you can bring them into a regular fish tank.


Amandais eggs spread-free spawn animal showing no parental care. Young adults can spawn often; in mature aquariums, small numbers of small fry can appear without intervention.

If you desire to maximize yield, this means that you’d need a much more controlled approach. Adult groups can still be conditioned together, but a smaller aquarium should also be set up and have a mature filter system.

The water itself should have a slightly acidic to neutral pH with a temperature towards the upper end of the range suggested above. The sponge-filter or air-stone s could also add oxygen and fluid filtration.

Sexual dimorphism

Adult males are more intensely colored, especially at the breeding stage, while females are noticeably more round-shaped.

Caring for Ember Tetra Fry

You must watch the breeding parent several weeks before she spawns, or it could end up eating the fry. Please take care to feed pregnant mothers live feed at least two weeks to trigger the spawn.

Ember Tetra Facts & Overview

This Ember Tetra is a small freshwater tropical fish of the Characidae family. These fish are very popular with fish keepers because of their beautiful appearance and not demanding fish.

Their bright, fiery appearance makes them relatively easy for us to keep in our tanks. They are active but peaceful fish; great choices for anybody with any level of experience in fishkeeping.

Feeding and general husbandry

Tetra embers are voracious eaters in the wild. Almost all their food in their natural habitat consists of worms, invertebrates, and phytoplankton.

They can happily feed on almost everything from an aquarium. It’s recommended that you vary their diet with some form of wet food like live or frozen daphnia or tubifex worms.

This is important because too many processed foods such as flakes and pellets cause digestive issues. Because of its small size, this species is a susceptible fish. It is best only to introduce them when the tank is completely cycled.

Final Thoughts – Ember Tetra

Combining their beauty and ease of maintenance make them ideal for aquarium keepers of any experience level. The lightning colors and splashing in the waters are worth it.

Whether you are just starting to fish or want a nice and low-maintenance fish, the Ember Tetra can be an excellent choice. We’ve already recommended them to friends for years, but now we’ll let you know how good they are!