12 Aggressive Freshwater Fish for Your Tank: With Pictures!

12 Aggressive Freshwater Fish for Your Tank: With Pictures!

In this guide, we will delve into the world of aggressive freshwater fish, exploring their special traits, tank set up, habitat, tankmates and appropriate care requirements.

We’ll also help you with being able to decrease aggressive behaviours in community tanks.

Factors That Affect Aquarium Fish Aggression

Aggressive behaviors can vary quite considerably between fish. With some fish the behavior is inherit, whilst with others aggressiveness may come about when provoked, or when the tank habitat is not appropriate for them.

Before purchasing aggressive fish, it is necessary to understand the requirements of each species that you plan to introduce to your tank.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggression During Breeding

Aggression in some fish is only evident during breeding times. A primal instinct kicks-in. It becomes a priority at all costs for the fish to establish a territory, fight off rivals, gain a mate and to protect young.

In many cases, juveniles are placid and get along peacefully in a community tank and with others of the same species. They only develop the aggressive behaviors on sexual maturity.

With consideration of feeding requirements, places to hide within a tank, compatible tank-mates and an appropriately sized tank, can all reduce aggressive behavior of adult fish wanting to breed.

Provocation Causing Aggression

Larger territorial fish, such as Arowana fish, require extra large tanks if they are to coinhabit with other fish species.

These large fish need room to swim and feel relaxed. When they are forced to be in a confined space they will be more aggressive towards fish that come close to it.

This runs true with many of the smaller aggressive freshwater fish too. Never overcrowd their tanks and provide plenty of places for them to establish their territories and for them to hide if necessary. If they feel stressed they may chase and nip other fish.

Tankmates that are domineering will also cause fish with aggressive tendencies to feel threatened. This provocation can become a problem with anxious fish lashing out in self-preservation. Understanding which tankmates coexist best with your aggressive species will reduce aggression.

Some species like to be in a school as this gives them a sense of security having friends around them. Species such as Tiger Barbs are less aggressive towards one another and towards other fish in the tank if kept in groups of five or more.

In addition, when only two or three are kept together, the dominant fish may be inclined to bully the lesser fish.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish Are Usually Carnivorous

Carnivorous species of freshwater fish will eat pretty much any fish, invertebrate or mollusc that can fit in its mouth. By nature, many are ambush fish, keeping hidden, then darting out to eat prey. Piranhas will do this in groups, making them an even bigger threat in a tank with other smaller fish.

Slow moving fish, and fish with long fins, are an easy target. It is better to keep fish in the tank who can keep out of the way of carnivorous fish. Ensure plenty of hiding spots as well as room for these fish to keep their distances.

Feeding Time Leads to Aggressive Freshwater Fish

When food is presented to fish, often their true colors show. Larger aggressive fish dominate and will scoff the food before other fish get their share.

In many cases, these bossy fish are generally peaceful in the tank. It is simply the excitement at feeding time that provokes aggressiveness. Large adult plecos are an example of a fish that can become bossy at feeding time.

To reduce the aggressive behavior of fish during feeding time it better to spread the food around the tank, allowing some to float and some to sink. This way the fish spread out and all have an opportunity to eat.

12 Popular Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Tiger Barbs

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

When kept alone, Tiger Barbs can terrorize and potentially kill smaller fish. They tend to nip at fins and bully more passive species, such as guppies, goldfish, and betta fish. This behavior becomes more intense when Tiger Barbs are kept in smaller groups.

Tiger Barbs thrive in water temperatures between 77-86°F. They will show less aggressive behavior when kept at optimal water temperature.

These fish do better when kept in groups of five or more. Individuals kept on their own are vulnerable and may feel threatened, which can lead to them being aggressive towards tank-mates. Also, in a group the pecking order has been established and the bullies amongst them can’t target single fish as they may if there were only a couple of barbs in the tank.

To reduce aggressive behavior in Tiger Barbs try the following:

  • Provide able swimming space with plenty of places for fish to move and to also hide.
  • Don’t place in a community tank with long finned passive fish.
  • Keep a group of 5 or more barbs.
  • Monitor their behavior and remove the aggressive individuals.
  • Keep optimal water conditions.

Gourami fishes

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Male gourami fish, can become confrontational and exhibit fin-nipping behavior when threatened or defending their territory. They are often aggressive towards smaller fish.

Originating from Southeast Asia, gouramis are adaptable to slow-moving streams and can survive in stagnant water. They prefer a water temperature of 77°F and pH 6.7.

A tank with plenty of aquarium plants will help reduce stress on the fish. Anxious gouramis can become aggressive.

Among Gourami species, Dwarf Gourami, Honey Gourami, Sparkling Gourami, and Chocolate Gouramis are generally more peaceful.

Here are some tips to reduce aggressive behavior in Gouramis:

  • Keep males as individuals. Females can be kept in groups.
  • Consider using a tank divider to keep gouramis away from other fish.
  • Add ornaments or plants to provide additional hiding places.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by giving gouramis space, ensure water conditions are optimal, and don’t house them with other aggressive species that may threaten them.
  • Keep the smaller species of gouramis in a community aquarium.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

There are numerous species of cichlids from different regions of the world. Many are known for their hostility, territorial behavior, and predatory nature towards other fish and invertebrates.

There are peaceful species of cichlids that do well in community tanks, however, some of these peaceful fish become fearlessly aggressive when they want to breed.

African cichlids in particular are known for their aggression, driven by their instinct to defend there territory during breeding.

Many cichlids are predators and will hunt down smaller fish. Others can be aggressive at feeding time as they compete for their meal.

Common aggressive cichlids kept by fish enthusiasts include:

Jewel Cichlid: with its stunning breeding colors of red with flecked green-blue flanks and gill covers.

Convict Cichlid: a territorial fish that feeds on worms, insects, and algae with black stripes.

Wolf Cichlid: built with a heavy body and strong jaw for hunting prey. This fish looks menacing and should only be kept with other large cichlids.

Umbee Cichlid: A huge fish, growing to 2 feet long. Not suitable to be kept with other species as it is a real hostile fish.

Poor Man’s Tropheus: an aggressive vegetarian that eats algae from rocks and will take on fish larger than itself.Seachem Cichlid Trace Elements 500ml

Green Texus Cichlid: a hybrid cichlid that will eat any fish that can fit it its mouth.

Bumblebee Cichlid: brightly colored yellow and black aggressive species, particularly the males.

Red Devil Cichlid: a destructive fish with plenty of personality that will attack its own kind.

Acai Cichlid: a smaller species with abundant energy to defend territory and provoke other fish.

Jaguar Cichlid: A large fish that gets its name from its cat like demeanour and coloration.

Jack Demsey: named after a 1920’s boxer for its ferociousness and looks.

We delve deeper with these aggressive cichlids in another article.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Pufferfish are known for their powerful bites and volatile temperaments, making them a threat to peaceful community fish in close proximity.

They have a tendency to nip fins and can display outright aggression or predatory behavior. Due to their tendency to eat other fish and invertebrates, it is not recommended to house pufferfish with them.

Pufferfish can be found in warm and temperate regions worldwide. They have thick, often spiky skin and fused teeth, featuring a beak-like structure with a central split in each jaw.

While some pufferfish can grow up to 93 cm (2 feet) in length, many species are relatively small. It’s important to note that numerous pufferfish species are toxic, containing a highly poisonous substance called tetraodontoxin, which is concentrated in their organs.

Despite the risks associated with consuming pufferfish, they are still utilized as food in certain cultures.

Among freshwater aquariums, the Amazon Pufferfish is considered one of the more docile pufferfish species.

Pea Puffer

Aggressive Puffer Fish

The Pea Puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), also named the Dwarf Mini Puffer Fish, is one of the tiniest fish on Earth. They may appear cute, but their aggression, particularly among males, should not be underestimated.

Despite their miniature size, they will attempt to bite other fish in a community tank. It is recommended that they are best kept alone in a small aquarium. You can keep up to six pea puffers in a 20 gallon tank with plenty of shelter without other tankmates.

If putting them with tankmates, select species that can evade the nipping. Kuhli loaches, danios, neon tetras and cherry shrimp all make suitable tankmates. Ensure there is plenty of places for fish to move as well as hiding places for fish to retreat to.

Hobbyists enjoy this oddball species of fish as it has an unusual swimming manner, like a hovering helicopter. They are courageous and intelligent.

African leaf fish

Predatory African Leaf Fish

The African Leaf Fish, also known as the Leopard Bush Fish, is not aggressive but highly predatory, consuming anything that can fit into its mouth. Despite its small size (3-4 inches), it can quickly eliminate all of the smaller fish in the tank.

This species originate from central Africa inhabiting pools, swamps, creeks and slow-moving rivers. They like to sit in amongst vegetation along the river banks.

The African Leaf Fish is a peaceful tank member which will get along very well with other fish species, so long as these fish are not small enough to eat. They shouldn’t he housed with other aggressive freshwater fish as they will easily be bullied.

Ideal tankmates are peaceful fish that are large enough not to be eaten, such as bala sharks, red-tail barbs, and silver dollars.

Smaller fish such as neon tetras will likely become prey if kept with this species.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Arowanas are fiercely aggressive and do not tolerate other arowanas. The Australian arowana is considered to be the most aggressive, often killing all other fish in its tank. Silver and black arowanas are comparatively less aggressive.

In the wild, arowanas prey on fish, frogs, insects, and even larger animals like snakes and rabbits.

They have sleek bodies, reflective scales, and come in various colors and fin types. They move gracefully on the water’s surface.

Some color variations, such as the Silver arowana are valuable, with a price tag up to $25,000! Arowanas are a good luck in certain Asian cultures. They are believed to take on the illnesses of their owners.

Due to their value and aggression, most fish keepers house arowanas alone in large tanks and avoid community tanks. Due to their skittish nature Arowanas require at least 60 gallons to freely move about and a suitable lid as they will jump.

Black Wolffish

Black Wolf Fish

The Black Wolffish is a highly aggressive predator native to South America. It is a true predator and is a real threat to smaller fish. The aggression of this fish becomes even more so as it matures.

Usually, this fish keeps to itself. However, during times of breeding it will bond with a mate. The Wolf fish can grow to 28 inches, therefor requiring a large tank with relatively low water flow.

Suitable tankmates for this species include bichirs, silver dollars, catfish, peacock bass cichlids, and other large, fast-moving fish. Ensure there is plenty of room in the tank and plenty of hiding places.

When looking at the Wolffish you notice it’s large teeth and giant mouths. It is a true ambush predator, swiftly darting out from cover to consume its prey.

Betta Fish/Siamese Fighting Fish

Managing Aggression in Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, display aggression through flaring their gills and fins, charging, and biting.

Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, display aggression through flaring their gills and fins, charging, and biting.

Wild bettas are carnivorous and largely feed on insects and their larvae. Male bettas are known for their fighting behavior. They will fight with other males, damaging their fins when bitten.

Females are less aggressive and can be kept in groups so long as there is shelter for them to escape to if need be.

Bettas are highly popular due to their beauty, intelligent character, and ability to thrive in small spaces.

These small territorial fish will defend their territory from other bettas. Long-finned bettas are generally slow and not a great threat to fast-moving fish, but they may nip the tails of other long-finned fish like guppies and goldfish.

Providing plenty of space in the aquarium will prevent bettas from feeling threatened and this will reduce their aggression. Betta fish can coexist with other fish species in tanks.

It is important to avoid housing betta fish with semi-aggressive fish like Tiger Barbs, as these species are known to nip the long fins of bettas.


Can Plecos be aggressive

Plecostomus, or plecos, are normally non-aggressive and prefer to hide in a community aquarium. Plecos may display semi-aggressive behavior if their needs are not adequately met.

This can be during times of competition for food, breeding, and battles over territory.

Juvenile fish are not a problem in a community tank. However, plecos grow quickly. One challenge with plecos is their potential growth to a large size, ranging from 12 to 24 inches, which can exceed the capacity of the aquarium.

Meeting their nutritional needs will help prevent plecos from potentially annoying other fish. When a large pleco aggressively feeds, it can intimidate other fish in the tank.

To ensure there is no competition over food, feed plecos plenty of algae wafers. Spread these around the tank.

Plecos will find places to hide out in the tank. Provide plenty of driftwood, hollows and caves large enough for them to fit inside.


Are oscars aggressive

Oscars (Astronotus ocellatus) are very attractive aquarium fish with many new color ranges. They interact with their owners and will even take food from the hand.

However, they do have a reputation for being fierce, dominant, and hostile fish. Oscars are aggressive towards other fish and tank decor.

This species grows up to one foot in size and requires a minimum of 55 gallons of water for one individual fish.

Oscars are destructive in the tank, showing aggression towards décor and equipment such as heaters and filters in the tank. It is best to use aquarium sumps where the aquarium equipment can be kept away from Oscars.

They do engage in “jaw” or “lip” locking when battling each other. Oscars will also nip at other fish and even human hands.

Oscars do best in an aquarium with other oscars as opposed to other fish species. If keeping them with other fish species, ensure they have similar tank requirements and have a temperament and size to match the oscars. For example, they should not be housed with African Cichlids due to their different needs.

Oscars love to eat and will produce quite a bit of tank wastes. Water changes and a large aquarium filter are necessary to keep these fish healthy.

Keep oscars in at least a pair or more if you have the room. Having three oscar fish isn’t ideal as one may be picked on if the other two pair off.

Rainbow shark

The Rainbow Shark Aggressive behavior

The Rainbow shark is a hardy active and easy to keep aquarium fish that is very poular amongst enthusiasts. Despite its name, this fish from tropical Thailand is not a real shark.

Rainbow sharks are not considered to be as aggressive as some of the species described above. Their semi-aggressive nature is generally only with adult fish towards other fish that inhabit the bottom of the tank.

It is best to select tankmates that can defend themselves but have a peaceful nature, such as Barbs and Danios. Rainbow sharks may display increased aggression towards other fish with a similar body type, like Rainbowfish.

Rainbow sharks are solitary. In a community aquarium it is better to keep only one shark. Provide ample space for the shark to minimize conflicts in the aquarium with other fish.

Rainbow sharks are easy to keep and with the right conditions will grow to 6 inches and live for 4-6 years. There is also an albino version of the Rainbow Shark sold in aquarium stores.


Aggressive Freshwater Fish

There are over 60 species of Piranhas in the wild. They are carnivorous fish found in South American rivers and lakes, having a reputation for having razor-toothed jaws.

Piranhas are popular with aquarium hobbyists who keep them for their curiosity and aggressive nature. These fish grow to 12 inches and are best kept in groups.

Piranhas are attracted to the scent of blood. They are primarily scavengers, but can also hunt in groups, ambushing and chasing down their prey.

Juvenile piranhas tend to gather in groups for protection against predators. As they mature, they can become cannibalistic, attacking their own kind.

Keep piranhas with fish of similar size and temperament to avoid aggression. Piranhas can be skittish if startled and may hide in the tank.

Within a school of piranhas, a clear hierarchy forms, with the largest and most aggressive adult fish being dominant.

Ideally, house them in a 200 gallon tank where they have plenty of room to move. Small aquariums result in small unhappy fish.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggressive Freshwater Fish During Breeding

Often it is only during times of breeding that fish with an aggressive nature show their aggressiveness. Certain species become highly aggressive and protective, isolating themselves to defend their partner, nest, and fry. This behavior is very common in cichlids and snakehead species.

By understanding their behaviors and meeting their specific care requirements, aggression can be managed effectively, allowing for a captivating and harmonious aquatic environment.

After successful pairing, breeding fish generally reduce their territory and gather around their eggs or fry to protect them from other predatory fish in the aquarium.

Several of the African cichlids will brood their eggs and fry in their mouths, adding to the alure of these fish.

Feeding Aggressive Freshwater Fish

Aggressive freshwater fish are known for their fast swimming and voracious appetite. They may eat other fish, even stealing food from the mouths and gills of their tank mates.

To minimize competition during feeding, offer a diverse range of floating or sinking food and distribute it throughout the tank using filter outflow or powerheads.

Head Butting or Biting Behavior

Fish aggressively attacks another by head-butting or biting its head. This aggressive encounter can cause timid fish to hide for extended periods. With some species, like oscars battling fish will lock jaws with one-another.

Final Thoughts – Aggressive Freshwater Fish

The world of freshwater aquarium fish offers a diverse range of aggressive species that captivate with their colors and unique behaviors. From the dominant Red Devil Cichlid to the predatory instincts of the Piranha, these fish bring interest and beauty to the aquarium.

By carefully considering tank setup, fish habitat and nature, aquarists can create thriving environments that showcase the captivating nature of these aggressive freshwater fish.

It is a privilege to be able to witness the remarkable diversity of nature within the confines of your own home aquarium.

To discover more about aggressive freshwater fish check out our article on the 12 Top Aggressive Cichlids.


Best 15 Exotic Cool Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Exotic and Cool Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Looking for exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish? We have selected and summarized the most interesting fish kept by hobbyists in their aquariums.

When considering the rivers of Africa, South America, and Asia, the term “exotic” may not immediately come to mind. Typically, exotic fish are associated with deep-sea creatures boasting unique patterns and adaptations.

However, it might surprise you to discover that the slow-moving waters of the Amazon and other shallow tributaries harbor some of the most extraordinary freshwater fish. These captivating species can be showcased in your very own aquarium, such as Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp, Eels, Sharks, Crabs.

One common misconception about aquariums is that vibrant and beautiful fish can only be found in saltwater tanks. This couldn’t be further from the truth! There is a wide array of fresh and exotic freshwater aquarium fish that can elevate your tank to new heights.

Furthermore, maintaining freshwater tanks is generally easier and more cost-effective compared to saltwater tanks. Additionally, freshwater fish offer a balance between being challenging and easy to care for.

If you’re seeking vibrant fish to enhance your freshwater aquarium, consider the following tips.


The 15 Best Exotic Cool Freshwater Aquarium Fish

1. Bettas

Bettas are exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish

Bettas are a pretty popular fish primarily because they’re so exotic looking. There are at least 14 different varieties of bettas, each with a different tail shape.

They are all available in a range of bright, beautiful colors and patterns and are a lot of fun to watch.

One important thing to note about bettas is they don’t really get along with other fish.

You should never keep more than one male betta in a tank and be very careful about choosing other tankmates. Bettas are generally pretty easy to care for and are a pretty hardy fish.

2. Arowana

Arowanas are powerful, semi-aggressive fish native to the Amazon river in South America.

These silver predators can reach lengths of up to 4 feet and have unique “drawbridge” mouths and small rear flippers. They are known for their jumping behavior and hunting in low tree branches.

Arowanas require experienced hobbyists due to their size and behavior. They prefer low-light environments resembling the Amazon River and need ample space. Arowanas are not suitable for beginners as they may jump and panic in changing conditions.

They are predatory and may not coexist well with smaller fish. Tankmates like angelfish, catfish, Plecostomus, Oscar, and cichlids could be considered, but compatibility is not guaranteed.

Despite the challenges, arowanas are highly rewarding and sought-after additions to exotic freshwater collections.

3. Neon Tetra

Neon tetras may be small, but they make up for bright, eye-catching splashes of color.

They have a light blue stripe that runs across the sides from tip to tail. Under the stripe is a white, silvery belly and a red stripe on the tail.

These fish are a great addition to any community tank. They are generally robust and tolerate water changes fairly well.

If you decide to add something to your tank, keep in mind that this is a school fish that prefers to live in groups of five or more people.

4. Discus

Discus an exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish

The Discus fish, native to the Amazon Delta, prefers calmer waters near the riverbank, often among fallen branches and trees.

Through captive breeding, they now come in various colors and patterns. With a flattened disc-shaped body, large dorsal fins, and red or yellow eyes, they are truly beautiful. However, their care requires more attention compared to hardier fish, making them suitable for experienced enthusiasts.

While Discus fish can coexist with other species, it is best to keep them in a tank with their own kind. Challenges arise if they cannot feed from the tank bottom due to bottom-dwelling inhabitants or if they are intimidated by aggressive or fin-nipping fish.

Advanced hobbyists may choose to house Discus in a community tank, but beginners should only keep Discus with other Discus in a tank larger than 75 gallons.

5. Killifish

Killifish are some of the prettiest freshwater fish out there but are a little hard to keep.

They’re recommended for people with a little bit of experience with aquariums because they’re quite sensitive to water quality.

Male killifish can be aggressive with one another so limiting the number of males you have is a good idea.

You should also provide plenty of hiding spaces in a tank with killifish. These fish are amazing jumpers so keep a lid on your tank at all times.

6. Zebra Plecostomus (Zebra pleco)

The zebra plecostomus, like other exotic freshwater fish, originates from Amazon tributaries. This catfish variety features striking black and white zebra-like stripes.

Due to its specific requirements for tank temperature and pH, the zebra pleco is recommended for experienced hobbyists.

Zebra plecostomus are bottom-dwelling inhabitants, naturally seeking shelter in small caves and among rocks in riverbeds. To ensure their comfort and well-being, the tank should be equipped with hiding spots and structures.

These fish are more active during the night and are best kept with other zebra plecos in the same tank. While they are peaceful, they may not be ideal companions for other fish species in the aquarium.

7. Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf gouramis live up to their name, reaching a maximum length of just two inches. Males typically display a vibrant orange-red body with light blue fins, while their colors vary among individuals.

These fish are known for their calm and peaceful nature, making them highly suitable for community tanks.

One advantage of dwarf gouramis is that they can thrive in smaller tanks. A 5-gallon tank can accommodate one or two of them comfortably, especially when equipped with ample live plants, including floating vegetation. They prefer a serene environment without aggressive tankmates.

8. Elephant Nose Fish

Elephant nose fish are highly unique and prized as one of the most exotic freshwater species for collectors. They derive their name from their elongated, trunk-like mouth extensions, which they use for feeding, communication, and defence.

Native to Niger in Africa, these fish possess an extraordinary ability to sense and communicate through an electric field in the murky waters they inhabit. They thrive in muddy, stagnant water with dense foliage and are primarily active at night.

Due to their specific water requirements and sensitivity to water substances, elephant nose fish are rare even in hobbyist collections and not recommended for beginners.

Their nocturnal feeding schedule may not align with all enthusiasts. However, if you can provide for their needs, these fish will undoubtedly be the most exclusive addition to your collection!

9. Red Tail Shark

Red-Tail-Shark are exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish

Red-tailed sharks boast a striking jet black body complemented by vibrant red tail fins, adding to their exotic appearance.

These fish are highly active and can exhibit aggression, primarily in their hunting behavior towards other fish. Providing sufficient hiding places in the tank is essential.

A minimum tank size of 55 gallons is required for these fish, as they can grow to around six inches in length. They thrive in an environment with noticeable water flow and are known to be skilled jumpers, necessitating a weighted tank top for their safety.

10. African Cichlids

Cichlids are renowned for their incredible diversity, making them one of the most varied fish groups worldwide. With an estimated 2,000 or more types of cichlids, African cichlids stand out as particularly exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish.

These fish exhibit a wide range of colors, although they often appear lighter during mating or when displaying aggression.

African cichlids thrive in habitats with flowing water and ample rocks and caves to explore. Their natural digging behavior makes a soft substrate ideal for their tank setup.

11. Blue Gourami

The Blue Gourami is a sturdy fish displaying a beautiful whitish-blue coloration. Growing up to five inches in length, they possess a flattened body and prominent, round fins.

Caring for them is relatively straightforward as they are versatile eaters and tolerate water changes well.

A tank as small as 20 gallons can accommodate these fish, but it is crucial to consider their aggressive and territorial nature when selecting tank mates.

Avoid housing them with other aggressive fish such as dwarf gouramis, angelfish, and bettas. Instead, opt for peaceful companions like tetras, loaches, or guppies.

12. Jewel Cichlid

The Jewel Cichlid is another remarkable cichlid species, displaying a range of colors from red to dark purple and featuring a distinctive black spot on its body.

These fish have a natural inclination to dig and seek hiding spots, so providing a sandy substrate with plenty of nooks and crannies is essential for their tank setup.

Due to their aggressive and territorial nature, caution must be exercised when introducing them to a community tank.

Jewel cichlids are not particularly fond of planted tanks and have a tendency to uproot roots. Opting for plants with stiff foliage or small potted plants is a better choice to prevent disruption.

13. Glassfish

Unlike the other fish on our list chosen for their vibrant colors or unique patterns, the glass fish stands out for its complete transparency.

Glassfish exhibit a calm and peaceful demeanor, making them excellent companions for medium-sized, non-aggressive fish.

These fish prefer to be kept in schools of at least five individuals. Keeping them in small groups can cause stress and shyness. A tank size of about 10-20 gallons is sufficient for a small school of glass fish.

14. Rainbow Fish

Rainbow-Fish are exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish

Rainbow fish are renowned for their vibrant colors, and their scales exhibit a mesmerizing color-changing effect when reflecting light, providing an enjoyable visual experience.

These fish prefer a well-planted aquarium environment that offers ample space for them to swim freely.

As schooling fish, rainbow fish should be kept in groups of at least six individuals. They thrive when in larger schools of 10 or more.

When kept in small groups, rainbow fish may become shy and may even lose their vibrant colors. They have an extremely calm temperament, making them an excellent choice for a community tank.

15. Pearl Gourami

The Pearl Gourami is renowned for its stunning beauty and its ease of care. It possesses a slender body adorned with long, delicate fins.

This gourami species derives its name from its creamy orange coloration, accompanied by pearl-like spots and a distinct black stripe running from the mouth to the tail.

Pearl Gouramis thrive in heavily planted aquariums with low lighting conditions. They are peaceful fish, making them suitable for community tanks, as long as aggressive tankmates are avoided.

It’s worth noting that male Pearl Gouramis can exhibit aggression towards each other. To promote harmony, it is recommended to keep a single male with multiple females as a suitable group arrangement.


How to Take Care of Exotic Cool Freshwater Aquarium Fish?

Tank cycle

A clean and balanced ecosystem is crucial for the well-being of freshwater aquarium fish, making the tank cycling process essential.

Good bacteria colonies play a vital role in breaking down waste and eliminating toxins like ammonia and nitrite, which accumulate from fish waste and uneaten food. These colonies reside in the substrate and filter.

To establish a healthy tank cycle, it’s important to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria before adding fish. This typically takes around 4 to 6 weeks.

Begin by setting up your aquarium and allowing the filter to run for approximately 24 hours. Then introduce hardy fish that are not overly sensitive to ammonia and nitrites.

Feed the fish as usual and after a few days, use a testing kit to monitor levels of ammonia, nitrite, and pH. If any levels are excessively high, perform partial water changes.

Continue testing the levels every few days. Over time, the bacteria colonies will develop and stabilize the tank, reducing the need for frequent water changes. Once this occurs, you can gradually introduce more fish to your tank.

How to Safely Add Fish to an Aquarium?

Properly acclimating new fish to your aquarium is crucial for their well-being. Follow these steps to ensure a safe transition:

Isolate the new fish: Ideally, quarantine the new fish in a separate tank for a week or two to ensure they are healthy and free from diseases that could be transmitted to the community aquarium.

  • Dim the lights: Before introducing the new fish, turn off the tank lights to minimize stress.
  • Float the bag: Allow the sealed bag containing the fish to float on the water surface of the aquarium for 10-15 minutes. This helps the temperature inside the bag adjust gradually to match the tank water.
  • Open the bag: Carefully open the top of the bag, ensuring that the opening remains above the water level.
  • Test the water: Use a pH meter to check the pH levels of the water inside the bag and the aquarium. If the difference is less than 0.3, proceed to the next step. If the difference is 0.4-0.8, follow the next step for up to two hours.
  • Drip acclimation: Add approximately 1/2 cup of aquarium water to the bag every 15 minutes. This slow process helps the fish adjust to the differences in water parameters gradually.
  • Transfer the fish: Carefully remove the fish from the bag using a net and gently place it into the aquarium. Discard the water from the bag, as it may contain traces of ammonia or other harmful substances.
  • By following these steps, you can safely introduce new fish to your aquarium, minimizing stress and maximizing their chances of thriving in their new environment.

General Tank Maintenance

To ensure a healthy and thriving aquarium for  your exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish, follow these regular maintenance tasks:


  • Monitor the water temperature to ensure it remains within the appropriate range for your fish.
  • Visually inspect the tank for any signs of issues, such as abnormal behavior or visible problems with fish or equipment.


  • Perform a partial water change of around 10% by replacing it with clean, conditioned water. This helps maintain water quality.
  • Use a test kit to check the water chemistry parameters, including pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
  • Remove any algae or floating debris, such as plant leaves, from the tank to maintain cleanliness.


Conduct a thorough tank cleaning. This involves:

  • Removing and cleaning decorations to prevent build-up and maintain their appearance.
  • Replace the air stone if needed to ensure proper aeration.
  • Use a gravel vacuum to remove debris and waste from the substrate.
  • Prune any overgrown plants and remove excess algae.
  • Inspect the filter and clean or replace cartridges or media as necessary to maintain its efficiency.

By following these routine maintenance tasks, you can create a clean and healthy environment for your aquarium inhabitants, promoting their well-being and enhancing the overall aesthetic of the tank.

Appropriate Feeding

Proper feeding is essential for the health of your fish. Follow these guidelines to ensure they receive the right amount of food:

  • Feed your fish a quantity they can consume within two to three minutes. This prevents overfeeding and helps maintain water quality.
  • It’s recommended to feed them once or twice a day, adjusting the frequency based on the specific needs of your fish species.
  • Each fish has different nutritional requirements, so choose a suitable diet and portion size for their specific needs.
  • Avoid overfeeding as it can lead to water pollution, digestive issues, and other health problems. Remember, it’s better to slightly underfeed than to overfeed.
  • By adhering to these feeding practices, you’ll provide your fish with a balanced diet and contribute to their overall well-being and longevity. Regularly monitor their behavior and adjust feeding amounts accordingly to ensure they remain healthy and active.

Final Thoughts – exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a saltwater aquarium to enjoy a vibrant display of colorful and exotic fish. In fact, the world of exotic cool freshwater aquarium fish offers a diverse selection of fish in various shapes, sizes, and captivating colors.


[2023] The Ultimate Guide to Black Moor Goldfish Care

Black Moor Goldfish

This article aims to provide comprehensive guidance on effectively caring for your own Black Moor Goldfish, equipping you with valuable tips for maintaining these magnificent creatures in your home aquarium.

The Ultimate Guide to Black Moor Goldfish Care (2023 Update)

The Black Moor Goldfish is known for its striking all-black body, including the eyes and fins. This comprehensive guide provides valuable care information to ensure their well-being in your aquarium.

Black Moor Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Care Sheet:

Black Moor Goldfish are visually stunning and require special care compared to other goldfish species. Read on to learn important tips for maintaining their health and happiness.

Goldfish are known for their vibrant colors and captivating appearance, making them popular choices for home aquariums. They are peaceful and can coexist with other fish species. With proper tank maintenance and a balanced diet, they are easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners.

Black Moor Goldfish, with their beautiful black coloration and unique “dragon” eyes, are relatively low-maintenance and highly adaptable. They have excellent feeding habits and are peaceful in nature.

Other common names for the Black Moor goldfish include Black Peony goldfish and Dragon Eye goldfish.

Stunning Dragon Eyes of the Black Moor Goldfish

Black Moors exhibit a rounded body and elegant, flowing fins, captivating aquarists with their unique eyes.

Known as “dragon eyes,” these bulging eyes result from increased intraocular pressure.

Like all telescope Goldfish, their eyes grow in diameter, allowing for a wider field of vision.

Black Moors thrive in well-maintained aquariums and are suitable for both experienced and novice aquarists. With no specific requirements, they make an ideal addition to any home aquarium.


Black moor goldfish

Caring for Black Moors in an Aquarium

The Black Moor is a distinct variety of Goldfish, reaching a length of 6-8″ when fully grown and boasting an impressive lifespan of up to 20 years.


Their endearing appearance includes round, stubby bodies, contrasting with the sleek, streamlined shape of standard Goldfish.

With fancy, flowing fins and a predominantly black coloration, they make for an intriguing and visually appealing addition to any aquarium. Notably, their prominent eyes have earned them the nickname “telescopes”.

Black Moor Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are characterized by their curved body shape, which contributes to their slow swimming speed.

Younger individuals display fewer dark colors, which gradually deepen with age.

The Black Moor Goldfish features dark metallic black scales and distinctive telescope eyes.

Like other Goldfish, it has a potential for significant growth and requires a spacious aquarium or pond when fully matured.

Origins of the Black Moor Goldfish

Black Moor goldfish have been selectively bred for their distinct characteristics. These early forms of Goldfish were introduced to Japan in the 1500s, where their long tail fins and vibrant color patterns were further enhanced.

Today, these famous goldfish can be found worldwide, captivating fish enthusiasts.

In the early days, these fascinating creatures were isolated in pools by fish keepers, who regarded them as intriguing oddities.

Black Moor Goldfish


Types of Black Moor Goldfish

The Black Moor Goldfish shares the classic short, egg-shaped body characteristic as do some other goldfish types. Like other telescope varieties, its eyes protrude from the sides of the head.

While the original Black Moor had a fantail, modern types often feature shorter, flowing fins. The eyes of these fish can vary, with some appearing as smooth cones and others having creases or a balloon-like shape.

Other black Goldfish varieties, such as Black Oranda, Black Lionhead, and Black Ranchu, have normal eyes.

Breeding projects have resulted in a range of fancy black Goldfish, including the Black Ryukin. Additionally, the Black Comet Goldfish is sometimes referred to as the Black Bubble Eye Goldfish.

Origins and Habitat

The Black Moor Goldfish was developed through selective breeding in China and Japan, focusing on its distinctive genetic trait of telescope eyes. By isolating fish with these eyes in a specific pond, multiple smaller spawns were obtained.

The breeders then worked to establish the desired permanent traits, including the unique black coloration and long body fins.

Telescope Goldfish


The Black Moor Goldfish stands out easily among other species. It grows to 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) and has a round, egg-like shape that slows its movement in water.

With big bulging eyes, their eyesight is limited, but eye infections are rare.

They are predominantly black, although some may have orange or gold on their bellies.

Color development in Black Moor goldfish:

Young Black Moor fish may have a brownish bronze appearance, but as they mature, their coloration becomes vibrant, and their eyes become more prominent.

Some breeders suggest that hot water can reduce black pigment fixation, resulting in a bronze appearance instead.

Genetic factors and age may also contribute to a reduction in black coloration as fish grow older. Even mature fish can lose black coloration if kept in warm aquarium water.

We will discuss water quality later.

Black moor goldfish in an aquarium

Look & Varieties:

Male Black Moor goldfish have a slimmer body compared to the shorter and stockier females.

Some individuals exhibit an elegant flowing black tripod tail, which is usually more prominent in females.

It’s important to note that black coloration in Goldfish can be unstable. There is no guarantee that the black color of a Black Moor will remain consistent over time.

As the fish mature, their black pigmentation develops, but factors such as old age and water temperature can cause the black pigmentation to fade. In some cases, fish develop a white belly.

Black Moor Goldfish Habitat and Tank Conditions:

Goldfish, including Black Moors, are selectively bred and not found in natural habitats. Their ancestors, Asiatic carps, reside in murky freshwater bodies like lakes and rivers.

To ensure their well-being, create an optimal tank environment.

Maintain a pH of 6.8-8.0, ammonia and nitrite levels at 0.0, GH/KH of 6-10 degrees, and a water temperature of 65-75°F.

Additionally, provide slow-moving water and use sand as the substrate in the tank.

Feeding your Black Moor Goldfish:

To maintain the health of your Black Moor Goldfish, provide a balanced diet consisting of high-quality fish flakes or pellets.

Supplement their meals with meaty protein sources like frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and krill. Include healthy vegetable treats such as lettuce, spinach, and broccoli occasionally.

Avoid relying solely on store-bought products for nutrition and ensure a varied diet with both plant and animal-based foods.

Offer small amounts of food that can be consumed quickly to prevent overfeeding and water pollution.

Soak frozen and dry foods in tank water before feeding to aid digestion and prevent constipation. Remember to rinse vegetables thoroughly before offering them as food.

Round-bodied goldfish are highly susceptible to swimming bladder issues, and good nutrition can help prevent digestive problems.

Black Moor Goldfish Tank and Compatibility:

When housed in a community aquarium, Black Moors require peaceful tank mates. Their graceful swimming adds enjoyment to the tank’s ambiance.

Due to potential poor eyesight, these fish have a slower swimming pace compared to other species. They are not well-suited for ponds where competition for resources can be challenging. Their slow movements also make them vulnerable to predators such as cats.

It is recommended to provide a spacious tank with a volume capacity of at least 100 gallons.

Black Moors can also thrive in tropical tanks with water temperatures up to 25°C.

Avoid placing the aquarium in direct sunlight to prevent sudden temperature fluctuations, as they can cause health issues for the fish.

Aquascaping a Black Moor Goldfish Aquarium:

Goldfish, including Black Moors, have a tendency to dig, so it’s important to avoid having food in the gravel bed. This can lead to water quality issues like cloudy water, algae growth, and spikes in nitrite levels.

Use larger smooth stones to protect plant bases from digging. Goldfish will uproot and damage aquarium plants.

The fish may also explore caves and other ornaments in the tank as they are curious creatures. However, avoid using sharp and pointy decorations to prevent any harm to telescopes and bubble eye goldfish.

Black Moor Tank Considerations:

Black Moor goldfish produce a significant amount of waste, which can quickly lead to water pollution.

To accommodate their needs, it is recommended to have a minimum tank size of 100 gallons (380L).

Due to their less agile swimming ability, it is advisable to provide a spacious tank rather than filling it with small schooling fish, ornaments and plants.

If you choose to include plants, real or artificial, position them at the back of the tank and regularly trim them to ensure there is ample open swimming space for your fish.

To provide them with an ideal tank environment, opt for a longer tank shape rather than a tall one. This design allows for more horizontal swimming space, which better accommodates their swimming style.

Aquarium Filters for Blackmoors:

Properly size the biological filtration based on the aquarium’s inhabitants and size.

Keep maintenance organized and ensure the water flow is low.

There are various types and models of filters available, so seek assistance from the seller to determine the best fit for your system. Internal canister filters are often recommended as they are simple and cost-effective for Goldfish.

Regularly clean the filters and substrate, and perform weekly water changes, even with filtration in place.

Maintenance and Care:

Regularly clean the tank and remove any leftover food to maintain cleaner conditions. Perform water changes on a weekly basis.

Be mindful of the tank design to avoid placing anything that could harm the fish.

Goldfish care is relatively straightforward, making them suitable for beginners and capable of providing companionship for many years.

Care Level:

The Black Moor Goldfish is low-maintenance and easy to care for. They have no specific requirements for survival and can live for a long time with proper care.

Providing ample space is essential for their well-being.

It’s important to be vigilant for common Goldfish ailments like dermatitis and swimming bladder disorder and address them promptly.

Pay attention to any unusual behaviors exhibited by your fish, as they may indicate illness.

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial for their health, and isolating any sick fish in a separate tank is recommended. This will help reduce stress on your fish and appropriate treatment can be given.

Carassius auratus

Temperament and Behavior:

Black Moors are calm and slow swimmers that can easily entertain their keepers. They prefer the company of fish with similar temperaments, often staying close to their own species.

They typically occupy the middle part of the water column but seek hiding spots among plants, near the substrate, or within tank decorations.

Black Moors tend to be solitary. They may hide in the tank if they feel threatened or overwhelmed by other fish.

Tankmates for Black Moor Goldfish:

When choosing tankmates for Black Moor Goldfish, it’s important to consider their slow-moving nature and delicate fins. Avoid aggressive and fast-swimming fish that may outcompete them for food.

Ideal companions include other fancy Goldfish varieties like telescope or bubble-eye goldfish.

Keeping at least two Black Moors together in a suitable tank is preferred.

Avoid aggressive predator fish like Oscars, and opt for peaceful invertebrates such as shrimp and snails. Fish like Bristlenose plecos and Kuhli loaches can also be compatible.

Ensure each fish has enough swimming space and maintain a well-decorated tank to prevent any bullying or stress.

Sexing Black Moor Goldfish:

Males of this species tend to be larger than females, although sexing them can be challenging due to subtle differences. However, distinguishing between the sexes becomes easier during the breeding period when males develop visible white bumps called breeding tubercles on their fins.

Females will grow plumper as they become heavy with eggs.

Breeding Black Moor Goldfish:

To breed Black Moor Goldfish, mimic the spawning conditions of spring in the wild. Provide plenty of spawn substrate like roots and mops for the females to lay their eggs.

To stimulate breeding, feed the adult fish with a quality diet then raise the tank temperature slightly (simulates the warmer weather of spring in the wild).

The males develop small white bumps that appear on their gill covers, these are called breeding tubercles. The females will swell as their eggs develop. She will often show a bulge to one side of her abdomen.

The males will begin to chase the females around the tank. She will release eggs in the spawning substrate and the males will fertilize the eggs.

Each pair can hatch around 10,000 eggs within two days. The adults will eat the eggs if left in the tank, so they should be removed once spawning is complete.

It is crucial to monitor water quality as the eggs develop and then begin to hatch. Infertile eggs will pollute the water. Give daily water changes and add Methylene Blue to stop bacteria.

Feed the larvae a nutritious diet for the first two months and gradually transition them to similar food as their parents. Allow the egg sack to be absorbed, then feed them very small commercial fry food, or newly hatched brine shrimp.

Black Moor Goldfish Lifespan:

With proper care and suitable tank conditions and size, Black Moor Goldfish can live up to 20 years.

They have a typical lifespan of around 18 years, but with excellent water quality and meticulous care, they can exceed 20 years of age.

Hardiness and Diseases in Black Moor Goldfish:

Black Moor Goldfish are generally hardy and resilient if water parameters and quality are well-maintained. However, they can be prone to certain health issues.

Care should be taken to prevent physical injuries from objects or entanglement in nets.

Common diseases that may affect them include urinary system infections, fungal infections, hole in the head, ich (white spot), popeye, slime disease, swim bladder disorder, ulcers, and velvet.

Changes in coloration should be monitored closely, as they can be a natural part of growth or indicate an underlying disease.

Final Thoughts

Black Moors are known for their calm nature and are compatible with slow-moving or fancy goldfish. They have difficulty swimming in fast-moving waters and are not suitable for shallow ponds. They prefer safe and smooth tank decorations and vegetation.

Black Moor Goldfish require proper care and should not be kept with incompatible tankmates. They produce more waste compared to other goldfish varieties.

Overall, they are relatively easy to care for, but proper research and consultation are recommended.





How Many Glofish in a 10 Gallon Tank? (Essential Advice)

Glofish genetically engineered fluorescent fish

Unlike anything else in the world of fish in aquariums is the Glofish! They are magnificently colored, spectacular fish which have had a natural fluorescence gene added to their genome, resulting in fish that are permanently fluorescent. In this article we delve into the question: How Many Glofish in a 10 Gallon Tank?

We also look at how glofish were developed and the care requirements for the different glofish species.


Introducing the Glofish

How Many Glofish in a 10 Gallon Tank

Due to bright neon colors, these fish have become extremely popular amongst beginner fish-keepers.

Genetically modified glofish are born with brilliant color, maintain it throughout their lives, then pass the color to their offspring.

Glofish have the same general care requirement, including temperature and food preferences as their non-fluorescent counterparts.

They are great in a community aquarium! The best way to experience glofish is by using blue lighting. This is included in all branded Glofish aquarium kits to help everyone ‘take home the glow!’

Glofish have been developed from several species of aquarium fish. Later in the article we consider each of these species and their individual care needs.

Glofish History- How Did They Come About?

Back in 1999 a group of scientists in Singapore were working with a gene extracted from a jellyfish that produced a bright green, fluorescent coloration. They then inserted this gene into a Zebra Danio embryo, allowing it to integrate into the fish’s genome.

These fish would then be fluorescent green under white light or ultraviolet lights. They then filed a patient on their work.

Next, they created a red florescent Zebra Damio using genes from a sea coral. The scientists then met with businessmen from Yorktown Technologies and created a deal to have world wide rites to market the new Zebra Danios branded as Glofish.

Are Glofish as Hardy as the Fish They Were Developed From?

So essentially Glofish are genetically modified, or GMO fish. Since then, there have been several new forms of glofish using other tropical fish species.

The glofish available on the market now include the Zebra Danio, Tiger Barb, Rainbow Shark, White Skirt Tetra, and Betta Fish.

The fish that glofish were developed from were all considered to be hardier- more ‘forgiving’ fish when mistakes are made with water parameters. Unfortunately, these new varieties don’t seem to be quite as hardy as their new counterparts.

So, is it that they are less hardy, or is it because they have been kept in inappropriate environments?


How Many Glofish in a 10 Gallon Tank? Things to Consider.

Types of Glofish and their colors

There is a lot of good to be said about glofish because of the bright colors. These fish are very attractive to a younger audience. They can add a great bit of color to a community aquarium.

The worst thing about glofish, is not the fish themselves, but more the tanks that are marketed for the fish.

For example; the largest aquarium kit marketed for glowfish is 10 gallons, whilst most of the species that glofish have been developed from require a minimum of a 20 to 30 gallon tank for optimal fish health.

So, you can see how this might be confusing to a lot of fishkeepers!

Another issue with these fish is that they were genetically modified to have bright lighting bring out their florescent colors. The species used to develop the glofish become stressed if kept in brightly lit tanks. As with White Tipped Tetras and Betta fish being examples of this.

The glofish are really not the problem, the problem is how they are marketed and how the products for them are marketed.

Co-inhabitants and Fish Behaviors that Determine Tank Size

Glofish cannot just be added to any community aquarium expecting that all aquatic life in the tank will be happy. Some glofish species like Tiger Barbs and Bettas tend not to get along well with others without careful planning and sufficient space in the tank.

Tiger Barb glowfish cannot be mixed with Betta fish glofish. Tiger Barbs are well known fin nippers. They will also outcompete the bettas for food.

Tiger Barb glofish are better kept in larger groups of ten fish. This reduces their nipping tendencies.

The rule of thumb of 1 gallon of water per Tiger Barb, definitely doesn’t work when considering a 10-gallon tank!

A 10-gallon tank is way too small for 10 Tiger Barbs. At the very least you would need a 20-gallon tank. Really, 30 gallons or more is better.


Wrong Advice from the Glofish Website

The glofish website does not have really good information on how to care for their florescent fish properly.

For example: the official glofish website recommends a tank of 10 gallons for a group of 6 Betta female fish. A 10-gallon tank will not be adequate for six female bettas. You would want at least a 20-gallon tank. Bigger always means better!

The truth is, while some people may object to glofish being sold on the market, as long as they keep selling, they will keep coming out with new species of glofish.

The best thing we can do is to research the specific species they were developed from and try to educate ourselves on how to best take care of them.

Focus a little less on what will best show off the bright colors of the fish, but more on the fish’s needs for it to thrive in your tank.


How Many Glofish in a 10 gallon tank? Shape Does Matter

If you do decide to house your glofish in a 10-gallon tank, then considering the shape of the tank will help your fish with finding the space to move as it would do naturally.

Tall thin tanks are less suitable. Tetras, tiger barbs and danios are schooling fish and need space to move left to right. Housing them in a longer tank is better.

The same goes for betta fish. These fish originated from shallow waters where they swim from side to side.


Glofish Species and Their Specific Needs

Zebra Danio Glow Fish

Long Finned Zebra Danio Glofish

Being the original glofish, they have developed several color strains. Today they are available in five colors: Electric Blue, Star Fire Red, Sun Burst Orange, Cosmic Blue, and Galactic Purple.

Danios require at least a 10 gallon tank. They are fast ‘busy’ fish suited for busy aquariums. They like to swim in the upper portions of the tank.

Danios are schooling fish, so they need to be kept in groups of at least five. If the numbers are too low they become stressed, which can lead to illness and social problems in the aquarium.

These colorful fish need plenty of space to swim around. They cohabitate with Tiger Barb glofish and White Skirt Tetra glofish, so long as they have room in the tank.

Your aquarium would need a lid, as danios like to jump. A filter or aquarium water pump that creates a current will excite danios. They like to dance around in the current.

Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 65° – 75°F
  • pH: 6.5 – 7.2
  • Water hardness: 3 – 8 dkH (soft to medium)


Tiger Barb Glofish

Electric Green Glofish Tiger Barb

The glofish version of the tiger barb comes as a florescent green called the Electric Green Tiger Barb.

Tiger Barbs require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons (30+ gallons is better). Being avid swimmers, they need space to race around the tank pursuing each other.

Tiger Barbs grow to three inches if provided with the right conditions. So, having 6 to 10 barbs in a ten gallon tank would make it way to crowded. A larger tank will lessen any aggressive behaviors.

Water Parameters:
  • Temperature- 68° – 82°F (74° F best)
  • pH range- 6.0 – 8.0 (slightly acidic is best)
  • Water hardness- 4 – 10 dkH


White Skirt Tetra Glofish

Electric Blue White Skirt Tetra Glofish

There have been three glofish color versions developed from the White Skirt Tetra. These are: Electric Green, Sunburst Orange, and Moon Rise Pink.

This species is a schooling fish, with fish growing to two inches long. Schooling fish, because they need to be in numbers, require a large tank of at least 20 gallons (114L).

It is best to keep them in groups of five or more in a community tank, otherwise they are susceptible to getting their fins nipped.

Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 75° – 80°F
  • pH range: 6.0 – 7.5
  • Water hardness: 5 – 20dkH


Rainbow Shark Glofish

Sometimes known as the Red Finned or Ruby Shark, are a semi-aggressive fish towards other species with long fins such as guppies, bettas and goldfish.

An adult rainbow shark thrives in a tank with a minimum of 55 gallons of water and an aquarium length of 48 inches. This species grows to six inches (15 cm) long and require room to move. A 10 gallon tank would not suffice.

Rainbow Sharks are bottom to mid-level tank occupants who will get along with Tiger Barb glofish.

The Glofish brand has developed a purple/pink florescent Rainbow Shark which is names Galactic Purple.

Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 75 – 81 °F (24 – 27 °C)
  • pH range: 6 – 8
  • Water hardness: 5 – 11dkH


Betta Fish Glofish

Male Betta Fish Glofish

The betta glofish cause quite the controversy in the fish-keeping community. The glofish brand developed the Electric Green Betta with a florescent green color. The basis of the controversy is that the betta fish is already a stunningly colorful fish which is super popular with fish enthusiasts. The glofish betta doesn’t match up to the range of patterns and colors of bettas that have been selectively bred for many years.

The other problem with the glofish betta is that it doesn’t have the desired fins.

As pointed out earlier, the glofish website recommends six female glofish bettas for their 10-gallon tank. Our view is that one betta fish requires a minimum of 5 gallons or larger for it to have space to move and for water parameters to keep stable.

Betta fish are not social fish and need room between individuals. Females will tolerate one another, but will become stressed if crowded together. When this happens social problems occur and fins may be nipped.

Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 75 – 81°F (23.8 – 27.2°C)
  • pH range: 6.5 – 7.5
  • Water hardness: 3 – 5 dkH
  • GH: 3 – 4 dGH


Final Thoughts

Whether you have an aversion to GMO developed organisms or not, the glofish are now well established with the aquarium hobby and we all agree that the colors that have been developed are unique and eye catching, especially in an aquarium with ultraviolet lighting!

Our responsibility with keeping pets is to ensure they are kept in appropriate tanks where their needs can be met that replicate their natural habitats. ‘How Many Glofish in a 10 Gallon Tank’ is not the question that should be asked, but rather; What size tank would be suited best for the species of fish intended to be kept? This goes for aquarium equipment as well- lighting systems, filters and heaters.

Whatever you decide, we wish you every success with keeping glofish.

You may be interested in our article “How Many Glofish in a 5-gallon Tank?” It is quite a different article to this one.







[Updated 2023] Molly Fish Fry Care Guide – (Main Things to Do)

Molly Fish Fry

Molly fish are tropical fish that grow extremely fast and reproduce frequently. Adult Molly fish do not have parental care, often abandon the fry and even try to eat their fry. I will show you the molly fish fry tank maintenance techniques that help protect the molly fish fry.

How do I care for Molly Fry?

Molly adult fish abandon their baby fish shortly after birth and may even eat them. In addition to taking care of the Molly fish, you also have the responsibility to maintain the aquarium, thus ensuring that your fish are protected from diseases and illnesses of any kind. Other factors that should provide good maintenance and clean tank interiors and filters include stable parameters such as temperature accuracy, lighting, and other essential functions.

Molly Fish Fry Care Guide

Basic guidelines for molly fish fry care are provided: The care and treatment of baby fish are quick and easy. Adult fish can eat fish fry from the pond, even if the mother doesn’t. Two steps make hatching a success; separate the parents from the litter (or provide enough hiding places for everyone) and take care to keep your baby animal healthy until it becomes a full-grown fish. Taking care of molly fry tanks can be as easy as cleaning them.

How to Care & Grow Molly Fish Fry

Molly fish does not demonstrate parental care; parents can even eat the fry. Female molly gives birth to babies, called “Molly fry.” They are similar to adults but a tiny, tiny version of adults. When a baby is born, he needs nutritious food.

Is a separate nursery tank for Molly Fry necessary?

The Molly fries will be separated from the female Molly fish shortly after the female give birth in a nursery tank, far from adult fish; they cannot be separated together with the female pregnant Molly fish. A separate tank for breeding (nursery tank) prevents the small fry from being eaten by other fish, increasing the brood’s survival. This information is necessary for the safe storage of Molly fry fish in aquariums.


A filtration system is essential in all tanks, including Molly’s. Check that the filter you choose is suitable for the size of the Molly fries; obviously, the devices must be secure for small fry. The best way to check the efficiency of the filtration system is through water testing. When proper aquarium filters filter the water inside the tanks, quality and sanitary standards are balanced.

Adding plants

You can choose between artificial plants or live plants to fill your tank. Also, plants must be added before placing Molly Fry in the tank. A good tip about choosing an aquarium plant is selecting plants with broad leaves, like Java fern or some mosses, which are widely common in specialty stores. This place with plants will be used as a hiding place by the fry. In addition, you can create floating plants, helping babies when there is more natural vegetation close to the surface so they can hide immediately after birth. Plants will also help with feeding small fry and other fish species if is a community tank.

Large tanks

Molly fry should have a good volume in the tank to keep the tank’s balance constant. Female mollies can produce hundreds of fry instantly – their births can reach over 100 fries. The baby Mollies needs tanks to grow, ranging from 10 to 20 gallons.

Temperature of water

Like tropical fish, Mollies should have the warmest temperature in their water tank. Keep the water temperature around 77°F. The water temperature dictates the level of Molly’s metabolism and allows for healthy feeding and growth. Use the ideal aquarium heater to maintain stable water temperatures. A thermometer can also help analyze the proper temperatures in our aquarium.


Lighting is a significant component in keeping fry ponds healthy. Appropriate bulbs protect its growth. Tanks require at least 12 hours of rest and 12 hours of light per day.

Prevention from diseases

Keep your fish constantly well fed with quality food, and the aquarium’s water quality is always ideal. Sometimes parasites and pathogenic fungi can be present in water. Babies have no immunity to diseases that can harm them. Various chemicals can help the habitat stay healthy, and there are medications of their own to treat illnesses.

Introduce Molly Fry In The Nursery Tank

Relocating your Mollies fry into a nursery tank is a great strategy to increase the number of fries that reach adulthood. Let your Molly fry in a container floating in the water of the new aquarium for about 15 minutes until the temperatures stabilize. Little by little, mix the water from the aquarium with the water containing the fry; observe to determine if they all have adapted and are swimming well. Use a net, remove the fry, and place them in the nursery tank.

Molly Fish Fry

Fry Mollies Food

Molly fry does not require specific dietary supplements, only quality foods. They can eat the food that adult fish eat. Animal-derived foods, such as brine shrimp, worms, blackworm, and bloodworm, can help fry fish to grow faster if they become healthier.

Saving Molly Fry is essential. Tell me the reason?

Keeping Molly’s fish fingerlings in a community tank can be harmful. Molly’s chicks are tiny and quickly become food for larger fish; as they mature, most animals in the tank will chase and attack them. In short, Molly Fry makes an exciting snack for other fish, including her parents. It is necessary to keep the molly fish habitat in ideal conditions at all times; this includes protecting them from all other species in your aquarium.

Does Molly eat her babies?

Yes, Molly, eat your babies. As adult parents, they may end up eating their children. This behavior does not seem unusual for ornamental fish. Mollies usually eat whatever fits in their mouths.

Hidden spots

In this way, Molly’s chicks can be protected by having enough hiding places inside the aquarium. Keeping your baby mollies safe with an artificial hiding place and other aquarium decor items is possible. However, these tactics don’t always work effectively. Be aware that hiding areas are a good idea, but it might not work very well, so take them to a separate tank.

How do I protect Molly Fry in the main tank?

As stated earlier, the only effective method of protecting fry is to keep them in a separate aquarium from their parents and other adult fish.

How long can you keep Molly Fry in a breeding tank?

A breeding tank is a simple method of keeping your fry healthy and safe. Larger female Molly generally release up to 100 fry at one time. Keep your fingerlings separated for 2 to 3 months, or until they are big enough not to be eaten by other fish in the main aquarium.

How are Mollies born?

It takes some time after birth until Molly fry reach the feeding stage. These fish reach sexual maturity from three to six months of age. As long as the adult mollies are kept in good condition, reproduction will occur without problems.

Tell me the best way to put Molly Fry in the main tank?

If Molly is kept in a mature and clean aquarium with excellent water quality, they will become quickly and easily healthier. When the Molly fry is large enough not to be devoured by your tank mates, you can transfer them to the main tank. When fish reach a medium size, other fish no longer confuse them with food. During this time, the molly fry should grow big enough to remain on the main tank without causing harm.

Regular water change

Partial water changes exist to improve water quality for Molly fry. Perform weekly water changes in Molly’s fry pond. Water changes keep contaminants dispersed in the medium at low levels, as it renews the water and prevents contamination; this increases the ability of the fry to grow better and healthier. Please do not keep fish with deficient oxygen levels and keep the water temperature stable, use a aquarium thermometer.

Fry Molly Grown Up to Adult Mollies

About four months after birth, Molly fry grows into adults. Molly fry do not have a specific color, appearing in different colors and formats about their strain. After a more extended period, they acquire their fixed primary colors and forms. These fish will get beautiful colors with a nutritious diet and a suitable habitat.

Molly fry care guide

Generally speaking, you should know these three key components when making molly fry care recommendations.

Add plants to your tank

You have the option of using artificial materials and even living vegetation. Put your plants in the aquarium before introducing the fry. These plants provide hiding places for the fry in their early ages and behave similarly to those in their breeding boxes. You can always use broad-leafed plants similar to Java ferns or moss. This effect can also be created by using floating plants, especially with long roots; spawning mops also help. Always help newborns to hide around them immediately after their first birth, this will help you to save molly fry.

Isolate the female Molly Fish

By separating the pregnant molly from the main tank, you keep her out of worry that other fish will eat her fry and prevent pregnancy from stressful for female Mollies. Keeping a female about to calve in a community aquarium is not the best method of maintaining baby Molly babies healthy, especially when you have a lot of adult fish in your aquarium. In theory, the more plants and places forming hiding places, the more fry will survive. This may seem like a simple question, but it is not always for beginners. This option of removing the female makes the molly fries easier to keep when separated.

How should we feed them?

It is recommended that fry feeds with small amounts several times a day. Remember that Molly fish fry is small animals and can only swallow food that fits their tiny boa. Feed the fry regularly, without leaving food leftovers in the aquarium. Quality food will bring quality animals. Keep a strict diet so you don’t leave your fish obese or leftover food that will degrade the water quality in the fry tank. It’s safe and convenient to store your fry in an adult-like tank. You can also offer the same food that adult fish eat; crushing before submitting crush makes the pieces small enough to fit in the fry’s mouth.

Tank and filter system setup

Breeding tanks will require between 10-20 gallons of water to raise the fry. The tank needs an efficient filtration system. Ensure your filters are free of dirt and not sucking up the fry. The filter can also be covered with foam that protects it from sucking fish and traps food residue.


Is breeding mollies a good hobby for any fish keeper. Molly fry is not very difficult to raise. Still, it is necessary to take measures for their preservation and well-being and maintain the excellent condition of the aquarium and excellent water quality. Unlike adult Molly fish, which are more robust, fry is less tolerant of an unstable and toxic environment. Before attempting to grow Mollys, you should be familiar with keeping these fish. Always try to feed them nutritious and correct food, keeping the aquarium in perfect condition for your fish.

Pregnant Neon Tetra (Guide) – Everything you should know

Pregnant Neon Tetra

The way neon tetra fish reproduce is unique and requires proper steps for successful fertilization. This entire process is unique and needs specific measures to ensure its success. Because these fish are so adorable, many fish keepers are happy to find that their Tetra neon is carrying babies. How to reproduce this Tetra to have a family of these beauties in a tropical freshwater aquarium will also be discussed.

How do I tell if a Neon Tetra is going to lay eggs?

Many novice aquarists love Neon tetras because of their glowing presence in the aquarium. Generally, a pregnant female with a neon tetra has a swollen belly, so she must lay eggs very soon. The mating and egg-release processes of these small species can be somewhat complicated. Learn about Neon Tetra and its spawn – and discover hidden facts and tips. Keep learning more!

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra is a brightly colored species that enjoy the company of other fish of their species. They have a socially relaxed and happy attitude. But most are very fussy about their waiting for a suitable arrangement.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is Neon Tetra mating?

Even the smallest Tetra can produce more than a dozen eggs in the exact spawn. If you see male swimming alongside a female, he is almost certainly in the mating process. Tetras are egg dispersers. Females release their eggs floating in the water column, so the eggs sink to the bottom of the tank. The eggs should hatch in approximately 24 hours and produce a small fry that will feed on your egg pouch the next day. Removing the breeding pair after the eggs have been laid is necessary as the parents devour their offspring.

How do I tell if a neon tetra is going to spawn

If your Neon Tetra starts to show signs of swelling in its tummy, it will likely lay some eggs. This article will help you know what to do when your Neon Tetra lays eggs. And how exactly to make them reproduce. In this article, I will also cover the complex mating of these simple freshwater species. It also helps people find out when the eggs in their aquarium are about to hatch. Let’s get into our knowledge of neon tetras.

How do you know if a Neon Tetra is pregnant?

A tetra may lay a total of 60 up to 130 eggs, which will take 24 hours to hatch. Once the eggs are loose in the water column, you must remove the breeding pair from the aquarium; otherwise, they may eat the eggs and fry.

Do Neon Tetras eat their babies?

Baby tetras are prone to get sick and are sensitive to injury. They may not survive unless you give them proper care and remove the adults from the fry tank. It is possible to put baby tetras in the same aquarium as the adults after three to four months. They will soon develop the survival skills necessary to live harmoniously with adults.

Neon tetras and breeding requirements

The most likely way to ensure positive breeding of neon tetras is to separate the breeding matrices in proper breeding aquariums. For best results, place a few smaller stones at the bottom of the tank in the egg landing areas. Small fish can be highly demanding if they need favorable breeding conditions. This requires frequent water change during spawning. Immediately after mating, neons lay some eggs, usually at dawn. As the species does not have parental care, they may eat the fry.

Readjusting the water conditions

If the neon tetra is not reproducing, you should check the water conditions and readjust as needed. Adjusting water hardness can trigger spawning by simulating rain. Don’t forget to dim the lighting. Maintaining proper tank conditions on your first attempt can be a challenge. Do not hesitate to experiment and take your time to adjust everything according to the needs of your fish. Some neon tetras prefer harder waters, and some prefer softer waters. Add a large volume of soft water to the pond and see if it makes a difference after a few days.

Removing the fish

Tetra adults typically eat their eggs, and they also consume young ones. It is again recommended to breed one pair at a time in a separate tank. Having an additional adult tetra in a tank means that the other fish end up eating the egg. You don’t want an experience like this because you cannot leave eggs in the tank in multiple pairs within a single tank. The rocks or gravel on the bottom of the tank will make it easier to spot the eggs in the fish tank by simply moving them back to their previous tank to protect the eggs. The eggs are transparent, smaller, and challenging to view.

Prep the water

Neon tetra appreciates soft water with 1-3 dH indicator. The water level should not drop below 80 degrees F. Ph levels from 5 to 7 should be adjusted to provide the ideal climate for neon tetras to breed. The breeding technique must replicate the Neon Tetra’s environment.

Setting up the breeding tank

If you don’t have a tank, buy one that’ll measure at least 12x8x8-inches. The storage tanks will exclusively accommodate the male and female breeding tetras and incubate the newborns. Set up this tank like a standard tank. Avoid plants, and don’t forget to place a few rocks on the bottom of the tank. Make the water very soft and the temperature warm enough for the breeding to happen.

Placement of the tank

These tanks usually will have low light. However, low light does not mean a dark environment. They must be placed in a location and get indirect light to provide them night and day cycle.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Identifying the male and female

It’s not necessary to sex neon tetras for breeding because you can put a few in the tanks, and they will reproduce. To increase the success, chances start with a pair by transferring them into a separate tank.

Breeding Neon Tetras

It’s not impossible to breed neon tetras and reproduce their ideal conditions. The creation of separate hatcheries is advisable. In this section, you learn what actions they must have adopted when developing a neon tetra.

Breeding requirements for Neon Tetras

For best results, you must make a large tank with a couple of inches of rocks to make a proper landing place for eggs or babies. A lid on the device may also help protect the parents from jumping during your moment of euphoria. You should only add tetras into the tank that is fully mature with stable water chemistry. To stop eggs get stuck in leaves, remove plants from tanks.

How long does it take for a neon tetra to lay eggs?

The female neon tetra will scatter a bunch of eggs when ready to reproduce. After spawning, the male neon tetra will assist in fertilizing the eggs. The tiny fry comes from the eggs and feeds entirely from the eggs sacks in the initial few days. In four to five days, we can see fry swimming in the same aquarium. Give fry food, infusory foods, and rotifers. They can be challenging to find because they are transparent.

Why aren’t eggs of my tetra hatching?

You can separate the adults as soon as the eggs are fertilized. You can also take out the eggs from the tank instead! In addition, you must wait until 24 hours before the embryo hatches.

Tell me the time it takes for neon tetras to lay eggs?

When female neon tetra is bred, she will scatter several eggs for males to fertilize. The eggs are tiny, transparent, and quite sticky. These eggs will glide and stick to the soil. After fertilizing, the eggs can take 24 hours to hatch.

Difference between male and female Neon Tetra

Males are generally thinner with a straight blue border. A female neon is also rounder and has an angled blue line. Females are usually more prominent than males. When a female is full of eggs, their belly becomes more significant and more rounded.

Pay Attention To The Male Neon Tetra Fish Behavior

When males begin to demonstrate courting behaviors, it’s likely because the female is ready to reproduce. There are also actions that the males may be observed, which are specific dances they do when attracting the females. When they do these mating dances, the male fish sometimes swims around in square patterns while rotating in a circle. Occasionally you can notice him stop and stay still for a moment before regaining the dance rhythm. The behavior of males will, too, be a clear indication that the females are ready to lay eggs according to the behavior of a female fish.

Check their belly

The female neon tetras flange looks more rounder than usual when she lays eggs. It’s the most considerable confirmation that she will lay eggs. You can see on their abdomen if they are female.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

Is my Tetra going to lay eggs?

Neon Tetra is not laying eggs but has swollen in the belly for a long time. Let me show you what should happen if you have a sore abdomen for too long.

Is the Neon Tetra fat or going to lay eggs?

Neon tetras are increasing body mass, but they show no symptoms of sickness or pregnantness. If your neon tetras get fat without reason, then maybe it’s sick in water in your tank or something wrong. It can often be caused when high nitrate levels occur.

Is the Neon Tetra pregnant?

When the male becomes more rounded in size, he becomes very sick. To be sure if your female fish is ill or not, you must examine their females compared to the males during mating. If the neon tetra isn’t getting better from the swollen belly, it’ll be in trouble, maybe with some disease or condition.

Pregnant Neon Tetra

What should I do if my Neon Tetra is pregnant?

If your neon tetra shows signs of pregnancy, you probably have to prepare yourself to receive the fry. It’s a good idea to research a little more about this fish.

Ideal water conditions

Neon Tetra fish flourish when they live in water at 77 Fahrenheit. Soft water should be slightly acidic but have a pH of 5.5. The majority of pet shops and online pharmacies offer pH testing strips. When changing water is critical to change at least half of the water in the tank every week. It is recommended to change tank water less frequently to encourage neon tetra to breed. If they’re given this, they might decide to quit breeding when they’re not allowed to do so.

Separate tanks

The eggs are adhesives, so they should have no plants and weeds on them for egg sticking. The breeding tank should consist of at least 10 gallons of water to establish the proper environmental conditions for successful breeding. Make sure the breeding tanks have a lid to avoid your fish from jumping out of the tank. The fish can be placed in the tank during the evening since breeding can take place.

What do neon tetra eggs look like?

Neon Tetra eggs are small and round – similar in length and size to tapioca. They’re clear but usually have White or Yellow tints to them. These eggs have a similar consistency to jelly, and they can stick to plants and leaves in an aquarium. Because the eggs are tiny, they could be quite hard to see.

Adequate lighting

Neon tetra fish always do better in dark environments. Bring the aquarium to an area that would have been protected by natural light during the day. The aquarium shouldn’t need to be fully darkened but will receive only very minimal light per day. Move it to a dark place to be as close as possible to the fish and their habitat.


When you put two female fish neon tetra in the same room, they might scatter eggs for themselves. While you never see pregnant Tetra fish in your aquarium, you can be lucky enough to see a female fish ready to lay eggs.

Signs that Neon Tetras are mating or about to

The more you examine the neon tetras, the more differences you get. If you noticed your neon tetra doing a dancing movement in a square or circular movement and turning your head, you would undeniably be watching and listening to it. Fun fact this dancing aimed to attract tetras that are females! When you see the male Neon Tetras perform this exceptional dancing for the female mates and sometimes stop for some of your moments to stop them. Make sure they meet up.

Male Vs. Female Neon Tetra

Female Neon Tetra is a lot bigger than males. If you take a closer look, you will discover a horizontal blue line between male and female tetras. By contrast, you will notice a blue line curving the body of the two female tetra’s. To put things another way: slimmer neon tetra usually is male.

Specific Belly Form Before Laying Eggs

The females in neon tetra are rounded bellies due to the eggs they carry. She will spawn eggs when conditions come to perfect for it. Eggs can spawn in warmer conditions when illumination is proper.

How do I save and care for neon tetra eggs?

To keep neon tetra puppies healthy, first hold the aquarium parameters stable and optimal, without parameter fluctuations.

Managing water parameters

Neon tetras prefer soft water. The water should be a 0-2 dH indicator. For the pH level, you should go for about 5-6. Additionally, the water temperatures are about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. To maintain the parameters stable, you can look for a test kit to gauge DH water concentrations in your pet store. You can reach 70 and 75 degrees but no more or less.

Avoid newly set tanks.

Fingerlings are sensitive to water quality; therefore, avoid using unmatured aquariums. Changing the fry to another tank should only take place when the fingerlings are around 3 to 4 months old, and the water composition of both tanks must be stable and equal. You must also ensure that temperatures in the tank are maintained properly.

Changes in the water of the aquarium

You can also switch water more often to mature Neon Tetras to encourage spawning. Changing water works wonders when almost none of the factors motivate your fish to spawn.

Final thoughts

Aquarium enthusiasts and lovers love to see Tetra Neon fish; these colorful beauties are appreciated in aquariums worldwide. One point to keep in mind is that females do not get pregnant. Instead, she will lay many eggs to allow male fish to fertilize their eggs. When your female is ready to lay eggs, it is essential to place her breeders in a separate tank with an appropriate environment. Check that the eggs are fertilized and correctly applied. You would like to remove the adults in their tanks before consuming the fertilized eggs.

[Complete Guide] Kuhli Loach Care: Habitat, Diet, Mates, Breeding

Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) is a tranquil bottom-dweller fish active in the night and a day. They are bright and easy to keep in all types of tropical freshwater tanks.

There may be some negative aspects of your habits, mainly because they are constantly hidden in the substrate. Through this guide, you will learn how to maintain, feed, breed, and choose tank mates for Kuhli loach.

Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach is an unusual little oddball fish that makes a fantastic addition to your aquarium.

They appear to be a tiny eel and scoot around a tank with crazy snake-like movements. It is a lovely addition, easy to care fish for almost every type of tropical freshwater aquarium.

Kuhli Loach Overview

The Kuhli Loaches have a maximum weight of about 4 inches and reach sexual maturity in 2 to 3 years. This fish has an incredibly long lifespan for its size, commonly living between 8 and 10 years.

Keep the species in groups, giving them at least 20 gallons of comfort. These fish are found in a wild place in Southeast Asia.

Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach Facts & Overview

The Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) belongs to the Cobitidae family. This loach has an advantage over all its peers because of its size.

It rarely covers 3-5 inches of width and does not produce much waste. Check newly acquired fish thoroughly, looking for disease or injuries; always quarantine new fish.

They tend to be pretty prone to infections, so you want to make sure you start with a healthy population.

Kuhli Loach: What to know before buying this loach

The Kuhli Loach is a small loach found within the bottom of this tank. Their vibrant colors and uniqueness make this loach very popular.

It’s an excellent oddball fish in a tropical community aquarium. Read this entire article on Kuhli Loach fish and why you should add it to your freshwater tank.

Scaleless fish

Kuhlis are a so-called “scaleless fish”; their scales are tiny and spread very far apart, exposing their skin. They are more vulnerable because hard scales don’t cover their softer skin.

Scaleless fish can respond to salts and medications in tank water. Consult a veterinarian skilled in fish and zoology before using any drug in a tank where this species can be stocked.

Kuhli Loach Care

Kuhli Loaches are undemanding peace and entertainment fish. They rarely breed in a domestic aquarium. This guide has the information you need about keeping Kuhli loach tank, loach tank mates, and everything else.

In the wild

Kuhli loaches are omnivorous with a tendency to feed on debris, wallowing in muddy substrates. They are usually found in small groups of up to a dozen.

The fish originate from rivers and streams in Indonesia and Malaysia, characterized by soft and slightly acidic waters. Because of this schooling behavior, you will need several groups or more per tank.

Since most fish species are caught in the wild, it is best to mimic their water parameters as much as possible.

Care, tank size, breeding, and Kuhli Loach tank mates

Kuhli Loach is a peaceful fish and gets along well with other fish. This species is distinct and exciting, so many home aquarium owners commonly use it.


The Kuhli Loach is a small loach that grows up to 4 inches long. The body is pink-yellow, having 12-17 thick dark stripes. The fish has an albino morph that was bred artificially, and it’s not available in the wild. Its spine contains two rigid segments that are designed to offer a protective stance from a predator.

Should you keep Kuhli Loach?

Kuhli Loach is a fantastic fish to put in your tropical aquarium. They have a scaleless look that renders them more delicate. Preventing injuries and infections is probably the biggest challenge in keeping them healthy.

Tank Setup

Loaches, like any fish, need regular water changes every week to stay in their best condition. Weekly, clear the wastes off the gravel and collect all leftover food immediately after feeding. Loches need a tight lid; they like to jump.

Difficulties in keeping Kuhli Loaches

Scaleless fish are generally more sensitive to diseases, poor water conditions, and medication. The Kuhli loaches are especially vulnerable against Ich.

Bacterial and fungal infections are also common in Loaches. Poor water conditions cause problems by decreasing fish immune responses.

Ensure the filter outlet is not a place of escape or injury for the Kuhli; these loaches love current and often get stuck in the filter units! In specific filter designs, a filter impeller has no safeguard mechanism, which will kill a curious Kuhli.

What size tank do Kuhli Loaches need?

They’re peaceful and can easily be kept with other communities’ fish like tetra fish, rasbora fish, and even betta fish.

These loaches tend to be shy and like to find shade; therefore, they provide many hiding spots and aquarium plants for their habitat.

Also, they will appreciate any smooth substrate which is safe to dig into as they scavenge for food in the bottom of the aquarium.

The species enjoy soft substrates, which are safe to use when the creatures explore inside the deep shallow bottom to find food.

Care and keeping in a tank

Kuhli loaches are lively and undemanding fish, but their absence of scales limits their keeping conditions. It’s essential to offer fish with clean and stable water parameters and efficient filtration and aeration.

At this stage, you must pay attention so that they do not get caught in the hose during the water change and siphoning of the substrate; this happens quickly with these fish.

You should carry out weekly maintenance, change the water, clean glass and substrate, and remove food scraps and other debris.

Kuhli Loach Tips

Kuhli loaches are more vulnerable to diseases and parasites than other fish species. These fish are often the first ones in your tank that are infected; they do not have skin and are more prone to skin diseases.

It would be best to vacuum your substrate every time you clean your tank (every week). These are also more susceptible to cuts and scrapes (mainly when the substrate is too rough).

Skin injuries are visible on fish with minor to no scale. They do essentially all they do in the substrate.

What do Kuhli Loach eat?

Kuhli loaches are great at cleaning up crumbs left by other fish. They prefer stagnant foods, including frozen pellets and blood worms.

Unlike other loaches, their diet is not known to include snails or shrimp. Try to feed them when the lights aren’t on, and you’ll notice the chubby, adorable little ones.

If the other fish you have in your tank eat everything before the Kuhli Loaches get to them, try feeding them overnight.

Feeding Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli Loach is omnivorous, carnivorous, and opportunistic. The eel-like bodies and sensitive bristles allow them to detect and hunt earthworms, small shrimp, daphnia, and other aquatic insects.

They are not very picky and generally prefer prepared foods such as flakes or pellets. In a busy aquarium, they sometimes don’t eat anything and gradually starve to death.

The sinking of carnivore pellets made from insects or shrimp ensures that the Kuhlis are adequately nourished. It seems best to feed them at night when in a busy aquarium.

So beware of underfeeding and overfeeding, as any remaining food can rot and increase the ammonia level.


Kukhli loach likes the following live foods: bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. Many aquarists feed their animals’ frozen food.

Loaches can eat snails very rarely. You are free to use chips, but the most practical format is sinking beads. They reach the bottom of the tank very slowly and stay longer than flakes.


Kuhli loaches are omnivorous fish. They eat larvae, small crustaceans, and plants found in the riverbed. These loaches are also known as scavengers.

To give them a balanced diet, you can also feed them fish flakes or pellets. Chips and pellets are ideal because they will quickly sink below submerged and easily be eaten by your loaches.

Behavior & temperament

Kuhli Loaches prefers to keep things quiet while they’re still in their favorite hiding places. They spend their time digging deep into riverbeds and searching for food in their wild natural habitats.

You won’t see a Kuhli swimming in the water column very often. They are gentle fish but can irritate other creatures when they are alone.

Some fish can use their sharp-tipped spines and fight. Though most fish rarely use them for much of their livelihood unless they have a good reason to do so.

Kuhli Loach


All loaches should be kept in a school a minimum of five resident Kuhli for a tank to help them feel comfortable.

They are sociable fish that like to be around their own kind. Keeping them in a group will help to reduce stress. In addition, give them plenty of caves, rocks, and hiding places.

When kept on their own they often become allusive and don’t venture out from their hiding spots.

Ideal tankmates

Kuhli loaches spend most of their time under the surface, digging into the ground. Using these fish together with species that inhabit the surface is standard.

Peaceful species, including Tetras, Danios, or Rasboras, are a good solution. Avoid violent fish like cichlids, black tiger barbs, bass fish, and Arowana. Small gouramis are an excellent choice if you want fish to prefer swimming in the middle of the tank.

Nonviolent creatures like Corydora and Red Cherry Shrimp work great as other background denizens. If you wish to a multi-species aquarium, you can go with fish that live elsewhere in the water column.

Kuhli Loach Tank Mates

Kuhli Loaches can be kept with virtually all species of fish. They are small and squirm-like worms, making them tempting target animals for predatory fish.

Some types of fish are particularly problematic because these loaches live at the bottom edge of ponds, and because of this, they can be an easy target for a predator to feed on easily.

Loaches prefer to be left in small groups or schools. Unlike schools of fish that move in a coordinated group, schools are loose associations where each member leaves and returns regularly.

The condition of the tank is also very important for keeping these fish. The only real problem is making sure your other fish don’t harass Kuhli.


Kuhli loaches don’t demonstrate schooling habits, but they are more comfortable with a group of 4-5 or more fish.

Corydoras, bettas, neon tetras, or angelfish are wonderful loach tank mates. Some fishes are not recommended to put in one tank with loaches, such as red-tailed black sharks are not the best tank mate.

Gender, Breeding, and Reproductive Considerations

If you want to try creating Kulli Loach, this can be a challenge. Adult females are generally larger and rounder than males. It would help if you had very accurate and stable parameters for playback success.

There are many floating plants under which eggs can be laid. Requires dense plants for spawning. The more adapted the environment is for them, the more likely they are to start spawning.

Gender differences: male vs. female

Gender dimorphism is weakly marked, so it is a challenge to see between male and female fish without practice.

Males are a little smaller and have a narrower body and a very flat abdomen, and the pectoral fins are larger. Females are rounder, with a giant belly, and this can be easily seen. In fish with eggs, their eggs appear as thick greenish patches of elongation on their abdomen.

A male has a pectoral fin whose first rays are thickened and branched. Almost cylindrical female adult body; the abdominal cavity is rounded, some swelling may be noticed near the anus.

Breeding Kuhli Loaches

The best bet is that approximately eight loaches will fit into a 20-gallon tank with no other fish. The aquarium should have a fine sand substrate and be filtered with a minimum primary biological filter.

The bigger the tank, the better, as it provides more space for fish and plants, as the fish are as comfortable as possible. It is worth adding live plants from surfaces to shade the aquarium; plants like water lettuce and java moss.

The loaches’ eggs are glued to the roots of the floaters after spawning, allowing you to move them to another tank. Eventually, the eggs will fall out and become trapped by plant roots at the bottom of the pond.

Breeding tips

Kuhli loaches are not mature till about two years old. When they have begun to reproduce, females become balloons. Somewhere in their bellies, green eggs appear.

Eggs are generally placed under the plants, so they should be challenging to spot. Eggs only take 24hrs to mature, and the fry will feed on infusoria found on your live plants.

Feed fry frequently for optimum survival. You could supplement this meal with fresh brine shrimps or crushed shellfish. You don’t have to do that for results.

Kuhli Loach


Kuhli Loaches are communal spawners, and therefore if kept within their species, the chance of spawning would be increased.

Females will use floating plants to lay their eggs, and dense vegetation will also help support spawning. The better loach is at your aquarium, the more likely they are to spawn.

You can feed the fry with the Infusoria or brine shrimps or commercially prepared fry food for a first meal. The fry usually proliferates up to an inch long within about six weeks.

If you have too many eggs, you must transfer them to the right tank before they spawn.

Do Kuhli Loaches breed in aquariums?

Kuhli loaches are generally not bred in captivity, but if you want to encourage them, give them a large amount of food and add a thin mass of java moss to provide good hiding places.

Just keep a decent group, and you won’t have a problem spotting them wandering around Anubia’s roots. These different fish are easy to maintain, unique in appearance, and readily available at most local pet stores and fish stores.

Are Kuhli Loaches right for you?

Kuhli Loach is a tiny, peaceful fish, vulnerable to attack. They’re an exciting addition to a community tank, but if you have giant, mean fish like cichlids, they won’t be able to get along peacefully; loaches will not thrive as long as they live together with a predator.

They need lots of hiding places and like to be kept in a heavily planted or decorated aquarium. These loaches are lovely little creatures with a big job of helping to cycle debris in the tank, and they don’t pollute the water with too much biological load. They are unique and valuable, and who wouldn’t want that?

Kuhli Loach diseases

Kuhli Loaches are particularly likely to be affected by infections and parasites. The soft and faint scales allow the disease to grow in your body faster and efficiently when compared with other fish.

The fish respond to even subtle changes in water. The key to a healthy and happy lifestyle is providing the best water quality and tank setup available.

These include a nutritious diet, excellent water quality, and an environment that they love. Without proper treatment, Ich may be fatal and cause more problems in the ecosystem. The first sign of Ich is tiny white spots lining the body of your fish.

Difficulties in keeping

Kuhli loach likes clean, steady water. It is necessary to change the water periodically; during maintenance, you must also siphon the bottom to remove dirt and debris; in this way, we keep the water in the tank always in optimal condition, avoiding ammonia peaks.

This loaf is always hidden somewhere at the bottom of the aquarium. Fish can usually be seen in the morning or by turning off the lights after feeding, especially when kept in a tank alone, but it’s not impossible to monitor the fish at any time.

Take care

These fish are cylindrical, small, and have scaleless bodies. They are at risk of getting diseases like Ich or white spots. The most common condition is Ich, but loaches are always the first target.

Another common problem is parasites. If fish can eat healthy foods but not gain weight, they likely have some internal parasites.

Try to maintain good water quality with an adequate environment that meets the needs and a healthy and balanced diet. Inspect and keep a well-balanced aquarium with quality water and well-fed fish in optimal condition.

Final Thoughts

Caring for Kuhli loach may seem a little intimidating at first, but it’s not daunting once you get to grips with them. These fish are great additions to our community tank, but they also do well when kept alone. Overall, we’re big fans of Kuhli Loach and highly recommend it to tank owners who want to mix it up a bit!

[Surprising Facts] How long can a fish live out of water?

How long can a fish live out of water

Fish require oxygen; they also need to breathe. Jumping behavior can be caused by adverse conditions in the aquarium or pond. If you see fish jumping, be sure to check the water conditions. It depends on a series of factors in the water parameters so that the fish have some atypical behavior when breathing. Few of them are adapted to live temporarily or entirely out of water. And this calls our attention, for when the fish are on the outer surface in search of atmospheric oxygen or even stay out of the water, on the banks of rivers and lakes, and even in regions above the water level in aquariums. But How long can a fish live out of water?

Average survival time fish can survive out of water.

On average, fish can survive 8 minutes outside the aquatic environment; others survive hours outside the water, in addition to some species that are semi-pulmonary and manage to leave the marine environment and usually persist for hours, days, or months. Saltwater fish species tend to live longer, and some fish, such as amphibious fish, are specially adapted to being out of water for a long time, oxygen through their skin. In addition to having cutaneous respiration through the skin, they can partially absorb the oxygen that exists in the air; when the mucosa of the coat of these animals starts to dry, for reasons of hydration of the fish or amphibian, they back in the water.

How do fish breathe underwater?

The fish’s unique respiratory system uses the gills to allow water to enter and extract oxygen. There is a way of saying that the reorganizing gill does the same job as our muscles absorbing our oxygen. Fish move by currents to absorb oxygen dissolved in the water. Some fish can live for several days on land and breathe water or absorb oxygen with their skin. They are usually amphibious fish and more giant underwater creatures capable of storing air. But in the aquatic universe, not all marine animals have the same respiratory process. Some invertebrate animals, such as corals and jellyfish, do not have a respiratory system, and these gas exchanges take place directly between the body’s cells and the environment. In the case of whales, which are mammals, and sea turtles, which are reptiles, they can stay in the water for long periods, but from time to time, they need to swim to the surface to capture oxygen from the air and breathe. These animals, unlike fish, do not have gills but lungs.

How long can a fish live out of water

Why do fish leave the water?

Fish are mostly known for swimming in the water and not jumping out of it, aren’t they? However, some fish tend to bounce, and some can jump high. Fish tend to jump for various reasons, the most common being when the fish is hunting or being hunted. Jumping is a suitable defense mechanism to fish survive. The fish being hunted can temporarily escape its predator and confuse it like the predator will not see where it has gone or predict where it will fall. But in some cases, there may be some change in the water parameters; low oxygen makes the fish seek atmospheric air (breathe air) and start jumping or swimming on the outer surface.

Species of fish that can breathe out of water

These distinctive fishes can survive and even thrive on the surface longer than those closest to land. They might not look like pets that could be kept in an aquarium, but they certainly are fascinating creatures.


They are known for their distinctive appearance and size, as they survive in the ocean and are amphibians. They have adapted especially to stay out of the water, living on land with their pectoral fins placed in front of their bodies to support them to move and jump over muddy surfaces and even climb trees and lower branches. They can jump more than two feet with their fins. Its skin had blood vessels expanding. Ability to move in swamps and mud from birth. They adopted the breathing method. They have to deliver oxygen directly to the arterial circulation. They are known for their distinctive looks and size because they survive in the ocean and are amphibious. They have adapted to living on land with their pectoral fins placed onto their bodies to support them in moving and skipping across muddy surfaces and even climbing trees and lower branches. With its fins, they can leap to more than two feet with their fins.

How long can a fish live out of water

Lungfish, the fish survive out of water.

The favorite fish for pet fish is Lungfish, and are descendants of the ancient Osteichthyes and are the only class of fish that retain air circulating throughout the land, lungs, and fins. Six plants were discovered in South America, Australia, and Africa. They use lungs and glands because their habitat tends to dry out, and they go into a phase called “aestivation” – a type of numbness that comes when they use theirs. These fish are found in freshwaters, such as lakes or rivers, and can fish live dormant for up to four years. After these long periods out of the water, they return to the water, but this varies according to seasonal rains and river smells.

How long can a fish live out of water

Eel is a type of fish that can breathe out of water.

Eels are elongated species of fish, often found crawling on the sand and rocky surfaces. They can swim under obstacles at any time and downriver like dams and develop breath through their skin. It also lives below deep water but burrows and hides in the mud along rocky shores. Many call them walking catfish for their ability to crawl over ornaments. The metabolic rates of these fish can vary a lot precisely because of the ease of changing the environment, land, and water.

How long can a fish live out of water

Climbing Perch walking fish invasion

This species of fish has a gut and a lung, making it highly adaptable to complex environments. They are invasive, meaning they can thrive in another territory simply by changing their diet. They are expanding out of their native areas such as Papua-Neuve-Guinea or Australia. They can live on the surface for 6 to 10 hours out of water. Anabas testudineus is a species of fish in the Anabantidae family, the climbing gouramis. It is native to Asia, where India and China occur.

Factors determining the duration of their survival

How long a fish can survive without water depends on its species, metabolism rates, and oxygen. Fish have a slow metabolism, and those who live in cold water can generally maintain their long-term survival. In the long run, fish will require more oxygen for their recovery. Some fish species can breathe without water for several hours to several months. There are catfishes extremely resistant to breathing out of the water due to their high mucosa production and being semi-pulmonary. Lungfish are famous for their historical adaptation to living in the most diverse climatic conditions.

How Long Can a Lungfish Live Out of Water

Lungfish of the order Lepidosireniformes can enter a dormant state (estivation) during periods of desiccation, that is, when there is a reduction in the water level in lakes and rivers. During this period, these animals have low metabolic rate and body temperature and some lethargy and appetite inhibition. African species burrow into the mud, forming a cocoon of mucus, and they can survive in these conditions for up to two years. The South American Lungfish show similar behavior, except mucus formation, whereas the Australian fish (with only one lung) does not show such behavior.

freshwater fish lungs survive out of water

Lungfish appeared in the Devonian Period, 400 million years ago. These animals have a bony endoskeleton and lobe fins and are included in the Class Sarcopterygii (fish with fleshy fins), Subclass Porolepimorpha, or Dipnoi. Commonly known as dipnoic, Lungfish are further subdivided into two orders: Ceratodontiformes, composed of species that have only one lung, and Lepidosireniformes, which includes fish with two lung sacs. Abundant until the end of the Triassic, 200 million years ago, currently, only three families and six species of Lungfish are recognized. These animals are characteristic of freshwater environments, inhabiting lakes and rivers, and are restricted to Africa, South America, and Australia. Australian Lungfish have a physiognomy similar to fossil forms, with a compact body with large superimposed scales and large pectoral and pelvic fins; on the other hand, African and South American fish have two lungs, whereas, in Australian fish, the left lung sac is atrophied.

Characteristics of fish that live out of water

Among the main characteristics of Lungfish, depending on the species, one can mention their elongated body, similar to that of an eel, without a defined tail fin. On the other hand, these animals have long, fibrous pectoral and pelvic fins in constant motion, investigating the environment. These structures have susceptible extremities, allowing the fish to detect changes in water pressure and turbulence, which, together with its keen sense of smell and taste, compensate for its low power of vision; these fish are practically blind, distinguishing only the shape and movement of objects. Thus, the sensory structures present in the fins, lateral line, and snout (electroreceptor organs) increase the perception of Lungfish about the environment, helping their search for food and protection. The lateral line can even present different distribution patterns of sensory organs (pores), allowing the identification of species, which can reach up to 2 meters in length, weighing about 10 kilograms. In general, Lungfish breathe through gills during the young phase of their life cycle (especially during the larval stage), which are lost, in most species, as the fish develop. In this way, these fish start to breathe through their primitive lungs. Lung formation occurs through the connection between the alimentary tract and the swim bladder, lined by numerous blood vessels. To live, dipnoics place their muzzle above the surface of the water, opening their mouth to suck in the surrounding air, producing a distinctive sound. All species perform this procedure, except for the Australian Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri), which inhales air through its nostrils, and breathes most of the time through the gills (when the water is well oxygenated); on the other hand, when oxygen levels are reduced, this species uses its primitive lung to supplement its respiratory rate, capture dissolved oxygen. As in terrestrial vertebrates, gas exchange in Lungfish occurs in small vesicles located within the lung sac. In addition to the partial loss/disposal of the gills, Lungfish also have teeth that fuse to form dental plaques used to chew food. These animals are omnivores and consume fish, crabs, and lobsters and can also act as cannibals. Regarding reproduction, the dipnoic deposit their eggs in nests that they burrow in watercourses (some species also deposit their eggs in aquatic vegetation), and there is parental care on the part of the male. During the reproductive season, males also develop fleshy lumps on their pelvic fins, formed by capillaries that release oxygen from the blood into the water, increasing the concentration of this gas around the newborn offspring.


Yes, fish can survive outside water, but How long can a fish live out of water will depend on what species they are. Generally, fish breathe by absorbing oxygen from the water using their gills. However, several species of fish have adapted to live water, absorbing oxygen through their skin. Some fish, such as West African Lungfish, can even survive out of water for several years in periods of conditions (hypoxia).

Fish that don’t need filters (Everything You Need To Know!)

Fish that don't need filters

Fish that don’t need filters:  Of course, the cheapest tanks are unfiltered, and most people want to know if they can keep their fish in an unfiltered tank.

Every fish does not need oxygen to breathe. But some species can absorb oxygen directly from the air in addition to oxygen dissolved in water.

Among them are the Bettas, Gouramis, and other Anabantidae. Let’s talk about the requirements of these fish and what precautions we should take when keeping fish that don’t need filters.

Why do fish need a filter?

Fish that don’t need filters are much more tolerant to polluted water. The main excretory product of fish is ammonia, which they release into water directly.

This increase in the ammonia level in the water depends on the number of feeds given to the fish, the quality of the meals, the excellent acceptance of the feeds, correct maintenance, the size of the fish, and the volume in the tank.

The less they feed and excrete, the less they pollute the water. Some fish are also hardy, which means they can survive even in unfavorable conditions. But that’s not to say that, in the long run, it doesn’t cause severe problems for them or might even malfunction.

How fish breathe underwater

The gills or gills facilitate what is called water breathing. The water enters the fish’s mouth and goes to the gills. There, the blood receives oxygen. It then expels carbon dioxide through the operculum, the holes on each side of the fish’s head.

Examples of fish that don’t need filters or heaters

A goldfish is one of the most common aquarium fish. Does not require filtration or an electric heater. Guppies are excellent pets that can survive without heaters or filters.

The Danio zebra is an inexpensive fish that makes a good pet for an aquarium. If you want to maintain a healthy aquarium and well-stabilized water parameters for your fish, you should change the water frequently.

It is always essential to clean the bottom of the aquarium, where waste is concentrated. Partial water change helps bring ammonia levels below a critical level.

Why do fish need a water heater?

Fish depend on the temperature of the water in their environment to control their internal temperature. In their natural habitat, some fish prefer cold water, while others prefer warmer water.

If you have cold-water fish in your aquarium, you don’t need a water heater because their temperature is suitable. For cooler climates but you want freshwater fish, a heater is required.

Now that you understand the reasons for using the filter and heater, I’ll give examples of fish surviving without them. Examples of fish without a heater and others without a filter.

What kind of fish can live in a bowl

Most bowls are tiny, without filters or decoration. Fish that are very hardy, tiny, and potentially cold-water species are recommended.

Tough fish like the white cloud goldfish can handle variations in water parameters more smoothly. Small fish in small space and less water and can make great bowl choices.

Coldwater fish may require a daily routine water change. If you don’t have a heater, you probably don’t want a fish that doesn’t need a constant temperature of 78F like a Betta fish if you can’t heat the water.

Smaller species such as Scarlet Badis are good choices.

The best fish to keep in a fish bowl

Bettas are by far the most suitable fish for bowls. We also have White Cloud Minnows are small fish but very active, with small red tips, but they like to swim in shoals.

They are super resistant and can tolerate significant variations in water quality for some time. They live in cold water, and therefore you don’t need the heater. If you add some snails or shrimp, they won’t bite these animals.

Types of fish that should not be kept in bowls

Fish that are predatory and large should not be thrown into bowls. This type of fish requires a much more intense filtration and oxygenation system to supply its minimal needs. Here are some excellent examples of fish you should avoid: The oscar fish, discus, angelfish, plecos, and more.

How we reviewed the following fish that don’t need filters

We have experts that have worked on animals in pet stores who have observed the different species. The main characteristics looked at were prices, colors, and the ease of maintenance. We’ve tried being as objective as we can about these fish.

Betta fish are perfect for a bowl.

Bettas are a fish that don’t need filters. They are an exotic fish, famous for their long, colorful tails. The male is highly aggressive with fish of the same species, while females can live with others. Contrary to what many people believe, it should not be kept in aquariums smaller than 10 gallons.

It is a small fish, which stays alive in a bowl without a filter. Still, it is necessary to keep it with heaters to avoid sudden fluctuations in temperature, depending on where you live, especially in tropical regions where temperatures fluctuate daily.

But the most important rule is to always keep one betta fish per bowl. It’s a fish with an enormously vast range of colors.

Fish that don't need filters

Least Killifish

These small fish are very easy to care for and are an excellent choice for those looking for a species they won’t spend a lot of time with.

Due to their small size and peaceful nature, you can have them in large groups and with a wide variety of other species.

Many modern aquarists know that these fish are average fish, especially males because they have them in their tanks. There are big fans of killifish, especially if you plan to keep the water temperature lower.

You can have a variety of aquatic plants and mosses; they like, decorate, and help in the general stability of the water quality, making partial changes less frequent. It’s a fish with a wide range of colors.

Fish that don't need filters

Zebra Danios easy to take care

Zebra Danios has a loyal following in the freshwater aquarium community. It’s a lot of fun to see these fish playing and swimming in groups.

You can keep them in small, warm aquariums without worrying about their diet or interaction with other fish. With a temperature range of 20°C, it is possible to keep these tanks at lower temperatures without problems.

They are not fish that require a biological filter if the water changes are correctly done. These fish are important because they have a longer lifespan. They have very soothing properties that you can combine with many different plants.

Fish that don't need filters

The Danio Celestial

Galaxy rasbora is one of the few freshwater species that we keep in cold water tanks. These fish are peaceful and friendly.

The Danio Celestial Pearl, a famous name, is an exquisite species that many aquarists love small fish. Do not exceed 1.5 inches. So it’s pretty evident that they don’t need a lot of gallon tanks. Their colorful pattern makes them a fantastic choice for any aquarium looking for some color.

Despite their unique characteristics, these fish sometimes don’t stand out from others and can become challenging to identify in the wild based on their appearance.

These fish are best for small, well-designed aquariums. They were widely used with shrimps and low vegetation aquariums. They usually stand out more quickly in aquariums with a white background and green plants.

Fish that don't need filters

Empire Gudgeon

Empire Gudgeon is full of exciting colors and behaviors. Plus, it’s easy to maintain. You will need some maintenance from time to time, but if you have built an excellent habitat. They can thrive in all water conditions and are easily kept in cold water.

They also have beautiful colors. Most aquarists know them because most like them in small bowls, up to 10 gallons. They adapt well and have unique and striking behavior.

They are very active and interact with the aquarists, especially in the feeding frenzy. And it’s another variety of fish that lives well without a filter.

Fish that don't need filters

Paradise a strikingly colored fish

Fish with a striking appearance, drawing attention due to its blue and red stripes. It’s not a very peaceful fish; it can be territorial. Keeping it in a minimum school of 6 fish can help reduce aggression.

A properly sized aquarium is also essential. They are resistant to variations in water parameters, quickly adapt to various types of feed, and are very fond of plants in their environment, which also helps avoid any conflicts.

Cherry Shrimp in a bowl

When considering fish that don’t need filters, why not consider shrimp.

Neocaridina davidi has an excellent reputation among fish farmers in Asia for its bright, Skittl-like tones. They can be easily bought and sold at pet stores.

Start with 10 or 20 prawns for a 10 gallons bowl, make sure they keep enough calcium and minerals in the water, and soon you’ll have beautiful baby prawns. Shrimps were originally brownish-gray in appearance but have been cultivated in many.

They will not exceed 2 inches. Different colors like blue, red, white, red-orange, and black. They can be combined with galaxy rasboras, but you must pay attention to the general quality of the water, maintain more intense maintenance and try to offer the best quality feed possible. And it doesn’t need a heater or filter.

Medaka Ricefish

This fish carries two names. Medaka rice fish and Japanese rice fish. Some believe that some of these fish should technically belong to the killifish family.

This species is an excellent choice if you want a fish that will get along with everyone. This fish is simple to feed and maintain, and it also reproduces quickly.

This is undoubtedly a species to consider for fish to put in bowls with little water gallons. They are very resistant to temperature changes, in addition to having good tolerance to suitable pH ranges. They adapt very well to other fish of the same size and behavior.

Pygmy Sunfish is an excellent small fish.

The pygmy Sunfish is a cold-water fish; it handles low temperatures very well, it doesn’t do well when temperatures are high. They have striking but straightforward colors.

It is a popular fish for its distinctive appearance and ease of care. It is a species that has a dedicated following among aquarists for many different reasons (besides color).

If you love the color red, green, and blue, you will love this fish. This species is highly vibrant and will add a new visual dynamic to any aquarium they live in.

It is remembered that colors vary from females to males. It has a peaceful behavior and loves to be among plants and mosses.

The curious kisser fish

Fascinating fish are due to their behavior of “kissing” other members of the species. This behavior is believed to be linked to dominance disputes among fish.

It is peaceful but can become aggressive towards other Gouramis. It should be kept in large aquariums due to its size, reaching many tens of centimeters.

Pethia conchonius, the famous barbs.

Pethia conchonius is a fish species whose adults are found in a slightly lotic environment, but they occur in numerous types of habitats, from streams to deeper water tributaries. Distributed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Reported from Myanmar.

Introduced around the world and very popular with hobbyists. It is one of the most resistant barbs, undemanding, and impressive coloration during the breeding period.

Wild specimens vary in color and size according to the region of occurrence. Selective breeding has produced several ornamental strains, including long-tailed, super red, neon, and gold forms.

It has also been hybridized with some congeners, although apparently, the offspring of such experiments are infertile.

A one-sided livebearer or Jenynsia

The one-sided live bear is a simple but elegant fish that can thrive at cooler temperatures. This species is peaceful and hardy. It is usually best to store this species exclusively in a 10-gallon tank.

Its name comes from the relationship between the two sides. Its behavior is quite exciting and should please any breeder! If you are interested in creating, it might be of interest to you, if you will.

They are known as cold-water species. It thrives in high-density cold water in aquarium waters. It is a genus of freshwater fish in the Anablepidae family.

Like Anableps species, they are unilateral carriers: some sources indicate that they only mate on one side, “right-handed” males with left-handed females and vice versa. However, other sources dispute this. But it’s a fish that you can easily keep without a filter.

Hillstream Loach or Balitoridae

Mountain loaches (Sewellia lineolata) eat brown diatoms and green algae. Hillstream loaches have more ideal water temperatures and a pH ranging from 6.6 to 7.8.

If you’ve fed them well, you’ll notice their breeding habits, and babies show up everywhere. In addition to eating seaweed, they like good quality Repashy foods in gel and wafer.

They are still water fish, but keeping the partial change at least three times a week is interesting. Quality power and correct light. However, it is a freshwater fish from currents, so, interestingly, you have a circulation pump to keep oxygenation high.

Trichogaster trichopterus – Blue gourami

Peaceful species, when in properly sized aquariums, can become territorial in small aquariums. There are several types of coloration, and fish are considered to be very resistant.

Its behavior will vary from individual to individual, although it is often considered peaceful and recommended for community aquariums. Some individuals can become aggressive as they mature, especially when kept in a small aquarium or a few plants.

Plants in your fish bowl

Plants not only help to improve the appearance of the aquarium, but they also provide many benefits. Aquarium plants go through the photosynthesis process to grow during the day (or when the lights are on).

They absorb carbon dioxide from the water (produced by the by-product of fish respiration) and use light as energy to convert this dioxide into oxygen.

Final Thoughts – fish that don’t need filters

Not all fish can withstand unfiltered water, but the ones mentioned are tougher and more challenging than others. Always keep your fish warm when needed. This way, you can keep your fish for many years – although you cannot constantly filter your water.

The notion of owning fish that don’t need filters or a heater may seem strange to some. The strange feeling that fish are going to die from lack of care.

But this will save you some money and allow you to experiment with maintaining a more natural aquarium.

We are committed to making our guides the best they can be, and we appreciate the help of our readers to help us prevent our fish from being kept in cold water tanks without filters.

The Ultimate Red Tail Shark Care Guide

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a tropical freshwater fish native to Thailand. It has been detected in the clear waters and floodplains in the basin of Chaos Playa; nowadays, it is classified as extinct. It is famous for its striking appearance with a completely black body with vibrant forked red tails. In captivity, you should expect your fish to grow to 6 inches, with the majority staying around 5 inches. It should probably live to about six years old. It’ is an omnivore; it will eat anything you put into the tank and should not be confused with the rainbow shark.

Summary of species

The Red Tail Sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a freshwater fish from Thailand. The species has been declared critically endangered. The majority of their body is black except their red caudal fin. The Red Tail Shark population was highly condensed in Bueng Boraphet, Thailand. It has been verified that this fish is still in the wild; their numbers are only a fraction of what they once were. There are things about keeping it in the aquarium that people don’t know about. We only recommend getting one if you are fully convinced of the commitment and responsibility for its maintenance.

Red Tail Shark Appearance

Redtail shark has a deep blackhead offset with a red forked tail. Red Tail Shark are often confused with Rainbow Shark. Both belong to the Cyprinidae family, but they are, in fact, separated species. They should be expected to grow to about 6″ with most going to 5″. At your age, there’s no discernible difference between females and males. Don’t keep Rainbow Shark together, as they’ll fight; more on compatibility and their tankmate section.

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Shark: Tankmates, Care Guide and More…

The Redtail shark is incredibly active, which will bring plenty of entertainment to everyone who watches it. Due to their non-fussy nature, they are straightforward to feed, and once in their aquarium, they should not offer too many difficulties to remain happy. Read our free guides to learn more about fish diet and habitat.

Is the Red Tail Shark Right for your aquarium?

The Red Tail Shark is an exciting and beautiful fish. They present several challenges for beginner fish keepers, mainly because of their territorial nature; they need large aquariums. If you have space in a sizeable suitable tank, many territorial characteristics may be avoided with plenty of hiding places. We hope the guide has helped you decide if they are the right fish for your aquarium.


The Red Tail Shark is predominantly dark black with a brightly contrasted red tail and white point on the dorsal fin. These hardy and curious fish add personality to an aquarium.

Red Tail Shark 2.5 inch plus

Red Tail Shark has a black body with a red tail that almost looks like a black shark. There should only be one Redtail shark in your tank because as long as you keep them in multiples, their aggressive and territorial behavior will get worse. Avoid the temptation to keep them with Rainbow Shark or other Black Sharks. White Tails sharks can be highly active but territorial when in multiple pairs. Those red-tailed black sharks have an aggressive and very territorial nature.

Red Tail Shark Size

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Sharks usually grow up to 8 inches when fully grown. It is dependent on an environmental and genetic conditions. We don’t know anyone who has a Red Tail less than 3 inches. The average size tends to be at the higher end of its range as long as you give them proper care.

Behavior & Temperament

Redtail sharks are incredibly active fish and have fun to watch. You will often watch these sharks swim near the bottom of the tank. This species has a very territorial nature that needs to be considered when choosing to put those sharks in a community tank to feel comfortable. All other offensive tendencies displayed will be exaggerated because of lack of space or by the wrong tankmates. They need to find space and need to own space at camp. The easiest way to keep active fish well in an aquarium is by giving them space and the right conditions to reduce stress.

Typical behavior

These kinds of sharks are aggressive with fish that bother them. As he matures as an adult, they become territorial and pursue other fishes until they reach exhaustion. In a vast tank with a wide number of hideouts, you can keep a group of sharks. Each fish need at least 10 gallons of the tank to use as a hideout. Red Tails are aggressive with fish when straying from their territory. They will aggressively attack other fish while you are feeding them. All tank mates should have more space within a larger tank.

How do I keep a black shark happy in my tank?

The Red Tail Black Shark is a fish that belongs to the Cyprinidae family. This family is native to Thailand but is considered extinct in the wild. Famous for its large dark body and a vivid red tail, the fish can grow to about 6-inch in length. A lifespan of six to 10 years is expected, but rare reports report that some people live as much as 15 years. If you plan to keep this fish at your aquarium, be sure the tankmates you chose could stand up to that type of aggressive behavior.

Water parameters

Water parameters are one part of the Red Tail Sharkcare we shouldn’t get crazy about. Even though this isn’t the most sensitive species globally, you should constantly check the water parameters. Checking the water prevents anything from pollutants in the water to pH drops. Get an aquarium kit test and inspect your tank and tap water.

Tank conditions

It would be best to guarantee juveniles have a tank of at least 29 gallons, and adults have 55+ gallons. You may also try to ornament the tank to reduce territorial behavior and help protect more timid tank mates. For the water flow, you should try to ensure water is slow-flowing to match the natural environment. The substrate must include gravel and pebbles, or fine sand. Remember that they can be jumpers, and therefore you should use a heavier lid.

Habitat and tank requirements

During the rainy season in the natural habitat, these black sharks live in the flooded streams and forests. Over the recent decades, the wild population of Red Tails has been virtually gone because of excessive poaching and changes in landscapes caused by population growth. But booming aquaculture business means that this species is still alive. It is now listed as critically endangered.

Take care

The Red Tail Sharks are pretty simple and easy to care about since you know how basic they are. They’re pretty sturdy and withstand a decent number of water parameters. But if you have one in an adequate tank, you will experience a problem. Learn all of your basics to get started on the right path. Red Tail Sharks are pretty simple to keep as well as can be held under normal water circumstances. They are easier to maintain in massive systems.

Tank Size

The recommended tank is 75 gallons. Even though they are not monsters, the fish are very active and require a lot of space for their swim. As semi-aggressive species, the area helps reduce the possibility of aggressiveness toward others community freshwater fish. It is highly recommended to increase the size of your tank significantly if you want to try to keep two of them in the same tank. To get more information, follow this article.

Tank requirements

Moderate water flow is needed to recreate the natural habitat for the red tail black shark. For the substrate, use gravel, fine sand, or big rocks. Live plants add value to aquariums. They might eat algae in stones and glass, but they leave plants unharmed. Putting a thick layer of gravel as a substrate can be helpful.

Life span

The Average Red Tail Species life span is five to eight years. There might be ways you can help them live happily for the rest of their lives. Buy fish from a reputable seller and breeder. Keep these in an excellent habitat at all times. Keep the fish in an environment suitable for it, provide good quality water and the perfect parameters for the species, and an optimal diet, so your fish will live to the full, always in its splendor. Reduce stress by keeping them with suitable tankmates. We also will cover other issues to keep them healthy in a safe environment and a happy place.

What to put in their tank

The ideal substrate for the red-tailed shark is moderate-sized gravel or pebbles. Many owners say they found their Red tail Shark hiding at plants instead of caves. Some driftwood is a good inclusion that gives variety and places where the fish can hide. Make some open space to swimming in the tank. It can be easy to go overboard as you decorate the tank. This species prefers to inhabit the bottom of the aquarium, which is why choosing the correct substrate is so essential. The fish comes from a large basin in central Thailand whose surface is filled with vegetation, driftwood, and stones. Knowing their natural habitat means you’ll use these items for your fish to get more comfortable at home.

Red Tail Shark Diet and Feeding

Red Tail Shark

Red Tail Sharks are omnivorous, prone to herbivory, and in the wild, the food it consumes will consist of insects, larvae, crustaceans, algae, and small insects. They are also scavengers and will eat much of anything put in their aquarium, including fish pellets, fish flakes, and live and frozen vegetables. The core of their diet should consist of an excellent value pellet or flake. It would be possible to add variety to it by using it with animal and plant origin ingredients. If you feed, them vegetables wash them first. Usually, there’s a considerable number of vegetables they accept well, like broccoli, zucchini, and carrots.

Food and Diet Recommendations

The Red Tail Shark are omnivores who are not picky about things they eat. It eats plants, insects including crustaceans, in its natural habitat. Brine shrimp, bloodworms, or tubifex can be a few of their favorite foods. Some aquarists also suggest including vegetables such as zucchini or cucumber in their diet. After feeding, remove any leftover food from the tank; leftover foods are likely to reduce water quality and rapidly increase the potential for illness.

Compatibility and Tankmates

RedTail has a reputation for sometimes dangerous and aggressive fish. The shark is a territorial fish that will get hostile to other fish if it invades its territory or during feeding activities. Although Red Tail isn’t exactly a suitable candidate for a community tank, you can still have it with other fish. Ideal tankmates must also be solid and fast and spend much of their time in water’s middle and upper levels. Other sharks such as rainbow or blue-tailed are to be avoided. In addition, it is advised not to go for other bottom dwellers like some Cichlids and Plecos.

Red Tail Shark Tank Mates

Since they often get aggressive, you must find the right tankmate for it. Fish who are curious and bold are unfit for them. The possibility of keeping more than one Red Tail Shrimp in one aquarium comes at a cost; Due to their territorial nature, there is a very high probability that these fish will fight if they don’t have a substantial area to explore and hide. For this reason, it is good to have a few hideouts.

Keep Red Tail Sharks with other Red Tail Sharks

For each Red Tail, you add one meter or 20 gallons into the tank is required. You must also keep at least five sharks at the same time. Keeping it in a group prevents the “alpha” from brutally killing each fish. For the most avid fish fan, a huge tank is utopic, hence why we recommend keeping only one individual. This does not mean that we need to keep it in tiny spaces. If you insist on house more than one shark in your aquarium, then do it with caution. Make sure the aquarium is large; Redtail Sharks are exceptionally territorial.


There are few reports of successfully breeding Red Tail Sharks in-home aquariums. Artificial breeding techniques are harmful to your fish and can be detrimental. It is best not to try breeding them. We never encourage aquarists to try unless there is a clear path to success, so there’ll be no space-occupying this section. In contrast, the entire world population is obtained from farms. Aquaculture uses manuals and techniques for inducing reproduction, and it also does so naturally, ensuring the species’ prosperity, even if it is practically extinct.

Red Tail Shark Breeding

It’s hardly an example of someone who has produced Red Taileds in an aquarium. It can most likely be a result of luck. They’re extinct in the wild, and the commercial breeding system is left to keep them out of extinction. In many commercial environments, hormones are used to induce mating. As fry develop, they can switch color from silver to brown before dark. At about ten weeks old, their red tail begins to grow. After a male fertilizes the egg, it takes 40-60 hours to hatch the fry. It usually spawns in rock caves.

Disease Potential

Red Tail Black Sharks don’t have a species-specific disease, but they can develop other common freshwater diseases. The likelihood of such an event goes down significantly if you provide them with great care and perfect water conditions. We recommend that you focus your efforts on avoiding problems keeping a maintenance schedule instead of treating it. If your fish is unlucky enough to get sick, you need to find out what disease is affecting them and quickly come up with a solution. Till then, feed your Red Tail Shark a good source of quality food and provide your fish with suitable habitat and water conditions. You also could spend minutes inspecting the water and the fish behavior every day.

Where can I find a Red Tail Black Shark?

Your local fish store may have enough of these fish to supply for everyone. Take your time to choose the right fish from the tank store. Bright eyes and colors, correct and constant movements, and no visible parasites are signs to look for. If the fish is feeling stressed, strange, or looking, you must give up the purchase and go to other stores; all of the tanks should be visibly clean, and the fishes healthy, look for fallen or lying fish, as well as dead fish in hard-to-reach places. A tiny alga on the walls doesn’t mean anything, but dirt on the substrate is a red light. If you come across this type of treatment or carelessness in a fish shop, talk to the responsible and file your complaint. They will be happy to hear candid feedback from their customers and turn the situation around. You should inspect all tanks to ensure cleanliness and safety to purchase. You can also order it on the internet, on specialized online shops.


Red Tail Sharks are beautiful freshwater fish and will continue to be popular in the aquarium for quite some time. Their simple design and attractive appeal make them a good choice for broad-ranging experience levels. The only semi-tricky part of owning one is dealing with their aggressiveness (and this should be only important if you plan on keeping them in a community tank). We hope this guide helps you to understand the care of Redtail Shark.